How to connect an electric bell in an apartment or a house

Today, an old button for the call is no longer in fashion - but in vain! If you decide to put the EKF London Series switch, there is the risk of loss. The device will fit for a variety of other purposes in addition to the positions doorbell switch! If you remove the return spring, it is easily converted into a typical switch. Let's see how to connect the electric bell in the apartment or house.

Electric doorbells for home

The apartments, most prefer to put wireless calls. Work like radios: button being broadcast signal received by the indoor unit. Ring the buzzer is activated. On this wave of baby monitors work, connected radio, and other instruments. Up refers here. Please note, any electromagnetic fields is harmful to human, you can not put the indoor unit wireless call near the head of the bed.

With regard to propagation conditions, it is better to give preference to long waves. Please note, not all bands are allowed in the Russian Federation. About SCR mentioned is no accident. The lower the frequency is, the better. Inquiring whether or not the device is allowed to use, you need to look into the claim. 2.16 Appendix 1 to RKEEK 134.

instagram viewer

The simplest elektrozvonok

The simplest elektrozvonok

According to norms of the Russian Federation the use of electronic devices is limited. On selected ranges imposed a complete ban on the other limited only by the power of the transmitter. Ringer frequency is indicated on the package, then you need to have the application flipping the table and see if the product falls under the exception. For example, relatively safe to use devices on the wave of 433 MHz. Transmitter power is not greater than 10 mW (see technical characteristics of the device).

There are other bands. There a lot of attention paid to the intended use. For example, conventional radio stations are designed to operate in the range of 27 MHz, a pair of plots allocated to the baby monitor near 40 MHz and 864 (not 868!) MHz. This is an important factor, wireless calls of foreign manufacture are able to break out of this range. Therefore, to use them without permission can not obtain a license - a separate and long history, which is not recommended to get acquainted. To find out the details, will have to sweat: Dealers poorly represent the complexity of the end users. For wireless call Melodic B801 easily found data:

  1. The types of batteries or accumulators for the button and the call receiver.
  2. Surrounding the frequency 433 MHz.
  3. Shows the degree of protection IP44 enclosure, the device may be put in enough wet places (on the street). For detailed information required flipping guide GOST certainly not prohibit the use of such devices. As regards enclosure class, refer to the transcript of GOST 14254 (spraying stand, do not miss the inside objects of less than 1 mm in diameter). Permissible to put this under the peak, provided that the manufacturer allows such operating conditions.
  4. Other data relating to ringtones, and other options. Incidentally, it is worth to buy a model with the ability to change the music. Sophisticated melody will be a joy, some warbling sound annoying.
wired Up

wired Up

The description is not enough power transmitter. It is not allowed more than 10 mW. Learn specific figure better than the dealer. Frequency is recommended to choose lower.

The installation process is simple wireless call to the limit. The button is stuck on the jamb, foot unit is located in a convenient location. The signal passes easily anywhere in apartments standard layout. Adjust the volume according to needs, and if the wireless call is not necessary, simply turn off. It is convenient in the case of intrusive visitors.

Exotic wireless doorbell

Connecting a wireless call is not always possible. For example, in a private housing estate want the button to hang up at the entrance. In this case, you should connect the bell wire method. Acceptable use WiFi modem, signaling, but most does not. We inform, that means panic button. Suppose there is a central point of protection, there are a number of remote sites on the ground. It is not always an option would be the best jam through cable. Here and in the costs of the works, and the cost of the line.

panic buttons used in security systems. This wireless device, usually powered by 220 V, acting on a wireless call manners. The difference - any easy to customize to your own channel. As a result, when activated illuminates the corresponding light on the central point (read - in the house). At the same time the alarm is heard.

Up wireless

Up wireless

This is useful when multiple inputs. The owner does not need to put the intercom or videophone - and so it is clear where to meet guests. Of course, the valve locks are controlled remotely. At present panic button system self-learning mode, allowing the possibility to attach the button to a specific channel. Range of action of system far exceeds the capabilities of wireless calls.

The law does not present contraindications. Of course, the power remains in the normal range. Manufacturers of security systems must take this into account. Each button has a unique number, there is little chance of a repetition within the release other consignments. The authors found no information about the need for mandatory registration of such a system. in the training system can be reset. Thus, loosing the unnecessary buttons and removed for storage. There will be models with batteries.

If there are many points of possible occurrence of the guests is not advantageous to use the doorbell, and alarm button. Better to choose the model 220 with the need to pull cables over long distances. This ensures no need for channel separation. Cables and wires, possibly putting together. Call the power cord is not considered informational and voltage standard. laying space are chosen according to the norms (see, for example, a PUE 6 previous reviews)

  1. Under the ground at a depth of 70 cm or more. With bedding (for example, sand) and a clean soil coating thickness of at least 15 cm from the top. If necessary, protect the track layer of bricks across the line following a special ceramic plates.
  2. The pole power cables are placed according to certain rules. It is difficult to reach the signal. This is an additional reason to use wireless systems, powering of the lighting systems.

Poles have their own ground, united with the zero bus. Taps from the power lines are carried out by means of special couplings. If the light is not taken from the column and fed its own cord, difficulties arise. System operation range is large. None of the wireless call from his 30 th meters and close are not standing to the alarm beating on the distance in kilometers. If you do not like the sound, it is possible to modify the main unit, put on the relay output of the selected buzzer.

Wired bell on the door

Pull the cord on the estate exclusively for the doorbell does not always look the best idea. Of course, there are craftsmen who wish to use a single dwelling house, ripping neutral conductor. The illumination subsystem such actions expressly prohibited directions standards. If desired, may try to reach the button only one core, and the fence to ground. It turns out, the door bell on the gate breaks the power of the main unit on the neutral conductor.

Described the course twice reduces the cost of the cable, removing the need to complete system hardware. A small plus: no phase of the call button, the chance that a person's chance of electric shock, minimum. In said case main body is connected through a differential circuit breaker with a threshold does not exceed 30 mA. Direct evidence that there is, but the outlet where devices are attached for use in outdoor environments, work described. This measure excludes harmful to people in places with possible dampness, wet.

Such measures are not needed when feeding system SELV low voltage (50 V AC or 120 V DC). Which will save the cost of a differential circuit breaker is around 1,000 rubles. Modern Chinese calls to 12 show four different colored wires:

  1. Black and red are used directly for the power supply.
  2. Yellow and green are used to connect button.
Connect call

Connect call

The apartments have people scratching their heads, how to connect a wired bell. In fact, everything is simple. Most are already Chinese "steel" door. Doorposts, hollow box. Use the fact for the cable. The photo is an example of how to connect a call to the apartment. One cap removed and tin door frame drilled right diameter drill. Then under carefully brought outer lateral casing stretched wire and the flat.

Vein for doorbell thin manages gently put over the jamb to the location of the signaling device unit. This is more difficult than to connect a wireless call, the real reason to use such techniques in the apartment we do not see. Unless there is a concern in the safety of the outer part, which attackers try to remove it.

The question remains supply: where to get 12V for the doorbell? Chinese operating from DC. As a result, you will need an adapter or a special module in the switchboard. From said device may feed the domestic fixtures if necessary. This is an indispensable technique if you want to equip the mirror in the bathroom and the sink in the kitchen. Connecting an electric bell can be combined with additional equipment at home and connect the device to the existing communications.

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