When the hands of the right place // How to remove quickly in the room - a proven system and 5 rules


  • 1 5 main rules clean apartment
  • 2 Driving clean rooms in the apartment
    • 2.1 For kitchen
    • 2.2 bedroom
    • 2.3 living Room
    • 2.4 Bathroom and toilet
  • 3 For more tricks that save time on cleaning
  • 4 Finally
Cleaning - it is necessaryCleaning - it is necessary

Clean apartment - one of the most important components of home comfort. And it does not want the cleaning procedure has become a tedious routine, the thought of a mood immediately disappears. Below you will learn how to clean house quickly, efficiently and with minimum effort.

How to achieve maximum quality cleaning a single pair of hands?How to achieve maximum quality cleaning a single pair of hands?

5 main rules clean apartment

That in your room always prevailed perfect order, you must maintain it. Help simplify the task of proven rules.

Some of the recommendations can significantly reduce the time it takes to restore orderSome of the recommendations can significantly reduce the time it takes to restore order
  1. Get rid of all the excess. Look at all the things, accessories and other items in the room. Did each of them you use all the time? Then you should not store unnecessary items in the apartment, turning them into a dust collector.
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No regrets get rid of:

  • clothing that is not worn even once in the last year;
  • old newspapers and magazines;
  • gifts, which have not found application.
  1. Each subject - the place. Get a permanent rule to return all items to their seats. Then you do not have to spend too much time searching for your favorite t-shirt or a pair of shoes.
Always fold the things in place - in the morning say to yourself, "Thank you"Always fold the things in place - in the morning say to yourself, "Thank you"
  1. Carefully choose home furnishings. For example, when choosing a carpet remember that pile materials greatly attract thread and dust. Buying upholstery for furniture, do not forget that plush, velor or floc are known dust collectors.
  2. Do not forget about the helpers. Cleaning products, as well as a vacuum cleaner, can greatly facilitate the process of cleaning your hands. So why give them up?
With additional means for cleaning the cleaning will take placeWith additional means for cleaning the cleaning will take place
  1. Do not try to do everything at once. If you are a little "launched" the apartment, and it requires a longer-cleaning, do not try to run it during the day. You can divide the work for a few days, but has been delayed for a week is not worth it.

Constantly using these tips for the order, you will notice that the general cleaning time every time is reduced more and more.

Driving clean rooms in the apartment

Do you want to know the technology, how to restore order at home in just a 5-10 minutes and without extra effort? Develop your own cleaning system, which over time will be much easier to stick to. I suggest you have a proven and effective scheme.

Kitchen Cleaning should be done in a certain sequenceKitchen Cleaning should be done in a certain sequence

For kitchen

Bringing order to the apartment it is best to start with the kitchen. It is the soul of the house, where the contamination is most noticeable.

Cleaning in the kitchen by the following scheme:

  1. Place your order total. Start with the fact that just remove foreign objects from all surfaces in the kitchen. This little manipulation, which takes you on the strength of a few minutes, much will refresh the look of the room.
  2. Do the washing up. If your house has a dishwasher, it is time to load it work. If not - will have to wash yourself. In the event that on the threshold of unexpected guests, fold dirty dishes in one of the lockers headset and be sure to sort things out with her after the departure of guests.
In the absence of dishwashers washing dishes - the most time-consuming processIn the absence of dishwashers washing dishes - the most time-consuming process
  1. Clean kitchen surfaces. Use of microfiber cloth wipe dining table and countertops, moving from the distal angle to the edges. Thus, to remove surface debris and crumbs.
  2. Wipe kitchen appliances. Damp cloth walk on the walls and facades of household appliances (a refrigerator, microwave, oven, and other Multivarki).
Always wipe facades household appliances, otherwise they will quickly lose their formAlways wipe facades household appliances, otherwise they will quickly lose their form
  1. Remove this old spot. If the surface was formed hard outputted dried stains, do not rush to seek the help of a metal sponge - it may damage the object. Instead, try to scrub spot invalid credit card or other plastic items.
  2. Sweep and wash the floor. Perfect cleanliness without perfectly clean floor does not happen. Sweeping the kitchen, move from the far corner of the room to the door. After wash floor mop, in the same direction.

How to clean up the mess in the kitchen, we have understood, it is time to move to another room.


Healthy sleep can be only in a clean and well-ventilated bedroom. So it is always clean should be paid enough attention.

