- №1.The composition of liquid nails
- №2.Liquid nails: the advantages and disadvantages of
- # 3.Types of liquid nails by type of solvent
- № 4.Types of liquid nails for purpose
- №5.Liquid nails: the use of
- №6.What else to consider when choosing a liquid nails?
- №7.Manufacturers of liquid nails
- №8.The gun for liquid nails
- №9.How to glue with liquid nails?
- # 10.How to remove liquid nails?
We all have heard about liquid nails. This is a special type of construction glue that can literally quickly and simply stick everything: plasterboard, ceramic tile, glass, metal - this composition can be called universal. It appeared not so long ago, but it has already conquered the whole world and is actively used during construction and repair work of various complexity. Depending on the operating conditions, materials and surfaces that will be glued, choose one or another type of liquid nails. Let's try to figure out which liquid nails are better to choose and what is important to pay attention to when buying. We will decide on the scope of application of liquid nails and installation technology.

№1.The composition of liquid nails
Liquid nails were invented in the United States. There, in the 60s, Macco first decided to pack ordinary glue into individual cartridges for ease of use. After a couple of years, a new development appeared - Liquid Nails .In just a few years, liquid nails conquered American users with a mass of advantages, and they entered the domestic market only in the 1990s.
synthetic rubber with polymer additives has become the basis for the new type of glue. was used as a filler as a special grade of clay with increased plasticity. Huge deposits of this clay are concentrated in the USA in the state of Texas, and the main industrial capacities of most local producers are located there. Instead of unique clay, common chalk is often used today. Thus, manufacturers kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, chalk acts as a filler, but at the same time it gives the glue the necessary white color, which according to the classical technology is achieved by adding titanium oxide. Glue with the addition of chalk is much inferior in terms of quality.
Toluene was previously added to liquid nails to improve adhesion and acetone to accelerate drying. The increased toxicity of these substances made them abandon their use. However, some companies still use such additives to reduce the cost of the composition. Their adhesives have an unpleasant smell and, as a rule, a suspiciously low price. Indoors such compositions in no case can not be applied.

# 2.Liquid nails: the advantages and disadvantages of
The unique composition and convenient form of packaging allows you to talk about the of the numerous advantages of liquid nails:
- highest joint strength. The composition can withstand a load of up to 80 kg / cm2;
- good adhesion with almost all existing materials;
- ease of use;
- composition can be used for bonding not only flat surfaces, but also with loose materials. Liquid nails simplify installation on curved surfaces;
- such glue does not destroy the surface, does not damage its integrity, unlike ordinary nails;
- liquid nails do not corrode;
- installation process passes without noise, knocks, dust and dirt;
- glue seizes in seconds;
- modern compounds are non-toxic. A rare exception is the questionable products of unnamed companies at an unreasonably low price;
- high fire resistance. Moisture resistance and frost resistance is characteristic only for neoprene compounds, poorly expressed in water-based adhesives;
- most formulations have an unsharp, almost neutral smell;
- economical consumption. One drop of material can withstand loads of up to 50 kg.
Liquid nails have virtually no deficiencies, unless some limitations on the use of different types of glue are taken into account.

№3.Types of liquid nails by type of solvent
The type of solvent used actually determines the scope of application of the composition. Today such types of liquid nails are produced:
- on a synthetic basis;
- is water based.
Neoprene Liquid Nails are manufactured by based on synthetic rubber. Such compositions can be used to glue heavy enough structures, incl.and metal. Glue perfectly tolerates the effects of high humidity, temperature drops, frost, provides high speed and strength of setting. The minus of the material is a strong odor and slight toxicity. During work with glue, it is necessary to ensure the protection of hands and respiratory organs, to well ventilate the room. Unpleasant smell will persist for about two days after the work. There is one more limitation - it is not recommended to glue synthetic materials with such composition.
Aqueous emulsion acrylic liquid nails are absolutely non-toxic and practically do not smell. Their strength is somewhat lower, so they are used to fasten lighter materials. This composition should be used when working with porous surfaces. The disadvantages include the sensitivity to temperature extremes, low frost and moisture resistance, so such compositions are not suitable for large-scale work in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

№4.Types of liquid nails for the purpose of
. By appointment, liquid nails can be divided into the following types:
- universal;
- special purpose.
It is clear that universal adhesives can be used in any conditions and for installation on any surface. However, such universality does not always work well when the conditions are very specific.
special purpose formulations have clear recommendations for use. On sale you can find such liquid nails:
- for wet and dry rooms;
- for interior and exterior use;
- for mounting heavy structures;
- compositions of increased strength and high freezing rate;
- glue for mirrors, glasses and ceramics;
- adhesive for polystyrene foam panels and others.
Which liquid nails are better to choose , it is necessary to decide depending on what and where you are going to fix. On the packaging, manufacturers indicate in what conditions a particular compound can be used, and for which it is mainly suitable.

