Installing a surface pump: how to connect with their own hands

To choose the best option of the pump for the water intake, the owners of suburban areas has to take into account many factors. Agree, do not want to be in a situation where it appears that its performance is not enough, after the acquisition of expensive equipment.

We will help you resolve this issue. Tell us what criteria we choose the surface pumps for garden. Here you will learn how you are connecting the pump unit, what kind of equipment is required if you decide to automate pumping water from a well or wells.

In the article presented for the inspection detail design features of surface pumps and specific operation. The material is accompanied by thematic photos and videos to help make things right.

The content of the article:

  • Features of operation of surface pumps
  • How does the pumping station?
  • storage tank system
  • Where better to install the pump?
  • The procedure for connecting the pump
    • Step 1. Preparation of materials and tools
    • Step # 2. Installation device based on
    • Step # 3. Installation of the supply hose
    • Step # 4. Connecting to the water supply system
    • Step # 5. Checking the system works
  • instagram viewer
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features of operation of surface pumps

Surface pumps, as the name implies, is mounted on the surface. This is a relatively inexpensive and very reliable devices, even though they are not suitable for very deep wells.

seldom find surface pumpWhich may supply water from a depth over 10 meters. And it is only in the presence of an ejector, without even lower.

Surface pumps for decorating garden

At the surface pumping stations extensive scope of application, they produce the pumping of water from various sources depth of not more than 10 m

If the country has a well or a well suitable depth can safely choose surface pump portion.

You can take a model with a relatively low capacity for irrigation or a more powerful device that efficiently provide water to a private house. Ease of surface pumps is obvious: first of all, it is easy access for setup, maintenance and repair.

In addition, the installation of the pump at first glance looks very simple. The pump must be installed in a suitable place, lower the hose into the water, and then connect the device to the power supply. If the pump is only for irrigation, you can buy and put it without any additional elements.

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Option 1: The extraction of water from the well

Surface pumping stations are used for pumping water from wells

Option 2: pumping water out of the needle hole

only the surface pumps are used to extract water from the well Abyssinian

Option 3: pumping from a deep well

Pumping station can be used for pumping water from shallow wells

Option 4: pumping from an open body of water

Pumping water from open water surface advantageously performed pump equipment

Option 1: The extraction of water from the well

Option 1: The extraction of water from the well

Option 2: pumping water out of the needle hole

Option 2: pumping water out of the needle hole

Option 3: pumping from a deep well

Option 3: pumping from a deep well

Option 4: pumping from an open body of water

Option 4: pumping from an open body of water

it is recommended to take care of automated control device to optimize device performance. Such systems can stop the pump in emergency, e.g., if water is not supplied to it.

"Dry running" It recommended almost all models of surface pumps. You can also automate the shutdown of the pump, if ended the run time, the required volume is filled, etc.

How does the pumping station?

For the organization of the autonomous water from a well at home and well worth buying additional elements and combine them into a complete pumping station. In addition to the need to pump hydraulic tank and pressure switch. This switch enables or disables the pump, depending on the hydraulic reservoir is filled or emptied.

Wiring pumping station

The diagram shows a detailed procedure of a private house water from the well by the surface of the pump as a part of the pumping station

As a result, the house will always be in the presence of a supply of water and the pump running dry completely eliminated. This significantly extends its service life. Besides, the presence of the hydraulic tank It compensate for possible water hammer, which has a positive effect on the state of water supply in general.

In addition, it is also recommended to purchase a pressure gauge (if the tank is not equipped with them). Of course, you can purchase a pump station, complete with all necessary components. How to install industrial plant and gathered itself does not differ too.

Pumping station

Surface pumps are often used as part of a pumping station with the pressure accumulator and the pressure switch, which avomatiziruet operation of this device complex

Accumulator or hydraulic reservoir is a vessel equipped with a rubber membrane. As you fill the tank, the membrane is stretched, and when it is emptied - shrinks. Such an arrangement is considered to be highly effective independent water supply.

storage tank system

Alternatively, a conventional pressure accumulator tank can consider, for example, of plastic. It can be any suitable vessel that will provide family water needs. Typically, such a storage tank set as high as possible to ensure adequate water pressure in the water supply system at home.

It should be borne in mind that the load on the walls and floors will increase. For the calculations it should be remembered not just about the weight of the accumulated fluid (water weight in the tank to 200 liters will be, of course, 200 kg).

Take into account the need and weight of the tank itself. The total weight relate to the carrying capacity of the house. If in this respect, there are doubts, it is best to seek the advice of an experienced engineer.

