Fertilizer Aquarine "Flower": how and for what plants to use?

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Engaged in the cultivation of indoor flowers for sale. A friend advised the drug Akvarin from the flower series. What can you say about fertilizer Akvarin "Flower"?Is it possible to use it for flowers growing in open ground?

For active development, flower cultures need regular feeding with nutrients. To date, the flower market provides a huge selection of various products, both specifically designed for certain types of plants, and universal action.

One of these drugs is Akvarin, a complex water-soluble fertilizer used to grow all types of plants. Depending on the composition and purpose of this fertilizer is available in different forms, and for fertilizing ornamental plants use Aquarine "Flower".

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Characteristics of the drug

What can you say about the fertilizer Akvarin "Flower"?First of all, the beneficial substances are provided in it in chelate form, so that the drug is quickly and completely dissolved in water.

The composition of the "Flower" Aquarin includes such trace elements as:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • manganese.

This preparation is used for root and foliar fertilizing of all types of flowers, including pot, decorative and garden. Regular fertilization provides flowers with a complete set of essential nutrients for rapid development, and also has a positive effect on their flowering. Inflorescences tied strong and in larger quantities, and the color of flowers becomes rich.

How to use the product to fertilize flowers?

Aquarin flower is used to prepare an aqueous solution. They are watered at the root of the plant or sprayed leafy part.

It is advisable to take rainwater and settled water for the solution. It should not contain alkali and salt, in which case the effectiveness of the prepared solution may decrease.

Depending on the type of flower crops, the following drug treatment scheme is applied:

  1. Flowering and ornamental plants growing indoors .In the spring and autumn period, top dressing is carried out once every 10 days, in winter it is enough once a month. For a solution of 10 g of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water.
  2. Balcony cultures .It is used no more than three times a month, the solution has a similar concentration.
  3. Annual garden plants .Watered with a solution( 20 g per bucket of water) every 10 days.
  4. Garden perennials, including roses. The first spraying( or watering) is carried out in early spring, and the cultures are further processed once every two weeks. For the solution, 15 g per 10 l of water is used.
  5. Bulbous plants. The first treatment is carried out during the growth of shoots, then - no more than once in 10 days. The solution is prepared from 15 g of the drug and a bucket of water. Two weeks after flowering, the bulbous ones are fed last time with a less concentrated solution( 10 g per 10 l of water).

The treatment of plants by the Floral Aquarium should be carried out in the morning when the weather is cloudy, but without precipitation.

Features and differences of water-soluble fertilizers and granulated - video

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