You habitually loaded linen, included the machine, she dialed the water and started to work. But after some time he has stopped unexpectedly. The program has not been completed, the stuff inside, creeping panic, the world turns at the thought of hand-washing.
We look at how to get rid of the damage, if not turning the washing machine drum - causes, consequences and solutions to the problem.
The content of the article:
- What can be done immediately?
- Whether the fault to the problem?
- Breakdown # 1 - foreign object in the tank
- Breakdown # 2 - opened wing in vertikalka
- Breakdown # 3 - Stuck rusty bearing
- Breakdown # 4 - fell off or corrupted drive belt
- Breakdown # 5 - worn motor brushes
- Breakdown # 6 - broken control module
- Breakdown # 7 - blown engine
- Methods to prevent problems in the future
- Useful videos on the topic
What can be done immediately?
Calm down, disable the button on the machine panel and pulling the power cord. Blanketed floor cloths, find drain filter on the front panel from the bottom, set underneath a container (scoop suitable container), open it and drains water. We get the laundry out of the car and understand further.
We determine when the drum is stopped. If during the spin cycle, the laundry in this case will be just wet, with no signs of mylnosti. If the wash, things will be in the powder.
One should try to scroll through the drum by hand. Did not work out? Physically prevents rotation of foreign body or broken parts. When the drum revolves at the disconnected machine, cause hides in electronics.

And one moment. A frequent consequence of immobility drum is normal overdrive. Try to split in half linen and restart the wash cycle with less "volume of work".
Modern stiralki equipped with special sensors, which monitor the weight of: when it is exceeded they stop process. In some models, this information is displayed.
Be sure to check the external conditions that affect the operation of the machine. Some stiralki equipped with sensors that are sensitive to the parameters of the water pressure.
While the user disassemble the unit and change the details, pinched hose, The broken seal or dirty filter will not inform themselves, to draw attention to themselves.
Whether the fault to the problem?
Breakage in the machine are divided into common and rare. Drum stop belongs to the second group. The causes of failure can be mechanical, technical, everyday problems.
If stiralka long worked on within its capabilities and without proper maintenance, there are technical problems. They require the intervention of a specialist. With the others, you can cope on their own.
Breakdown # 1 - foreign object in the tank
Take a flashlight, inspect the inside of the drum. It is important to thoroughly inspect all - will not be found if there is a foreign object.

We get the other foreign objects:
- Pull the car to allow access from all sides.
- Loosen the screws on the back which hold the top cover.
- Move the cover back to remove it.
- Loosen the screws of the back cover, remove it.
- Remove the heater, it will facilitate the process of extracting foreign objects.
- Disconnect the wires that go to the TENu, loosen the fixing nut. The heating element is easy to pull out when to pick up a screwdriver.
- Get a hole - in the light of his flashlight.
- You see the problem? Twist the wire long enough, we obtain with the help of a stuck object.
- Install the heater in place, watching the excellent planting density, tighten the screws.
- Putting the machine.
When an object is in the space between the drum and the tub from above, through the opening of PETN did not see.

Lock the pulley bar of wood, unscrew the retaining bolt, remove the pulley, bolted, but not completely. Now hit by a bolt with a hammer, we try to keep the thread.

As a result of strikes and the drum shaft will move forward a little, and once the object goes down, which it is convenient to obtain. Return the pulley in place, fasten the bolt until it stops. Set back wall machine, tighten all the bolts.
Breakdown # 2 - opened wing in vertikalka
The vertical tank flap typewriters often revealed during the spin cycle. The reason is sometimes not associated with leaky latch.
Perhaps too clever child and got cranked reel with open wings. Adult or downloaded too many clothes and a piece of cloth was on the latch.

