22 ideas from plastic pipe do-it-yourself ideas for gardening and home + photo


  1. Methods for connecting pipes
  2. №1.Organizer
  3. №2.Decorative frame or partition
  4. №3.Shoe shelf and wine bottle holder
  5. №4.Vases and flower pots
  6. №5.Shelves and stands
  7. №6.Coffee table
  8. №7.Clothes hanger
  9. №8.Rack for living room, hallway, pantry
  10. №9.Football goal
  11. №10.Arena for children
  12. №11.Chairs from plastic pipes
  13. №12.Bunk bed
  14. №13.Garden arch
  15. №14.Arbor
  16. №15.Carport for
  17. number 16.Greenhouse
  18. №17.Greenhouse from plastic pipes
  19. №18.Containers for seedlings
  20. №19.Feeder for chickens
  21. №20.
  22. №21 drip irrigation system. Fencing for the site
  23. №22.Lamps
  24. Other ideas

Whether from a desire to save, or from an excess of fantasy, our people have learned to benefit from those objects and things that a pedantic European would send to a landfill for a long time. Greenhouses are made of plastic bottles and palm trees are made, old garden figures are made of nice garden figures, and any garden furniture can be collected from wooden pallets. Scraps of plastic pipes, remaining after the repair, can also be used with benefit. They make the simplest decorative things, beds, chairs and even greenhouses - a huge space for imagination, and we have collected only the most interesting ideas from plastic pipes, which can serve as a guide to action or a source of inspiration.

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Methods for connecting pipes

Plastic pipes are like the details of the designer .Combining segments of different lengths and connecting them at different angles, you can get anything : a beginner will be glad that he built a simple hanger, and a professional will easily assemble a bunk bed. The main thing is to be able to correctly connect the pipes, and then it will be possible to do any necessary thing in the household.

Plastic pipes are a collective name for plumbing, sewage and heating pipes that are made from polymers. The greatest demand is for pipes made of PVC and polypropylene. Segments of different lengths and diameters remain after the repair of engineering networks in the apartment or at the cottage, and, as a rule, they are cracked in storerooms, more precisely, they have been jammed until the enterprising craftsmen have begun to use them for other than their intended purpose. Plastic pipes are distinguished by low weight, high strength and durability; they are easy to maintain and safe.

Polypropylene pipes are connected using a special welding machine. It is expensive - it is more profitable to rent it, and it will take a little time to learn how to work with it. Compression fittings can be used to connect. In any case, the assembled product will not be collapsible.

When it comes to handicrafts made from plastic pipes, usually means PVC pipes, which can be interconnected by in such ways:

  • socket connection with rubber seal .Manufacturers supply pipe pipes with rubber seals on the end, thanks to which the pipe joining works are simple and fast, and the joint is sealed. At the first stage, the bell of one pipe and the smooth part of the other are cleaned of dust and dirt. From the smooth end of the pipe bevel( angle of 15 degrees, you can use chamfering cutters) and put a mark indicating the depth at which the pipe goes into the socket. The sealing ring of the socket and the smooth part of the pipe are smeared with silicone compound and insert one part into another, focusing on the label. For plumbing and sanitary is a good connection, and if you collect shelves or furniture, it is not tough enough. The main advantages are: simplicity and possibility of dismantling; therefore, such a connection is used for the construction of temporary buildings and things;
  • adhesive bonding .From the ends of the pipes that need to be connected, they chamfer( some simply treat the surface with emery paper), then they put marks indicating the depth of the fitting. The ends of the pipes are degreased with methylene chloride, then the adhesive is applied with a brush to the pipe and inside the chamfer or socket. The pipe is inserted into the fitting( or socket), rotated ¼ turn for better distribution of glue, then the elements can be pressed for 30-60 seconds. It is advisable to do all the work quickly. Glue residue is immediately removed, and the compound is allowed to dry for several hours. The process is more time consuming, but the joint is more reliable;
  • flange connection .Separate sections are connected using special fittings. Before performing work, the ends of the pipes are cleaned. A flange is put on the cut, then a rubber gasket on which the flange slides. The elements are connected using bolts with a counter flange. Then the bolts are tightened evenly, which results in a combination of flanges. The connection is reliable, the structure is collapsible.