With a minimal amount of extra items, cleaning the bedroom takes a little timeWith a minimal amount of extra items, cleaning the bedroom takes a little time

This room can easily be removed in about 15 minutes. Just follow the instructions.

  1. Remove any excess from surfaces. Remove stale bedding, hang things in the closet, remove unnecessary accessories from the dressing table, and so on. Visually bedroom will seem much clearer, if there will be no foreign objects.
  2. Fill the bed. To save time, trying to push the sheets into the narrow gap between the bed and the wall, just lift up the mattress and place it under him.
  3. wipe off the dust. Dry cloth microfiber wipe all surfaces. Move from the far corner of the room and in a clockwise direction.
Do not forget about the dust on the ledgesDo not forget about the dust on the ledges
  1. Vacuum and wash floors. And again, it is necessary to move from the far wall of the room. You should not be traversed with a brush on the same place a few times, just to prolong the cleaning time.

living Room

The room in which you are taking guests, too, should shine with cleanliness. This will help you the following statement:

  1. Eliminate existing confusion. Quickly inspect the condition of the room, check for themselves what subjects it superfluous, and which are not in their places. To the question of where to clear things up - do not disturb you, go back to the first section of the article, where it is recommended to throw away or give away rarely used items.
  2. wipe off the dust. In this case, follow all the same manner as described in the section on cleaning in the bedroom.
Wipe off dust with a soft clothWipe off dust with a soft cloth
  1. Wash the mirror and glass surfaces. In order to quickly wash the mirror, use a universal glass cleaner and a soft, dry cloth.
  2. Vacuum and wash floors. Again, the move from the end of the room to its input.
Duration cleaning will largely depend on the carpetingDuration cleaning will largely depend on the carpeting

Strict adherence to the naming scheme and merciless disposal of rubbish will allow to easily and quickly get out of the room.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning bathrooms should be left for last. This room contains the largest number of bacteria - no need to distribute them throughout the apartment during cleaning other rooms.

Cleansers help to bring the bathroom up to the idealCleansers help to bring the bathroom up to the ideal

How to achieve order and cleanliness in the bathroom?

  1. Apply cleanser. Treat the surface sink, toilet, bath or shower selected detergent.
  2. Wipe stubborn dirt. Rigid sponge or brush walk on the walls of the bath or shower, then rinse off any dirt and detergent.
  3. Wash the mirror. Spray him glass cleaner, followed with a dry cloth downwards circular motion, wipe the surface.
In the pure mirror and reflected sounds betterIn the pure mirror and reflected sounds better
  1. Wash the inner surface of the toilet bowl. Sprinkle its dry detergent or soda to thoroughly clean a toilet brush and rinse with water tank several times.
  2. wipe the floor. And there are no innovations - it is necessary to wash the floor with far corner of the room, gradually moving to the door.

For more tricks that save time on cleaning

Basic information on how to organize the order in the house, I have outlined. Finally tell what small tricks can help speed up the process.

  1. Remove in a good mood. This nuance will avoid aversion to cleaning process. Including, for example, your favorite music.
With a good mood cleaning is made easierWith a good mood cleaning is made easier
  1. Allocate clear timeframe. Decide for yourself what to harvest specific room you spend no more than 15 minutes. Such a psychological technique is very effective and can accelerate the process.
  2. Start with the "running" places. First of all grasp the places that I want to clean up the least. Finally better to leave things easier.
Get up and go for it!Get up and go for it!
  1. Gather cleaning products together. Look at the experience of the maids in luxury hotels - everything you need to clean them is on a small table on wheels. Collect the basket all detergents, which can be useful, and move on with her apartment.
Let everything you need will always be at handLet everything you need will always be at hand
  1. Get a ritual 5-minute cleaning. Every evening, spend exactly 5 minutes to restore order anywhere in the apartment. One day it might be cleaning the sink, another try to clean his room. Dedicated 5 minutes every day a hundred times to reduce time spent on spring cleaning.


Enjoy the purity!Enjoy the purity!

I shared with you the most practical scheme of cleaning the apartment and talked about some of the secrets that will help reduce the expended her strength. Sure, use the suggested recommendations, you will not only improve the quality of cleaning, but also love it.

In addition, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article, which also contains a lot of useful information. On his methods for rapid and high-quality cleaning can you tell us in the comments!

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