Paper wallpaper: choice and gluing


  1. Advantages of paper wallpapers
  2. Disadvantages of paper wallpapers
  3. How to choose paper wallpaper?
  • Main types of paper wallpapers
  • Choice of color and pattern
  • How to paste paper wallpapers?
    • Surface preparation
    • Cutting the wallpaper and marking the walls
    • Application of glue
    • Glue the wallpaper
  • Finally
  • .

    Paper wallpaper - this is a kind of classic wall decoration, and sometimes the ceiling.This is the simplest and often the most budgetary way to transform a room. It's amazing that today with a variety of new and modern finishing materials, paper wallpapers are still not just in demand, but very popular. The decoration of bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms is often performed using just these wallpapers. At this point, the question naturally arises,what are their main advantages, andhow to choose a paper wallpaperso that they can serve as long as possible without losing the original appearance?

    Advantages of paper wallpapers

    Today, probably, almost all faced with paper wallpaper, and everyone can easily name their main characteristics.Among their advantages are:

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    • huge assortment. The modern construction market offers a lot of colors and textures of paper wallpapers, so everyone can choose the right option. With the help of such a finish, you can arrange an interior in any style and almost in any room;
    • environmental friendliness.Paper wallpapers are made of natural ingredients, they are able to breathe, so the microclimate in will be optimal, which is the main requirement for the organization, for example, children's room. The glue for these wallpapers also does not contain harmful substances, so this finish is one of the most environmentally friendly;
    • easy installation. Many at least once, but faced with an independent process of gluing paper wallpaper, and managed to understand that it is not so difficult. The rest of this experience is yet to come, but the process will be much simpler if you do the work together and carefully follow several tips. Sticky paper wallpaper - one of the simplest construction operations, which can handle even a beginner and a person without special training;
    • low price. This is the main advantage that draws the attention of all those who are starting to make repairs and are looking for ways to save.

    Disadvantages of paper wallpapers

    Before choosing any kind of finish for walls, you need to weigh all of its pluses and minuses. If dignities outweigh, and you are ready to put up with minuses, then you can safely stop your choice on a certain material.What are the main drawbacks of paper wallpapers?

    • low strength.Paper wallpaper is easily torn, dirty, afraid of water and wet cleaning. It is worth noting that the two-layer material is more resistant to damage than single-layer, but still inferior in strength to some other types of wallpaper;
    • susceptibility to burnout. With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the colors on the wallpaper gradually begin to burn out. With the naked eye it can be imperceptible, but when you decide, for example, to rearrange furniture, you will see that the wallpaper behind it is much brighter than in open spaces;
    • minimal noise insulation and moisture resistance. Some types of finishing materials, incl. and certain types of wallpaper, are capable of absorbing extraneous noise, increasing coziness in the room, but not paper wallpapers. In addition, they are unstable before exposure to moisture, so they are recommended to be used only in dry rooms. Naturally, for bathrooms and kitchens they are not suitable, if you are not going to do mini-repairs every six months;
    • low durability. Among other performance characteristics, it follows that paper wallpaper does not have high durability and practicality. On average, they retain their normal appearance for five years, but today there are also more durable versions of wallpaper, which, with proper care, can last much longer.

    How to choose paper wallpaper?

    The modern market offers several options for paper wallpapers, having studied the characteristics and features of which you can make the right choice.


    Main types of paper wallpapers

    • simplex- single-layer wallpaper, durability, practicality and durability of which leave much to be desired. They have not been manufactured for a long time and are not sold in the European market, but we still are quite popular due to their affordable price;
    • duplex- two-layer paper wallpaper, the layers of which are glued together with glue. A certain pattern and color is applied to the front surface of the material. They differ more sophisticated production technology, increased strength, so the price for them is higher. With the gluing of such wallpaper there will be a minimum of problems. As you know, paper wallpaper when applying glue on them a little razmokayut, so they can stretch, and therefore combine the picture in the future may not be easy. Duplex-type wallpapers do not have this drawback, because only one side is completely impregnated with glue, and the front one retains its original parameters and pattern;
    • wallpaper with embossing- In fact they are a complete analog of duplex, but on the front surface they have a noticeable relief;
    • foams- a kind of two-layer paper wallpaper, on the outside of which is applied acrylic, it is under The action of high temperatures foams, which leads to the formation of a certain pattern or the relief;
    • structural wallpaperare a multilayer material, often with a relief surface. They are distinguished by their strength and durability, impregnated with a water-repellent compound. Due to their thickness, they can hide some wall defects, so do not require thorough preparation of the surface. They often include additional materials such as sawdust or shredded nutshells, resulting in a unique design;
    • wallpaper for painting- paper wallpaper that resemble a duplex. They are thick and strong, impregnated with special water-repellent compositions, thanks to which they can be repeatedly painted. Such material is often used for finishing the ceiling.

    Choice of color and pattern

    The assortment of paper wallpapers is so extensive that you can find material of any desired color and with any pattern. Each of us has the right to organize such an interior that he wants, but still before buying a wallpaper, remember that there isa few golden rules for choosing colors and patterns:

    • for small roomsit is better to choose wallpaper of light and pastel shades, which will visually push the boundaries of space. If the room, on the contrary, is too large, then you can use dark and rich colors to make the room more cozy;
    • The lack of lighting can be compensated forwallpaper warm colors: peach, yellow, pink, etc. If there is so much light, and the window in the room goes to the south, then the wallpaper of cool shades will perfectly fit into the interior: blue, blue, green, purple, gray;
    • large drawings - not for small rooms;
    • wallpaper mustfit organically into the interior: for example, minimalism will not tolerate wallpaper in a small flower.