No. 5.Liquid nails: application of
Liquid nails - a versatile material that is suitable for working with such materials:
- brick construction;
- drywall;
- glass, mirror and ceramics;
- wood, fiberboard, chipboard and MDF;
- polystyrene;
- plastics;
- aluminum and other metals;
- cork panels;
- bathtubs and showers, sinks;
- door frames and window frames, siding.
Sometimes liquid nails are used even when sealing gaps in walls, corner joints, tabletops, air vents, although it is better, of course, to use special sealants for this purpose. It is not recommended to use liquid nails when working with wet wood, as well as for gluing aquariums.

№6.What else to consider when choosing a liquid nails?
When buying, carefully study the packaging and all that is written on it. Especially pay attention to such things:
- setting time for glue .This parameter in different compositions may slightly, but differ. If we are talking about installing some elements on the walls or on the ceiling, then it is better to take quick-set glues in order to simplify the installation process;
- composition. It is better to take the glue, which contains no chalk, it is able to somewhat deteriorate the quality of the connection. If we are talking about responsible fastening or gluing heavy parts, then the composition with chalk is definitely better not to take;
- acetone in the composition of is also not desirable;
- for the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity should definitely take moisture-resistant composition.

№7.Manufacturers of liquid nails
The quality of the performance of the liquid glue, its composition and compliance with what is written on the package, directly depends on the name of the manufacturer. Fastening of materials and structures is a matter of responsibility, therefore saving is not necessary here. The choice is better to entrust the products of such manufacturers as:
- HENKEL is a German company whose products are in high demand all over the world precisely because of high quality. It produces liquid nails of the trademarks "Moment Installation" and Makroflex. There are universal compounds and adhesives for baseboards, polystyrene foam panels, super-strong adhesives for metal, wood and chipboard. Glue "Moment Installation Superstrong Plus" can withstand load up to 100 kg / cm2 ;
- KIM TEC - another German manufacturer, produces universal liquid nails, moisture-resistant compounds, as well as adhesives for decorative elements, mirrors, adhesives of particularly strong fixation;
- MACCO is an American company that has become a pioneer in the industry. Its products are of high quality, and the range is constantly expanding;
- FRANKLIN is an American company that produces liquid nails under the brand name Titebond .The compositions are characterized by high strength and sufficient range;
- SELENA GROUP is a Polish company that produces Titan liquid nails, which are distinguished by a good price-quality ratio.

№8.The gun for liquid nails
It is very easy to work with liquid nails - even a beginner in repair business will master it. It will be necessary to stock up only with a suitable composition and a special gun, where the cartridge with glue will be inserted. Despite the formidable name, this gun looks more like a syringe, however, quite cumbersome. A tube of glue is installed in the prepared niche, so that on the one hand it rests on the tip, and on the other - on the surface for pressing. The design is very simple, install the cartridge with glue is also easy.
Pistols are frame and sheet .Frame more reliable, as they allow to fix the cartridge more tightly.
Depending on the design, pistols can be with or without reverse stroke. .The latter are used mostly by professionals when the scope of work is large and constant. For private construction is more suitable construction with reverse motion.

# 9.How to glue with liquid nails?
The whole process is quite simple, it does not require any special skills:
- surfaces that will stick together must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased;
- apply glue to a point or a snake, if the item is heavy. For drawing use a special gun;
- after application, the material is quickly applied to the surface and tightly pressed. Hold the part in the desired position takes about 1-2 minutes, then you can gently remove your hands. At this stage, if necessary, the vertical and horizontal levels are controlled;
- glue drying time - 12-24 hours, it all depends on the type of composition, temperature, humidity and ventilation in the room. The final polymerization occurs in about a week.
When working with liquid nails based on an organic solvent, gloves should be used, and better still a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

No. 10.How to remove liquid nails?
When mounting is done carefully and slowly, the probability of hitting the adhesive on the face of the surface is low. If it still happened, then try to wipe glue as soon as possible. While the composition has not yet dried, it will be possible to clean it with a damp sponge or mineral-based solvent. When the glue is completely dried, special cleaners will help, or a rough mechanical method using a scraper, but care must be taken to avoid damaging the surface. Another way out is heating up to a temperature of 55-60 degrees, for example, with a building dryer, the nails will turn into a liquid state and can be removed much easier.
The most important thing is to be attentive during the purchase and not to trust the tempting offers from little-known manufacturers. At best, the glue will be fragile; at worst, it will be harmful to health.