How to make a pump for water with his own hands: dismantle 13 of the best options for DIY

Sometimes there are situations when using the minimum resources necessary to solve the problem. This article focuses on original designs, the main thing that savvy and skillful hands.

To create a homemade pump water sometimes quite literally a power of thought.

The content of the article:

  • Design # 1 - the pump for liquid overflow
  • Design # 2 - hand pump with straight spout
    • Consecutive check valve
    • Cooking pump sleeve
    • The order of assembly of the piston
    • Cooking pump rod
    • Final assembly of the pump
  • Design # 3 - hand pump with side spout
  • Design # 4 - piston borehole pump
    • Step №1: Making the pump sleeve
    • Step №2: Production of the pump piston
    • Step №3. How to make a petal valve rubber
    • Step №4: Final assembly and installation
  • Design # 5 - deep piston pump
  • Design # 6 - American or spiral pump
    • Option 1
    • option 2
  • Design # 7 - the pump for wave energy
    • Option 1
    • option 2
    • option 3
  • Design # 8 - the pump of a washing machine
  • Design # 9 - the water pump from the compressor
  • Design # 10 - the water pump gear
  • Design # 11 - the pump of a bicycle wheel
  • instagram viewer
  • Design # 12 - the pump for a small stream
  • Design # 13 - wick pump Shukhov
  • Useful videos on the topic

Design # 1 - the pump for liquid overflow

This pump is likely to be the easiest and cheapest. To implement it, the following materials are needed:

  • plastic bottle with a stopper;
  • plastic bottle without a cork;
  • a piece of plastic pipe of suitable diameter;
  • izlivnoy hose.

To begin, it is necessary to manufacture Flap valve.

We take out the gasket from the lid of the plastic bottle. Cut the circle to pad diameter becomes smaller bottle. In this case, you need to leave intact a narrow sector, about 15-20 degrees.

valve petal
The sector must be left as wide, at which it can easily swing, but does not come off

In the center of the lid from a plastic bottle to drill a hole about 8 mm. Insert the gasket and screw-cropped neck.

Ready valve
The purpose of screwing the neck - to pinch the membrane and get petal valve

In the finished valve is inserted into a plastic tube. With a second plastic bottle cut off the top. You should get something similar to the intake funnel. Fasten it over the plastic pipe.

At the second end of the plastic pipe don izlivnoy hose. The easiest homemade pump for pumping water ready.

The cone-shaped portion of the fluid will open the tab. In addition, the impact will not occur on the bottom of the valve

Abrupt movement of the hand up and down causes the liquid to rise by a plastic tube to the spout. Then the liquid will flow by gravity.

There are other options:

image gallery
Photo of
The most common variant of a self-made
The most popular and simple to implement kind of pump is a piston pump with a handle
Homemade model displacement pump
For the manufacture of the piston pump system is required from the body of the submersible pump or steel pipes of different diameters
An ingenious solution centrifugal
For the manufacture of the centrifugal pump drive species required, performs rotational movement
Vibrating unit autographic production
For the construction of the vibration unit requires not only the means at hand, but also knowledge of electrical engineering. Pump makes electromagnetic waves for transporting water
The most common variant of a self-made
The most common variant of a self-made
Homemade model displacement pump
Homemade model displacement pump
An ingenious solution centrifugal
An ingenious solution centrifugal
Vibrating unit autographic production
Vibrating unit autographic production

Design # 2 - hand pump with straight spout

Very simple device for pumping water from the barrel, well. Advantages of this design: quick assembly, a cheap cost.

Required parts:

  • D.50mm PVC tube - 1pc .;
  • PVC sleeve d.50mm - 1 pc;
  • PPR pipe d.24mm - 1pc .;
  • tap SPR d.24 - 1 pc;
  • PVC d.50mm plug - 2 pcs .;
  • d.50mm rubber slice thickness 3-4mm - 1 piece;
  • check valve d.15mm - 1 piece .;
  • an empty bottle of 330ml Silicone - 1 pc;
  • clamping screw clamp - 1 piece;
  • screw-nut or rivet - 1 piece;
  • union nut d.15 - 1pc.

The assembly of the whole structure begins with the manufacture of the check valve.

Consecutive check valve

Cooking-return valve of the plug Ø 50mm. Drill a few holes on the perimeter of the plug Ø 5-6mm. The center drill hole of suitable diameter for a pair of screw-nut or rivets. On the inside of the plug impose rubber discs Ø 50mm. The disc should not clobber a wall plug, but should cover all holes drilled. In the center of the tightening screw, nut or rivet, screw will not do.

If you are having difficulty or materials can be replaced by a check valve prefabrication.