When the technology of connecting plastic pipes is mastered, we can assume that you can do almost any craft. It is only important to draw a sketch in advance or to make a drawing, and correctly calculate the length of all segments. You can make anything out of such parts - we will list just a few ideas from plastic pipes with our own hands.


The simplest way to use the remains of plastic pipes. You can take a pipe of small and medium diameter, fit even small lengths. The first option is a mobile organizer. It is enough to cut segments of different heights and glue them together in any order or following some scheme( for example, one higher segment in the center, the others around it).This stand will fit for storing stationery near the desktop or to organize all sorts of studs, bolts and other fasteners in the workshop.

The second option is stationary. On the one hand, the pipe must be cut at an angle( the most popular option is 45 degrees, but it is possible even less if small items are stored).Then the cut elements are attached to a vertical surface with screws. You can mount the elements of the organizer on the wall or a specially installed board.

№2.Decorative frame or partition

Thin rings, which are easy to obtain when cutting plastic pipes, are a versatile material for creating decor. You can use pipes of different diameters - even more interesting. From plastic rings you get a great frame. It is enough to draw on the paper the layout of the future product on paper and to glue individual rings directly on it. They can turn out as a strict symmetrical pattern, and something chaotic. If you later paint, then it will be difficult to call such a frame for a mirror or a painting a simple hand-made article - it will be a cool designer thing.

Similarly, you can get a decorative partition. Glue, of course, will have a little longer, but the efforts are worth it. The partition will look very interesting, weigh a little and come in handy, for example, for delimiting zones in the bathroom.

№3.Shoe shelf and wine bottle holder

It is not necessary to go to a furniture store for an accessory for a hallway, if a large-diameter plastic pipe trimming stitches on the farm. They need to be cut into elements about 25-30 cm long( so that shoes of any size are guaranteed to fit) and connect with each other with glue or self-tapping screws. There can be any number of sections in such an improvised Obuvnitsa, but in any case, the regiment will not take up much space, and at the same time it will be very spacious and original. The assembled product can be attached to the wall on the screws, or first glue to the sheet of plywood, and already fasten it to the wall.

Similarly, you can create an towel rack in the bathroom. If you scale down a bit, you get a great bottle holder - wine lovers will appreciate.

If there are remains of pipes of very large diameter, then boldly fasten several of these rings in the bathroom - you get nice shelves for all bath towels.

№4.Vases and flower pots

For transplantation or reproduction of indoor flowers, trimming sewers of medium diameter are perfect. If you decorate them with stickers or decorate with paints, you get very nice pots.

Pipes of minimum diameter can be used as long stylish vases for artificial flowers and dried flowers. Stickers or decoupage technique can be used for decoration. On a stand made of plywood with pre-prepared notches, you can install a whole composition of such vases, and elements of different heights look better.

№5.Shelves and stands

It is easy to make a small shelf or stand made of plastic pipes, but you will need to connect individual segments. First you need to decide on the size and shape of the future shelf. It is necessary to take into account not only the features of the interior, but also the amount of available material. Often bookshelves are made snake-like - they are somewhat similar to traditional towel warmers. This craft is perfect for storing books and photo albums.

Making a stand for flowers will require a little more time and effort, because it will be necessary to securely connect the legs together and think of what material to make the tabletop. Usually for these purposes use unnecessary pieces of plywood, chipboard or wood. The material is shaped and fixed to a plastic base.

№6.Coffee table

The coffee table is made in the same way as the flower stand, only its size is larger, so you will also need more legs and partitions between them. Carefully consider the size and design of the future piece of furniture, do not forget to portray everything on paper. On top of the plastic frame, as a rule, fasten the glass tabletop.

Include fantasy and look for non-trivial approaches. For example, the basis for the table may not be a typical frame with legs and partitions, but a lot of pieces of pipes of different diameters glued together. Even better, the pipes will be of different heights. In this case, even master the nuances of the correct connection of PVC pipes do not have to.

№7.Hanger for clothes

Several variants of hangers can be assembled from pieces of pipe:

  • is the easiest when the whole structure is supported on legs made of the same pipe. The craft can have any number of hooks and partitions and, with proper skill, replace a small wardrobe. A great option for installation in the living room;
  • the simplest frame of pipes can be put on a metal base with wheels and get a mobile cabinet. The upper partition will play the role of the crossbar in the wardrobe, where we used to hang clothes on hangers. However, a stable base can be made without wheels( examples in the photo);
  • literally from a few lengths of pipe you can make an uncomplicated vertical hanger for the hallway, where it will be convenient to broadcast outerwear and hats;
  • clothes hanger and towels are also easy to manufacture.

