Universal grass fertilizer with water: preparation and application of infusion

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Tell me how to prepare and apply grass fertilizer with water in a barrel? I heard that this dressing is very useful for garden crops.

Liquid fertilizers from weeds become a real lifesaver for gardeners. They require absolutely no financial investments, because there is always enough grass in the area, and the beneficial properties of such dressings have long been known. The green mass ferments well under the influence of sunlight and the result is a natural organic fertilizer from grass with water in a barrel, which is quickly absorbed by plants and replenishes nitrogen reserves.

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Preparation of herbal fertilizer

It is best to prepare grass fertilizer in a large barrel( 200 l), especially if the area of ​​plantings is rather big. However, for feeding several rows of tomatoes is quite enough and a pair of buckets.

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Infusion is recommended to do in plastic containers. If this is not possible, the iron barrel can be covered with a thick film.

For the preparation of liquid fertilizer any plant residues are suitable: grass mowed on the lawn, weeds weeded in the beds or harvested tops. They must first be crushed a little( to decompose faster) and lay in the container. If there is enough "raw material", fill the barrel completely, or half. Then pour water so that it completely covers the grass and a little more on top. Be sure to cover and leave in a sunny place for fermentation.

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The preparation time of a fertilizer depends on the number of ingredients, and of the weather. The more grass and less sun, the longer it will decompose. On average, the infusion ripens about a week, and in the hot summer period even less.

To speed up the digestion process, it is recommended to add a little nitrogen fertilizer: no more than 3 liters of toilet waste or 1 st.lcarbamide( for a large barrel with a capacity of 200 liters).

The finished fertilizer will give off a characteristic odor, a lot of bubbles will appear on the surface( carbon dioxide), and the liquid itself will become the color of a slurry. When using it, it is advisable to leave several buckets of infusion on the bottom of the barrel as a starter for the next batch of fertilizer.

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Using grass fertilizer

The resulting infusion of the infusion has a greater concentration, so it will need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The working solution can be applied:

  • for autumn watering of the vegetable garden in order to prepare the soil for the next season;
  • for feeding garden plants during the growing season, when they need nitrogen.

Garden trees and shrubs are recommended to be fertilized with liquid herbal fertilizer only in late autumn, as they do not need nitrogen in summer.

Preparation of liquid fertilizer from grass, video

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