What brand and company water heater is better to buy

Consider today the brands produced. We hope the review will be interesting, time taken to read - lost is useful. We recommend to take the goods for the money, the market is deprived of outspoken outsiders, the latter has long outdated competition. We do not set ourselves the task of finding a bad brand, we will make an excursion into what models the manufacturer produces. From the position described, we are going to answer the question of what brand of water heater is better to buy. Let's get started

Ariston Water Heater

Ariston Water Heater

Ariston's sales account for the lion's share of the market. Official websites of the manufacturer are presented in 27 variants. Mostly English speaking. In our opinion, the sorting is slightly lame, we fill the drawback.

Electric storage water heaters Ariston

Electric storage water heaters are standard in terms of volume. There are models with a capacity of 10 - 100 liters. There are three types of coating tank:

  • enamel;
  • stainless steel;
  • titanium.
instagram viewer

Clearly, the last line will be more expensive. Enamel Ariston is studded with silver ions. The know-how of a corporation, a technology that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. Who does not know - the water intake is conducted by the upper quarter, the bottom is considered a stagnation zone. Such sites need silver ions. Whether the innovation is useful. Of course! Each company is trying to creatively invent a fresh enamel composition, carefully protecting the secrets of research laboratories.

The problem of the firm Ariston is limited by the lack of advertising in Russia, the manufacturer presented the most models put on Yandex Market. We do not recommend to bypass Ariston, although the official website of the company is mediocre in the convenience of searching. According to the parameters of the Yandex-market, it was determined: the company, having exposed 200 models, did not present any with dry heating elements. Is it good or bad. We conclude: the manufacturer is self-confident: he avoids introducing something new. Trade arises - priority is given to conservative policies.

Electric Water Heater

Wanted to draw the attention of readers to something else! The firm Ariston superfluously presented floor electric water heaters of large volume. These are good when you are afraid to get, mastering the toilet, on the hump weighty capacity. Say more, where there is enough space, put a bulky water heater only outdoor performance. Americans give security a dominant role. The United States is rarely lazy to scold out of envy, the developed world is heard of the technological effectiveness of the New World. Leave the policy. Ariston has several lines of outdoor water heaters, please note.

Gas storage water heaters Ariston

The company Ariston showed another feature - the lack of instantaneous electric water heaters. The minimum volume of a tank is 10 liters. But the catalog is more colorful than the real imitation of the American way of life. They described the process of installing an accumulative gas water heater, an elegant solution to apartments supplied with natural gas. By overloading the low specific heat of combustion, the result is excellent. Americans equip individual cottages with units.

Ariston produces models below 30 kW.Not a water heater - boiler. We believe that the difference between the two types of devices is limited by the amount of heat loss. And the winner is unknown. Say more, some people specifically fill the heating circuit with a store in the form of large capacity. In our case, the trough will heat in addition water. Efficiency comparable to the boiler makes you wonder!

  • heating reaches 75 degrees Celsius( the highest temperature of the batteries, according to GOST);
  • performance floor;
  • tank 275 liters;
  • week cycle programmer.

Gas storage water heater

Input pressure 0.5 - 8 atmospheres will allow you to use the device everywhere. Including heating circuit. Is it possible to do so. Consult with the firm. Price bites( 200,000 rubles), the quality speaks for itself. The water heater can supply the mixers of a private house. This implies intensive consumption, 30 kW is enough for 5-6 showers in real time. Simply explain - the proposed non-residential version, semi-industrial equipment of a small hotel.

Consider the use of exhaust gases. Try to collect the semblance of a dark infrared heat exchanger in the chimney. It would have been almost complete recoil of the energy generated by the combustion of the gas. What praise Ariston. The company has budget and professional solutions. If extreme need, take without fear. Spare parts are on every corner, buy a thermostat for a water heater Ariston will not make any problems, heating elements, magnesium anodes.

Water heaters Termeks

Termex boasts the glory of one of the best Russian brands for a reason. Water heaters famous manufacturer fit the Russian realities. Designed purposefully. The company avoids producing gas heaters, left happiness to the domestic brand Neva, switching to market research.

Termeks produce water heaters of the so-called indirect type. Actually boilers. Heated water is an external boiler, built-in electric heating. If the coil produces 1.5 kW, the heat exchanger overlaps the named value tenfold. We see a typical boiler of relatively small volume. Using a domestic boiler that produces water at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius( standard heating standard), we send heat to the shower circuit. Agree, great. Tempting price.20,000 rubles for a boiler cheap.

