Wood ash is widely used in gardening. When growing garlic, this fertilizer is applied in the summer, in mid-June, when the plant forms a garlic head. In order to get a good harvest of garlic, it is necessary:
- to conduct regular watering and loosening of the soil;
- mulching of a bed of garlic;
- soil application of phosphate-potassium fertilizers.
In the middle of summer, it is imperative to stop the application of nitrogen fertilizers for garlic, since during this period, due to an excess of nitrogen, developed green tops will form, and there will not be a good harvest of garlic. Only potassium and phosphate fertilizers are applied to the soil. Potassium and phosphorus are needed to form a large garlic head.
Feeding garlic with
ash It is in the ashes that potassium and phosphorus are found in large quantities. Feeding garlic is carried out with a solution of ash. To prepare a solution, 100 g of ash is diluted in 10 liters of water.
You can also use ash extract. For its preparation using half the mineral fertilizer, and the solution is brought to a boil.
Plants must be watered at room temperature. Feeding is carried out every two weeks before harvesting. In order to get a good harvest of garlic, feeding is not enough.
Care for garlic to get a good harvest.
If your area is dominated by loam, then after frequent rains, the soil becomes dense. Because of this, the root system of garlic cannot absorb nutrients, so the tips of its feathers turn yellow.
In order to cope with the yellowing of garlic feathers, regularly loosen the soil, and also add to the bed ash wood to improve the structure of the soil. Yellowing of the leaves can be caused by a lack of iron, therefore iron-containing fertilizers are added together with the ashes.
Wood ash is a good remedy for fungal diseases that garlic is prone to. It is sprayed with a solution of ash and soap to combat downy mildew.
Particularly often, a lesion occurs in mid-June when weeds grow. In order to reduce the risk of mold damage, the bed should be weeded.
In June, the garlic starts up arrows, so the middle of summer is the time of their removal. Garlic arrows need to be torn off so that no hemp remains on the leaves.
In this case, the plant will spend forces only on the formation of garlic head. If the arrows are not removed, the crop will be much smaller. Arrows of garlic can be frozen and added to salads in winter.