Wood veneer based wallpaper: selection and sticking


  1. Advantages and disadvantages of
  2. How to choose wallpaper based on wood veneer?
  3. How to glue wood veneer wallpaper?
  4. At the end of

, wood veneer based wallpapers are a relatively new, but rapidly gaining in popularity, finishing material that impresses with its appearance, naturalness and performance. They fit perfectly into the classic interior, make the room cozy and warm, but today not everyone knows, how to choose the right wallpaper based on wood veneer, and how to better glue so that the material retains all its best qualities.

Wood has long been known for its mass of virtues and has been used for centuries to make furniture and arrange floor coverings. However, all the useful properties of this material retains when used as a wall covering. Today, several types of wall coverings are made on the basis of wood, and one of them is wallpaper based on wood veneer.

The material consists of of two layers of : one is thick paper and the second is veneer about 0.1 mm thick. The veneer can be made of

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from wood of larch, alder, sandalwood, cherry, etc. Depending on the type of wood, the appearance, color and pattern of the coating will be different, so everyone will be able to find an option for themselves. From above, the wallpaper is sometimes coated with varnish or wax to give them additional strength properties. The width of the wallpaper, as a rule, is 50-70 cm. Although plywood wallpaper, as it is also called the material, is expensive, but it will definitely cost you less than wood paneling, but the appearance will be almost identical.

Advantages and Disadvantages of

based on wood veneer have a lot of advantages of , which explains their growing popularity. Among the main ones, there are:

  • high environmental friendliness , since the material contains only natural ingredients that are not capable of causing allergies or more serious diseases;
  • the vapor permeability of the , which ensures an optimal indoor climate;
  • high resistance to damage , durability;
  • material is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so they can be used even in sunny rooms, without fear that they will lose their original appearance;
  • wallpaper gives the room additional thermal and sound insulation properties ;
  • noble appearance , thanks to which the room becomes more comfortable. It is worth noting that there is a mass of techniques for cutting veneer and gluing it, so even with the same wood material you can get material with a different texture. In addition, each breed is distinguished by its unique color and texture, so you can choose the most suitable option for your ideas;
  • a slightly perceptible woody fragrance .

It is impossible not to note the fact that also has 's plywood wallpaper, some drawbacks, among which the main ones are:

  • cost , because these wallpapers are more expensive than paper or vinyl, but the price is justified by durability and naturalness;
  • when installing such wallpaper, it is important not to make mistakes, otherwise you can end up with significant deformations that will be noticeable to the naked eye;
  • can also be faced with difficulties in selecting the pattern. Rolls of wallpaper, even from the same batch, may differ in color and texture, as the material is made from natural wood, which has a unique and unique pattern.

How to choose wood veneer based wallpaper?

  • When choosing, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from the appearance of the wallpaper , because it depends on the perception of the room. Of course, there are not very many possible colors and shades of plywood wallpaper, but there are plenty to choose from. The color scheme is represented by shades from light yellow to dark brown, the texture can also differ slightly.
  • In addition, the modern market offers regular wallpaper based on wood veneer and the most modern version of them, wallpaper from the thermal tree .This material boasts higher performance, better resistance to environmental factors. Such wallpapers are, of course, more expensive, but they will serve you faithfully for many years. This option is suitable for those who are distinguished by the stability of interior preferences and are not used to making repairs every two years.
  • Also, when selecting, you should carefully examine the packaging of the product .It must be airtight and complete, contain all the necessary information. It is desirable that the manufacturer supplied each roll with instructions for sticking, as there may be some features when installing this material that are important to consider.
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of quality and safety certificates , which will guarantee that before you really durable and reliable material that does not bring harm to health.
  • As with any other product, it is better not to be tempted by the temptingly low price, because manufacturers will not work to their detriment, and offer such high-quality and natural products at the price of ordinary paper wallpaper.
  • Of no small importance is the name of the manufacturer.
  • Wallpapers based on wood veneer, like any wood product, are afraid of moisture, therefore, it is better not to use them in rooms with high humidity .For bathrooms, kitchens and rooms, where sometimes damp walls, it is better to choose a different type of finish. But for living rooms and children's rooms such wallpapers are ideal.
  • In addition to choosing the wallpaper itself, due attention should be paid to glue, because it largely depends on what result will be obtained after the installation of the finish. It is better to choose a specialized glue for such wallpaper, to be sure of the reliability of gluing.

How to glue wood veneer wallpaper?

In principle, pokleit such wallpaper is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance. First you need to carefully read all the rules and instructions that the manufacturer attaches. In the future, this will help to avoid mistakes that can spoil the look of the finish.

  1. To begin with, you need to prepare the surface of the walls. : dismantle all the old finishes and get rid of irregularities, such as pits and cavities, if any. Plywood wallpaper does not require a perfectly smooth surface, but it should be fairly flat and without significant drops.
  2. After this, is applied with an primer: this can be either a special compound or wallpaper glue diluted in water. Primer is needed to provide better adhesion of wallpaper to the surface.
  3. Adhesive prepares clearly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions in which the adhesive powder and water should be mixed. Once again it is worth emphasizing that it is very important to choose the right glue: if the composition intended for this type of wallpaper is not found, then you can choose glue for heavy wallpaper.
  4. Before sticking, it is better to immediately to cut the required number of strips of wallpaper .To do this, you need to know the height of the ceilings, which for accuracy is better to measure in several places in the room. In most cases, there are some deviations that can appear even when the wallpaper is cut, and then the aesthetic result will be harder to get.
  5. As in the case of any other wallpaper, it is better to pre- markup on the walls of .The width of the wallpaper roll is laid out from the corner; a strictly vertical line is drawn with the help of a laser level, which will help to start wallpaper glue smoothly. Beginners can mark the entire wall, measuring the width of the roll each time and drawing a vertical line.
  6. glue is applied to both the wallpaper and the wall, as the material is rather heavy. Begin to glue from the window, and work better together, to avoid the appearance of folds and irregularities. Smooth wallpaper sponge or rag, squeezing out excess glue and air bubbles. The excess is immediately cleaned with a sponge, and the next strip is glued end-to-end to the previous one.

In conclusion,

Wood veneer based wallpaper is a great option for organizing a classic interior. They give comfort and warmth to the house, have good performance, will serve you faithfully for many years. For best results, you only need to choose the right finishing material and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of their gluing.

Tags: Wallpapers
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