How to make a hood in the kitchen with their own hands

The cheapness of purchased hoods is attractive, but often the functionality of such models does not suit consumers. Today we will try to fantasize on how to make a hood in the kitchen with your own hands. The main factor is pollution. Fat will certainly settle on the blades. Now it is difficult to find a kitchen hood in the supermarket without a single filter. Meanwhile, such devices are noisy, losing performance at every corner.

How to make a work of art from an extract

Designer Alexander Serebryakov proposes to buy a cheap extract and make an incredible piece. Umbrella kitchen hood is bought as a blank. At the end of a long search, it was decided to stop at Elikor White Storm 60 gold antique:

  • standard width 60 cm;
  • 56 dB high noise level;
  • grease filter;
  • capacity of 650 cubic meters per hour;

  • price of 2600 rubles minimum;
  • number of speeds 3;
  • lighting - incandescent lamp;
  • weight 7.5 kg;
  • work on exhaust and recycling.

A strict white umbrella itself asks to be beautifully designed. Dressing is foreseen. Please note, do not use heavy materials. Only 1.5 cm thick fiberboard and 2x2 cm beadings. The control panel is located at the bottom, the top of the umbrella is at our disposal. From the specified model of the Classic line we will make Country.

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First make the base of fiberboard. Putting the frame in the manner of a mailbox. We cut fiberboard to retreat 10 cm forward, on the sides - at the place of installation. Ideal to use jigsaw, fit a circular saw with a small tooth. Allowed to assemble the base of several pieces in the absence of a tool. For convenience, we put the kitchen hood on the table and proceed. Be careful with the control panel, so as not to push through and damage the structure.

The height of the kitchen hood hood is 40 cm( according to the product card).On a quarter we make a hollow pedestal of a rectangular shape. At each point must fit snugly to the umbrella. We are assembling according to the old mailbox method. We nailed in two or three places to hold. When cutting and assembling, we use the angle and level for precise positioning of parts relative to each other. We take small carnations, fix the result. If the work is done correctly, pulling the base upwards, remove it from the kitchen hood umbrella Elikor White Storm 60.

Remove the kitchen hood aside, measuring the size of the pyramid, so that the structure will normally sit in the future. Now move on.

Purchased materials for decorating the kitchen hood with your own hands

To give the product a beautiful look, Alexander Serebryakov suggests using polished profiled boards. Suitable, for example, high beautiful figured baseboard( combined with parquet), for the lower and upper border of the base. It is better to take a bare tree to independently give the desired color stain and varnish. It is necessary to stock up on glue, which is not afraid of heating and grabs a tree.

Alexander calls broad polished boards baguettes. We will manage simple platbands for doors. Choose equally, unpainted.


  1. Plinths high( height is greater than width) will need about 4 meters.
  2. Baguettes( wide door frames) - the same amount.
  3. fiberboard in place, buy a couple of squares in the form of a standard sheet, the farm will fit.
  4. It will take a thin hardboard in the amount of two square meters( sheathing of the back walls of the cabinets).
  5. Fit square beadings 2 - 3 cm across( reduced semblance of laminated veneer lumber).Cut on 6 meters.

The boards will be painted on their own, useful:

  1. A jar of heat-resistant varnish.
  2. Stain or manganese.
  3. Primer with antiseptic composition.
  4. We waterproof the inner side without varnish( ground).
  5. A pair of brushes, a cloth for sanding layers.
  6. Solvent for varnish.
  7. A small can of white paint on wood, heat-resistant.

Let's start with cutting out the parts, then we have to varnish it. We take the plinth and lay on the bottom of the base on three sides. The fourth adjoins the wall. Saw off the boards on the kitchen hood with your own hands with a hand saw at an angle of 45 degrees for a tight fit. We do the same perimeter on top, but the boards are fastened upside down. In the future, you will need to varnish baguettes that will form the shelf.

The varnishing process

Now you need a heat-resistant varnish. Lacquer requirements are simple:

  1. Operating temperature up to 180 ºС.
  2. Ability to coat wooden products.

Two requirements are enough. Boards must be prepared, dried. We believe that readers do not have a special factory-type camera at home. Suspend the boards above the slab before cutting so that the material shrinks. Later we will cut.

At first we lay the ground, protecting it against rot and beetles. Over is the stain.

It is not always necessary to wait for drying between two treatments. Then we recommend to make a kitchen hood, not waiting.

Preparing the mixture:

  • 1 part varnish on 4 parts of solvent.

Composition of the tree is covered after the ground, so that the varnish sat down. Otherwise, the bottom layer will begin to be squeezed out of our kitchen hood. We are waiting for complete drying. At the same time, work is underway to form the dome. For quick drying of varnish buy special products. It will be required to put 5 layers, not counting the first. Everyone dries within the prescribed time. Then everyone is polished.

In order not to waste time, the skirting board and trim are processed in parallel.

Formation of a dome for a kitchen hood

On the top of the pedestal of the future kitchen hood, there is a plinth upside down. On it we fasten a baguette( pieces of a platband) at an angle of 45 degrees outward, as a door frame. In order for the board to lie flat, trim it with a plane or similar tool. Note that the top end is processed parallel to the bottom. Saw off at an angle, customize the place.

From the base rises the dome. We perform templates from fiberboard according to the form. The ends form a frame for hardboard, from which we will perform the walls of the dome of the kitchen hood with your own hands. For fixing apply glue. It remains to fasten profiles of fiberboard:

  1. There are 6, 2 pieces per side.
  2. Attached vertically, in pairs for fixing each side, connecting with two round crossbars, like the wall bars( Forstner's drill will help).
  3. On top of the design is upholstered with beadings, mounted on the base of the kitchen hood.

The skeleton of a kitchen hood hood is simply nailed to the base. Please note that the bottom of the profiles is not visible. Here we put the rims horizontally with the first edge on the already existing ones at an angle of 45 degrees. The second is for ordinary beadings laid along the perimeter of the kitchen hood hood. When the platbands and baseboards are cut and fitted to each other, we begin to varnish( the operation of the day by four).

In the meantime, we are making a hardboard in place. The process is simple, but painstaking. Dome hood extract collect, helping with a knife and emery. The task is to stick three sides neatly. Please note that no visible nails should be used.

The installation of the kitchen hood is done in a typical style with the hands, on top we mount the dome painted white. The resulting shelf is surrounded by carved railing.

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