Purification of water from the well, what to do if the water in the well is cloudy or yellow

Water from the well is not always clean, healthy and tasty. It may show foreign matter, bacteria and even toxic substances. Only a detailed analysis of the water from the well will help to find out whether suitable "extracted" the liquid for drinking and household needs.

If the results of the study are not satisfactory, it is an occasion to come to grips with the question of its purification and filtration.

The content of the article:

  • The danger of using contaminated water
  • Water research: when and how?
    • Where better to do the analysis?
    • Stages and the cost of testing
  • Methods for purification of the well water
    • Method # 1 - rough cleaning
    • Method # 2 - Using softeners
    • Method # 3 - programs included obezzhelezivateli
    • Method # 4 - complete disinfection of water
    • Method # 5 - reverse osmosis
  • Helpful videos on the topic

The danger of using contaminated water

The man is 70% water, so its impact on our health tremendously. Poor fluid intake leads to reduced immunity, greatly increases the risk of a variety of viral, bacterial and allergic diseases.

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Furthermore, the use of contaminated water in a life fraught damage of expensive equipment (and dishwashers washing machines, water heaters, kettles), clogging pipes, the occurrence of unpleasant stubborn deposits on plumbing. Therefore, to protect your health and the contents of the purse is very important to understand what kind of water flows from the taps in the house.

Water from wells
Even the purest, at first glance, the water may contain a lot of harmful impurities. The absence of turbidity, odor or bad taste does not guarantee the safety of the liquid

Water research: when and how?

Laboratory methods of research of water from a well conducted to determine the suitability of her drinking. In some cases, experts strongly recommend their implementation. The number of valid reasons appear:

  1. suburban real estate sale. Expert opinion about the high quality of water in the area greatly increases its attractiveness to buyers in the sale.
  2. Buying land. Having bought the land, it is necessary to make an analysis of the water to ensure its safety.
  3. The occurrence of health problems. Increased number of colds and gastrointestinal disorders may be directly related to the presence of deleterious impurities in drinking water.
  4. The desire to buy a water treatment system. For the selection of the optimum filtration plant, be sure to find out the degree of contamination of the fluid.

Required holding water analysis in case of deterioration of its organoleptic properties - color, taste, odor, transparency. If changes color when in contact with air: yellow turns brown or even remain stains on clothing and plumbing, it is likely to increased iron concentration.

Clean borehole water
Qualitative water contains up to 25% of the daily dose of magnesium, up to 20% - calcium, up to 70% - of fluorine, up to 50% - iodine. Neglect the cleanliness of such a valuable source of useful elements can not be

The smell of rotten eggs coming from the fluid indicates the excess hydrogen sulfide. Drinking such water in any case can not because it can be toxic. Increased mineralization gives the liquid salty flavor. Chronic use of water with a large amount of sodium ions can exacerbate the flow of hypertension, and, in general, not useful for health.

Be sure to alert should the appearance of turbid water in the well - this may indicate both a mechanical fluid contamination and of chemical and biological "problems" of the source.

Evaluation of the quality of drinking water of the well should be done regularly - no less than once every 1-2 years. Water Composition changes periodically - whether due to natural climatic factors (flooding, drought) and manmade.

Soaking into the soil of chemical waste and toxic substances can penetrate into the aquifers, and to the naked eye, these changes, unfortunately, are not noticeable. Therefore, "keep abreast", periodically checking the composition of consumption of water, always needed.

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Selection of water samples for analysis
For the research on the composition and state of water should be selected on a minimum of 1.5 - 2.0 l water
Containers for water sampling
For the selection of water suitable plastic or glass bottles. Not suitable containers out of soft drinks, Coca-cola, gin and tonics and the like bad laundered products
Labeling bottles with samples
Bottles or cans of samples taken should be provided with labels, which indicate the time and place of sampling. If there are no labels to indicate the data fit plain paper
Water analysis to determine the type of operation
Held in SES licensed organization or similar analysis allows to determine the operational purpose water: drinking or technical
Selection of water samples for analysis
Selection of water samples for analysis
Containers for water sampling
Containers for water sampling
Labeling bottles with samples
Labeling bottles with samples
Water analysis to determine the type of operation
Water analysis to determine the type of operation

With regard to the assessment of water quality in the new hole, then hurry here, definitely not worth it. It is recommended to carry out a thorough washing of produce and wait 3-4 weeks, when they themselves are offset pollution arising from the installation.

Where better to do the analysis?

Laboratories carrying out the study of water, a lot. However, preference is given to only proven companies that have licensed the right to confirm the analysis.

Experts recommend apply only to large companies with many years of experience in the service sector. You should not be tempted by the low price; should be guided only by the quality of work and the real customer reviews.

Analysis of the water from the well
To evaluate the quality of the water from the well, and can be at home. To do this, you must purchase a special kit for rapid analysis. True, it will be able to explore a very small number of indicators

Turning to small companies, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they are often intermediaries and do not have their own laboratories, ie "Redirect" samples for analysis to other offices.

