How long can you keep meat in the freezer, the shelf life of products, photos and videos

Meat - a protein that should be 25% of the daily requirement of all food.
Meat - a protein that should be 25% of the daily requirement of all food.

The meat should be present in your diet every day. And if you use all of the product does not work immediately, it is necessary to make the workpiece. I found out first hand all the details of storage of meat products. We are pleased to share their knowledge.

main nuances

Storage of meat - one of the first human traditions. In our time, for these purposes is the best fit with the function of a home refrigerator freezer. Let's see how to store the meat in the freezer, depending on its origin.

Frosting can be all kinds of meat - chicken, pork, beef, rabbit and, including organ meats.
Frosting can be all kinds of meat - chicken, pork, beef, rabbit and, including organ meats.

View 1. red meat

Beef or pork before freezing you need to prepare properly:

  1. Rinse thoroughly under water;
  2. Divide into portions;

Do not cut the meat very finely. The larger the piece - the more it will remain useful properties and the longer its shelf life.

  1. To spread out the pieces of plastic bags or wrap in parchment;
instagram viewer
Using baking foil, you can achieve the effect of fast freezing.
Using baking foil, you can achieve the effect of fast freezing.
  1. Sticker glue on the workpiece with the date freezing.

Now we properly prepare the meat for freezing, but how much meat is stored in a freezer and the temperature at which:

  • -8 to -10 °C - 3-4 months;
  • -10before 18°C - 4-8 months;
  • -18 to -24 °C - 8 months to 1 year.
Deep frozen meat may be stored up to 18 months at a temperature of -18 ° C or below.
Deep frozen meat may be stored up to 18 months at a temperature of -18 ° C or below.

For various reasons, the freezer may stop working. If you pass a couple of hours - with products nothing will happen if the more - the shelf life of frozen meat will begin to decline.

Save product from extreme temperatures possible ways:

  1. Vinegar. Rub the meat with vinegar, then put in a cool place. This method is effective for 1-2 days;
Vinegar can be used instead of citric acid.
Vinegar can be used instead of citric acid.
  1. salts solution. Wet a strong brine towel, wrap the meat and send it in a cool place. So the product will continue for three days;
  2. Milk. Transfer the meat in glass or enameled container and pour cold milk. So the product will lie within 2-3 days without loss of nutrients;
Instead of milk as a preservative can be used kefir, fermented baked milk or starter home.
Instead of milk as a preservative can be used kefir, fermented baked milk or starter home.

View 2. White meat

How much is kept chilled chicken in the refrigerator? It depends on the temperature in the refrigerator:

  1. If the temperature condition at a level of from +2 to +5 °C - 3-5 days;
  2. If the temperature condition at 0 °C - 10-12 days.

Before sending the carcass in the refrigerator, you need to put them in airtight containers or wrapped in plastic wrap.

Instead, plastic containers can be used vacuum bags for food.
Instead, plastic containers can be used vacuum bags for food.

Now let's see how much you can store the chicken in the freezer:

  • At a temperature of 0 to -5 °C - the month;
  • At a temperature of -18 ° to -24 °C - up to 12 months.

Another shelf life of chicken in the freezer depends on whether it is properly handled. Instructions and rules, how to prepare chicken for freezingAre presented in the table below:

Images rules
Rule 1.

Wash the white meat can not be before freezing.

Rule 2.

Dry the chicken carcass with a napkin or paper towel, as shown in the photo.

Rule 3.

Butchered carcass, if it is needed. Fold the pieces in bags or containers and enter the freeze date.

If the chicken has lain for several days in the refrigerator - it can freeze. If it has been more than two days from the day of cooling carcasses - you can not! Such a product is considered already stale. Keep in mind that the shelf life of the products in the freezer are directly dependent on the correct temperature.

If you notice that the chicken in the freezer starts to "melt", Try to stop it with one of the following ways:

  1. Compact tamp meat in an enamel bowl with lid. Put in a cool place - effective 1 day.
  2. Transfer the product to the pickle of salt and pepper - effectively 3 days;
Fine salt will absorb moisture and peppers act as a preservative.
Fine salt will absorb moisture and peppers act as a preservative.
  1. Wrap the carcass in a towel soaked in vinegar - effective for 5 days.

View 3. meat offal

By-products include all edible organs of animals, including minced meat in the form of meat. Since the price of these products is much lower than for other types of meat, I use them to stock up for future use.

However, by-products are perishable, they can lie in the refrigerator for 8 hours. So it makes sense to shift them in the freezer.

Table of semi-finished products and by-products, will tell you how long they can be kept:

Picture byproduct

Chicken, pork and beef liver can be stored up to 3 months at -10 °C.

Chicken hearts.

Shelf life 6 monthsat a temperature-5 to -12 °C


Kept from 30 days to 3 months, depending on the depth of frost.

Soup set.

storage life - 6-7 months, at a temperature from -10 to -15 °C.

View 4. smoked food

Is it possible to freeze the sausage in the freezer, and with it the sausages and ham? I highly do not recommend it - the sausages during freeze-thaw will change the structure of the product is completely loses its taste and appearance.

Homemade sausages can be frozen, as they are made from raw meat.
Homemade sausages can be frozen, as they are made from raw meat.

It does not matter, homemade sausages bought at the store or make your own hands - the shelf life of these preparations in the freezer 2-3 months at a temperature of 0 to -5 ° C.


Now you know exactly how to freeze beef, pork, offal and how much is stored frozen chicken in the refrigerator. For a better idea how to do it, watch the video in this article. If you have your own secrets - will certainly share them in the comments!

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