10 styles of landscape design and their characteristic features + photo


  1. №1.Classic style( regular, French)
  2. №2.English style( landscape)
  3. №3.Country style( country)
  4. №4.Mediterranean style
  5. №5.
  6. №6 hi-tech style. Art Nouveau
  7. №7.Minimalism style
  8. №8.Eco-style in landscape design
  9. №9.Japanese style
  10. №10.Forest style

Replacing vegetable plantations with flower beds, alpine slides, rockeries, lawns or streams - this does not mean creating a harmonious landscape design of the site. It happens that both forces and money have been invested a lot in the arrangement of the territory, and the garden still does not look the way we would like. In order not to face such a disappointment, it is better to decide in advance on the style and its main characteristics. Of the many options you need to choose the one that best reflects your worldview. Take into account the necessary terrain and climatic features of the territory. Each style of landscape design has its own requirements for the forms of avenues, flower beds, the type of plants, the shape of the reservoir, the materials used and accessories. Let's stop on the most popular.

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№1.Classic style( regular, French)

The classic style of landscape design is strict symmetry , clear and geometrically regular forms in the layout of the site, perfectly trimmed bushes and trees. There is no place for naturalness of wildlife - demonstrative artificiality comes to the first place.

The main features of :

  • are straight avenues, strict forms of flowerbeds, trees and ponds. Fountains or other bodies of water are located in the center of the plot or in the middle of a composition, arbors are placed at the intersection of garden paths;
  • suitable for large areas( area of ​​more than 15 acres );
  • can use any color, but the shades should be soft. All natural materials are used, incl.stone and wood;
  • preference is given to topiard plants .You can plant linden, globular thuja, pyramidal poplar, maple, pyramidal juniper, as well as girlish grapes, lilac, spirea, jasmine. From flowers fit roses, begonias, phlox and salvia. If you want to create an orchard on the site, then it is better to plant trees in the form of an alley;
  • gazebos should be round, can imitate an ancient Greek portico, you can use cast or wooden pergolas, wrought-iron benches. As , antique sculptures, stone balls, classical columns, arches, and Greek flowerpots are suitable for jewelry.

№2.English style( landscape)

The style assumes full naturalness and the absence of strict forms , the rejection of geometrically correct shapes and complete merging with the surrounding nature. He recreates the atmosphere of XIX century noble estates, saturated with romance. The style assumes reasonable intervention in the nature of and consideration of regional vegetation - the work of human hands in enriching the site should not stand out, as is the case with the regular style.

Main features:

  • winding paths, reservoirs of natural shape, seeming lack of order. However, the English-style plot will require the same constant and thorough care as any other, and lawn, the most important element of the style, should always be trimmed and kept in a neat form;
  • landscape style can be fully recreated on in sufficiently spacious areas, with an area of ​​at least 12 acres .Owners of more modest territories will be able to equip only some part of their plot in the English style;
  • prevailing color - green in all shades, silver;
  • besides the lawn, is often used for vertical gardening , and part of the fence or the facade of the house may be covered with lianas. English-style plots literally are buried in the colors of , you can use mallow, roses, pansies, as well as tulips, crocuses and daffodils. Flowers preferably planted in groups and make a lush composition. Be sure to use a juniper, thuya or boxwood, decorative willow, elderberry, jasmine will also do;
  • paths are made only from natural materials : stone, tree cuts. The decoration of the site will be a small pond with water lilies or lilies, a bridge over the pond, benches made of natural materials, as well as gazebos, arches and trellises entwined with plants, ancient objects.

№3.Country style( country)

Country style today is one of the most popular in the arrangement of country plots, and thanks to ease of creating , for its naturalness and ease. Country style is the absence of strict lines, and strict rules in the arrangement, complete freedom of creativity. The main thing is to end up with a cozy plot, reminiscent of rural life.

Main features:

  • the possibility of arranging any area of ​​the on the site. The main requirement - the created landscape should be pleasing to the eye and elevate mood, be suitable for both leisure and garden work;
  • bright colors and natural materials: wood, stone, gravel, metal, timber, wall paneling, wicker;
  • for landscaping use fruit trees( apple, cherry, plum), climbing, bright and medicinal plants( mint, thyme, marigold, thyme), as well as various shrubs( hawthorn, viburnum, bird cherry, lilac).It is advisable to select plants that require minimal maintenance;
  • decorates the plot with decorative wells, live or wicker hedge, wooden or metal benches, a cartwheel, upturned clay pots, old tubs, wooden barrels, logs, birdhouses, original flower beds, handmade accessories. Figures in the form of domestic animals and birds are welcome;
  • if the site is reservoir , then it should be as natural as possible. For example, a reedy pond or a small wall fountain.