Horizontal Termeks water heater

From Termeks buy a horizontal water heater. Sometimes it is convenient to install under the dishwasher, where nothing else fits. Pay attention to the flow models of this manufacturer. You will see options even for two showers( or a shower + sink).The necessary connectors for installation are included in the design. Power reaches 8 kW, atypically high figure. Buffalo quota will draw a rare electric shield. We believe the model for small hotels, where rooms are devoid of individual showers. Those who wish will wash in shared booths.

Underline! Analogs to the flow models Termeks the market did not provide. Remember, wondering what brand to buy a water heater.

Water heaters Electrolux

Among the highlights of Swedish heaters we see "dry" heating elements, avoided by Ariston. Fans of new technologies note: guaranteed protection against scale. However, the precipitate of the magnesium anode will still be. If you take a water heater without protection, you risk the tank case. Networks often contain copper parts, the elementary instantaneous water heater neighbor will pose a threat to the equipment. Circuits for electrochemical corrosion are laid over long distances; the electrical resistance of water diluted with hardness salts is small.

Electrolux yielded Ariston a segment of accumulative gas water heaters, but closely engaged in columns. When making a search, limit attention to cheap gas columns. Electrolux does everything wisely, take without hesitation. Geysers of manufacturers have at least three degrees of protection.

For 3500 rubles you will find a faithful assistant with a power of 20 kW.Enough two( even three) showers. Master natural gas, you will surely be able to save.

A geyser demonstrates two misfortunes:

  1. The pilot light is constantly on, and the zealous owners are annoying. Some modern models of ignition contain electronic, ignition group is absent. However, the water heater is expensive.
  2. The water will begin to warm gradually. First, the flow must gain momentum to trigger the sensor. So you have time to wait. Not everyone will like this state of affairs.

In the simplest models, the temperature is not controlled. Power is pre-calculated, and this is not necessary.

Choosing a Water Heater

The characteristic features of the equipment of three types are given. Enough to initially select models. Try to find products of world famous manufacturers. Do not have to run, eyes bulging, if you want to buy a thermostat for a water heater. Saving time is not the last argument, given the ratio of the cost of spare parts and products.

A pair of numbers to think about. Help to quantify water heaters:

  1. 200 liters at a heating power of 2 kW heat 8–9 hours, reaching a temperature of 70 degrees.
  2. Water consumption when taking a shower is above 3.5 liters every minute.
  3. One shower procedure takes 15 liters of water for men, and 25 women for it.
  4. For a satisfactory shower wash, you need a flow-through water heater above 4 kW of power.
  5. A 50 liter storage water tank is suitable for a couple, for a family with a child - above 80 liters.
  6. Try to avoid hanging water heaters on your own by yourself. It is necessary to more accurately calculate the strength of the wall, not every Russian engineer can do it.
  7. Required to buy a thermostat for a water heater, try to take exactly the same. At manufacturers, the maximum water temperature varies. Compare Bosch, Ariston - make sure.

Think about the above information, the selection process will seem easy. Perhaps decide to buy a water heater for an aquarium. However, about this another time.

From where to start buying a water heater

The Internet is periodically supplemented with a myriad of angry articles stating: the heater of a company refused. Found one review regarding Termex. The comments below are fabricated by rival firms, at least in part. Therefore, today we will talk about how to start operating the water heater correctly, so as not to blame the manufacturer. Sometimes people come across a marriage, often the buyer lacks the knowledge, ability to properly operate household appliances. Which company to buy a water heater is the tenth thing if you forget the trivial wisdom.

The above applies to water heaters, any installed home appliances:

  1. Washing machines.
  2. Dishwashers.
  3. Water Heaters.

Choosing a water heater

Usually a company sets certain conditions for warranty service. Every self-respecting manufacturer will provide a toll-free number through the official website, by calling which you will learn the details of warranty service. Regarding air conditioners - installation work is carried out by a certified organization. In any case, each time the conditions are new. What to do if during installation the coating of the tank was damaged, the wall was rotten. Parody leading Who wants to be a millionaire:

  • Bite your elbows.
  • Blame the manufacturer.
  • Indulge with angry reviews forums.
  • Realize the error, continue to do the right thing.

The answer is obvious, no one comes in life according to the last option. They show an eloquent photo of the “copper” heating element of steel color, they complain. The authors are immediately asked three questions:

  • what is the hardness of the water;
  • installed magnesium anode;
  • checked the electrical resistance to insulation.

TEH breaks with overheating, if the insulation is broken, water penetrates inside, boils, increases in volume, looking for a way out. Inside the heating element nichrome wire( fechral) under a voltage of 230 V. Water begins to rapidly disintegrate, forming hydrogen and oxygen, increasing the pressure. How did the liquid get inside?

