Frame-panel house of SIP-panels( SIP): cons and pros. Which CIP panels to choose for construction


  1. Nuances of domestic construction from CIP panels
  2. Imaginative cost of service
  • Flammability
  • Aspand reliable. Such SIP-technology of construction appeared here recently, and houses built according to this principle are often called Canadian standards of origin for them. But there are standards, and no one has been engaged in the thorough study of such houses, which is why numerous myths about the disadvantages and merits of panel-frame houses have arisen.

    The nuances of domestic construction from CIP panels

    Due to the fact that we often neglect the production technology of CIP panels, trying to make the house as cheap as possible, the result is not exactly what we wanted. That is why panel-frame construction has become overgrown with numerous myths about its unreliability, flammability and non-ecological compatibility.

    Ideally, panels should be made on the sandwich principle and consist of two plates, between which a layer of insulation is laid. Most often in

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    western countries use oriented strand board and polystyrene foam of grade 25 and above. In the end, the finished plate is impregnated with special substances that increase the resistance to high temperatures, provide durability and beautiful appearance.

    But domestic manufacturers are increasingly replacing dense plates with less reliable : plywood, cement-bonded chipboard, glass-magnesium sheet, etc., and insulation - with foam plastic or mineral wool. Unscrupulous manufacturers also save on impregnation, finishing, etc., and the result is a very impractical material that quickly ignites and is not environmentally friendly.

    Imaginary "cons" or flaws


    The main drawback attributed to such structures is combustibility. But in most cases, fires occur precisely because of a violation of fire safety rules, improper construction, and tragic cases due to the lack of emergency exits. In general, it is believed that completely non-combustible walls should only be in apartment buildings , where the possibility of evacuation is particularly important. In private homes things are very different.

    If we compare the "combustible" frame houses with seemingly perfect wooden houses, we get approximately the same result. Both materials are suitable for the construction of small houses, and when burning emit hazardous substances. But if wood emits carbon monoxide and about 350 more toxins, then SIP-panels blame styrene as a result of foamed polystyrene. And the protection against ignition at the panels is even better, because they are sheathed with gypsum plasterboard, and when using wood, most often they just manage with impregnations.

    But still the biggest problem is unscrupulous manufacturers : so, the expanded polystyrene should contain only about 2% of combustible substances, and everything else is air. In case of violation of the technology, the material quickly shrinks, deteriorating the thermal insulation of the structure and increasing the amount of harmful substances emitted during combustion.


    Another contrived "minus" , which hovers around panel-frame construction, is that they are hazardous to health, since emit formaldehyde in the process of operation. Its source is oriented strand board. If you use poor quality material for construction, then this myth becomes quite real.

    So, according to the standards, all the plates are divided into three classes depending on how much formaldehyde is released per unit of time. So, material of the European standard E1 on environmental performance is not inferior to natural wood. Do I have to say that it is worth it decently?

    Domestic standards are not as strict as European ones, and there are no manufacturers that produce high-quality plates. Therefore, you need to do only import, otherwise, if you want to save, you can not get the highest quality and healthy material.

    Now in Germany panel-frame houses have gained immense popularity, and no one can blame them for their non-ecological compatibility, since only high-quality materials are used. In addition, the resulting walls are then sheathed with a double layer of drywall from the inside, and a wet facade from the outside, so they leave the house, which is not inferior to the wooden characteristics. In Russia, , when instead of E1 plates, even by domestic standards, uses E3 plates, which are also thinner than necessary, the danger myth turns into a harsh reality.

    Advantages( advantages) of panel-frame houses

    The main advantages of Canadian houses in the speed and simplicity of their construction. Because of the violation of technology, we are also credited with the advantages of such construction because of its low cost, but under the condition of purchasing normal materials and observing all the rules, such a house cannot boast of a very low price, but it will not be more expensive than all the others.

    The house built of CIP panels, has excellent thermal insulation due to the use of expanded polystyrene, and cold bridges are completely absent, because the insulation and double cladding plates are used. Such a house does not require powerful work to create the foundation - a pile is quite suitable, and if all technologies are observed, there will be no shrinking, which is another “plus” in the construction of a frame-panel house.

    Once again we recall that if you decided to save , and to use mineral wool for insulation, , then insulation would deteriorate by 1.5 times , and the wrong foundation could affect the soon appearance of defects.

    A few tips on building a Canadian house.

    If you decide to build a panel-frame house, pay attention to a number of circumstances during the preparation process:

    1. SIP panels should be only from a manufacturer that has certificates and documents confirming product quality.
    2. If you are offered to purchase a new type of slab, it is still better to prefer to the classic , since the negative aspects of the new product have not yet been studied.
    3. When hiring builders, you need to be familiar with the objects that they built .The ideal option is to visit such houses on your own and chat with tenants who will tell all the details of the process.
    4. For exterior and interior trim also choose only quality materials , since this determines the durability and quality of the house. Follow all construction technologies.

    Always remember that cheap SIP-panels cannot be reliable , environmentally friendly and high-quality, so if you need a really good house, which will not be necessary to repair it several times, then immediately purchase quality materials.

    Tags: Frame-panel construction
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