The rapid receiving in this case, the results can not count. Therefore, choosing the laboratory, always ask if the company has its own resources to perform the required tests, as well as the license with the right to conduct research.

Stages and the cost of testing

The first phase of the study - a competent water sampling. This process can be trusted as the members of the laboratory and perform on their own. In the second case it is very important to pay attention to the following points:

  • Water tank, it is desirable to take in the laboratory. The one where the analysis will be performed. These containers have been specially processed, they are added preservatives which guarantee the stability of the chemical composition of the liquid. Using the dishes prepared by the laboratory - the key to obtain the most reliable test results.
  • Laboratory containers must not be rinsed. One should not pour water from them and re-dial.
  • Use a clean container. If you can not take the bottles in the lab, you can use a clean glass or plastic containers out of drinking water.

Please note that the capacity of a sugary beverage, raw copious amounts of water, categorically do not fit! Sampling at the oil content, fat and other organic indicators should be made in dark glass bottles.

Independent water sampling significantly reduces the total cost of the study, but it carries a risk of distortion of objective data at the neglect of the process. So be sure to observe the following rules of sampling:

  1. All manipulations must be made clean, thoroughly washed with soap hands.
  2. Its dishes for water delivery to the lab must be absolutely clean and not have foreign odor (optimum packaging container - 1.5-2 L). Before filling it should be three times rinse with water to be analyzed.
  3. water drainage time of autonomous water supply before sampling should be at least 5 minutes.
  4. Filling capacity necessary to carry out a thin stream of the vessel wall. It is forbidden to change the water pressure by opening or closing the valve.
  5. Containers must be filled to the brim with water (at most cover): the air in the container could affect the test results.
  6. Bottles of water it is necessary to sign - to specify the time, place and date of sampling.
  7. It is important that the sample fell into the laboratory without delay - no later than 2 hours after collection. If prompt delivery is not possible, the sample should be placed in the refrigerator. This will increase the "shelf life" of the selected water up to 12 hours.

To assess the quality of the well water are carried out various types of analyzes - chemical, organoleptic, microbiological, advanced. Cost of research depends on the number of defined parameters and a set of additional services. On average, the standard analysis will cost 1500-2000 rubles, full - to 4000-5000 rubles.

water analysis in the laboratory
The results of the analysis of water from wells, duly accredited laboratory, there is no doubt. The study will be carried out accurately and quickly

All standards to be met by the private water supply system, established in section 4 SanPin Among the mandatory indicators of fluid quality assessment:

  • smell;
  • color;
  • turbidity;
  • taste;
  • pH value (pH);
  • nitrates;
  • the rigidity of the total;
  • permanganate oxidation;
  • total mineralization;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates.

Recommended by many laboratories for the analysis of the list of indicators also includes iron, nitrite, fluoride, manganese.

If you give water to the study on a regular basis, it is possible to restrict the analysis of the basic list of indicators includes only those "points" for most commonly recorded exceeding the allowable values ​​(pH, hardness, odor, iron, manganese, permanganate oxidation, total mineralization).

This analysis will draw general conclusions about the quality of the well water, but do not give the opportunity to assess its overall compliance with established standards.

Determination of pH value
Deviation pH level in the upward or downward from the normal state affects the visual, taste and odor of water. From the pH level also depends on the efficiency of water treatment measures

Microbiological Study of liquid produced by such indicators:

  • total microbial count;
  • total coliform bacteria;
  • coliphages;
  • thermotolerant coliform bacteria.

Get test results in most major laboratories is possible in 2-5 days. Small firms cope a little slower - they need 7-14 days to prepare for the trial protocol.

Methods for purification of the well water

Fits into all standards test results - it is excellent. In this case, the special additional filtering liquids can not worry. But if the water impurities have been identified or hazardous concentration of elements, it is necessary to take care of its quality cleaning.

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Purification of water in the well after drilling
Upon completion of drilling carried out a mandatory flushing to remove the destroyed production plummeted by soil slaughter
Disinfecting water source
When injected into the barrel of foreign objects is performed by injecting a source of disinfection disinfecting solution
The chlorination process water
If the water from the well is used for technical purposes, for filling and cleaning basin, the water is disinfected with chlorine-containing preparations
Pumping means after administration
After making chemicals into the well conducted multiple pumping. After pumping pure clear water is taken for analysis
Purification of water in the well after drilling
Purification of water in the well after drilling
Disinfecting water source
Disinfecting water source
The chlorination process water
The chlorination process water
Pumping means after administration
Pumping means after administration

water is typically cleaned in several stages. Their number is determined by the amount and types of pollution. The complete water treatment scheme of the wellbore is composed of the following elements:

  • module "rough" treatment consisting of one or more filters;
  • obezzhelezivateli filter;
  • softener;
  • activated carbon filter;
  • Decontaminating;
  • setting for fine cleaning (potable water).

The greater the number of levels has a water treatment system, the best water quality is obtained at the output. Nevertheless, the "overload" your wallet buying the whole arsenal of devices it is not necessary to clean - you need to solve real problems, confirmed by test results, not "tilt at windmills."