TENY water heaters

Impaired outer shell. Production defect which needs to be revealed in time, disorderly operation of steel TENA without the magnesium anode. In the first case, at the startup stage, perform the check.

According to the mind should control the plant. Firstly, Russia, secondly, individual products are damaged during transportation, and thirdly, the mountains are booed by the mountain. In any case, check the insulation resistance of the heating element in a tank filled with water. See how to do it:

  1. The water heater is installed locally, it is connected to engineering communications.
  2. Avoid plugging the appliance into the outlet, fill the tank with water. The valves of the equipment installation are unlocked.
  3. Then you need to slightly open the bathroom( shower) faucet to let the air go down.
  4. After a long hiss( determined by the volume of the tank) a thin stream of water will flow.
  5. Close the valve in the bathroom( shower).

Testing the insulation resistance of the heater of the heater in the working conditions

The water heater is ready for use; avoid electricity. It is proposed to endure under pressure for 5 minutes or more. Perhaps a few hours, the presence of microcracks will allow water to seep inside. In parallel, dial the firm's support service, find out the insulation resistance of the heater. Usually 20–25 MΩ.Suppose the figure may differ slightly. We take a tester, remove the front panel( depending on the water heater model), lean one probe against the body of the heating element, the second one to any electrode( do not confuse it with a thermostat, ring the plug if there are doubts).Observe infinity( 20 MΩ exceeds the limits of a typical household appliance).Any other, even a very large number should make you ask a question to the support service, specialized forum.

Note! Insulation resistance is measured by the voltage of 500 volts generated by a special generator. Above described a simple check with a Chinese multimeter. There is a professional equipment, try the factory methods.

Having fixed the low insulation resistance, immediately call the company's specialists, change the device according to the warranty.

Small readings indicate: there was water inside, it smells fried. If the first stage has passed normally, we recommend to gently turn the spiral on to heat. Note: if there are two spirals, the insulation is checked each separately. And you can turn on together. As soon as the device has completed the mode, it will turn off, unplug the power cord from the outlet. After again we remove the front panel, we call it. The logic is as follows: the temperature has risen, the materials have changed their geometric dimensions, which means we will check the tightness. Next, we act according to the old scheme.

Technical service workers will not force an honest person to buy TENI for the Termeks water heater once again. In this case, it would be nice to photograph the detected defects on film( video).The problem expressed by the practitioners: the company makes pay to install the device professional. Violation of the rule removes the warranty.

Harm of heating water heater

Why immediately mentioned hard water. Found, tangled network, an angry review, affecting the issue. Slipped phrase: cleaning carried out once a year. Where did the fixed term come from? Instruction? The Chinese rewrote from the left equipment. Frequency is determined by the frequency of switching on the heater, the value of water hardness. Whistling, buzzing is heard, incomprehensible vibrations appear that accompany the operation of the device - it's time to drain the water, to conduct an extraordinary service. Laziness! Then there is nothing to complain then that buying a Termeks water heater means losing in advance. Magnesium anode against scale does not protect, prevents electrochemical corrosion.

Termeks Water Heater

Why do we need a magnesium anode for an

water heater A magnesium anode protects the steel from copper aggression. Steel manufactured:

  1. Buck.
  2. Protective layer of heating elements( see the color of the shell).

TEN steel - without magnesium anode will break if there are upstream( and below) copper tubes, fittings, instantaneous water heaters. A chain of leakage of atoms is created, be ashamed to complain later, to discuss biased about which company is better to buy a water heater, because this, you see, is bad.

What is a check & bypass valve

During the operation of the heater, there is a constant cyclical expansion, compression of the tank. The thermal coefficient of water expansion is quite different from steel. Excess pressure is relieved using an overflow valve. In the absence of such, water will quickly destroy the protective coating of the tank( seams), corrosion will begin. As a result, the tank will break, the flood will begin. To prevent this from happening, carefully read the instructions.

Which manufacturer of water heaters prefer

The above was a rough hint: there are no bad manufacturers of water heaters in nature. Unscrupulous installers, illiterate users come across. If you do the right thing, the technique will work in 99% percent of cases.

Shower water heater

They missed the method for assessing buildup of scale, there is no practical simple method. Just periodically conduct an inspection. It is enough to control the situation throughout the year to get useful experience for the region for the rest of your life. Further simplifies operation.

No need to sit, think about which company to buy a storage water heater. Just choose the product according to the parameters, anticipating the purchase, call the manufacturer, specify the conditions of warranty service. Typically, the installation of such a simple technique is not worthless money. Perhaps some manufacturers trust the client work process. Ask. After follow the instructions, check the equipment according to the diagram, evaluate the result.