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Reverse valve standpipe

Step 1: To prevent the backflow of water pumped off, after the pump circuit at the pump inlet check valve

Installing structure for a valve stem needle-hole

Step 2: The design of the pipe segments, a check valve and Tee installed on the barrel of the needle-hole

Connecting the pump to the well surface

Step 3: Set the pump station is made so that the side source bias was 1 mm, the required water flow before preservation

Bleeding Abyssinian well after the pump connection

Step 4: it is necessary to fill with water and connect it to the pressure hose through which the water will move in the water system Before the first start pumping equipment

Rinse wells needle before use

Step 5: Before using it requires a source of rinse water by repeated evacuation to include soil crumbling into the barrel during wellbore device

Pumping water during flushing Abyssinian well

Step 6: When pumping muddy water with the explicit content of grains of sand on the steps of the well should be repeated washing

The result of washing the needle hole

Step 7: When the borehole of clean water without turbidity and inclusions washing is stopped. If you plan to use for drinking, a sample is taken and sent to the SES for analysis

Connecting the water supply system to the drive

Step 8: Pressure hose connects to the required volume storage tank. At the request of the owners is equipped with automatic system

Reverse valve standpipe

Reverse valve standpipe

Installing structure for a valve stem needle-hole

Installing structure for a valve stem needle-hole

Connecting the pump to the well surface

Connecting the pump to the well surface

Bleeding Abyssinian well after the pump connection

Bleeding Abyssinian well after the pump connection

Rinse wells needle before use

Rinse wells needle before use

Pumping water during flushing Abyssinian well

Pumping water during flushing Abyssinian well

The result of washing the needle hole

The result of washing the needle hole

Connecting the water supply system to the drive

Connecting the water supply system to the drive

To automate the operation of the pump with a homemade storage tank, float sensor may be used. This is a relatively simple device, many craftsmen make it yourself. In the tank a float is installed, through which information about the water level fed to the automatic switch.

When the amount of water in the tank reaches the minimum level, the pump is activated and works as long as the tank is filled. The pump is automatically switched off. Storage tank considered for this water economy home as the cost of such devices less complex than that of the pumping station industrial production.

Surface pump to give

Surface pump in the country can be used for various purposes, e.g., for filling the storage tank with water, irrigation, etc.

Where better to install the pump?

The most important point during the installation surface of the pump or pumping station - the choice of a suitable place.

Here are a few requirements that will help to find a suitable location for the pumping equipment:

  • the closer the device is to the water source, the more stable will be its fence;
  • device (or set of devices) should cover from inclement weather in a special room, end walls, bunker etc.
  • necessary to protect the pump from freezing during cold winter;
  • the place where the equipment is installed, must be ventilated to avoid high humidity, causing corrosion processes;
  • care should be taken not only sufficient space to accommodate the pump or the entire plant but also to carry out the necessary maintenance, adjustment, repair, etc .;
  • place should either be removed from the premises, or further isolation from the noise, since the surface pumping technique works quite loud.

It is not always possible to meet all these conditions, but it should all aspire to own it. The surface pump is usually mounted as close to the water source.

Properties surface pump installation

Due to the low depth of the suction, the average is 8 - 10 m, submersible pumps recommend installing at the shortest distance from the water source

To protect the device from external factors, it is possible to put in place such as:

  • special wooden box;
  • comfortable headroom wells;
  • cavity dug in the ground;
  • Inside the spacious well;
  • boiler space located next to the water source, etc.

Of course, each site is different, the decision should be taken depending on the situation. The pump ground deepen if necessary to protect the device from frost, and has no other choice. Have to dig sufficiently large and deep hole, it must be below the frost line.

Of course, if the cottage is used only during the warmer months to pump installation requirements may not be as severe. freezing problem disappears automatically.

But from the pump precipitation should still be safely hide. When conservation garden in winter, of course, the surface pump must be removed, cleaned and put on storage in suitable conditions.

Surface pump in the basement

If you decide to install a surface pump or pumping station in the basement, make sure that it does not freeze during cold weather

If the water source is a well of sufficiently large diameter concrete rings, the pump can be placed directly in it. In this case, dig does not need anything, you will need a small raft durable, able to withstand the weight of the pump. The raft is lowered directly onto the surface of the water table, on top of it to secure the pump.

The advantage of this solution is that the hose immersion depth is slightly increased, ie, fence will be made with a greater depth. But should take into account possible problems.

For maintenance and repair of its equipment would have to be removed to the surface. Increases the risk of contact of the appliance with water. But in general, this option is acceptable.

If you install the pump surface as a part of the pumping station, to the selection of a suitable site requirements will be roughly the same. Although it should be remembered that the whole range of sizes of devices is slightly larger than that of a conventional pump. Most often, the station put in equipped near the mouth well caisson.