Method # 1 - rough cleaning

This stage of water treatment is needed for the mechanical removal of the liquid slurry (large particles of clay and sand, rust, sludge, scale). Properly chosen coarse filters enable smooth operation thinner filters (set at the beginning of their water purification system). By cleaning liquid on its large impurities by passing through a mesh system.

Periodically mechanical filters heavily soiled and require cleaning. To get rid of the need to dismantle the cells and stop the water supply at the same time, it is recommended to install self-cleaning filters - they cleared the jet. Reliable choice will be Honeywell's device (US) or Drufi (Germany).

Method # 2 - Using softeners

Large concentrations of magnesium and calcium salts make water hard. Such water adversely affects the operation of plumbing and water-using appliances. The deposits on the heating elements (scum), limescale on pipes, valves, nozzles shower heads, etc. - only a small part of the possible consequences.

The increased hardness of the water
Too hard water in the well can damage household and kitchen appliances. Setting-softener filter will save you from unexpected expenses

Softening of the well water - a problem that can be solved in several ways. Cheaper to do it with the help of equipment that uses the method of proportional dosing of a special reagent that neutralizes the hardness salts. Such devices (e.g., Quantomat from BWT), represent flask with dispenser filled with reagent.

Portions reagent is metered dosing will depend on the volume of water passing through the converter. Unfortunately, this method can not talk about the full water softening, as salts of magnesium and calcium are not removed from the liquid, but only "deactivated".

To ensure full softening can only complicated installation, operation principle is based on the ion exchange - replacing calcium ions by sodium ions. To this liquid comes in contact with an ion exchange resin.

The source of sodium ions is common salt solution. Such equipment is quite expensive, but its use in a country house for the preparation of drinking water of the well is completely justified.

Installation of water softener
Sometimes, water softeners filters can also be used to remove the water dissolved iron, but it is better for this purpose use a special installation obezzhelezivayuschuyu

Method # 3 - programs included obezzhelezivateli

Iron is often associated with the common man poisons. Therefore, the need for iron removal of borehole water, many simply ignore. And for good reason. An excess of this element in the drinking water can cause a variety of internal diseases and a general weakening of the body.

Water deferrization by special filters, the principle of which is based on the conversion of iron in soluble form from the insoluble residue by its oxidation. Oxidation of the iron dissolved in the liquid can be reagentless (artificial or natural aeration) and reagent (using "strong chemistry").

Operating principle of pressure reagentless installations is that the forced oxygen saturation occurs in a special column for aerating, located immediately upstream of the filter. The compressor pumps air there occurs oxidation of iron and is precipitated. Delayed sediment in filter loading column.

During aeration for water, in addition to iron oxidation, there are a number of useful processes. In particular, the removal of hydrogen sulfide - hazardous and toxic substances having a rotten egg odor. Excretion of hydrogen sulfide occurs after resetting solenoid valve disposed at the top of the column.

Cost pressure obezzhelezivateli quite high, but it is completely justified by low operating costs and easy maintenance.

Iron removal of water from the well
Modern filters for iron removal of water from a well in a country house designed for efficient and trouble-free operation for many years

In devices reagentless type with natural aeration, oxidation of iron occurs in the collecting vessel. This process takes much longer than in artificial air saturation. Compressor is not here. After oxidation, the pump pumps the water directly into obezzhelezivateli.

Filters type reagent is removed by catalytic iron. Oxidation occurs at the element surface with a special filter medium granules, latency resulting compounds - in its thickness. Such systems are high-efficiency and compact; they cost less reagent-free counterparts, but require regular expenditure for the purchase of reagents.

Method # 4 - complete disinfection of water

Disinfecting usually used in the final purification step. The main objective of this equipment - the destruction of bacteria and other microorganisms. The most common are ultraviolet sterilizers.

The antiseptic effect is achieved thanks to a series of photochemical reactions. Some complex maintenance UV filters do not require that they only need to periodically replace the bulb.

It should be noted that the chemical composition of water in the process of "sterilization" does not change.

A water purification system in the cottage
Independent compilation "configuration" purification system is possible only with special knowledge in the field of hydrochemistry. Otherwise it is better to entrust the matter to professionals

Method # 5 - reverse osmosis

The most effective method for obtaining drinking water parameters - its treatment of reverse osmosis units. The liquid is passed through a special membrane, completely immobilizes all impurities. Water quality at the output of the reverse osmosis system - the highest possible, it meets the most stringent requirements.

The only flaw in the reverse osmosis purification - in the absence of the mineral composition of the fluid. Solve the problem of special salt cartridges. This equipment is quite compact, it fits easily under the sink.

Helpful videos on the topic

Convincing arguments the importance of the analysis of borehole water:

Overview of the well water purification system in the cottage:

Advantages of water treatment by reverse osmosis:

It is obvious that to neglect the study of periodic chemical and microbiological composition of the water in any case impossible. Contaminated fluid is a very real threat to health, and to believe that it is out of your hole "streams Borjomi" is very naive. The vast majority of water treatment sources require a greater or lesser degree.

A well-chosen filters to help cope with any pollution and make the water really clean and healthy.

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