Cooking pump sleeve

length of the sleeves should be commensurate with the depth of a well or a container with water. Prune PVC sewer pipe Ø 50mm desired length, with the narrow end. The pipe socket insert newly manufactured valve. To securely attached on both sides with screws.

To prepare the second end cap from the pre-drilled hole Ø 25mm. This hole in the plug is the diameter of the pipe SPR Ø 24. Great accuracy is not required, the plug serves as sliding bearing.

The order of assembly of the piston

In an empty bottle of silicone nose cut off. Further it is necessary to heat the cylinder and inserted into the PVC sleeve so that the cylinder diameter closely matches the diameter of the sleeve. Nasazhivajut balloon from silicone valve to the reverse side of the arrow (arrow to return valve indicates the direction of water flow). Once the balloon is cut off. The union nut d.15.

Cooking pump rod

Stem length must be greater than the sleeve length of 50-60 cm. I need to warm up one end of the stem and insert the non-return valve. The arrow on the check valve inside the stem should show. Until the pipe is not completely cooled, contractible screw clamp.

Final assembly of the pump

The sleeve insert rod fastened from above through the coupling plug (sliding bearing). On top of the end of the pipe stem fasten retraction SPR 24mm. It remains to connect a hose and you can pump water.

Ready pump
Tube material may be any, and the cross section is not necessarily circular. It is important to choose a suitable piston sleeve

Retraction serves as a support for the hand. For convenience, you can take the tee, and one way to drown in it.

Design # 3 - hand pump with side spout

In previous designs, there is one, but significant drawback. Spout moves together with the rod. This design is not much more difficult, but it is much more convenient.

Sleeve need to be improved. Add the tee PVC construction d. 50mm with a tap 35 degrees. Tee should be inserted into the top of the liner.

In stock, around the piston drill a few holes of large diameter, the main thing is not to overdo it and do not break the stiffness of the whole structure.

scheme pump
The piston moving upwards pushes liquid in the outlet pipe. The upper cover serves as a support plunger rod

Now the water will start to flow into the space between the stem and the sleeve. When the piston moves upwards water will flow into the spout.

Design # 4 - piston borehole pump

This design is suitable for pump wells is not more than 8 meters. The principle of operation is based on the depression created by the piston inside the cylinder.

piston pump
In such pumps, the upper lid is either missing or has a slot-like hole, since the rod is rigidly connected to a handle

Necessary materials:

  • d.100mm steel pipe., the length 1m .;
  • rubber;
  • piston;
  • two valves.

The pump capacity depends on the tightness of the assembly.

Step №1: Making the pump sleeve

For the manufacture of the pump sleeve is necessary to pay attention to the inner surface, it should be flat and smooth. A good option could be a sleeve of a truck engine.

Bottom to the sleeve need to weld the steel bottom of the borehole diameter tip. In the bottom center of the set or the petal valve, or the factory.

To the top of the sleeve is made cover, although this detail is more than an aesthetic, you can do without it. You need to pay attention to the fact that the opening for the piston rod is slit.

Step №2: Production of the pump piston

For the piston 2 is necessary to take the metal disc. Between them lay a not very thick rubber 1cm, slightly larger diameter than the disc. Next wheels by tightening bolts.

As a result, the rubber disc will clamp and must obtain a sandwich of metal and rubber. The idea is to create a piston on the edge of the rubber band, which will form the necessary seal piston and sleeve.

It remains to establish the valve and weld the ear stem.

Step №3. How to make a petal valve rubber

Flap valve consists of a rubber disc is not very large thickness. disk size must be greater than the inlets. A penny rubber drilled hole. Through this opening and the presser washer rubber disk mounted on top of the inlet openings.

When sucking rubber edges are lifted, and the water begins to flow. During the return stroke the pressing pressure created: rubber reliably closes the inlet opening.

Step №4: Final assembly and installation

Desirably the borehole and into the pump center pole sleeve bottom cut thread. Thread makes it easy to remove the pump for service and will make the installation watertight.

Set top cover and fasten the handle to the stem. Comfortable for the end of the handle can wrap the tape or rope, paving the turn to turn.

Scheme piston pump
If the pump does not pump water, it is necessary to eliminate all leaks, including in connection with the well head part

along borehole depth limitation is due to the inability to create a theoretical discharge more than 1 atmosphere.

If the well is deeper, it is necessary to modify the pump depth.

Design # 5 - deep piston pump

Unlike conventional piston pump is that the pump must be installed on the sleeve of the well depth. Thus obtained rod length of 10 meters.

subsurface pump
Sleeve Such a pump can serve the wellbore, and perform the role of a spring suspended load

To solve this problem in two ways:

  1. To produce a rod from a lighter material such as an aluminum tube.
  2. To produce a rod from the circuit.

For the second embodiment are necessary for explanation. In this case, the stem is not that hard. The bottom of the liner connect with the bottom of the piston return spring.

