The principle of operation of the multicooker

All multicookers are good with a set of programs: stewing, baking, porridge. Algorithms are not advertised by manufacturers, but the techniques are standardized and uniquely known to developers. An ordinary consumer does not have access to this information, not suspecting that when extinguishing, for example, the temperature in the bowl of the multicooker is maintained slightly above 100 ºC.What to look at when choosing such a technique: on the number of work programs or cost? It is important to understand that the program hides the temperature and cooking time. What is the difference?

How does the multicooker

Multicooker Programs with a similar name are the same. We will understand how the device is arranged, due to what it works. The slow cooker looks like an old Soviet pressure cooker, but without a long handle. Some devices are equipped with reinforcing elements and the ability to close the bypass valve on the lid. It turns out a device that can be a multi-cooker and a pressure cooker.

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Inside the lid a bowl with a non-stick coating is placed. The vessel is installed on a wide ring with the heating element laid below it - the power part of the multicooker. In the center in the neckline of the ring is a sunken spring-loaded button. This is the location of the temperature sensors. The mechanism does not prevent the inclusion of the multicooker without the bowl, be careful!

Spiral is protected by a thermal fuse that instantly burns when an empty device is turned on. On the other hand, the heat of the heating element is not perceived by the button, where the sensor is located, directly, so there is a need to visit the service center.

The power part of the multicooker electronic circuit is hidden in the bottom under the ring. If you accidentally spill water inside without a bowl installed, it is possible to get an electric shock. Multicookers do not have a proper grounding, thereby creating a threat to life. At the bottom is a transformer where voltage is generated for the programmer. The spiral itself is powered by a 230 V relay through a signal-controlled relay. Due to the readings of two sensors( on the main button inside the ring and under the cover), the control voltage for the multi-cooker heating element is generated.

Already discussed that the programs of models and brands are no different. Technical characteristics of multicookers are the same, the difference is in the methods of provision. For example, if the heating element of different power, the relay works differently. No fundamental change will happen. This is the device. The memory of the multicooker contains programs with the instruction:

  1. Temperatures.
  2. Time intervals.

Sometimes two parameters are set by the chef: in Multi-cook mode or Heated. In the latter case, only time is set. The temperature is given for two sensors. This is the principle of action of multicookers: maintaining the correct temperature at two points. An electronic board often has one button per program. A simple set of microswitches sets the desired mode. Electronic counter. Not all multicookers function in this way. Let out those which in the Buckwheat mode evaporate completely moisture. It turns out a full-fledged porridge, not a watery substance. This requires a minimum of intelligence in the device and the ability to measure pressure. These types of multicooker are rare.

Now a few words about the lid. It closes on the latch and holds( if not sharply jerking to the side) the weight of the multicooker with food. Excess moisture and steam escapes through the valve at the top, containing food under pressure above atmospheric. As a result, food is cooked in a slow cooker faster than in an aluminum pan placed on gas, even with a lid. An additional bonus of speed is provided by the reinforcement of the cover with a lock and the ability to close the valve. A lot of pressure is created inside the multicooker, and the products begin to prepare much faster. It takes less energy, because the heat is not carried away with steam.

Heat loss is less and through the wall of the multicooker. As you know, leaks are proportional to the temperature difference between the bowl and the room. Once the food in the multi-cooker-pressure cooker is cooked faster, the cost of electricity for heating the room decreases in proportion to the speed of bringing the recipe to standard. These varieties of multicookers are good, but watch carefully for the presence of all degrees of security:

  • lock lock when the pressure in the bowl is much higher than atmospheric;
  • bypass valve protection against the break of the multicooker;
  • emergency release in case of malfunctions.

How to open a multi-cooker-pressure cooker at the end of cooking? What to do with internal pressure? After the end of the recipe, the valve is automatically unlocked, air will flow. The device is available to open. Attentively watch the description of the device upon purchase, having convinced available protection.

Inside the Multicooker( video)

Why not go after the abundance of

programs If pizza is not the main course on the daily table, the same-name multicooker program will not be needed. There are books for multicooker recipes with the main programs. Here is an example provided in the print publication Orlova E. A.:

  1. Wash and dice two potatoes and carrots. Chop the onion head and fry in a bowl of the multicooker in olive oil. We recommend using the mode of multicooking Baking. In the fry pour a liter of vegetable broth. Season soup with potatoes, carrots, dried parsley root. Salt is added to taste, the ingredients are quenched together for an hour( mode of multicooker Quenching).Heating is optional.
  2. Three potatoes and two carrots are cut into strips, the onion head is cut into half rings. Half a bunch of parsley is ground. A pound of veal fried with onions in the mode of multicooker Baking in butter. After frying, pour two liters of water. Add potatoes, carrots, lavrushka, salt seasonings. Prepare in Quenching mode an hour.150 grams of green pea ice cream are added, kept in the multicooker mode. A couple of 15 min. Serving to the table, the soup is filled with parsley.

There is no Soup mode, but you get two foods related to this category. The simplest functions of multicookers are used, and the dishes are excellent. Before you buy, find a recipe book and note what the household likes. Do not overpay for unnecessary options. Use a thoughtful approach, and you will be able to buy the device at an affordable price.

Teflon goes out of fashion because of its fragility, this also applies to the multicooker bowls. Choose a ceramic coating, and if you have a financial opportunity - marble. Polymer base in both cases. There are plenty of options, the consultant will describe the differences and advantages. The dimensions of the multivarcs depend on the volume of the bowl, chosen based on the number of consumers in the house. It is believed, a liter is needed per person, if you do not cook soups.

Multicooker parameters depend on size. Of course, if you allow the luxury of boiling buckwheat for 35 minutes, when a competitor is ready in 25 minutes, demand will inevitably fall. Regardless of the power of the multicooker, it all depends on the size and the desire of the manufacturer to outrun the competition. Little - take a quick model. Where to buy a multicooker? We recommend to start not from the official site of the top Redmond models, but from the Yandex Market. Check the price and select the appropriate option. Redmond competitors have lower prices. Differentiation is caused by the bundle, which is not always necessary. For example, housewives say that the sealing rings on the door of the multicooker pick up the smell, so different types of dishes are prepared with their ring.

With the types of multicookers sorted out. The main thing that should be paid attention to is the safety and the material of the bowl. The rest is not so critical and endowed with less specificity. Someone likes a push-button control, someone prefers touch control, despite warnings about possible difficulties during power surges. Pleases the presence of delicious dishes at the exit when using any of the models of multicookers.

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