How and what to clean the oven from old fat

The order and cleanliness in the kitchen is important for all housewives, but you can’t always maintain the perfect condition of the wholecabinet. Many people after cooking forget to wash the oven, as a result of which a layer of burned fat or simply soot is gradually formed on it. But even the oldest fat can be washed off, and to do it quickly, it is enough to know which method is best to use.

A simple way to clean

In order not to wash the oven from old fat, it is necessary to prevent its formation. To do this, follow the only rule: after each cooking you just need to wipe the entire inner surface of the oven with a damp cloth. It will remove the remaining fat, not allowing it to dry out and be deposited in a thick layer on the walls. Attention must also be paid to the glass door and other elements that are installed in the oven.

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If you have forgotten to wash the kitchen utensils, you can buy special means of struggle against old soot in the household chemicals store. Among the most effective of them are the following:

  • "Mr. Muskul";
  • "Cif";
  • Schumannite;
  • "Comet";
  • "Cilit Bang";
  • Frosch;
  • Sanita.

These tools are designed specifically to remove grease from kitchen surfaces, so they can be used to quickly and efficiently clean the oven. It is better to work with them in rubber gloves in order not to damage the skin, in addition, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of application.

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For those who do not like to use household chemicals, there are folk ways to get rid of the old carbon in the oven. These methods are more economically and financially less harmful to health. Some housewives believe that kitchen utensils are best cleaned with natural products, since chemistry can affect the taste and benefits of dishes that will be prepared in the future.

In order to quickly get rid of burned fat, it is advisable to preheat the oven beforehand. High temperatures will facilitate easy cleaning. Be careful not to burn yourself.

Citric Acid

The citric acid used in cooking effectively helps to cope with contamination on any kitchen surface, therefore it is recommended to use this method first of all. If you have fresh lemon, it’s better to use it, as fresh juice is more concentrated than acid powder.

To clean the oven from the old fat, you must mix lemon juice in equal proportions with warm water. It is necessary to moisten a clean cloth in the liquid and wipe all the walls of the oven with it. In this state, it is necessary to leave the oven for 40-50 minutes, then clean the softened fat together with the remnants of the solution with a clean, damp cloth.

You can use an alternative method to clean the oven from carbon, you need a container with warm water, dish detergent and lemon. It is necessary to cut the fruit into small segments and add it to a container half filled with water, or stir a small amount of acid in it. The container should be set for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 150 degrees. After the time has expired, remove the solution, open the oven door and wait approximately 10 minutes. Then you need to wash the softened fat, it will be able to do it quickly and without effort.

Baking soda

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This product, which is used in almost every kitchen, is also often used to clean various surfaces from old carbon deposits, including an electric or gas oven. Soda splits the fat layer, with the result that it can be quickly and easily washed without damaging the walls of the oven.

. To clean the surface from soot, you must first wipe it with a soft sponge dipped in warm water, and then sprinkle liberally with baking soda. So that the powder is better absorbed into the fat, it is necessary to gently rub the soda into the surface without pressing, so as not to leave scratches. Leave the oven in this condition for an hour, after which you will be able to easily clean the burnt soot with a usual damp sponge. In this way, you can wash the entire oven, including the glass door, where soda manifests itself most effectively.

Table vinegar

Acetic acid is an inexpensive, but effective and safe remedy for a delicate surface. It can be used to clean the inside of the slab, without fear of scratching the surface, even if it is made of brittle material that does not accept abrasive products.

In order to clean the oven from an old carbon deposit, it is necessary to moisten a soft sponge in a concentrated vinegar and wipe the entire surface with it. All inside utensils must first be removed from the oven and processed separately. To soften the fat, you must leave the oven in this state for several hours, after which remove soot residues with a clean, damp sponge.

Combined method

If none of these methods helped to clean the oven from the burned fat, you can use the combined method, which provides a combination of soda, citric acid and vinegar. This mixture will help to cope with persistent pollution at the level of household chemicals without damaging the oven and without having a negative impact on people.

First you need to warm the oven, for this it is enough to turn it on 150 degrees for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to mix a small package of citric acid powder, a tablespoon of baking soda and 100 ml of 9% -exus. Using a soft, clean sponge, wipe with a solution the entire inside of the plate, avoiding the heating elements, and leave it in this condition for 20 minutes. After a time, you can easily clean the surface of the burned fat with a damp sponge.


Ammonia can be used not only in medicine, but also in the household for washing or cleaning kitchen surfaces. The vial of this tool is inexpensive, so it is advisable to purchase it at a pharmacy so that it is always at hand. It is the same as table vinegar, gently removes soot, so it can be used even for cleaning fragile surfaces.

Firstly, you can simply moisten the sponge with ammonia and process all the internal parts of the oven; you need to wipe it abundantly so that the liquid is well absorbed into the carbon. In this state, you need to leave the oven for the whole night, because the tool is delicate, it will need more time. In the morning, ammonia is removed with a wet sponge along with dirt.

Secondly, you can use a more complex way. To do this, you need to heat the oven to 100 degrees and put inside a container of water. When it boils, it is necessary to turn off the oven and move the water down, and to put the tank with ammonia on the upper level. In this case, the tool also needs to be allowed to stand all night, and in the morning mix water and sal ammoniac and wash all the contaminants with a solution.

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