For the first time there is a desire to buy a steam ironing system? Remember - work will have to learn. It’s easy to start using the iron, it’s harder to master the steam generator at the very least, but together. .. We conclude: the ironing system is a good thing, but you see the cost, and you’re not sure if you’re worth the best. Not everyone is able to pay 200 thousand rubles for advanced features today. Buying an ironing system, weigh the finances. Characteristics discuss today, and quite tightly.

Ironing system
What is the ironing system
The steam generator was combined with an ironing board, it turned out what was required. Add to your liquid tank a household filter that cleans the boiling water from the kitchen tap. The board attracts or repels the laundry due to the built-in fan. We understand that a new product has been created. A typical ironing system operates with steam. The heating of the sole is insignificant, the condensate does not fall. An important condition, because the sole ironing ironing design is made of steel. Manufacturers of steamers deliberately avoid such material due to the rapid heat transfer to the air and the appearance of dew.
Consider in more detail the components of the ironing device:
First, the steam generator. Imagine a boiler( built into the legs of an ironing board in this case), using a hose, supplying steam with a modern iron made of composite materials. At the bottom of the hole, the pressure is 3.5( Laura Star) or more( Miele) bar. Too much. More than in the room battery, but does not reach the autumn test load in the heating system. However, enough to produce 200 cubic meters of steam per minute( Laura Star).With this alignment of forces, ironing is no longer a sole:
The consultant shows that moving the iron will be one finger, and the effect is positive. By the way, the sole - 90% sure - is made of steel to create the necessary weight without human effort.

Modern Ironing System
The ironing board has become a masterpiece, being the chassis for the other components. This is a steam generator and a fan system. Wheels are attached to the ends of the ironing board. The mass of the ironing unit begins after a pood. We heard in the war fragile women were loading bags along the center. As a result, the ironing system is proposed to move as a wheelbarrow. The steam generator is located in the center of the structure, the weight load drops by at least half. Now we multiply by the cosine of the tilt angle during transportation; we will have a maximum of 4 kg in hand. Compare with bottled water at 5 liters, a typical lady already carries a balloon without difficulty. If the house does not have soft carpets, moving is easy. The frame is adjustable, typical values of the height of the ironing board are 80-110 cm. Therefore, choose the device by size. It is believed: the hostess, standing with a straight back, hands should not bend too much or sag. When working, it is important not to mess with the ironing system, avoiding injury if the chassis is folded.

Ironing system with fan
The composition of the ironing system includes a fan. It blows in both directions and blows the work surface. Through the holes of the ironing board the air enters and lifts, or, being absorbed, presses the fabric. The first increases the effects of steam to the maximum. It turns out vertical ironing, but without effort and in a horizontal position. However, a number of manufacturers( Miele) add to the set of brushes like a vacuum cleaner, used for vertical ironing. The difference in the absence of bristles. Agree, not everyone can drive a hand in the air( while holding the clothes on the other).Yes, and inconvenient to search and attach hanger. In this case, the ironing system degenerates into the usual steamer, which is disadvantageous from the point of view of marketing policy. But if you want to iron the clothes without taking out of the closet, approach the whole team( hostess, steam generator, ironing board, fan), put on a “vacuum cleaner” brush and proceed.3.5 bar - excellent pressure, breaking through several layers of fabric per pass. It is allowed to iron two or three things at the same time depending on the density of the material.
What needs attention when choosing an
ironing systemAbove said - a filter is installed in the capacity of the ironing system. Suppose it concerns top models. If there is no filter in the ironing structure, the water is poured clean. Bottled contains salt and will not work. To determine the stiffness of the test strip is used, sold in stores and firms( for example, for the operation of dishwashers).This also applies to plumbing, where the rigidity can not exceed 5, it is wiser to find out by calling the service organization.
There are special standards, and water intakes are constantly being checked and the chemical composition of the water from the tap is analyzed.
I would like to note: a good solution is to buy a filter separately, considering that they are different: from chlorine and iron, single-stage and multistage, with and without softener. The tools already described the selection process, we will not repeat. We mention: the purpose of the water filter is to remove hardness salts. We strongly recommend not using a softener. Remember the white stains on the dishes, washed in the machine? I do not want this on clothes. It is foolish to add edible salt to water softening. Already discussed its difference from the factory.
Finally, many do not understand why use soft water. The ironing system generates steam installed inside the boiler. He quickly overgrown with scum, and disassemble the equipment - a difficult task even for a professional. We do not recommend pouring inside that no getting. By the way, under pressure, pieces of scale can come off, pass through a hose and fall out onto clothes. Rollers with steam generators a lot on YouTube. Filling the ironing system with bad water means shortening the life of expensive equipment and creating a threat to clothing.

Steam ironing
The filter output is checked with a test strip. Do you need a lot of water to work? The tank capacity of a typical ironing system does not exceed 1.5 liters. Agree, the jar can be filled with clean water. And better to filter several times for fidelity. Ask: Are Laura Star ironing systems characterized by good protection against bad water? Answer: in the country there are regions where, before pouring, tap water should be filtered. For example, in the suburbs do not drink water. Even filtered. And buy bottled.
From this point of view we will conduct research. Necessary:
- choose a good ironing system;
- bring home;
- remove the filter tank;
- pass water through the filter tank without putting on the system and measure the stiffness.
Half of the readers frowned upon finding out that they were about to pour rubbish into the device’s tank, which cost 200,000 rubles. Water filter worth pennies, replaceable cartridges cheaper. It turns out - it is advantageous to clean bad water. Bought bottled is also tough. Buying a filter, as mentioned above, buy able to remove the salt.
Remember: manufacturers of ironing systems do not guarantee perfect work of products in inappropriate conditions. Do not forget: Switzerland has the lowest level of corruption in the world. It simply does not occur to them that it can flow from a crane in Russia. Here in Laura Star and do not expect the characteristics of ironing systems for barbaric conditions.
I would like to especially note: you do not need to be interrupted while the tank is being filled. We frankly do not understand how to remove the tank with water, and the ironing system will still produce steam. Apparently, inside the buffer. No other explanation. We hope that readers are now aware of: it’s not enough to buy an ironing system, you need to protect it from being mistreated. And finally: another type of instrument has been created, which is confused with the one described. Drying-ironing machine, more like a dummy, ironing with steam, as in a professional dry-cleaner. You put a shirt on him, and the process has begun.