Energy saving and energy saving methods

The use of motion sensors to save is advisable only in large areas. In an apartment, only half of the electricity consumed is used for light bulbs, if not less. It is much more efficient to use the latest technology. We are talking about saving lamps. Energy savings increased 10 times, which is up to a third of the cost in this area. This is a significant energy saving and excellent energy saving methods.

Energy-saving light bulb

How to choose the right energy-saving light bulb

Let's figure out what it means to save electricity in relation to light bulbs. For example, for refrigerators, European standards establish a link between the produced cold, volume, and consumption. Products are tested, then the power saving class is calculated using complex formulas. For marking any light bulbs, the guidelines of the /30/ EU Directive, dated July 12, 2012, apply. Scroll through the document( in English) and see what it says about saving energy.

According to the directive of the European Parliament, the information presented relates to the specified types of light bulbs:

instagram viewer

  1. With filaments.
  2. Fluorescent( fluorescent).
  3. Digit( including halogen, not related to the second list item).
  4. LED.

We answer a frequent question - how to distinguish! All energy-saving bulbs are class A or higher( A +, A ++).If the information on the packaging in the scale is different, the object is not suitable for saving energy. Often bulbs with filaments are made in a matte flask( which is allowed) in order to disorient the customer. So he thought that saving energy would cost a bit less. In fact, there is deception. Therefore, on the packaging and put a class of energy savings( energy efficiency) - for a quick understanding of whether the product is worth the requested money. And the difference is small.

A branded incandescent bulb is expensive, but it doesn’t save energy. The directives of the 2010 /30/ EU directive do not apply to:

  • bulbs with a luminous flux below 30 lm;
  • products, the ultimate purpose of which does not become lighting( for example, ultraviolet for disinfection);
  • commercial options that are not available in a wide sale.

To simplify the presentation took screenshots from the text of the standard. Any logo( marking) of the energy efficiency of a light bulb consists of parts:

  1. EU symbolism. None if the manufacturer is not from the countries mentioned.
  2. The name of the manufacturer is omitted if the marking is applied to the packaging, where the data is presented in a different place.
  3. Model ID.Skipped if the marking is carried out on the packaging, where the information is already indicated.
  4. A color range of arrows marked from A ++ to E, with a black-and-white pointer affixed to it marked with the appropriate letter. This is an indispensable element, without which the marking of the energy saving class of a light bulb does not make sense.
  5. Electricity consumption in kWh per 1000 hours of operation. The parameter is often omitted by homegrown producers due to simple ignorance.

Energy labeling

The label design with energy saving class is clear from the figure. We add that the shades of the arrows are set in the CMYK system in a concrete way( cyan, magenta, yellow and black):

  • The highest class of energy saving X-00-X-00.
  • Second class energy saving 70-00-X-00.
  • The third class of energy savings 30-00-X-00.
  • The fourth class of energy savings 00-00-X-00.
  • Fifth energy saving class 00-30-X-00.
  • Sixth class of energy savings 00-70-X-00.
  • The latest class of energy savings 00-X-X-00.

The terminology is given in accordance with the 2010 /30/ EU directive. Decoding example 00-70-X-00: 0% cyanic, 70% magenta, 100% yellow, 0% black. The increase in energy saving goes from the last class to the highest. By the way, due to the external similarity of fluorescent lamps with LEDs, there is not only confusion, but danger! Fusible materials are often used to create fixtures. But not any base is allowed to put any light bulb that is suitable in size. Let us explain: the release of heat is highly dependent on energy saving. Actually, extra kilowatts and spent on it.

Choosing the right luminaire for energy saving

Luminaires are labeled in a special way - shown in the figure. In the first image we can see a lamp working in tandem exclusively with “rare” light bulbs. The word is used for a reason: increasing energy efficiency leads to a design change radically. Separate lamps of the old style look good if the “right” light bulb is bought. In the standard, this is called a term like design requirements.

Marking of lamps

Then the advanced categories are crossed out. Similarly, the upgraded cheap lights simply melt when using light bulbs. Try to touch the LED: the lamp is cool even after an hour of work. The effect is achieved due to the concentration of the maximum energy in the visible spectrum. As a result, we pay less for the light, and the restrictions on the design of luminaires are simplified. The situation leads to savings of three types:

  1. The cost of chandeliers and switches is reduced to a minimum: the currents are low and the heat is low.
  2. Wiring is done with a thin wire: with a 0.75 square millimeter core. The minimum allowed for use in this situation according to the EMP.
  3. Finally, the automaton response threshold is lowered, due to which it is permissible to start all branches on a single, although not recommended. It is better to take two: separately for the bathroom and kitchen( where neighbors often drown), the rest of the world - for the second.

