Should I buy a set for curly cutting on Aliexpress?

Beautiful fruit cutting always attracts guests. After all, if the fruit is scattered on a plate in a chaotic manner, or lie completely in the basket, not a single guest touches them. Therefore, it is so important to serve the dish beautifully, so that it arouses appetite with one look. But for this you need a special set for curly cutting.

Set for curly slicing allows you to create any masterpieces of fruit. With it, you can cut the balls of kiwi and watermelon, beautifully peel the melon and mango and unusually cut the pineapple.

Read also: We buy for the kitchen a knife-slicer for oil with Aliexpress

Of course, there are no specific tools in this set. However, with such knives you can create an unforgettable composition that will pleasantly surprise guests. You just need to show imagination.

With this set you can train every day. After all, a simple beautiful cutting will make daily meals much more appetizing and more attractive. Such a variety will love children. They would rather eat something unusual and beautiful, even if it is the same dish that was yesterday.

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The benefits of cutting kit:

  1. Simplicity. The sharp blade allows you to cut any fruit in minutes.
  2. No restrictions. The set allows you to embody absolutely all fantasies.
  3. Quick Clean. After use, the entire kit must be simply rinsed under running water.
  4. Versatility. Each knife from this set can be used for any fruit or vegetable.
Read also: Convenient and practical wavy knife from China

Each hostess should have such a universal set in the kitchen. But how much does it cost? In the online stores of Ukraine and Russia, you can buy a set of knives for shape cutting for 335 rubles. The price is quite small.

But Aliexpress offers a slightly lower price. This is where you can buy a set for cutting for 220 rubles. This price is quite suitable for a set.

Read also: Cut the watermelon correctly: a special knife from China

Characteristics of the Chinese set for figured slicing:

  • material - stainless steel;
  • length - 22 cm;The
  • kit includes a spoon for balls, a knife for peeling fruit and a figured knife;
  • color - lime.

As you can see, you need to buy a set for curly slicing only from a Chinese manufacturer. It has a much lower price, unlike the domestic manufacturer. But there is no difference in the characteristics.

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