Design # 6 - American or spiral pump

Spiral pump uses the energy of the river. not less than 30 cm, flow rate - - the depth of not less than 1.5 m / s: Operating minimum requirements must be met.

Option 1

Necessary materials:

  • d.50mm flexible hose;
  • several clamps on the diameter of the hose;
  • intake - PVC pipe d. 150mm;
  • wheel;
  • Pipe reducer.

The main difficulty in this pump is a pipe reducer. This can be found in cars written off assenizatorskaya or get to the plant equipment.

Volute pump
To be most effective to the pump impeller attached

Flexible bight with clamps attached to the wheel in a spiral. At one end joins intake tube of PVC d. 150mm. The second end of the hose is put on the pipe reducer.

Water intakes climbs and moves in a spiral, creating the necessary pressure in the system. Lifting height depends on the flow rate and intake immersion depth.

option 2

Necessary materials:

  • hose d.12mm .;
  • d.50sm plastic barrel length 90cm;
  • Styrofoam;
  • impeller;
  • the bush;

At the bottom of the barrel cut the intake opening. Inside the barrel must be tightly laid in a spiral hose and connect it to the bush.

American pump
Inside the barrel hose tightly packed, pressed to the walls of the bar. The barrel may be made of metal with foam floats

For giving buoyancy inside the barrel must be pasted foam floats. On top fasten the impeller.

For this embodiment of the drain hose has to be 25 mm. in diameter.

Design # 7 - the pump for wave energy

As the name implies, such pumps utilize the wave energy. Of course, the lakes are not so big waves, but the pump is running around the clock and can per day to pump up to 20 cubic meters.

Option 1

Necessary materials:

  • float;
  • corrugated pipe;
  • two valves;
  • mounting mast.

The float is a tube, timber, chosen depending on the rigidity of the corrugated tube empirically.

wave pump
The corrugated tube may be made of plastic or metal. timber weight must be chosen experimentally

The corrugated pipe are mounted two valve working in one direction.

When the float down the corrugated tube is stretched, eventually occurs water intake. When the float moves up, the corrugation is compressed and pushes the water upwards. Therefore, the float should be fairly heavy and big.

The whole structure is rigidly fixed to the mast.

option 2

This construction differs from the first embodiment in that the corrugated pipe is replaced brake chamber. This scheme is based on the diaphragm, often used in his own hands made of simple water pumps. Such a pump is sufficiently versatile and can receive energy from the wind, water, steam, solar.

Brake chamber should be taken apart and leave only two holes for valves.

diaphragm pump
Instead of self-made valves can be applied ready, plumbing. Washers should be of sufficient diameter that the diaphragm is not torn

Making appropriate valves - another problem.

Necessary materials:

  • copper or brass tube;
  • balls slightly larger diameter - 2 pcs .;
  • a spring;
  • Copper strip or rod;
  • rubber.

To cut the pipe of the intake valve and the ream so that the bead sat firmly on the tube. It is necessary to ensure that the ball does not pass water. In order that the ball is not dropped from the top solder wire or strip.

The design of the outlet valve is characterized by the presence of the inlet spring. Springs must be installed between the ball and the copper strip.

Rubber diaphragm cut on the size of the brake chamber. To drive the diaphragm need to drill a hole in the center and pull the pin. The valve insert from the bottom of the brake chamber. For sealing you can use epoxy glue.

Beads for valves better find no metal, so they will not corrode.

option 3

Based on the structure of the two previous options, you can think about the construction of a more perfect model.

The improved pump
The log is advisable to choose a dry and gummy, so it will be easier to pay attention to the cracks

For this goal the pump four stake (1) in the bottom of the reservoir. Then manufacture of float logs. In the log you need to do gash that when rocking on the waves, it does not rotate.

For durability is recommended to treat the hot timber composition of a mixture of linseed oil and kerosene. Do you need to carefully handle a water bath: open flames should not be.

Stroke limiters logs (3) and (4) nailed so that beam motion at the maximum does not damage the pump rod (5).

Design # 8 - the pump of a washing machine

Often in the economy are parts or even entire units of old things. From the already unnecessary washing machine can extract centrifugal pump. Such perfect pump for pumping water from a depth of 2 meters.

Necessary materials:

  • centrifugal pump of the washing machine;
  • petal valve of a washing machine or a self-made;
  • cap, bottle caps;
  • hose;
  • desirable isolating transformer.