The problem looks serious. But the brunt of the impact depends on the moment when it is opened sash. If the delicate wash, in most cases, nothing terrible happens.
But during heavy pressed open blades can turn into a knife grinder and spoil everything that gets in the way.
The flaps are punched at a speed barrier. The first blow falls under TEN, for the company damaged the walls of the tank and the drum flaps. When all three elements are broken, the repair is expensive. Cheaper to buy a new washing machine.
Let's try to solve the problem differently. We must try with minimal effort and carefully return the drum to its original position.
If you fail, try to close the shutters. It will need a strong, elastic steel wire with a diameter such as to extend into the drum openings.

Pliers bends the wire end somewhere half a centimeter, so as to form a hook. Gently pushes it into the hole. With the help of a flashlight in one hand and the wire to the other trying to close the shutters.
If it works, it will be able to scroll through the drum. When the wire is not possible to pick up a leaflet or can not be kept in rotation and they are still open, it is necessary to disassemble stiralku.

The general order of work:
- Twisted rear latches relinquish it.
- Marginalia shift to one side, it is also withdrawn.
- We photograph the location of wiring, disconnects them.
- Unscrew the screw holding shaft.
- Close the loading door, pull out the tank.
- Sever halves of the tank, pull out the drum.
- Cleans parts from dirt, debris.
Now try to close the sash several times. If the lock is broken, this item can be ordered from the manufacturer and replace.
We examine ourselves sash tank integrity, damage to the heating element. Significant deformation - a reason to think about buying a new stiralki.
Breakdown # 3 - Stuck rusty bearing
bearing wear - another failure provoking the drum stops. He's dismantled, check the bearings. Carefully knock the toolbox item.
In addition to the need to replace the bearing and seals. Place the bearing lithologic handle, return elements back. Fasten with a hammer.

If you have a horizontal machine, the procedure works as follows:
- Fasteners unscrew, remove the top cover and the back.
- Disassemble dispenser.
- Removing the control unit, after unscrewing the retainers.
- Open the boot hatch wrenching rubber sleeve, dressed it in the drum.
- Unlocks.
- Remove all the fasteners, remove the front panel.
- Weaken a collar, remove the counterweight.
- Now we need to pull the heater. Here, we pay attention to how to connect the wires, cut them off, take out the heating element.
- Eliminate all remaining obstacles, which connect the tank and hull - fittings, drive.
- Turn off the engine and pull out.
- After that, nothing prevents withdraw tank together with the drum.
The better to run, the tank can be moved to Mighty table. Further, all we are doing a similar algorithm with a vertical machine: knock the bearing, remove the seals, grease slot, install the new parts.
Collecting drum, follow the installation very carefully. Place the joint with sealant to prevent leakage. There are models of machines are not demountable tanks and their repair is reasonable to entrust the master.
Breakdown # 4 - fell off or corrupted drive belt
Remove the back panel of the machine, look at the state of the belt. If he just slipped, slide it into place, close the lid, turn stiralku and check its performance. In the case of complete deterioration, damage will require replacement.

They are made of chloroprene rubber, polyester cords, cotton material, whereby the elastic and have increased strength characteristics.
V-belt tensioned by moving the engine, so you need to loosen fixing. When adjusting the motor running or a little maneuver excluded construction machine, it is necessary to replace a belt.
Install the V-belt as follows: wound onto a pulley, and then put the strip into the drum groove and completely to its plant, rotating pulley.

Poklinovy belt has a toothed section. Parameters are also marked on the outside. Changing it in the same way as the wedge. But it requires careful control of the situation after the final setting.
Measure out the middle mate motor pulley and the drum - the belt is set strictly for that line. Poklinovye belts are tensioned less than the wedge.
Breakdown # 5 - worn motor brushes
When worn brushes do not provide the desired electromagnetic field, stops rotating the motor rotor. In the process of this piece stiralki shorter and more lacking collector. I need a replacement.

If the machine is assembled, remove the back wall, a belt. Turning off the engine from power by pulling the plug with wires. Disassemble the engine itself.
Next, the motor laid on its side so that the top of the brush body appeared, unscrew the fixing bolts and, take out the spare one and the other side.