How to install and connect the pump surface

Convenient place to install a surface pump boiler is considered: this is usually the room is set up a good sound and heat insulation

The ideal place is the boiler room, it has maintained for the heating equipment. Install pumping stations and in the basement of an apartment house, but this space will have to be carefully prepared: insulate and provide heating to prevent freezing of the water, etc.

You can put inside the station and well, but it would cause an additional problem. to adjust pressure switch Equipment will have to be removed to the surface. Indicators that are obtained during operation of the pump on the surface can change when it is lowered down. This complicates the pressure switch setting.

How to choose a surface pump to give

This diagram clearly demonstrated the procedure for calculating the maximum surface immersion pump hose. It is necessary to take into account the distance between the mirror and the water level of water pipe laying, as well as the space between the water source and pump equipment

Faute de mieux, surface pumps are sometimes put directly in premises: hallway, pantry, bathroom, etc. Since the equipment does not become wet and does not freeze, but the operation noise will definitely interfere tenants of the house.

This embodiment can be regarded only as a temporary, should be set at a suitable location at the first station or pump capabilities.

Select a location to be surface pump before its purchase. rules should be followed when installing this equipment, "1: 4". It should thus be the ratio of the depth at which the water extraction is performed, the horizontal distance from the pump.

If the water comes from a depth of two meters, the horizontal line to the equipment shall not be more than eight meters. If this relation is not met, for example, the distance to pump more advisable to take the pipe quarter inches wider than the size recommended by the manufacturer.

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Pumping station for independent water supply

Step 1: For a country manor water in the required amount must be calculated and the need to take the unit with a reserve for losses in the pipeline

Harvesting tools, parts, consumables

Step 2: It is necessary to stock up on gas wrench, sealant, linen reeling, non-return valve, adapter, plastic area, and a ball valve

Specificity of the compounds of the seal connecting the crane

Step 3: In order to connect the ball valve to the output of the pump is used with the adapter and the sealant of linen underwinding

Connection of the adapter to the outlet conduit

Step 4: Adapter for connecting the ball valve installed on the outlet of the pump, the gas connection is tightened key

Install a check valve at the input unit

Step 5: To turn off the unit when in its working portion remained water at the inlet of the pump check valve is set on pipe diameter equal to the diameter

Preparation of the pumping station to the work ahead

Step 6: The collected water pipe portion to the pump station is mounted on a workplace. Through the pump outlet pipe they should be filled with water

Pumping water from the source to the accumulator

Step 7: After the water filling funnel is removed and connected pressure hose connected to the hydraulic tank. Follow-up on and off the pump station is carried out automatically

The principle of the automation of on / off cycles

Step 8: Make sure the normal operation of the unit, it is possible to pay less attention. Relay will start and stop automatically applied after abstraction of water from the system and fill

Pumping station for independent water supply

Pumping station for independent water supply

Harvesting tools, parts, consumables

Harvesting tools, parts, consumables

Specificity of the compounds of the seal connecting the crane

Specificity of the compounds of the seal connecting the crane

Connection of the adapter to the outlet conduit

Connection of the adapter to the outlet conduit

Install a check valve at the input unit

Install a check valve at the input unit

Preparation of the pumping station to the work ahead

Preparation of the pumping station to the work ahead

Pumping water from the source to the accumulator

Pumping water from the source to the accumulator

The principle of the automation of on / off cycles

The principle of the automation of on / off cycles

The procedure for connecting the pump

Although it is believed that with the installation of surface pumps hassle less than when installing submersible models, Yet it is not necessary to treat the matter lightly. A number of important points recorded during the installation of the pump, help to improve its performance and prevent possible damage.

Terms surface pump installation

Nuances pumping station installation surface type JEELEX Jumbo 70/50. Possess such equipment should be in heated or insulated non-residential boxes

Step 1. Preparation of materials and tools

to connect surface pump, Should first be reserved respective materials.

Here is a sample list of the required elements:

  • coupling, which is installed between the pump and the hose;
  • hose for water intake from the source;
  • hose or tube for attachment of the pump to the storage tank;
  • hose for watering;
  • a check valve with a strainer;
  • a special adapter to the second output;
  • connection fittings;
  • fasteners, etc.

If the system is mounted to the accumulator, also need a pressure switch and a pressure gauge. If we decided to use only the storage tank should buy or make a float sensor.

The tool may require different keys, as well as devices for use with fasteners. Useful roulette, building level, insulation materials for threaded connections for polypropylene Soldering water pipes, etc.

