- How to remove lime and cement mixture
- How to remove traces of paint
- How to scrub the primer and assembly foambesides, it has an affordable price, a variety of colors and textures. But repair is a small natural disaster in the framework of a single apartment, and in this case, the flooring can get such pollution, which will be difficult to cope with. How to clean up the linoleum after the repair, return the original shine to it and thereby extend the period of its service for many more years? In addition to traditional chemicals in this difficult task will come to the aid and simple substances that we everywhere use in everyday life.
How to remove plaque from lime and cement mix
Avoid contamination during repair completely, of course, does not work, but to make your life easier after it, something can still be done.
In particular, if you cover the floor before carrying out repair work with thick polyethylene or oilcloth, attaching an improvised floor to the baseboards with the help of adhesive tape, many problems will be avoided. If there is nothing suitable at hand, you can sketch on the floor of old newspapers or rags.
Often after repair, when lime or cement-based mortar was used, even washed linoleum doesn’t look very neat, it becomes dull, there is a white bloom and stains on it, the brightness of its color is lost. This can happen when aggressive detergents were used during cleaning or these products were not intended to care for surfaces of this type.
. ..- We all treat household chemicals differently: some do not use them in principle, but most can no longer imagine cleaning without effective helpers. And repair - this is exactly the case when you can not do without them, modern means will help to clean the floors after the repair.
- Initially, linoleum after whitewashing or using a primer or plaster should be washed with plain warm water, to which add 3-4 tablespoons of salt and a little soap. Hot water should not be used to avoid loss of brightness and brightness.
- Potassium permanganate can also be used to combat plaque and divorce. It should be added in small doses into warm water and stirred until it is completely dissolved.
- If it is impossible to remove contaminants left over from repair using potassium permanganate and salt, use kerosene by adding a small amount of the substance to a bucket of water. Such a solution is very effective in dealing with such contaminants, but after it remains a rather pungent odor. It will help to neutralize the re-washing the floor with water with the addition of a few tablespoons of vinegar.
- When the linoleum was finally washed, it should be dried thoroughly, and then rub with all your heart a piece of woolen fabric, pre-moistened with linseed oil or drying oil, so that you can restore shine to it.
How to remove traces of paint
No matter how carefully we try to paint, a few drops of paint invariably fall on the surface of linoleum. It is best to remove the paint “hot on the heels” while it is still fresh, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do this.
- Do not rub off paint using soda and alkali containing products. This will spoil the look, linoleum will become brittle and fragile.
- You can wash off paint that has not had time to dry, soften it with vegetable oil, and then rub it with a stiff brush or cloth. The use of sharp objects is undesirable to avoid scratching the linoleum.
- Dry paint can best be washed with solvents; you can use white spirit or other analogues. But first you need to test for durability of linoleum paint, you need to carry out this manipulation on the site, which does not catch the eye. Moisten a cotton pad with a solvent and apply to the stain, then rub it with a piece of clean cloth in layers. To linoleum in the place of paint removal glistened, it needs to be washed and rubbed with flax oil, you can use a special mastic.
How to scrub the primer and foam
loading. ..It is very difficult to scrub assembly foam or primer from the surface of linoleum. You can remove the foam in two ways, depending on whether the foam has to be cleaned: fresh or frozen.
- Not stiffened mounting foam, like the primer, should be removed with spatulas, trying to collect it from the edges to the center. At the same time it is necessary to try so that the stain does not expand. Then you need to quickly scrub the fresh foam with special cleansers.
- The second method, on the contrary, involves “setting” the foam mass so that the frozen construction foam can be cut off from the surface with a cutter, and only then proceed to remove residues.
It is easy to scrub fresh primer on linoleum, it is enough to collect it from the surface with a soft cloth and wash the floor. If the substance is frozen, you can wipe off the primer after repair in several ways. You can try to scrub the primer with a special remover, but this should be done very carefully, because the coating can be damaged. You can wash the primer with a solution of a third of acetone and two thirds of the water. Some use conventional nail polish remover for this purpose. You should rub the stiffened primer with a hard washcloth until the result appears.
Repair is a very troublesome business, but, knowing some ways to bring an apartment in order after it, you will fully enjoy its results.