What steam iron to buy

We will discuss in the article which steam iron to buy.

Steam irons

Vertical ironing with steam iron

Let's start with the fact that today 98% of irons are steam. In each there is a tank with a passage to the boiler, where the liquid changes its state of aggregation under the action of the high temperature of the sole. And the designs are different. Cheap Chinese irons, for example, Saturn( at the place of production) show themselves perfectly in work, but here they are hardly suitable for vertical ironing.

Steam iron and vertical ironing

To answer, you will have to plunge into ironing theory. Usually, active work falls on the nose, the back of the sole only completes what has been started. Therefore, there are more holes in front of the holes. This is called the Steam Tip - steam nozzle. The boiler is located in the front of the sole, and there is water. When we put the iron vertically, the liquid is no longer able to flow by gravity. Consequently, steam production stops.

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It is impossible to put the iron down with the spout, seeking to spill water into the spout:

  1. On a transparent iron tank there is a risk in the area of ​​the spout above which water does not rise in an upright position. When filling the space completely, the tank cap will not withstand the pressure. Water will pour out. It will not be possible to avoid electric shock or triggering traffic jams.
  2. Cheap irons are not designed for vertical ironing, otherwise they would be more expensive.
  3. It is inconvenient to use the device in a similar position.

True steam irons for vertical ironing have an active water supply mechanism. For example, the new Bosch models have an electric pump inside that looks like a miniature linear compressor in a refrigerator. The flow rate can be adjusted. If you take Bosch, the brand's irons have an Eco mode, when energy consumption is reduced by 25% and steam production by 40%.It is permissible to use when the laundry is not too thick.

A steamer is much better for vertical ironing: a vacuum cleaner with a hose and a brush, inside there is a boiler.

Note. The boiler is called the device for generating steam. By analogy of the design, individual water heaters with a heat exchanger are also called boilers. On the contrary, by mistake or ignorance, electric water heaters of accumulative type are sometimes also called boilers. Boilers are used inside coffee makers to make cappuccino milk froth.

Steamer has an advantage: it often contains a rack, where it is easy to fit the hanger, and the brush is incomparably lighter than the iron. This is actually a vertical ironing device. No need to touch things to straighten the folds. From what has been said, readers will understand that steam iron for vertical ironing is recommended only as a temporary replacement or as a means of dealing with a small amount of crumpled laundry.

It is not enough to buy an iron for vertical ironing - an otparivatel is the best solution!

Steam production rate

The steam production rate of an iron depends on the position of the regulator. Standardly given instructions on the temperature regime - required to set the highest. This stems from a simple fact: to generate steam you need heat. The higher the temperature of the sole, the more efficient the process. The regulator often simply changes the cross-section of the flow channel. Due to this, in the boiler soles it flows out less, then more water. The steam generation rate changes.

If you start so ironing at a low temperature, there will be drips on the linen. Separate advanced( and expensive) irons detect protection against the formation of droplets.

Steam generation with iron

Most irons exhibit the steam boost function. A special pump in the boiler briefly served an extremely large amount of water. Due to the similar course the steam mass is formed instantly, and the sole cools down. If you press the button again, drops form. It is logical to use steam blow every 2 to 3 seconds( or in bursts after a number of seconds, as with some European manufacturers).

Steam boost is great at fighting wrinkles. To estimate the power, the manufacturer provides two indicators of steam generation:

  1. Standby mode( the speed is regulated by a special pen to the set limit).
  2. Steam impact( steam generation rate exceeds the maximum of the standby mode).

Total cross-section of the holes individually for each model. We recommend not focusing on power or steam generation rate. Evaluate jet pressure. It is given in the technical specifications. The higher the figure, the better the folds are smoothed. It is worth remembering that with a lower power consumption the impact area is more modest.

The power of a steam iron

The power consumed by a steam iron goes to heat the sole, from which it takes energy from the steam. The higher the power, the higher the temperature, the stronger the jet from the holes. When choosing attention is drawn to the characteristics of electrical wiring flat. The power of a modern iron reaches 3500 kW.

Steam iron

For comparison, the consumption of a 55-inch plasma panel varies around 75 W - about 45 times less! An electric kettle rarely requires more than 2 kW, and a blender - above 1 kW.Finally, the storage water heater consumes 1.5 - 2 kW.

Steam iron can be the most powerful device in the house. Try to find out the limits of the possibility of the shield and try not to iron while the storage water heater is working. Sum up the power of the steam iron and other devices( not forgetting the light bulb).Otherwise, traffic jams in the shield. It is even possible a fire due to frail electrical wiring.

Cordless Steam Irons If you wish, you can buy a Tefal iron, in the FreeMove advertising young people danced while ironing right at the blackboard. .. This is a good choice. Phillips is attracted by the technology of respect for the fabric. According to special algorithms, the iron does not allow the sole to overheat. It is possible to throw the device on the ironing board and not be afraid. The smartest models turn off after a set time of inactivity.

When choosing a wireless iron, pay attention to the process of docking with the docking station and removal. If something sticks, grinds, it is better to stop the choice on the alternative.

Cordless Steam Iron

The principle of operation of the steam iron in this case is fully preserved. But the heat is stored in the sole at the time that the device is in the docking station. Some models contain a small battery in the case for normal pump operation. This is required to stabilize steam generation.

The rest of the cordless iron retains all the advantages of the usual, has similar options and modes, but the cord remains with the docking station. It's comfortable. The preference of choosing a cordless iron comes down to a limited number of well-known companies( Tefal, Panasonic, Philips).It is impossible to make a mistake. When buying an expensive model, please fill out the warranty card correctly. Without this, the free service period is greatly reduced.

Irons in the art of

Iron decoupage is widely represented in the search for pictures Yandex. The old coal models are finished in such a way that it is nice to look. Decoupage antique coal iron leaves a lasting impression.

There is a perception that decoupage came into vogue, like imitating Chinese and Oriental ornaments in about the 15th century. We do not know how the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire did the work; in the West, it is customary to cut an exquisite wood pattern, to paste over( inlay) furniture, then cover with 30-40 layers of varnish.

It turned out cheaper, looked no worse and was in great demand. Iron decoupage today is performed in the love of art. It is difficult to sell the product, and there are few who want to purchase it.

You shouldn’t necessarily cut a wood pattern. Everyone has the right to try himself in a new direction of design, cutting out an ornament from plain paper. Modern inkjet printers help create any desired colorful pattern. Dare!

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