Step # 2. Installation device based on

Before you connect to the pump some elements, you need to install it on a firm and level surface. This is an important moment.

Even a slight imbalance or bias can cause a significant reduction in device performance. The base can be made of concrete, brick or even solid wood.

The base surface of the pump

To install the pump surface is first necessary to find a firm and smooth foundation. It can be made of brick, wood, concrete or, as in this case, the use of metal brackets

The main thing that it was strong and steady. To secure the pump in a stable position commonly used rock bolts.

Wizard in the housing knockouts. Sometimes a pump body mounted large rubber gasket. She plays the role of shock absorber and dampens vibration during engine operation.

Step # 3. Installation of the supply hose

After that you should set the supply hose. Its lower part is attached check valve, Which put the strainer. As used fixing the sleeve to the outer threaded connection.

Pumps provided with a check valve and a coarse filter, manufactured in industrial plants. In order not to bother with this part of the system installation, you can buy a ready-made hose.

Check valve for a surface pump

Experts strongly recommend connecting surface pump set such protective elements as a check valve and a strainer

But, in the opinion of experienced craftsmen, independent manufacturer of hose to the valve will cost much cheaper. If all elements of the installation technology observed, such a device will not be less reliable than the model of industrial production. Sometimes mounted two check valves, one at the end of the hose, the other - near the accumulator.

The upper part of the hose fitting connected through a pump. Instead a hose can be used polypropylene water pipe diameter of 32 mm. Thereafter the hose is lowered into the water so that the check valve was immersed in it not less than 30 cm.

Fittings for check valve

To attach a check valve to pump system with a surface, it is necessary to use special connectors and adapters, such as shown in photo (+)

The check valve as it protects the filter - essential elements. The valve protects the pump from idling, since water does not spill out back after shutdown of the pump. The filter device is necessary for protection against contamination.

Step # 4. Connecting to the water supply system

Then, the pump connected with hydraulic accumulator or storage tank. It should be remembered that the horizontal part of the hose should have a slight slope. Often the flexible supply to the tank and the adapter, as well as other elements of the system are mounted on threaded joints. In this case, care must be taken to properly seal the through-FUM tape or other suitable seals.

Thereafter, a storage tank, or connected to the station water system at home. When piping should also be aware of the correct grade. An important point - the insulation of pipes laid in the ground. Today there is a wide choice of suitable insulation, it remains only to choose and use appropriate.

I am connecting the pump to the water surface

For mounting parts washer, which is connected to the pump station will need a set of fittings, PVC pipes, and special device for soldering of tubes

Only after all the devices are assembled in a common pipe and connected to the inside of the domestic water, it is possible to test the system.

Wrong start the pump surface can lead to its fast break. Details of this process are set forth in the manufacturer's instructions, which should be studied carefully.

Step # 5. Checking the system works

Usually before running surface pumps filled with water through the hole. Water should fill not only the pump, but also part of the line to the pump and after it. Then, the filler hole must be closed. It is recommended to immediately fix the pressure readings in the accumulator and the system.

Pouring surface pump

Before installing the surface, the pump must be filled with water through a special filler opening. Do not include a pump in the "dry run"

This information may be useful when setting up the system further. You may need to pump a little air into the hydraulic tank and bleed it.

The pump is connected to the mains and includes to a storage tank or accumulator filled with water. Immediately check all connections for leaks, and repair as needed.

If you are using a homemade tank, and can not hurt to check its integrity. Through previously unseen cracks may start to leak water. This problem should also be solved immediately. If the system has been assembled properly and nothing is flowing nowhere, can only configure the control equipment.

Then you need to check the operation of automated systems. To do this, turn on the water and watch the process. When the accumulator is emptied, the pump should operate in an automatic mode and disconnect again when the receptacle is filled to the set level.

Typically, the pump is automatically switched off when the pressure in the system is close to the figure of three atmospheres. Thereafter, water is drained as long as the pump will not operate again.

At this point, it should be fixed real pressure in the system and compare it with the manufacturer's recommendations. If significant differences, it is necessary to adjust the operation of all devices to an acceptable level. After setting up the test is performed again.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

For details on how to properly connect the pump to the surface part of the pumping station are set out in the following video:

Here, clearly presented how to connect the surface pump for watering:

The installation of the surface of the pump are not so many "pitfalls". Of course, you should not rely on their own intuition or the famous "maybe".

A careful study of the manufacturer's instructions, as well as several small consultation with experienced masters will help even a novice to handle this task quite satisfactorily.

You want to tell you how using a surface pump in the country or staged water at its base? There are suggestions for improvements or tricky questions? Please write in block comments below.

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