- №1.Polyfoam
- №2.Mineral wool
- № 3.“Warm” plaster
- №4.Heat-insulating paint
- №5.Reflective Thermal Insulation
Our climate is different in that for 4-6 months a low temperature prevails, which is not only not very comfortable for people, but also harmful for cars, our faithful assistants in the matter of movement. Frosts and precipitations in the winter can do quite a lot to the car, and many try to leave the car in the garage as often as possible, thus protecting it from negative effects. But if the garage is not insulated, then there the “iron horse” will not be completely protected from the external environment, because thin walls almost do not prevent the penetration of cold masses into the interior of the room. In order for the car to remain safe in any weather, you need to take care of the garage insulation for it in advance.
Immediately it is worth noting that overdoing with insulation and creating room temperature in the garage is also unnecessary if, of course, you do not plan to go outside during the winter. Otherwise, a strong temperature contrast can extremely negatively affect the body of the car, causing the onset of corrosion. Also, do not forget about ventilation, so that excessive moisture goes outside with harmful gases.
The requirements for garage thermal insulation are not as strict as for the insulation of residential premises. And if for the latter warming from the inside is extremely undesirable, in the case of a garage it is no less effective and often becomes the only possible option. So, if the structure is located close to the others, then it will not work to insulate it outside. Moreover, some types of garages need double weatherization, for example, metal. The only lack of warming from the inside is that the area can be reduced, but in order to negate this “side effect”, you need to select a heat insulator that will cope with its task with a minimum thickness. So, what materials are suitable for insulating the garage from the inside?

Polyfoam is the most popular option in this sense, all work with it can be easily performed independently, which is why it has enjoyed such success for several decades in a row. The advantages of this material are the mass of .
- Firstly, , it is lightweight and cannot deform the walls of the garage, does not require an additional frame, and the material plates can be glued to the walls or mounted using dowels.
Secondly, , it is very easy to work with such insulation, because it is easily cut with a knife, it can be of any thickness and size, which allows you to choose the ideal option for any climatic conditions. Moreover, the foam is not afraid of mold, fungus, moisture and rodents, so you can be sure of its integrity and hygiene, and additional insulation with films is also not needed.
If we add to all this durability and low cost, we get an ideal material for insulation. True, did not fail without drawbacks: foam plastic is a combustible material, so it is better to choose those products that are impregnated with a fire retardant. Yes, and under the influence of sunlight, the foam is gradually able to turn yellow, but inside the garage a layer of such insulation will last for a long time.
foam plastic can be several types of , but is the most popular polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of garages. Depending on the characteristics of the production, it can be extruded, reassigned or extruded. Taking into account the ability of this material to burn, it is better to stop your choice on a material such as PSB-S, which includes a flame retardant. Expanded polystyrene has good heat and sound insulation, it is easy to process, is not susceptible to infection with fungus. There is a myth that it is harmful to health, as it allegedly contains residual styrene. There is some truth in this statement, but in order to protect yourself, it is better to buy material from reliable manufacturers who comply with manufacturing techniques and supply safe products. Also note that decent results in insulation can be achieved if you install insulation not only on the walls, but also on the gate and the ceiling.
The second material in this group is penoizol , which is often called liquid foam. Make it on the same place where they will use, and the resulting foam quickly hardens, filling all the cracks. This is one of the most reliable ways of warming, which will create an excellent barrier to cold, because the thermal conductivity of this substance is quite low. Moreover, the material is durable, and manufacturers say that it will serve faithfully for at least 40 years, although scientists call the figure of 100 years or more. The material does not support combustion, but such a method of thermal insulation can not be called the most budget, because you need a special technique and, as a rule, the help of professionals. And the presence on the market of dishonest manufacturers offering not the highest quality products, frightens many away.
Another liquid insulation - polyurethane foam, which is applied to the walls in the form of foam, gradually hardens, forming a monolithic layer of insulation. It does not weigh down the walls of the garage, since for the most part it consists of air, it perfectly adheres to any surfaces, does not take away the useful area of the garage. The material does not sustain combustion, but can smolder under constant exposure to very high temperatures. The only drawback is the need for special equipment and specialists for high-quality work.

