Washing machine errors LG: error codes and instructions for repair

Diagnosing small malfunctions - a key feature of washing machines LG Eletronics. All devices of this brand are equipped with intelligent control system, since it simplifies the operation.

A significant achievement in the area of ​​ease of use, recognized that the LG washing machine errors are displayed in the form of combinations of letters and numbers.

The content of the article:

  • The main error codes
    • №1: Problems with feeding or draining system
    • №2: Codes of problems with motor problems
    • №3: Error loading door and the door
    • №4: Problems with power and TAN
  • Briefing repair
    • Causes and remedy simple faults
    • Features of diagnosis of PETN
  • Useful videos on the topic

The main error codes

problems in LG codes submitted to the dashboard screen, facilitating further diagnosis and repair. With their help, you can try to fix the damage yourself, or at least consult with professionals, calling the error code.

№1: Problems with feeding or draining system

inscription AE It indicates the automatic switch-off device error. It occurs when a special float switch is activated. When it appears, check the equipment for leaks. To do this, you need to examine all parts of the device in contact with water.

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Also for diagnostics can turn off the power machine for 15-25 minutes, and then on again.

The main components of the washing machine
Each user of the washing machine should at least schematically to represent her device. This can help guide the schemes, which is equipped with new appliances (+)

Possible causes of error can be problems with the control unit, the wear sleeve hatch, mechanical damage to the tank.

character string FE lights when the tank is full with water. In this case, the pressure switch (sensor) blocks the operation of the system.

The reasons for exceeding the limit of water:

  • defect electric controller;
  • disturbances in the level of activity of the relay;
  • water filling valve malfunctions;
  • large amount of foam in the tank (if wrong detergent).

To diagnose the problem you need to check the sensor itself, pipe and wiring to ensure correct operation of the pressure switch. Then, inspect valve for a foreign object.

The code E1 It means that the washing machine tray leaked water due to depressurization of the tank.

Check the hoses and pipes machines
In the diagnosis of the problem, check the hoses, connections, supports, etc. If all of the mechanical elements of the device are correct, it is necessary to check the pump and probe leaks on possible malfunctions

Combination IE It indicates a lack of pressure. In this case, water flows into the tank is extremely slow, but did not reach the required level for the allotted time (usually 4 minutes).

Possible causes of this problem:

  • Bay water damage valve (electromagnetic coils should check to ensure that the voltage applied to them);
  • pressure switch defect;
  • Filter clogging of water intake valve (typically lime precipitation);
  • holes and kinks in the hose;
  • wiring wear at the intake valve;
  • poor resistance valve (below 3 ohms);
  • failure of the general management board;
  • hose supplying water, properly installed and partly overlaps the water hole;
  • insufficient pressure in the water pipes.

error pressure switch PE similar to IE, but there is not only because of the long filling the water tank. It also lights up if the water entered the car too fast (1-2 minutes).

In this case also it is necessary to check the water supply pressure. If the water is supplied in the normal way, it is necessary to diagnose the pressure switch. Still other causes of the problem could be a short circuit or an open network on the line.

Error PE at the first start
If PE code appears on the display during the first washing machine, the problem may be in the wrong attachment unit sewerage

malfunction OE associated with excess of the permitted level of water in the drum. Often, the code is displayed after an unsuccessful drain when the water merged, but for a number of its left inside the washing machine. The code automatically lights up when the draining procedure lasts longer than 5 minutes. The problem occurs because of blockage in the outflow tract, namely, pipe, pump, filter, hose.

Contamination drain pump filter
After cleaning the filter drain stiralka system starts to operate in the operating mode. Pump (drain pump) may refuse to work because of the failure, then it requires a complete replacement

The drain hose may be twisted or kinked. Problems sometimes arise with the discharge due to puncture of the air bladder and pressure sensor fault. In some cases, the problem is not due to the washing machine itself, but because of blockages in the pipeline. For the prevention of this error must be periodically cleaned downspouts.

UE - an imbalance of water in the tank code.

Crumpled linen in the tank
Error often occurs when the machine is placed in a crumpled linen that disrupts the functioning of the device. The machine can not spin the drum, without risk of breakage, and therefore ceases operation due to unbalanced load

To resolve this problem, open the door and straighten a few things, and then restart the wash cycle.

In some cases, a similar problem arises due to the small number of items in the drum as a washing machine just does not feel their weight. Then you should add more laundry. If these steps do not help, you need to test an electric wire, a belt, a controller and a Hall sensor on the subject of failure.

Skewed housing the washing machine
The cause of the error can be, and incorrect installation of the washing machine, and more specifically its bias. Due to the unstable situation of the feet the unit starts to vibrate and rattle

№2: Codes of problems with motor problems

Error code CE appears when motor overload (motor) and drum overcrowding. For further operation is necessary to remove part of the laundry machine. If the drum unit after release still does not work, and the display shows the same combination, it is necessary to check up serviceability of the motor and the electronic controller.

For models of washing machines with engine with direct drive (sign DD), should be diagnosed on the drum jitter. If he will cringe then it will be a problem with the drive motor. For the prevention of this problem, do not overload the machine. Each device has its limit load in kilograms. Typically, information about it is located on the dashboard next to the display.

№3: Error loading door and the door

LE - bug hatch locking device. It arises from the low voltage to the main power supply or because of a faulty engine and the controller.

Setting up the machine mode
To restore the operating functions can be de-energize the device for 15 minutes, and then turn it on again. This often helps to reboot the machine back operation

As a diagnostic check the machine door closed, no chipping of the door handle, door guard operation, wiring At the same time blocking is necessary to ensure the integrity of the rotor (there are no cracks or fractures) and otstutsvie foreign objects which interfere drum rotate.