Do not rush to change, inspect elements. Measure rods if their length is greater than 1.5 cm, the brushes do not cause the stopping of the drum.
Also, do not forget to clean the collector of black plaque eliminate scratches with sandpaper. Everything is now possible to put new elements and tighten their bolts.
Breakdown # 6 - broken control module
The drum can be fixed because there is no signal from the "brain" to start the wash. Most often, the management board fails due to power surges, or natural wear and tear.
There are three ways to solve the problem - to reset program "re-programming", or module replacement.
Some models have a self-test function. It allows you to determine the source of the problem. How do I enable this feature? The instructions do not write, but a way to run depends on the manufacturer and the model.
As an example - Ardo is tested as follows: merge the water tank must be empty, mechanical set program selector vertically downwards expose zero temperature. To start the test mode, press all the buttons at once.

If you still have a need to remove the plate, it is extracted simply. Remove the top cover, dismantle the upper part of the machine, remove the retaining strap and pull out the module.
Repair control unit requires special skills - you need to check the parameters of the elements, track chain. Carefully inspect the board.

4 features need serious intervention:
- Dark track, change the color in some places, there were scorch marks.
- Visible bulge in hats capacitors.
- Burnt lacquer coating on damping coils.
- The main processor is darkened in the place of installation.
If something of the above were found to have no experience with a soldering iron, multimeter, trust repair specialist.
Malfunctions related to malfunctions of sensors can be eliminated independently. Contact with time the group salted and clogged, they just need to be cleaned. Remove Programs control, disassemble handle and clean it.
If there is a layer of soot on the power coils of the line filter, whisk a dry cloth and brush. Block lock hatch rid of soap coating.
Breakdown # 7 - blown engine
The motor is usually reliable and need to try very hard, so that it broke. But there are a couple of instances when this happens. Occurs winding circuit or it breaks off from the rotor and stator.
A characteristic feature of the first situation - empty drum rotates normally and at full laundry knocked out traffic jams. In the event the second situation, the drum stops rotating altogether.
Repair is possible, if the drum is stopped, but the inclusion of machine hums. Complete replacement of the "heart" is necessary when there is no run at all, the smell of burning, smoke is dark, stiralka sparks. To begin, remove the electric motor, see what we can do.

Removed the motor similar pattern of work during belt replacement. If he squeezed tank, slightly raised tank and free the engine. Sometimes you have to shoot and the side wall. General Troubleshooting three - brush lamellas, winding.
How do I replace the brush, we have already discussed. Check winding efficiency can multimeter palpation while being alternately adjacent slats. The discrepancy must be less than 5 ohms.
Also check the circuit all the windings, one probe will place on the body, and go through the second sipes. If everything is in order, the resistance is high.

If faulty winding, it is better to find the same item and replace. Fast will be more expensive. Slight peeling slats can be machined on a lathe.
But such an event is not a panacea will, serial type and quality they will not return. Conclusion: changing parts with new ones.
Methods to prevent problems in the future
Carefully empty the pockets before washing. All change (baby socks, handkerchiefs) and bras load in special mesh bags.

Connect stiralku through uninterrupted power supply or at least an extension cord with backstop changes, if you live out of town or just have a problem with the jumps in power.
This is especially true of models with a variety of programs and too smart "brain". Pay attention to proper grounding of the machine.
Useful videos on the topic
For more information on repairing faults - in videos submitted by masters of service centers and ordinary users.
Scheme disassembling machines with front loading:
Removing and drum disclosure stiralki discussed in the following video:
Removing the belt, motor, replacement of brushes in the video:
When everything has changed, set, close the machine, be sure to test the technology. Start your usual program. Stiralka works in the usual way or sounds louder than usual - the order, everything is done right. The creak, rattle, too loud noise of the washing machine - a reason to seek help from a service center.