№2.Mineral wool
Mineral wool is a good insulation that boasts a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, ability to breathe, safety for health, as well as incombustibility. Basalt wool , which is commonly referred to as mineral wool in wide circles, has excellent sound absorption performance. For internal insulation mats are used with a density of not more than 180 kg / m3.
Disadvantages in this kind of insulation are also present. So, mineral wool is very afraid of moisture, so you need to protect it with a vapor barrier. Otherwise, moisture from the environment will cause loss of thermal insulation properties. The cost of mineral wool is slightly higher than that of foam plastic, but still quite affordable. However, this method of insulation is suitable for those who have a spacious enough garage, because for mineral wool it is necessary to build a frame, in the cells of which the insulation itself is mounted with a thick layer( 10 cm or more).
Separately, it is worth noting the insulation glass wool - this is one of the types of mineral wool. Since it is made from molten glass waste or rocks saturated with silicon, the structure contains needle-like particles, which are the main danger during operation. When insulating a garage with such material, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements of personal safety so that particles of the material do not get into the skin, eyes or respiratory organs. Glass wool is very afraid of water, and if it gets wet a little during installation, then the material can simply be thrown away, since all the insulating properties are already lost. And although the price for it is much lower than for stone wool, it is not very popular among those who want to insulate the garage from the inside, as its installation is complicated.

plaster Warm plaster is a relatively new kind of insulation that looks like ordinary plaster, but instead of sand, it contains materials with low thermal conductivity: vermiculite, polystyrene foam, sawdust, expanded clay polystyrene, graphite, expanded clay, foam polystyrene, sawdust, expanded clay polystyrene: vermiculite, polystyrene foam, sawdust, expanded clay polystyrene;.The most popular was plaster with polystyrene granules , because it has universal properties, can be used both inside and outside, has the best insulation performance. Plaster on the basis of sawdust is also common, which also contains components such as paper, clay and sand. This composition is just suitable for internal warming, but you should be prepared for the fact that such plaster dries for a long time, and to speed up the process you will need good ventilation. For insulation of the garage from the inside can also be used and compositions based on vermiculite.
This version differs from with the many advantages of .Thus, the walls can not be pre-aligned and not prepared in any way, the “warm” plaster has excellent adhesion with wood, metal and stone, it does not require the use of reinforcing meshes( with the exception of some difficult cases).In addition, it is very simple and easy to apply and you can do without outside help, having managed as soon as possible. But with all this, the material is clearly inferior to traditional insulation , and it is better to use in combination with other insulating materials. Applying a thick layer is not an option, since with its thickness of more than 5 cm there is a risk that the plaster will begin to crack and peel off under its own weight.

№4.Insulating paint
Another modern material that affects not only ease of use, but also efficiency. Here are just a few vivid examples: a layer of paint equal to 1 mm is equivalent to a layer of 50 mm mineral wool, and the paint layer applied according to the instructions is the same as a wall of 1.5 bricks. The unique properties of this insulation are based on the structure features and the principle of operation of the .All heat insulation materials known to us work on the barrier principle, preventing heat from leaving the space. Insulating paint becomes not only a barrier to the penetration of infrared rays to the outside, but also their reflector, as a result of which heat is much more difficult to leave the limits of such a room. A similar effect was possible due to the presence of a vacuum inside, which prevents the passage of IR rays.
The advantages of heat insulating paints can be listed for a long time. They have excellent adhesion with most building materials, have good thermal insulation performance, are not afraid of exposure to moisture, are vapor-permeable, and protect the metal from corrosion. The layer of such insulation has a very low weight, so it does not make the construction heavier, and the application process itself is as simple as possible and differs little from the use of conventional paints. The list of advantages complements UV resistance, ease of repairing a damaged coating, resistance to high temperatures( the paint does not burn, but only chars at 2600С or unfolds at 8000С), environmental friendliness. But it can not be noted and such minus , as the rather high cost of paint, its high consumption, and not always it can be used as an independent insulation, but still for insulation of the garage, this option is used more often.

№5.Reflective insulation
Reflective insulation - the newest insulation, which is called today one of the most effective. Moreover, it is optimally suited for insulating a garage from the inside, as it has a small thickness, which means it does not take a lot of usable space. The material itself consists of a heat insulator layer coated with metallized film, and that is why this type of heat insulation is called foiled.
Different materials can be used as insulation layer: polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool or basalt insulation. For internal thermal insulation of an garage, polyethylene foam and mineral wool are best suited as the main layer of the , and the insulation itself can be in the form of slabs or rolls. The base layer can have a thickness of 2-50 mm, and on top of it an aluminum foil, , is applied with a very thin layer by means of thermal welding. Metallized film made of polypropylene can also be used, it is possible that there is an additional layer of fiberglass. The foil layer can be either one-sided or two-sided.
How does this type of thermal insulation work and why is it considered so effective? So, the foil reflects the main part of the heat waves, preventing them from leaving the room. Those infrared rays that have passed through the foil are already held by a layer of insulation, reducing heat loss to a minimum. As a result, we obtain a material with a low thermal conductivity, good sound insulation, low weight, fire resistance and resistance to moisture. In addition, it is environmentally safe and easy to fit. Cons , due to the short duration of use of the material, not all are known yet, but such insulation is corrosive.