Wash kitchen towels as needed. As soon as the thing has lost its freshness, at least a small foreign smell has appeared, it needs to be washed. In addition to the unpresentable appearance, microbes multiply in a moist environment. On average, such things are processed every 3-5 days. It is better to choose waffle towels for the kitchen. They are less than terry, accumulate dirt.
- Washing with vegetable oil
- How to wash towels with sodaP.You can not delay with washing: old pollution will be difficult to remove. But if so happened, you need a soak. Usually soaked kitchen textiles for several hours in hot water with powder, and then washed in a typewriter or by hand. Soak and wash towels should be separated from other things. Boiling is not always necessary. More often it is used for already clean things to remove stains, yellowness or a gray tint from white fabrics.
Washing with vegetable oil
At first glance, this method seems strange, because it seems that the fabric can be even more contaminated. But this is an effective way to quickly and effectively get rid of grease stains. It is suitable primarily for things made of cotton, synthetic wash out worse. The oil also softens the effect of bleach, which allows colored fabrics not to lose brightness.
How to act:
. ..- 3 tbsp of water dissolves in 3 liters of water.vegetable oil, dry bleach, soda. Soak a towel for 12 hours at least, then wash by hand or in a typewriter. You can do without soaking. Then you need to boil an hour, wait until the water cools, and then wash.
- In 15l of boiling water, add a glass of any washing powder, 3 tbsp.dry bleach, vinegar and oil. Pour textiles and leave overnight. It is advisable to close the container with a lid so that the water does not cool down longer. Rinse thoroughly in the morning. This method is well suited for terry towels as well.
How to wash towels with soda
Soda cleans up both fresh dirt and old ones. It also eliminates unpleasant odor.
- Pour 50g of soda into 1l of hot water, leave textiles in solution for 5-7 hours. If the dirt is not completely removed, boil for 20-30 minutes.
- 5 Art.lsoda combine with a half bar of soap, rubbed on a coarse grater. The mixture is dissolved in warm water, bring the water to a boil. Boil the cloth for an hour on low heat, stirring occasionally. Then wash in the typewriter and rinse.
Mustard Wash
loading. ..Mustard powder breaks fat well and various oil traces of organic origin. It also has some disinfecting effect.
- 6 tbsp.mustard powder mixed with 2 liters of hot water. Wait 20 minutes to dissolve. Lay towels so that the water completely covers the fabric. Leave on for 12-14 hours. This method is suitable if the towels have acquired a gray or yellowish tint, as well as in the case when things cannot be boiled. If there is a drawing, then it will become brighter.
- You can make a gruel of mustard powder and apply to the stain. Put textiles in the bag for more effect and leave for 3-4 hours. Wash in the usual way.
Removing stains of various origin
The following methods are effective:
- Dissolve hydrogen peroxide or citric acid in warm water, moisten stains. Leave for a couple of hours. Then soak the textiles in warm water with powder for half an hour, wash as usual. The method allows to get rid of old pollution.
- Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of water. Leave overnight. Salt, except fat, removes traces of coffee and tomatoes. If you want to remove the wine stains, it is necessary to prepare a saturated solution of salt and water, put it on the spots, carefully rub with a sponge. Repeat the procedure after an hour, finally wipe the towel in hot soapy water.
- If you wash your kitchen towels with shampoo for hair, this will help to get rid of fruit and berry dirt. Thing should be placed for 15 minutes in hot water. Then shampoo foams on the spots. After half an hour to wash.
- Wipe the stains with soap and leave for 5-6 hours.
- Dampen the dirt with dishwashing detergent. Leave for half an hour, rub well, wash.
- Coffee traces will remove ammonia. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1, applied to the stain. An hour later, the towel must be thrown into hot water with powder for 15-20 minutes and wash.
- Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water. It will not only remove fat, but also eliminate the unpleasant smell. Manganese has the same effect. It is necessary to dissolve a few crystals in cold water, to get a pale pink solution.
- Glycerin and liquid ammonia will help get rid of stains of tea and coffee. The ingredients are combined in a ratio of 4: 1, diluted in 1l of water. Textiles soaked for 2 hours, then washed in a typewriter or manually.
- Heavy contamination removes silicate adhesive. The most important thing is to rinse the towels well so that it does not eat into the fibers. On 3l of boiling water, add 1 tbsp.glue and powder, stirred to avoid lumps. Fabric must be boiled for half an hour and washed.
Bleaching and disinfecting
First things are washed, and then boiled with whiteness or bleach. Vanish, ECO, Sarma, Persol, etc. will do. You can not throw towels into the container with boiling water right away, this stain will only strengthen.
For disinfection, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 100g of borax are added to the washing machine and the cycle is started as usual. There are special antibacterial powders and gels, for example Lion Top Hygia, Plus, Fa Fa gel, etc.
It is also allowed to use essential oils of tea tree or lavender. Chlorine-containing agents may be used, but be aware that they can damage tissue.
Mold can be removed if the textiles are washed, then moistened with a strong solution of hydrogen peroxide or vinegar, rinse.
We wash towels in a microwave
This method will help to wash out old and difficult stains, for example, from tea. The towel should be wetted and it is good to rub it with soap from all sides. Next, fold and place in a regular plastic bag. Send in a microwave, set the average power and turn on a half minutes. Next you need to remove and check that the package is hot - this is necessary. If the towel is large, you can hold it for another minute and a half. Then rinse thoroughly.
Special rules for color towels
If white things well maintain the temperature of washing and boiling to 100 degrees, 40-60 degrees is enough for color. The same rule applies to items with embroidery. Colored items are always washed separately from whites. If you need to remove stains, you can use the methods mentioned above, as well as use oxygen bleach. He will let things not fade. Caution should be used hydrogen peroxide and chlorine. They may discolor the fabric.