Tomatoes planted on the beds, sweet and spicy peppers, especially if you start seedlings with a closed root system, you can immediately begin to create, and you start to create sweets, sweet and spicy pepper varieties, and you start to create sweets with pepper. At the beginning of their independent life in the open field it is important to ensure the plants:
- sufficient watering, which is best done in the morning or evening hours;
- protection from the scorching sun, wind and possible cold weather, until the moment of full acclimatization;
- friable soil, for which the soil under the plantings is carefully treated, preventing the formation of a rough crust, which prevents the penetration of moisture and the growth of the root system.
Water the peppers, tomatoes and eggplants under the root with warm water without touching the green part of the plant. Otherwise, moisture can trigger the development of fungal diseases. While the plants are small, there is a risk of diluting the roots, so for watering choose the most gentle pressure.
Growing up tomato plants, with the exception of stunted, non-storeyed varieties, should be formed in June. This procedure is carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the varieties selected for cultivation in the country.
If tomatoes are in the ground, peppers and eggplants are only gaining strength, in the greenhouse they are blooming. And here it is important that the plants do not experience a deficiency of moisture and nutrition, and also on sunny days do not suffer from the heat.
Already in June, they are starting to air greenhouses, stationary and film greenhouses. This simple work in the garden in July will help increase yields by giving access to flowering plants to bees and other pollinating insects.
Read also: Everything about potato diseases
For all garden plants belonging to the family of nightshade, it is important that the soil beneath them be moistened to the entire depth of the roots, that is, no less than 20-30 centimeters. Two weeks after planting, eggplants, for example, are fed with urea at the rate of 10–15 grams per bucket of irrigation water, and after 14 days this procedure is repeated. The space between the plants is loosened to improve the delivery of moisture and oxygen to the roots.
Care in June for cucumbers, zucchini and squash
The seedlings of cucumbers, seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and squash in early summer also find a place for themselves on the site.
These fast-growing crops need a constant resident care. In June, they will have to be protected from freezing, wind and cold water, but as soon as the plants gain strength, they will need other care besides watering.
Cultivars of cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, as well as melons and gourds, which form long lashes, are pinched after the fifth leaf in June, enabling plants to form several powerful shoots and increase the number of flowers and ovaries.
From watering with cold water, the stems of pumpkins and other melons can grow cracks, which can lead to death without the proper attention of the gardener. If in time, before the next node, sprinkle the stem with peat-sand mixture and water gently, the plant will give additional roots and survive.
Cucumbers need special attention. For active formation of ovaries and growth, they need water and nutrition. During watering, best occurring in the morning or evening hours, at least 10 liters of moisture should be per meter of area. The first dressing is carried out 15–20 days after planting, and then repeated regularly, 7–10 days later.
Read also: Summer Owner Caring for Their Plants - Automatic Watering of the
Beds Removing weeds under the plants carefully, without disturbing the roots, located under the very surface of the soil. Because of the risk of damage to the root system, the soil under the cucumbers is loosened carefully, and the plants themselves do not spud.
Carrots, beets and other root crops in June
The root crops sown in spring in June have already given real leaves, and now carrots, root parsley, beets can be weeded and thinned. The still small plants, which turned out to be superfluous, are easy to transplant in order to get an additional harvest by autumn.
Watering root vegetables should be abundant, wetting the soil to the full depth of the root system. This stimulates the growth of carrots down, prevents branching and shortening of the root.
While the seedlings of carrots, beets and spicy herbs are small, they are abundantly overgrown with weeds. If we miss the moment of weeding, the “uninvited guests” on the beds will force out or seriously weaken the main tenants.
Potato beds in June
Potatoes planted in May are growing. After a couple of weeks after the soil seemed to be tight rosettes of leaves, plants need to pile, weed and feed.
Early hilling of potatoes helps to form a branched root system and lay the foundation for a bountiful harvest. If before this time adult Colorado beetles were seen on the bushes, they are destroyed by hand, and the chemical treatment of the landings is carried out after the ridging of the ridges.
Garden in June - video