The wash oil in the kitchen: all 3 phases fast cleaning


  • 1 Step 1: Wash the tiles and kitchen apron
    • 1.1 Available folk methods
    • 1.2 Seams and joints of coatings
  • 2 Step 2: Cleaning of kitchen furniture
  • 3 Step 3: purification of fat household appliances
  • 4 Output
Perfectly clean kitchen without fatty plaque and stains - an achievable goal if properly selected detergents.Perfectly clean kitchen without fatty plaque and stains - an achievable goal if properly selected detergents.

The kitchen each surface is contaminated with soot and drops of fat-bloom. How to clean up oil in the kitchen, and which tools are most effective, I'll discuss in this article.

Step 1: Wash the tiles and kitchen apron

Most often fatty droplets fall onto the kitchen apron plate area.Most often fatty droplets fall onto the kitchen apron plate area.

Wash inveterate fat in the kitchen with tile and apron can be both special tools and traditional methods.

Work with any cleaners only with gloves to protect the hands from the action of aggressive substances.

special funds application
Spray foam Antizhir

This detergent will cope with the fat on the walls and floor.

  • Spray on the surface.
  • Wait a few minutes.
  • Wipe with a sponge.
table_pic_att14947124211 Gel for washing dishes

Quickly removes inveterate fat from the surface.

instagram viewer
  • Dilute with water the gel (teaspoon glass of water).
  • Walk on the sponge surface.
  • Wait a couple of minutes to fat razmok.
  • Rub the sponge.
  • Wash the surface of cloth soaked in pure water.
table_pic_att14947124232 scouring powder

Effectively thanks to the abrasive properties.

  • Moisten a sponge.
  • Sprinkle on the sponge powder.
  • Treat the surface.
  • Rinse abrasive agent water.
table_pic_att14947124233 Means for tiles

The liquid concentrate can easily remove grease resistant.

  • Prepare a solution, as indicated by the instruction.
  • Apply with a sponge or brush.
  • Collect the dirty cloth solution.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Wipe dry, not to leave stains.

Available folk methods

Folk remedies for cleaning will not cause allergies, and performance similar to a professional compositions.

Folk remedies application
table_pic_att14947124244 Baking soda
  • Pour into a saucer soda, dilute with water to a thick mass.
  • Treat stains.
  • Leave on the surface for a few minutes.
  • Rub the surface.
  • Collect soda clean sponge.
  • Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Efficient baking soda solution in combination with vinegar. Just spray the vinegar on top of the mass of soda.

table_pic_att14947124255 Slice of lemon
  • Rub the contaminated surface with a slice of lemon.
  • Leave for a few minutes - because acid softens the fat.
  • Wipe with a damp sponge.
table_pic_att14947124286 Ammonia
  • Make their hands washing solution: 0.5 liters of water + teaspoon alcohol.
  • Generously soak a raid solution.
  • After 20 minutes wash with clean water.

Seams and joints of coatings

Vinegar treat tile grout.Vinegar treat tile grout.

The joints and seams accumulate fat droplets and dry. Effective product for cleaning oil - vinegar:

  1. Prepare toothbrush, undiluted vinegar and work gloves.
  2. Wipe all joints moistened brush.
  3. collect dirt cloth.

Rinse with vinegar is not necessary - so you can help protect the kitchen from the fungus-mold.

Step 2: Cleaning of kitchen furniture

Special spray for kitchen furniture is easy to cope with the pollution.Special spray for kitchen furniture is easy to cope with the pollution.

Wash kitchen grease effortlessly as possible, observing the simple rules:

  • Apply metal brushes inadmissible even when a thick fatty plaque - produced abrasions. Exit - to soak fat crust.
  • Soak in kitchen long (over 10 minutes) even foam is not recommended, as the material bulges. Following 10 minutes required to dissolve a dried fat layer.
Gels for children's tableware (pictured) can be easily removed together with pollution.Gels for children's tableware (pictured) can be easily removed together with pollution.
  • Whisk in gel foam for dish washing. Wipe with a sponge soaked in the foam. Then treat facade headset first wet cleaning and at the end a dry cloth.
Foam - the best cleaner for furniture, as little is absorbed into the wood.Foam - the best cleaner for furniture, as little is absorbed into the wood.
  • It is impossible to use agents with acid, Ammonia, powdered cleaners - will remain whitish stains on the facade.
  • Try any product on an inconspicuous areaTo avoid damage to the surface of the upsets cleaners.
Remove grease in the kitchen, eliminating the risk of spoiling the surface, you can use special cleaners.Remove grease in the kitchen, eliminating the risk of spoiling the surface, you can use special cleaners.

Step 3: purification of fat household appliances

Clear fat refrigerator and the other located in the kitchen technique using special tools and simple techniques.

Sprays evenly distribute the solution, leaving no streaks.Sprays evenly distribute the solution, leaving no streaks.

Clean equipment household chemicals - the fastest and most popular way. Any liquids and powders having individual performance (for ovens, stoves, microwave ovens).

Modern means (price -. 150 rubles) carefully purified high-grade steel.Modern means (price -. 150 rubles) carefully purified high-grade steel.

Offering 2 folk method is easy to clean the refrigerator from fat:

  • Pour baking soda on a damp sponge, Clean the contaminated area. Light abrasive effect erase fatty layer without damaging the surface.
  • Walk moistened cloth in vinegar inside the refrigerator after the soda treatment. So you fix the result and get rid of odors.
Grease should soak for a while, so they are easier to remove without scratching the surface.Grease should soak for a while, so they are easier to remove without scratching the surface.

Wash grease from kitchen appliances can be a soap solution. After 5 minutes, when the adhesive layer dissolves, it is easily succumb to further processing vinegar.


Now that you know how and what to wash the kitchen grease, and such pollution will no longer a problem for you. Any means of fat in the kitchen, as described above, will quickly do the cleaning. If you have a question, or if you know of other effective ways - write in the comments!

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