All this indirectly and significantly saves money. The cost of plastic chandeliers is 2-3 times more than normal. But to include there besides LED bulbs others are not recommended. Luminaires of this class are marked with striking through the lower energy-saving classes. Finally, there are options where it is not allowed to use the only concrete, intermediate class, crossed out on the instructions.

In conclusion, we add that the lamps, where LED lamps are used, are able to be marked with a common bracket opposite the color marking of energy efficiency with the signature LED( light emitting diode).This explains the existing compatibility. There are some brackets with corresponding marks. This means that there are two types of cartridges, for example, under the LED and simple light bulbs. Summing up:

  1. It is possible to save on light bulbs and electrical equipment of the apartment( within reasonable limits).
  2. To quickly distinguish energy-saving light bulbs from others is not difficult according to the information above. Efficiency class - not lower than A.

Facts and tips on

LED bulbs Before you buy energy-saving equipment, we’ll review important facts.


Color Temperature

LED and halogen energy-saving light bulbs are warm and cold tones. The first is preferable to use in the bedroom, they contribute to relaxation, and the latter is better to see in action over the desktop. Hue is characterized by color temperature. Warm tones include the fact that below 3000 K. Beyond the edge of 5000 K fluorescent lamps begin.


Today, LED light bulbs are considered to be champions in terms of work duration. Service life is 10,000 hours or more. Ways to save electricity are reduced to one-time spending on products in order to reap the benefits for many years. In a month, a two-room apartment yields 150 rubles of money saved, which is equivalent to an LED light bulb with a luminosity of 75 W( consumption of 9 W).Lighting costs fall 10 times with the same or higher quality.

Chuck Type

When buying, pay attention. Take the LED and halogen bulbs under the desired type of cartridge. As a rule, under the base E27( 27 mm thread diameter).Pay attention to the lamps: most are made for other sizes. Full compatibility is required.

Voltage and current

When purchasing light bulbs with a voltage other than the standard, specify whether direct or alternating current is used. Today there are devices of both kinds, including power supplies. Buy a transformer, and it turns out that the type of current prescribed constant. The seller in most cases does not bother to specify the desired data. Or just do not understand the differences, selling a product made by the Chinese.

When choosing a power source( if you need to make light in wet places), carefully watch what the device gives out. It is better to take the modules under the DIN-rail distribution switchboard, in this case, it turns out the most accurate and convenient installation.

Laying of non-volt wires

Wires of a different voltage are laid separately from the mains voltage of 220 V. If the second channel cannot be made, it is proposed to use metal screens or HDPE pipes. Read more in PUE 6( not 7!) Or in previous reviews on the portal.

Improving the energy efficiency

It is simply impossible without knowledge of the basic truths. In particular, devices in wet places and used outdoors are fed exclusively through a differential automatic. It is not recommended to place the lamps above the sink, and with a voltage of 220 V it cannot be done. When using BSNN( up to 50 V AC or 120 V DC), the transformer or power source must be further 3 meters away from wet( wet, wet) areas. It is not allowed to shove in the closet, as demonstrated on YouTube. In the kitchen, removal from the sink is at least 60 cm( softer conditions than for the bathroom).

Luminaires for 12 V

Useful about BSNN read GOST 50571.11, which describes in detail how the installation is carried out. It is possible to quickly understand the full benefits of using luminaires( and other equipment) at 12 V, whatever AC or DC.Today, energy-saving light bulbs are often produced at a specified voltage. Surprisingly, the thickness of the wire here is assumed to be more than 220 V. This is caused by the increased current, and the power allocated to the wiring is calculated using the formula P = I x I x R. As a result, the heat increases in a parabola. Do not think that 12 V will save on wiring, as described above regarding 220 V. And that means, carefully calculate the thermal effect, compare with the tables of permissible parameters of OES 6( Table 1.3.4 and further in the text).

Winter saving

I want to realize energy saving in winter. We hurry to disappoint readers - no cheap ways were found. Europe today is switching to solar panels, in connection with which it is permissible to recommend this method or to use heat pumps that heat the house from the bowels of the earth. This helps to save energy to people carrying costs for boilers. It is advantageous to heat wood or stone coal. All other types of fuel are more expensive in terms of specific heat of combustion.

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