The options for organizing the storage of clothes using plastic pipes are weight, and in implementation all these crafts are fairly simple.

№8.Rack for living room, hallway, pantry

By connecting several pipe lengths in the required order, you can get a practical and inexpensive rack that will fully satisfy your needs in terms of size, shape and configuration. It can be a fairly modest size, and a real giant. If the rack is located in the living room, then the pipes can be painted, and glass or plywood can be used as countertops. When it comes to the pantry or workshop, there is no particular need for decoration.

№9.Football goal

If the dacha area has a place for children's games, you can build a small football goal. It will be necessary to run only a few connections, but before that, of course, you have to carefully calculate and measure everything. When the frame is ready, they put a net on it, and the gate is ready. When the kids grow up, the product can be disassembled, and the pipes can be reused to create other crafts.

Similarly, you can make a small children's house for games. We all once loved to build huts, to gather there as a company and play. It was especially cozy and mysterious. The frame for the house of the pipes is made elementary. Children will only have to throw a thick cloth over it and enjoy their own little lock.

No. 10.Playpen for children

The design of the children's playpen is nothing complicated. However, the finished product in the store is not cheap. The budget alternative is available to those who have a decent amount of plastic pipes in stock, time and the desire to learn how to connect individual segments into a seamless structure. It will take a lot of pipes for manufacturing, so home craftsmen are advised to just buy them in the store - it will still be cheaper than a ready-made playpen, and then the pipes can be reused.

After the structure of the playpen with its dimensions has been created, the pipes are cut. Vertical partitions are interconnected by short horizontal sections of pipes at the top and bottom. However, variations in the design of the playpen.

# 11.Chairs from plastic pipes

. Here you will need confident skills in connecting individual pipe segments. Depending on your desire and degree of preparation, you can make both a simple children's stool and a comfortable chair for adults, or even a chair. After the frame is ready, the seat is made. It can be woven from threads, rope, or you can use thick fabric. Then you can put soft pillows on top. Having mastered the technique of manufacturing, it will be possible to build almost all the furniture for giving.

# 12.Bunk bed

Yes, it is quite possible to assemble a frame for a bunk children's bed from ordinary plastic pipes. Not only supporting elements are made of pipes, but also a ladder, and, of course, lamellae under the mattress. The level of difficulty here is heightened; it is better to take up the work to those who have already tried their hand at making more simple handicrafts. Do not neglect the drawing up of the drawing and scrupulous measurements.

The bed made in this way will be a real boon for a small house in a country house, because not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made bunk bed at the dacha, but somehow it is necessary to solve the placement problem.

# 13.Garden arch

How beautiful in the garden look arches, entwined with plants and flowers. The main difficulty in the manufacture of the garden arch of plastic pipes is that the individual segments will have to bend. The easiest way to give the necessary shape to the pipes with a gas burner. A separate area is heated to the state when the material will resist deformation, then it is given the necessary shape. Someone decides not to bother and just connect several pieces of pipe at an angle. Then the upper part of the arch will resemble a trapezoid or polygon in shape. Horizontal elements are fastened between two arched vaults so that in future the arch is covered with greenery to the maximum. Do not forget to secure the structure in the soil.

# 14.Arbor

It is much easier to construct an arbor out of plastic pipes than anyone can imagine. If you take long enough segments, you don’t even have to connect anything. Two pipes of the required length are given an arcuate shape and are fastened to the ground. The distance between the elements of the future frame should be such as to fit the dining table or other items of garden furniture. It remains only to stretch a dense awning fabric, and you're done.

The design of the gazebo may be slightly different, resembling a house. In this case, it is necessary to connect the individual elements.

# 15.Canopy for auto

The construction itself is simple, but difficulties can be associated with a decent size of the canopy, because it must be wide enough and high so that a car can be quietly hidden under it. The frame is assembled with special care, attached to the ground and to the adjacent wall, if any, is covered with a thick awning fabric from above, which protects the car from the scorching sun and rain. To call this product a hand-made article, even the language does not turn - this is already a small architectural form.