Error code DE It reported that the loading door is not fully closed.

Error code DE
In machines of the brand LG door locks often fail, but sometimes this combination of signals only of the leaky closing flap

To eliminate the technical problems, you should check the correctness of the door closing and push it firmly. In some cases, the need to replace the door handle due to damage, wear or misalignment of the locking hook. If this does not fix the problem, it is necessary to check the activities of two mechanisms: electric controller or locking device of the hatch.

№4: Problems with power and TAN

Error code HE indicates a malfunction of PETN (heater). If the water heating element is completely broken, it is necessary to replace it with a new one. Also character string may indicate:

  • incompleteness supply circuits;
  • breakage of the temperature sensor;
  • fault outlet to which is attached a washing machine.

Combination THOSE evidence of problems with the temperature sensor (thermistor), when the actual temperature inside the tank is not corresponds to indications on the display, and in case of impossibility of machines required to heat the water indicators. This error indicates a heating circuit problems (including PETN).

Sensors washing machine
If the diagnosis will be found open or shorted, the sensor must be replaced. In some cases, the cause of the problem are the controller temperature failure, so it, too, should be inspected

Mistake PF It indicates a failure of the washing machine on. This could be due to:

  • improper securing the power cord;
  • loose attachment plug;
  • problems in the connectors on the main control board;
  • connect machines not the outlet, and multifunction jack;
  • failure of the heating element;
  • violation wiring and connections protective filter.

SE - the code of private errors, characteristic only for washing machines with direct drive. Yet it is called the Hall sensor malfunction or tahonogeneratora (needed for control of the rotor revolutions of the washing machine). In case it should be replaced with a new device failure. Externally fault malfunctions characterized drum (not shaft rotates).

letter code CL It does not apply to the performance error, but appears on the display when installing the child lock function. The machine is not responding on pressing the buttons and the display does not appear.

Child Lock
Codeword to unlock depending on the type of washing machine itself, it always point in the instruction manual

EE and E3 - the codes are rare LG washing machine errors most often occur on the display when you first use during the test or when the device is unable to determine the load.

Briefing repair

LG company's machine - a reliable device, so when the first problems should try to eliminate the cause of the problem, without opening the device. For example, if the washing machine does not work, most often it is due to the elementary lack of electricity in the power supply.

Causes and remedy simple faults

Rattle, rattle in the drum and vibrations often occur because of the unstable position of the legs. If the machine to rearrange, then withdrew the problem.

Also, periodic knock at washing may indicate wear of the bearing and oil seal providing sealing drum. They can be replaced independently. To accurately verify the cause of the noise should be independently rotate the drum machine to the left and right hands. If there was noise, pops, or rumble, then the cause is clearly faulty bearings.

Installing the machine on the floor
Properly installed the washing machine "fyrchat" will not be! Over time, a balance that is configured during installation may fail due to body movement during the spin cycle

If the machine jumps or skips, then the fault is due to irregularities in the counterweight mounting structure.

Water leakage occur due to wear hose or improper connection. In this case, you can just tighten the coupling to the problem areas.

Possible clogging of the drain hose
It often happens that even after cleaning the filter drain pump machine "refuses" to drain the water. It is possible that the reason for the drain hose clogged, which you just need to clean the

If the water does not flow out of the drum of the washing machine, it is necessary to repair the drain system: clean the filter, check the drain hose and pump.

Features diagnostic work PETN

If the machine has become a bad heat the water, it is necessary to make a diagnosis PETN. The fact that the long-term operation on the heating elements form a scum, preventing normal operation. TAN can be easily cleaned even in the home, e.g., acetic and citric acid.

Purification of PETN with citric acid:

  • set washing mode without underwear (temperature 60-90 degrees);
  • instead powder should fall asleep citric acid (about 100 grams, but all depends on the degree of contamination of the device).

This procedure can also be used as a preventive measure - a semi-annual or quarterly, depending on the intensity of washing.

Cleaning with vinegar:

  • also sets the wash cycle without clothes;
  • a receiver for pouring powder 2 cup vinegar;
  • start washing on the maximum duration of the program;
  • 5-10 minutes after starting operation should put the machine to pause and hold it in that position for about an hour;
  • should resume after an hour wash and rinse well for full flushing tank acetic solution;
  • thereafter a cloth soaked in acetic acid, rubbed with the hatch door.

But more effective to prevent the formation of scale. Prevention of contamination may be due to installation of specific magnetic water softeners (filter-softeners) which purified incoming water from calcium and magnesium salts.

Filter for a washing machine
Magnetic softeners not everyone can afford, therefore can be installed on a supply pipe to the machine conventional mechanical cleaning filter reagent, which is not passed into the washing machine and rust sand

To increase the service life of heating element should adhere to certain rules: do not wash clothes in hot water (if possible) and not to bring things to the deterioration of the state and heavily dirty appearance, as particles will enter the heating element and form scum.

It is also recommended not to use cheap counterfeit detergents, and to approach more selective in the choice of washing powders and gels.

Useful videos on the topic

How to act when it detects damage to yourself and when you need the help of professionals, you will learn from the useful video.

Transparent user error in the definition of stiralki codes:

Almost all faults and damage the washing machine LG arise due to incorrect operation, so you should regularly to prolong the lifetime of the device preventive actions. Etc. breakage occurs, try to correct the situation on their own, but if you need a complex repair, it is better to contact the service center.

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