If you use ready-made valve of a washing machine, it must be finalized. One hole must be plugged, for example, by the bottle stopper.

washing machine pump
Excess pump holes must muffle. If the metal case - must be grounded

Flap valve is connected to the hose and drop into a pit or well. The second end of the hose is connected to the pump.

That the system has started to work, you must fill with water hose to the valve and the pump itself. It remains to connect the transformer and the pump is ready for operation.

Design # 9 - the water pump from the compressor

If you already have an air compressor, do not rush to buy a water pump. Necessary materials:

  • izlivnaya pipe d.20-30mm .;
  • pipe for air 10-20mm .;

The principle of action of the pump, is very simple. In izlivnoy pipe is necessary to drill a hole, they must be positioned closer to the bottom. The hole should be 2-2.5 times the diameter of the tube to air. It remains to insert an air tube and apply air pressure.

compressor pump
One of the most effective and simple pump, does not clog up and going for 5 minutes

The efficiency of such a pump depends on the height of raising the water, depth of the reservoir, the compressor capacity (performance). Efficiency is about 70%.

Design # 10 - the water pump gear

The heart of this design - a gear pump for pumping oil from the cargo or by agricultural equipment. Similar characteristics at the power plant from the power steering KrAZ.

Characteristics of the unit:

  • working pump volume - 32 cm3;
  • maximum pressure - 2.1 atm;
  • operating speed - 2400 rev / min;
  • maximum permissible speed - 3600 rev / min;
  • nominal pumped volume - 72 liters / min.

Such a pump is connected with the possibility of the engine from the washing machine. home appliance motor has a number of advantages: from single-phase 220V, has a starting system (condenser).

Gear pump
Gear mechanisms are left and right side, you need to pay attention to the direction of the arrow on the body

To obtain the necessary speed may be required pulleys and a belt. The advantage of the gear pump is that the gears are able to create the necessary suction force even without pre-filling water.

The only caveat: after operation of the pump in order to prevent corrosion of steel gears, it is necessary to work in single pump for about 20 minutes.

Design # 11 - the pump of a bicycle wheel

Pump capacity is based on two wheels. Necessary materials:

  • sewer pipes and taps PVC;
  • bicycle wheel;
  • nylon rope;
  • small pulley;
  • multiple pistons;
  • mounting rod.

The operating principle of this pump is similar to the operation of the dragline.

First we need to erect from the sewer pipe sleeve, which will be submerged in water. On the upper part of the liner is worn outlet through which water will drain.

Next, set below the small pulley (wheel rim by suitable cars), and the top bicycle wheel.

The entire length of the rope fastened a series of pistons, previously passed through the sleeve. The rope should cover pulley and bicycle wheel.

wheel pump
The device is very effective, especially when using a bicycle drive. Legs twist will be much easier.

Rotating the bicycle wheel, each piston on the rope grips and water as the elevator rises up. Column of water poured into the outlet.

Design # 12 - the pump for a small stream

This pump can cost ultra-low amount of energy. Of course well, if there is a river or lake. But what if the river is much shallower in the summer? Help pump kachelnogo type.

Scheme pump kachelnogo
This pump allows the use of very small quantities of a small stream of energy

The main part of the design - two bucket are rigidly connected to each other through the blocks (4).

From the stream you need to do drainage from galvanized steel (3). In order to reduce wear, under it enclose a piece of plastic. Drainage is rigidly connected with a lead rope (5).

Mounting leash
Leash 6 is made of stiff wire, and the length is calculated such that the drain is moved to the desired angle

The entire system must be adjusted so that when filling a bucket drainage moved to the second ladle.

Energy buckets by a crank (8) to the pump (10).

Design # 13 - wick pump Shukhov

Russian engineer Shukhov many famous buildings, including the radio tower in Moscow. Below it will be discussed a further his invention - the water pump.

wick pump
Pulleys made components. the groove depth should be a little less swollen rope

At the pump, a special rope. This rope is composed of braided cotton threads total thickness of 5-6 mm, enclosed in a shell. The thread is passed through pulleys.

When there is a movement, the rope becomes wet and is wound onto the pulleys. Pulley (5) by a spring (4) with a force presses the rope to the pulley (3). Squeezed water flows into the tray (7).

In the figure, "a" shows the cross section of the pulleys (3) and (5) respectively.

For the whole system needs an electric motor only 5-10 watts. Typically, such engines have 1500 rev / min.

To reduce the speed and increase the force can be applied worm gear shown in Figure "B". It is quite possible to make by hand. To do this, you must find the right gear and a worm to make wire. Little effort on the shaft allow the manufacturing inaccuracies.

Useful videos on the topic

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Mini embodiment improvised water pump:

The principle of operation of an elementary pump - airlift:

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