Select a water heater by parameters

Any reader of the portal VashTehnik needs power, volume of water will help to know a simple calculation. It is known: the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J / kg K. Heating one liter of water per degree consumes 4200 J of energy. Traditionally, water usually flows from a tap at a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius. You can easily calculate the power of the heater, the necessary apartment, who wanted to enjoy the benefits of civilization.

Note the amount of water consumed by one bath session, how long the process lasts. At the exit, you get the displacement every minute. Using the figure, we find the power according to the formula:

N = 4200 x L x 42/60,

L - water consumption every minute, expressed in liters.

Suppose we are going to wash with water at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, the difference with the riser will be 42 degrees. Weak pressure is generated by 3 liters per minute. Based on the specified conditions, we obtain a power of 8.8 kW.This will be a fairly strong shower jet, and the formula was fed with stringent initial conditions. If you take the summer, the initial temperature sometimes reaches 15 degrees, some will have enough 45 degrees to wash. In this case, a third is subtracted from the difference.4–5 kW are obtained, which are considered the minimum consumption for a flow-through water heater.

Guided by the above formulas, the reader will calculate the required power at home. Concerns and storage water heaters. But the formula is altered to find the time for which the tank will reach condition. Offhand 8 - 9 hours per 200 liters. You can get a different figure depending on the needs, the initial data. Better than believing dealers without a praise for a product, personal preferences are different from standards. After setting the initial conditions, buy an electric water heater exactly the one you need. Notice, for a couple of days it is easy to determine the family’s need for water, to be guided by the calculation instead of the assurances of the sellers.

Water heaters equipped with dry heating elements.

It is not easy to choose which water heater to buy into an apartment, watching today's abundance lining the counters. We will help with advice, we hope to avoid repetitions in the reviews - read each! In any will be new, hitherto unexplored. No wonder, considering how many varieties are in store. Just say, from accumulative and flow-through tenants choose the first option in 90% of cases, but on what kind of energy the device will work, you need to think. There are no problems if the project documentation of the house provides an in-built, pre-equipped chimney during the construction phase. God told me to go, taking the water heater, to the blue fuel.

Water heaters with dry heaters

First, what is heaters. The abbreviation stands for a tubular heating element. Dry TEH call a set of letters incorrectly. In a typical case, the tubular heating element is made as follows:

  1. Take nichrome thread, placed in the center of the metal( steel, copper) tube.
  2. Heat-resistant powder poured inside.
  3. . Then the rolling stage follows, the tube passes through smaller holes.

As a result, the heating element takes shape. Nichrome, separated by an insulating layer of powder from the shell. The ceramic fur coat is tightly compressed, the tube is cut into pieces, from which the spiral is bent. Standard option. Making a "dry" heater, the plant surrounds a spiral with a set of hollow ceramic tubes. The following result is achieved:

  • Passive inert ceramics do not react with hardness salts. The formation of scale is blocked, the effect of electrochemical corrosion with irreversible destruction of the heating element is eliminated.
  • The surface area of ​​the heating element increases in comparison with conventional heating elements. It is possible to lower the temperature, and significantly. Some reactions of hardness salts are blocked.
  • Passive ceramics are much less aggressive than copper. Therefore, the steel tank does not experience a massive impact, as an ordinary heating element. The measure extends the life of the water heater.

    TEN water heater

  • Ceramics reliably protects the coil from the water, dry heating elements break less often. For those who do not understand the meaning, let us explain: steam gets inside, under copper insulation, breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen, the expansion of gases causes the shell to break.
  • Passive ceramics resists the aggression of external copper connections, instantaneous water heaters, and other structures. The probability of rupture of the heater is reduced greatly.

As a result, the probability of heater failure with a “dry” heating element is minimal, and the device needs less maintenance. Scale, electrochemical corrosion - the main enemies of heating elements, the Tatars neutralized using a layer of ceramics. We believe you can choose Electrolux from a pair of lines of storage water heaters. There would be money. To evaluate the range of choice, we recommend to visit Yandex-Market. To select the desired models, put in the parameters:

  1. The type of water heater is accumulative.
  2. Heating Method - Electric.
  3. Dry TEN - yes.

Hundreds of models will appear, part of which you will buy for stocks that offer a discount.8,000 rubles for 80 liters of an excellent tank( you can buy an Atlantik water heater for 7300).Agree, inexpensive. Ordinary models cost the same. The advantage of Yandex Market: you can quickly find the device on the stock.

Not conceal, we ourselves use similar methods, inspect Eldorado, Wikimart, try out the options for the exchange of old technology. Get a water heater for free. The thing will still be good, you need to work hard to check the purchase before installation.