№4.Mediterranean style

The gardens of the southern countries captivate with their colorful, combination of citrus and coniferous plants, picturesque ponds. Subtropical vegetation can be used only in the southernmost regions of the country, but in other cases it will be necessary to try hard to give the site a Mediterranean tint: adapted for the more severe climate analogs of subtropical plants are selected and the whole is used for a number of design strategies.

Main features:

  • style ideally suitable for embossed areas .If there are no natural hills, it will be necessary to create walls, stairs and terraced slopes. The territory can be zoned using hedgerows, and the southern part of the site can be allocated for patio ;
  • Mediterranean style - is the most colorful and picturesque of all , it is rich in colors and greenness. Sand, white, azure-blue, orange, blue colors are used;
  • is widely used natural stone , sea pebbles, marble chips, because often Mediterranean gardens are located near the sea and have a stony character. Garden furniture is made of artificial rattan, complemented by pillows with covers in white and blue stripes, you can use umbrellas, chaise lounges, rocking chairs;
  • ideally, the style involves the use of palm trees, olive trees and citrus. You can replace them with evergreens ( juniper, thuja, yew, pine, spruce), you can plant boxwood, magnolia, cotoneaster and viburnum, also sucker silver, often called the people olive. You can not do without the motley flower beds and herbs. In addition, an important feature of the style is , originally shorn trees and shrubs .Bright plants of violet, red, blue, orange flowers can be planted in groups. Pergolas, pergolas and awnings can be supplemented with climbing plants ( girlish grapes, honeysuckle);
  • forged and wooden benches, amphoras, garden figures in the form of ancient vessels, mosaic in paving, terracotta pots, window shutters can become an ornament of ;
  • swimming pool, streams, cascades and fountains - an integral part of the style.

№5.High-tech style

Modern high-tech style involves the embodiment of bold landscape fantasies. uses new materials , plants with unusual leaves, original accessories. There are no requirements for symmetry or asymmetry. This is a garden for busy people, as it requires minimum care .

Main features:

  • suitable for areas of any size and configuration;
  • is the predominance of modern materials, including polycarbonate, plastic, glass, metal , concrete and well-treated wood can be used. For tracks suitable color and white gravel. The color range of includes silver, white, sand, light gray, green and blue shades; red, yellow and orange are used for accents;
  • plants are enclosed in containers and vases of strict geometric shapes. Trees and bushes with clear crown shapes are used, for example, cypress trees and pyramidal firs, and strict geometric shapes are attached to boxwood and tuyam with garden scissors. A lawn, group plantings of tapeworms are welcome, and variegated flowers do not belong here;
  • among accessories important place for lamps, they should be modern, even a little futuristic, forms, color landscape lighting, the use of LEDs and solar lamps are welcome. Contrasts are an important part of style. You can decorate the area with with abstract sculptures , balls and cubes of metal and glass;
  • ponds should be of original forms, framed by concrete or even metal.

№6.Modern style

Modern - is the curvaceous sleek form of , elegance and high cost. Even plants are of greater importance here, but small architectural forms and accessories. The garden in the modern style will require serious and constant care , all the elements in it must be not only decorative, but also functional.

Main features:

  • arched lines and shapes, as if flowing into each other. is welcomed to repeat the same pattern in different elements of the site: paths, flowerbeds, and ornaments on the facade of the building. The central element of the site is the house, from which the rest of the elements are spiraling like planets from the sun;
  • advantage of natural materials , incl.stone, dark wood and metal forging. Pavement tiles, paving stones, stone, garden parquet are used for paving paths;
  • color palette includes chocolate, black, beige, white, blue, silver and violet shades; for contrast, use yellow and red colors;
  • uses plants with a sharp leaf shape and climbers( hop, girlish grapes), are planted in groups, you can use trees with a fancy crown shape;
  • benches, gazebos, fences and other elements of garden design should, as far as possible, contain forged elements with floral designs .The site can be decorated with figures of animals and birds, made in bronze;
  • on the site, you can organize a stream or fountain, but the lack of a reservoir is not a problem.

№7.Minimalism style

Garden minimalism completely repeats the ideas of a similar style used in the interior. The comes to the forefront with simplicity and conciseness of forms, a minimum of details of , but organizing a site in this way is not as easy as it may seem at first glance, since with a minimum of components it is necessary to fully disclose the embedded idea.