    Also worth paying attention to the strength, moisture resistance and the class of vapor permeability wallpaper, because every room and individual circumstances put forward their requirements for the finishing materials.

    It is also important to ensure that the wallpaper package is complete, and all the purchased material belongs to the same lot. In this case, there is a guarantee that the wallpaper in different rolls will have exactly the same shade and pattern. Pay attention to the certificates and the name of the manufacturer.

    How to paste paper wallpapers?

    The process of installing paper wallpapers is not that difficult, if you follow certain rules.

    Surface preparation


    Wallpaper glued to a smooth wall, cleared from the layers of old finish. Depending on the type of the previous coating, the following procedures are carried out:

    • old wallpapercan easily be removed by soaking them with soapy water. Some advise ironing them with a hot iron through a cloth soaked in a solution of soda or hydrogen peroxide. If thick wallpaper was pasted, then to accelerate their impregnation with liquid, you can make small cuts on the entire surface;
    • old paintcan be removed with a special solvent. Oil paint can be tried simply sanded with sandpaper, and water-based paint - soak with soapy water and remove with a spatula;
    • gypsum board or chipboard surfacecarefully shpaklyuyut to puzzle all the joints and grooves from nails and screws.

    If the wall has noticeable defects in the form of cracks or holes, thenthey necessarily needplastered. Then you can go toprimingto strengthen the base and facilitate the further dismantling of wallpaper.

    At this stage, we should also take care ofall the necessary tools:

    • pencil and tape measure;
    • scissors or knife;
    • capacity for breeding a wallpaper lei;
    • brush and roller;
    • sponge or piece of cloth.

    Cutting the wallpaper and marking the walls

    Before opening the rolls of wallpaper, it is necessary to check whether they belong to the same lot, so that the pattern and color are exactly the same. Now you need to accurately measure the height of the walls, and on the wrong side of the wallpaper, assign a cut site, taking into account the increase of 6-10 cm in case of uneven walls. If the wallpaper has a picture, it must be combined, and cut the canvas already with this in mind. Many manufacturers on the packaging, by the way, indicate the necessary allowance for overlapping. Cut the linen with a sharp knife or scissors. For convenience, on the reverse side, you can make some notes for yourself (numbering, direction of the drawing, etc.).

    To maximally smoothly glue wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the installation of the first cloth and the layout of the walls. So, start the sticking from the window. Preliminarily measuring the width of the wallpaper, lay it on the wall and draw a perfectly straight vertical line with a pencil. In the future, focusing on it, you will be much easier to achieve the ideal result. Before gluing it is better to remove the case of sockets and switches, as well as plinth.

    Application of glue

    Clay is bred according to the instructions. It should be applied to wallpaper with a uniform thin layer, with special attention paid to the edges. When glue is applied to the whole cloth, it is folded back for 5-7 minutes, so that the material is impregnated with glue. It is important to keep all strips folded the same amount of time to prevent the subsequent formation of bubbles or incorrect joints of the pattern. You can glue the wall itself.

    Glue the wallpaper

    Now comes the most critical part of the work. Before this you need to find out how the wallpaper is pasted: butt or overlap. In the second case, you should start from the window, so that the shadows do not prevent you from creating the most smooth, smooth and ideal surface.

    A piece of wallpaper is glued on top, gently squeezed with a dry rag and smoothing the surface from the middle to the edges. The lower part should be kept folded and smoothed during the gluing process. It is convenient, if you are engaged in pasting together. In this case, the speed and efficiency of the work will be an order of magnitude higher. Do not forget about the allowances, which should go a little to the ceilings and the floor. When the wallpaper is completely dry, gently, holding the spatula, the excess is cut off with a knife.

    Joints between the cloths of wallpapersmooth with a rubber roller so that they are minimally visible. Butt gluing requires great attention and special precision. If the wallpaper is glued overlapping, then they should be superimposed on each other by 2-3 mm.

    If the glue hits the front of the wallpaper, it should be removed as soon as possible with a damp sponge. Do not rub too much or use an excessively damp sponge to avoid damaging the surface.

    Particular attention is requiredcomplex places in the rooms:

    • outer corner.In this case, it is necessary to measure the distance from the last glued strip to the outer corner, add 1-2 cm and cut the width of just such a width. In the place where the wallpaper will be bent, from above and from below you can make small incisions to facilitate the process. The next strip, on the other side of the outer corner, is necessarily overlapped 1 cm;
    • inner corner. The first strip should be of such width to go to the other side of the corner with an overlap of 1 cm. On the other hand, the wallpaper cloths are glued clearly into the corner, without going to the next side;
    • sockets and switches. Before starting work on wallpapering, you must turn off the electricity. Stripes of wallpaper should completely cover the places with switches and sockets. While the glue is still dry, it is necessary to cut the holes in the required places. When everything is completely dry, you can install switches and sockets.

    After completing all these procedures, you can install skirting boards, glue curbs around the windows, in the middle of the wall, near the ceiling or wall.

    Paper wallpaper rarely paint, even though there is a special kind of wallpaper for painting. This is due to the fact that they are inferior in strength to non-woven wallpaper and glass wallpaper, which easily carry the layers of paint.


    Paper wallpapers are an excellent way to create the necessary interior in a bedroom, a nursery or a living room. This is a natural, eco-friendly finish, which strikes an assortment. Paper wallpaper will perfectly fit in different styles of the interior: from classical to minimalism. It remains only to choose them correctly and paste them accordingly. Both are easy to do if you are attentive to small things and observe several rules.

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