First steps
Those who have never encountered the problem of buying this device do not always know how to make the right choice. This is due to the fact that different models are designed to perform certain functions on which their cost depends. In addition, you need to decide in advance for what purposes you purchase a microwave oven. Some possibilities of modern household appliances for many housewives may be redundant, so an unknowing buyer may overpay for what he simply will not need.
The most affordable microwave oven is equipped only with a magnetron - the main component that generates microwaves of a certain frequency. Such a device works no less qualitatively than more expensive models, but performs only the function of defrosting, reheating, and primitive cooking.
Upgraded units are often equipped with a grill function that allows you to cook more complex foods. The most modern and expensive models, in addition to this, also have the function of convection, that is, during cooking, hot air is circulated inside the microwave oven. This feature allows you to use the device as an oven, so you can cook almost any dish in it.
In this regard, you need to decide how you want to use the microwave. If you already have an oven or a multi-cooker, the additional functions of the microwave device will be superfluous, since few housewives would prefer to cook in it rather than in a conventional oven. Expensive models with the capabilities of the grill and convection will be useful to those who have a small kitchen that does not accommodate more voluminous appliances.
Basic parameters of
To choose the device correctly, you need to prepare for the purchase in advance, find out what particular functions are suitable for, and what technical characteristics of the device will be optimal for home use. In addition, you can consult with the seller, if he is competent in this industry, compare his opinion with his and choose the best option.
Dimensions and capacity
The first thing you need to decide before buying is how much free space in the kitchen you can allocate for a microwave oven. This is a rather cumbersome unit that cannot be put into the box for a while, as they have to be used daily. In addition, there should be free access to it, so that the dishes could be easily installed inside, and it was possible to cook or reheat food freely.
If you do not want to clutter up a table or kitchen set with such a device, consider installing it on a refrigerator or on a special hinged shelf.Capacity of the device will depend on how many people you plan to cook. For one person, a small microwave oven with a volume of 12-14 liters will suit; for two family members, more space is needed - from 17 to 20 liters. The same volume is suitable if you only plan to heat food for 4-6 people. If you want to cook large volumes of food in the microwave oven, it is better to stop the choice on a 30-liter appliance, usually these units are equipped with a grill and other suitable modes.
Power consumption
The main technical characteristic of any household appliance is power, it shows how quickly and intensively work will be done, as well as how much electricity will be spent in the process. This parameter is usually indicated on the box of the device or even on the price tag, so it will be easy to find it.
As a rule, even in budget models there are various modes that differ from each other in power. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account the possible range, which can range from 80 to 1680 watts. Usually, the greater the capacity of the microwave oven, the more power it consumes even just when heating food. To understand what value to focus on when buying, it is necessary to take into account that the modes, as a rule, provide the following parameters:
- 80-150 W - to maintain the temperature of the finished dish;
- 150-300 W - for defrosting;
- 300-500 W - for intensive defrosting;
- 500-700 W - for heating food;
- 700-1680 W - for quick warming up or preparing complex dishes.
For those who plan to heat food for a family of several people daily or occasionally cook in a microwave oven, it is recommended to opt for an appliance with a maximum power of 800 watts. Such devices are best suited for home use, and their price is relatively low.
interior coating To choose a microwave oven for your home correctly, you must consider the coverage of its internal chamber. It will depend on the material how long the device will last, and how easy it will be to take care of it during operation. While cooking or reheating food on the inner walls of the microwave oven, fat stains inevitably remain, therefore it is necessary to wash it regularly.
In most cases, the internal coating of a microwave oven is made of stainless steel, enamel or bioceramics. Each of these materials has its advantages and disadvantages, which often manifest themselves only as the device is used.
Stainless steel looks attractive and stylish, microwave ovens with an internal coating of this material can perfectly fit into the overall style of a modern kitchen. However, such a device will be much more expensive, and the inner chamber must be washed frequently, otherwise it will quickly become dirty. Already after a few uses, oily stains appear that are difficult to clean if they dry out, so you will have to clean it regularly.
Enamel in this regard is more resistant, while it is much cheaper than stainless steel. It can also look very attractive, so it is often used in budget microwave ovens for home use. Of the minuses can be noted low heat resistance and instability before scratching, and therefore reduces the life of the device.
Bioceramics began to be used to make the coating of the inner chamber of microwave ovens relatively recently. The advantage of this material is that it combines the advantages of steel and enamel, but does not have their disadvantages. Among the minuses of the bioceramic coating, fragility before aggressive mechanical impact and high price can be called.
Control Type
The convenience of using a microwave oven is largely determined by the type of control, it can be mechanical, push-button or touch. This parameter can significantly affect the overall cost of the device, so when choosing, match your needs with the possibilities.
Mechanical type of control is carried out using round knobs, usually two of them - one to select the mode, the second to install, you need time to work. Plus of such microwave ovens is that they are inexpensive, and the probability of system failure is extremely small. However, such devices do not allow you to set the exact time to seconds, which is important in some cases during cooking.
Push-button models are equipped with a three-dimensional control panel, which allows you to select different modes and set the exact operating time. Such devices are more expensive, but still belong to the average price category. They can be the best choice for those who are looking for the best value for money.
Touch-controlled microwave ovens are like push-button ovens, and the only difference is that the buttons do not protrude above the panel surface. Such devices are more expensive, but they are easier to clean the dirt from the outside. However, sensory microwave ovens break down much more frequently than others, usually due to power surges.
Cost of the device
Not the last role when choosing a microwave oven is its price, as many are limited by one or another framework of the family budget. To understand what value to navigate, you need to decide what functions you need from the device, because the numbers on the price tag depend on them first of all.
The simplest devices that are suitable only for defrosting and heating food can cost around 2,000 rubles, depending on the region of residence and markups of the store. Such models, as a rule, do not serve for a long time, but can act as an initial option, since they can work for 5-7 years. The average price is 4,000 rubles, such microwave ovens are universal for home use, you can both defrost and heat food, and prepare a simple dish. The most expensive models cost an average of 10 thousand rubles, they have many functions and are made of durable materials, so their service life is very different.
How to choose utensils
In the operation of a microwave oven, the correct utensils play an important role, which allows you to extend the life of the device. Not every material has a positive effect on such devices; sparks and a burning smell can be observed during the cooking process. For this reason, suitable utensils are usually purchased immediately after purchasing a microwave oven.
The simplest option would be to buy a special set of microwave oven utensils that can be found at any hardware store. However, if you do not want to spend extra money, you can find the best option among those that are already in stock. Cookware for a microwave oven should pass radiation well, do not contain metals, do not conduct electrical current and be resistant to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Suitable for use in a microwave oven:
- chinaware, if it is without patterns and a lid;
- ceramic dishes, subject to the mandatory use of tacks, as it is very hot in the cooking process;
- plastic dishes for microwaves;
- thick-walled glassware with high heat resistance.
To check whether your chosen utensils are suitable for use in a microwave oven, you can conduct an experiment before cooking or reheating. To do this, water is poured into a glass faceted glass, after which it is placed in the chosen dish. It is placed in the microwave for 1-2 minutes at normal power, after which it is necessary to check whether it is heated. If the dishes remain cold and the water in the glass is hot, then the utensils can be used when cooking.