Main features:

  • is suitable for sections of any size , even for the smallest area of ​​3 weave. Zoning is required;
  • requires strict forms, but this does not mean that symmetry and regularity should reign in the garden. Garden paths are made straight, style dictates the rejection of numerous outbuildings, and patios, stairs and podiums, on the contrary, are welcome;
  • color range discreet, using white, silver, cream and light terracotta shades. Paving of the original form is welcome;
  • materials used can be natural or artificial origin , and the most important requirement is the use of only one material for all buildings and some elements of the garden. For example, if a brick is chosen, then a house should be built from it, tracks and a fence should be made;
  • There are no clear requirements for plants. is not. You can use willow, birch, maple, conifers and fruit trees, forsythia, snowberry, spirea are suitable for shrubs. Vertical gardening will look great; chamomile, irises, cereals, ferns, primroses, marigolds will suit flowers;
  • As , large boulders, expressive snags, mirrors, metal balls, unusual installations will suit .The furniture is as simple and comfortable as possible( plastic and aluminum will do), the arbor can be made in the form of a canopy;
  • a reservoir of the correct geometrical form.

# 8.Eco-style in landscape design

Eco-style - this is maximum naturalness .Human intervention must be such that the garden looks as if it was created by nature itself. Caring for the site is minimal, when settling in, it is necessary to take the terrain features of the and beat them with the .If the territory is flat, then there is no need to create hills - it is necessary to emphasize the beauty of the existing one.

Main features:

  • no requirements for the area and configuration of the site are not put forward, because the natural nature is a many-sided variety;
  • eco-style colors - all natural, the materials used are natural. It looks great intermittent paving with grass, bridges from boards and logs. The tracks of gravel, stone, and bark are carried out as far as possible without curbs or hide the latter as much as possible;
  • select plants stands on the principle of minimal intervention in the natural flora of the area, you can combine wild plants and garden flowers, plant lawns from wild flowers, use forest plants;
  • in the course is rough furniture, you can equip the similarity of the hut. As accessories used stumps, snags, crafts from the rod;
  • is a pond of natural form, the presence of living churches in it is a huge plus.

No. 9.

Japanese style Japanese-style garden is simplicity with great attention to detail , because every element here has a hidden meaning. Creating such a landscape is a whole philosophy, and as a result, the garden should have to contemplation and pacification. The main elements of the style are the stones, water and plants, and precisely those that are characteristic of a particular locale.

Main features:

  • balance of all components of the garden, separate zones should be irregular in shape, transitions between them are smooth. Throughout , is valued with asymmetry: none of the elements should be repeated in size, shape, or color;
  • plot size can be absolutely anything;
  • color range is very restrained, bright spots are used to a minimum. The use of as a mass of shades of the same color is welcomed. The base are gray, green, white and brown;
  • basic materials - stone and plants; step paths and combined paving can be used; bamboo fences look very good;
  • As as the main plant you can use pine and juniper, thuja, cherry, plum, ornamental apples, maples, and those that give hill-like crowns. Among the shrubs suitable spirea Japanese, Japanese quince, different types of rhododendrons, girlish grapes. You can diversify the landscape with fern, cereals, buzulnik, peonies and irises;
  • is an excellent decoration of the plot - a “tea house” arbor, stone gardens, “dry” streams, stone lanterns and benches, ropes, roots, winding snags, bamboo and white pottery, garden screens. An important detail of the style is the bridges over reservoirs and “dry” streams;
  • water is required , in any form. It can be ponds, fountains, streams or just a bowl of water.

No. 10.Forest style

Forest style is reminiscent of eco-style in that it implies minimal invasion of the natural landscape. All efforts are to ensure that connect the house with the surrounding nature of and only to place some accents, without disturbing the nature and not doing global redevelopment.

Main features:

  • is ideally suited for areas located in the forest area. Only in this case will it be possible to fulfill the main requirement of the style - naturalness and naturalness. The size of the territory does not matter ;
  • all forms in the garden should resemble natural, zoning is also carried out along natural lines;
  • uses only natural dyes, blotches of bright colors are minimal;
  • all materials are natural , in the first place is wood. Paths can be arranged using gravel, tree sawing, grass or bark. Paving is used at a minimum, and only the main path leading to the house can have a noticeable curb;
  • plants - all forest species that grow in the region. Together with them use all forest bushes, vertical gardening is allowed. Chamomiles, cereals, buttercups, bells, as well as medicinal plants will perfectly fit into the style. Excellent decoration - flower beds in stumps and logs ;
  • can be equipped at the gazebo-houses. Garden furniture is simple, wooden, varnished. hammocks and swings will fit into the forest style, as a decoration you can use snags, wooden figurines. Ponds and streams are welcome.

When setting up your site, you can combine similar styles, but this must be done very carefully. It is allowed to use elements of the chosen style for the organization of only a part of the territory of the garden. In any case, careful planning should precede all landscaping of a country or suburban area, without which it is impossible to create a harmonious and coherent territory.

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