Mango storage methods at home

Mango has long ceased to be a scarce overseas fruit, it is sold in almost every large supermarket. But, despite its popularity, this fruit remains exotic for us, and often housewives do not know how to store mangoes. Below we consider the most common and somewhat unusual ways to preserve this fruit.

In the fridge or at room temperature?

Every second person will ask himself this question when he comes out of the fruit department with mango in his hands. But before you answer it, you must determine the degree of ripeness of the fruit. Here are the main signs of a ripe fruit:

  1. Characteristic sweet and rich aroma.
  2. When squeezed, elasticity should be felt, but not absolute hardness.
  3. The shape should be round and the skin should be smooth.

Do not rely on the color of the fruit, it can be anything: yellow, red, orange or green - it often depends on the variety. So, if your mango fits all the above criteria, it means that it is ripe, ready to eat, and it should be stored no more than 3-5 days at low temperatures. It is best to put it in the fridge without wrapping it in films and packages so that the fetus can breathe.

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To keep fresh, ripe pulp for several months, use the freezer. The fruit is cleaned, cut into bars of medium size and put in the freezer. Tastes in the process of freezing do not suffer. The only thing - the structure of the product may become somewhat softer and more loose.

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But if in the supermarket you got the fruit of a solid structure and without a characteristic odor, it means that it has not fully matured yet. Frustrating in this case is not worth it. Just unripe mango should be stored at room temperature to give it some sweetness.

Take a fruit, wrap it with a newspaper or other paper and leave it on a sunny windowsill. In such conditions, the mango will ripen in 2-5 days. When, after the described manipulations, the fruit became soft, juicy and fragrant, it can be immediately consumed or transferred to the refrigerator. At room temperature, the ripe fruit very quickly begins to undergo rotting processes.

Alternative storage methods

Mango can be successfully stored not only fresh, but also in processed form. Drying will help you get a long-term storage product and an excellent snack. In order for the pulp to dry properly, it must be pre-blanched in sugar syrup. The degree of concentration of the syrup will depend on your taste preferences.

You can easily make dried fruits in the oven. Sliced ​​lobules with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters are placed on a baking tray covered with foil. The temperature must be set at 40 ° C.In this case, the oven door should be ajar.

You can store the finished product simply in the closet or in the refrigerator. The main thing - to prevent excessive moisture.

Mango is a very delicate and demanding fruit, not adapted for long-term storage. Remember this and do not buy it in advance, so that later you do not have to get out and save the softened fruit. And be sure to carefully inspect the mango before buying it. Give preference to absolutely whole and smooth fruits, because any scratches, bruises and stains can significantly reduce the storage time.

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