  1. First, in advance, worry about the warranty. Without the work of service centers, a pile of metal is not worth a broken penny, not everyone can repair a water heater with their own hands. In the case of self-discovery of marriage goods can be returned.
  2. Terms clarified - start bidding, arrange delivery. Find out who will install the water heater, whether the event deprives the warranty rights. The case of life: the installers could not properly remove the locking bolts of the washing machine! Household appliances do not like barbaric treatment.
  3. The water heater is installed, let the group of installers gently start the water, check the device. Immediately after leaving the water heater off. When the warranty card is full, we are looking for a marriage. We are waiting, drinking tea, doing things for 3-5 hours, then.
  4. Checking, leaks on mounting assemblies, from under the case. We remove the face shield, measure the insulation resistance of the heating element with a tester.“Dry” or ordinary, the value should be above 20 MΩ( without special equipment, the Chinese tester will show infinity).Having identified the problem, call the manufacturer( not the dealer), specify the normal value of the parameter.
  5. There are no malfunctions - we turn on the device, according to our passport, we look at the time for entering the mode. Just happened - we look, whether the water began to drip from the overflow valve. If yes, the hardware is fine. Moisture may be absent in some cases. Then measure the insulation resistance again.

Domestic Water Heater

For the first time, we carefully monitor storage water heaters. Check regularly insulation resistance. Run-in time, the probability of failure is high. After a few weeks the device will acclimatize, it will be possible to set aside the tester. A leakage was detected - the heating element does not immediately explode. Indefinite time will consume more power. Then finally burst. You should not wait for a gap, a decrease in insulation resistance is found - call the technical support service of the company.

Buy a water heater with a dry TEN worth. At least see the work of wonders. It is not necessary to take Ariston, be guided by a guarantee, stocks of shops. Remember, on such proposals often try to push the marriage. Attention to quality show increased. Ignoring what was said about the electrochemical corrosion blocking, try to find a device with a magnesium anode - the tank needs protection! TP will say, the assembly is useless here. .. as a last resort, duplicate the question to the manufacturer before buying( by mentioning the magnesium anode).How to have time? Modern rhythm of life dictates - if you want to live, learn to insist!

Hot water heater selection question-answer

  • Floor or wall-mounted water heater to buy.

You should buy a floor-standing water heater. Safer. The exception is flow models that are not heavy.

  • How to buy a water heater cheaply.

Savings on the water heater

Find the best deals on stocks. Discounts reach 40%.Be prepared that the dealer will try to realize the marriage. Whatever he says, and no matter how convinced, first of all, adhere to the framework of the guarantee. It would not be good to be alone, clasping with a grief a broken water heater of thousands for 8 rubles( the average monthly salary of a Russian from the provinces).

  • Does the water heater need a magnesium anode?

Accumulative water heater anode is needed, flow - overkill. If the dealer says, the spare part is not installed, because the “dry” heater, third-tenth, call the factory specify. They will say that it will be an extra step to buy an anode for a water heater - make sure that there are no copper parts upstream and downstream from the device: supply pipes, instantaneous water heaters, bushings, couplings.

  • Where to get a water heater.

Easier to book close to home. Buying a water heater is not an easy event, unless you are Arnie in your prime. Instruments weigh 100 kg or more. Take care to transport the equipment carefully, to make space in advance. Dimensions take, guided by reference information on the Internet.

  • How to hang an accumulative water heater.

In order for the device not to fall, you need good anchors. Not always fasteners kit is suitable. Plastered walls, problem masonry, hollow brick it is reasonable to use chemical anchors. Here the main thing is not to get to the neighbors, performing drilling, be careful not to pay for repairs. It is better to overdo it, rather than get a hump filled with a water heater, which is unsuccessfully suspended above the toilet. Ceramics will shatter.

  • Attempted to find Atlant water heaters on the Yandex market. What to do.

Do not try to buy Atlant water heater there, because it is not on sale. Study the official site. See the faucets for installation in the bathroom sink. Instantaneous water heaters with a power of 2 kW.Shelves Yandex-market units completely devoid. It is difficult to say whether the omission of moderators, the manufacturer’s advertising policy, is difficult.

  • Where did the insulation resistance of 20 MΩ come from when checking the heating element?

Typical insulation resistance of current-carrying parts of household appliances, which is spelled out by standards. The real value is greater, we do not pursue the goal of rewriting the GOSTs by the VashTehnik portal. Just given the order of numbers approximate.

This will help to avoid mistakes. Remember, today for the stock is not always take a quality product. Not every expensive thing is a model of durability. Hope when buying a water heater you need to advice and their own diligence.

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