No. 16.Greenhouse

A small greenhouse is made elementary. You will need a few pipes, there will not be too many connections. After the frame is assembled and secured in the ground, all that remains is to cover it with film or agrofibre. It will be possible to make such a greenhouse in just a couple of hours, and its benefits will be enormous.

# 17.Greenhouse from plastic pipes

It is, of course, more difficult to build a full-fledged greenhouse than a greenhouse. It will take a lot more material, and it will take a lot of time. The size of the greenhouse can be almost anything. The procedure is as follows:

  • marking the place for the greenhouse;
  • floor in the greenhouse can be earthen, but if you wish, you can cover it with boards of 20 cm wide, previously soaked in antiseptic. They are placed on leveled soil, corners are attached to the soil with reinforcement;
  • along the long sides in the soil reinforce pieces of reinforcement, which should be 50-70 cm above the ground level;
  • a pipe is put on the armature, which with the help of physical force is attached to the arcuate shape, then the pipe is fastened from the opposite side to the same piece of armature. Step installation arc 70-80 cm;
  • when all arcs are installed, mount the central stiffener, which is designed to keep the structure in balance;
  • needs to prepare a place for future installation of doors and windows;
  • is better to use a bolted joint;
  • cover the greenhouse film, agrofibre or polycarbonate;
  • doors can also be made from plastic pipes.

Of the pipes you can make the frame for the greenhouse of almost any shape, but the arched remains the most preferred.

No. 18.Containers for seedlings

If at the dacha every square meter is counted, then it’s time to implement the idea of ​​vertical gardens. Thus it is convenient to grow greens and some berries. Excellent containers will come out of the scraps of plastic sewage pipes if you cut holes for seedlings and outflow of excess water in them with an electric jigsaw in advance. It remains only to fill the capacity of the soil and position the vertical beds one above the other. You can attach them again to the stand of plastic pipes. Some connect the beds with ropes and hang them to the wall - there are many options.

Long stretches of sewer pipes will be useful for growing garden strawberries. They will stand upright like columns. In advance, holes for plants are prepared in them, and pipes of smaller diameter are laid inside. Thanks to the small holes in the latter, the water will flow freely to the seedlings.

No. 19.Feeder for chickens

Those who are in the barn at the cottage settles a chicken coop are well aware of the problem when the birds scatter the food from the feeder. If several sewer pipes with a characteristic bend at the end are vertically fixed in the hen house, then it will be possible to add grain to the birds without entering the barn. Moreover, chicken will not be able to scatter feed anymore, which means that the chicken coop will be more clean, and there will be decent savings on grain.

# 20.

drip irrigation system

Such an article will greatly simplify the care of the lawn, and make everything very simple. Several pieces of pipe must be connected in the form of a square, lattice or in any other way. In the finished construction, it is important to make a sufficient number of small holes, connect a watering hose to the resulting system - and the mobile drip irrigation system is ready.

An open shower is similarly made. A cube or parallelepiped of sufficient height is assembled from pipe sections, a plurality of small holes are made in the upper part and water is supplied through a hose. The result is a great place for summer holidays.

# 21.Fencing for the site

Immediately, we will need a lot of pipes, but in the end there will come out a rather nice and durable fence, which will not have to be painted every year, because the plastic does not rot and does not rust. We'll have to work on numerous compounds, and a pre-prepared sketch will greatly simplify the process. Of course, such a fence will perform only a demarcation function - it will not protect against intruders and uninvited guests.

# 22.Lamps

If your hands grow from the right place, then you can make a designer lamp in the style of techno from the pipes. The product can resemble a man, an animal, to be outdoor or desktop - there are a lot of options, and they are limited only by your imagination. The difficulty in this case lies not only in the huge number of connections, but also in the need to attach the lamp holder and connect the power, so you can take on the work if you have minimal skills with electrical and lighting equipment.

However, it is not necessary to perform a lot of pipe joints. You can take segments of different lengths and diameters, make them a nice system of holes, install a lamp inside( or even garlands), and you end up with a very stylish piece of furniture.

Other ideas

Enumerate all possible options for handicrafts made of plastic pipes for an infinitely long time. Here are some more inspiration ideas:

  • stand for fishing rods;
  • woodshed;
  • trolley;
  • bicycle parking;
  • bar counter;
  • cornice;
  • baby swing.

Is it possible that the car cannot be made from a plastic pipe - everything else is quite possible. The main thing that worked fantasy and had the desire to achieve results.

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