The pledge of a great harvest - timely feeding strawberries in the spring!

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Every gardener knows that fertilizer for strawberries is a very necessary and necessary food! This berry is sensitive to the deficiencies of nutrients, and this is very quickly reflected on its development and fertility. What to choose among dozens of products for fertilizing plants? How to use them correctly?

The positive side of spring feeding

After the snow melted and the plant began to grow, you should feed the berry. This will speed up the growing season, quickly form new buds, improve flowering and fruiting.

In this case, most importantly, do not overdo it, so that the strawberries do not go to growth and cease to bear fruit.

Fertilizers for strawberries increase the yield by 30-40%, and with perfect care of the plantations, you can harvest up to one kilogram of berries from one bush!

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Before starting the preparatory work on the treatment of plants, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules of feeding:

  • strawberry fertilizer in the spring is carried out 2 times;
  • cuts the bushes for the third time after harvesting;
  • in mid-April passes the first stage, mineral fertilizers are applied;
  • uses ash or potassium nitrate a second time;
  • strawberry feeding itself is carried out during the ripening of berries.
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Fertilizer types for strawberries


This is a compost talker made from rotted grass, leaves, food waste."Ingredients" are mixed with water until completely dissolved, after which the resulting formulations are watered.

Liquid manure is made at the rate of 1 l.excrement on 8 l.water. This fertilizer should be carefully watered strawberries, so that the mixture does not fall on the leaves. A solid manure humus is applied in the fall, after full harvest and in spring, before planting bushes in the soil. Subsequently, the strawberry root system will be protected from parasites and temperature conditions.

Chicken droppings are sold in the store or are easily done at home. The concentrate is diluted with water in the ratio of 1 to 10. The solution is aged for several days, and then poured into the soil.

It is important not to overdo the main ingredient, so as not to "poison" strawberries with nitrogen.

A humate is laid out between the rows on dry grass, helps to improve the taste of berries. Made from extracting peat, manure or plant residues.

Wood ash is a worthy substitute of fertilizer for strawberries, used in the form of powder in the proportion of 150 g per 1 sq. Km.m. square.

Read also: How to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds?

Mineral fertilizers

This kind of dressing is necessary to achieve a high-quality harvest, the berries are large and bulk. Strawberries are fertilized with urea in early spring, 0.5 liters per plant bush. Promotes rapid growth and development of the stem.

Effective supplements of micro-complexes, such as Zircon, it is not only harmless, but also contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the fruits of the plant. For starting treatment, ash will be suitable to protect the bushes from pests.

Stages of strawberry fertilizer

Spring. For the strawberry fertilizer, many gardeners use highly diluted bird droppings, which will be effective throughout the year. During the second feeding you can use a mullein, in its composition there are all elements necessary for the life of the plant. You can water the beds with fresh manure, for this you need to dilute it with water and insist for several days.

You can also feed the product with complex mineral fertilizer - ammophos, 15 g per 1 sq. M.It is not recommended to fertilize urea in spring, the composition will not be able to positively affect the soil and the developing strawberry bushes, as it does not dissolve in the ground after winter.

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In the autumn it is important to feed strawberries from the first days of September, you can add Kemira Autumn, 50 g per square meter.m. In the center of the plant to pour the composition is prohibited, only around the bushes. In October, a second run is made, leaves are cut, and strawberries are fertilized with potassium humate. At this time it will be useful to use superphosphate, which refers to the feeding of a long term dissolution in the ground. It is better to make it in advance, and by the end of March, do not disturb the plant.

Nettle fertilizer will positively affect the recharge of bushes after harvest. For these purposes, you need to cut the grass shoots and pour boiling water for three days. Then bio-fertilizer pour the soil around the strawberries. And the best way to use an organic compound is green manure bean and manure. It is perfectly combined with other mineral fertilizers.

Caution: Over-feeding can lead to poor yield and the death of the entire plant. In everything the measure and sound terms should be observed.

Wonderful harvest and delicious strawberries!

When to fertilize strawberries. Top dressing strawberries in spring - video

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