How and what Stroebe wall under wiring: instruction for the construction works

When major repairs or decoration of new building all masters faced with the need to supply communications, but even in everyday life can be a need to establish a new outlet or switches.

And the best way to hide wires - immure them in the wall, so it will be useful to examine in detail how to Stroebe walls for wiring and what tools to use at the same time.

The content of the article:

  • Requirements and standards for cutting grooves
  • Choosing a tool for shtrobleniya walls
    • That is suitable from the arsenal of DIY
    • Simple power tool to help manual labor
    • Professional equipment for quick installation
  • Working with different materials
    • Grooves on the concrete and brick
    • How to work with wood or concrete
    • Nuances with load-bearing walls
  • Phased process description shtrobleniya
  • How to disguise Stroebe wiring
  • Useful videos on the topic

Requirements and standards for cutting grooves

Before selecting a tool and get to work, you must create a new drawing layout, taking into account building codes (SNIP 3.05.06-85 regulates requirements).

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In the diagram, you need to specify the location of lighting fixtures, junction boxes, plugs, switches and the track, which will be held on the connecting wires.

Wiring Layout
Circuit wiring be sure to save for the future, if necessary, to drive a nail into a wall, do not guess, you will fall into the wire or not

Important nuances:

  • The depth of the grooves should not exceed 2.5 cm and width - 3 cm.
  • The maximum length of the channel from the junction box or appliance to switch - 3 meters.
  • Wire and, accordingly, Stroebe under them can be carried out only vertically and horizontally, verifying the level parallel to the main building structure. But to reduce the distance "directly" using the oblique and the more wavy lines - it is impossible. Exceptions to this rule can only be a wiring harness in an attic room - in this case a notch punched parallel lines sloping walls.
  • Minimum offset from slabs to horizontal cutting grooves should be at least 15 cm, and from heat and gazotrass - at least 40 cm.
  • Vertical wiring must be held at a distance of 10 cm or more from the door and window openings.
  • It is important to plan the layout so that the wires as small as possible bends in the path from the junction box to the light or outlet. Ideally, you need to lead the way in a straight line from the box, or use no more than one transition at a right angle.
  • On the supporting walls, roofing slabs, and in the corners Stroebe can not - it can weaken the structural strength of the building and lead to an accident.

If you do a drawing and then shtroblenie compliance with these rules, concealed wiring will run without problems and failures.

Choosing a tool for shtrobleniya walls

Conduct dredging grooves easier and faster just by using a special electrical equipment. But even if we are at your disposal only a minimal set of tools a home, do not rush to abandon the intention to carry out the work with his own hands. We will explain in detail what you can Stroebe wall under wiring, consider the options from the "antiquated" methods to professional ways.

That is suitable from the arsenal of DIY

The simplest tool that will almost certainly be found in stocks of any handyman - chisel (chisel) and a hammer. Chisel set sharp edge to the drawn layout, hit with a hammer to penetrate more deeply into the wall. More straight lines are obtained if, in addition to use a hacksaw - it made nadpily along the length of the grooves, which is a bit easier and quicker process.

But in any case, it will be the most time-consuming and lengthy option of manufacturing cutting grooves for wiring.

Stroebe hammer and chisel
In large areas such tool use is not profitable: the depth and quality of the grooves, made chisel, leave much to be desired, and the time and effort required for their manufacture a disproportionate amount

Such a method is good because that does not require expensive equipment or special skills to work with him. Therefore, it is still used successfully for arranging short grooves on the walls of a flexible material, For example, if there was a need to extend the existing line for the connection of one or more new instruments.

But if the room concrete or brick walls, the intention to make a groove hammer and chisel should be abandoned, and to use more effective methods shtrobleniya.

Simple power tool to help manual labor

Improve the speed and efficiency of a manual shtrobleniya help ordinary electric drill. But with concrete walls can be problems - drill will "burn", so consider a few important nuances and the principle of performance.

Spot drill track
Although the drill several times accelerates shtrobleniya walls, but on a perfectly flat track with this equipment, you can not count

We must act as follows:

  • Draw marks on the wall surfaces.
  • Pick up drill to drill pobeditovoe diameter of 8-10 mm.
  • Make "spot track" - drilled along lines desired depth of the hole with an interval of about 0.5-1 cm. Hold while the tool perpendicular to the wall is necessary to drill did not go on a bend and not break. If you need a wide groove - make holes in a staggered manner.
  • When working with concrete or bricks need to include a drill at low speed and periodically stop to cool the drill in cold water (just make sure that no liquid penetrates inside the device).
  • Then, using a hammer and chisel to knock left gaps.

Although the technology is rather primitive, it pays off during the cutting grooves into small and medium distances. For example, in wiring harness in the same room tandem drills and chisels allow builders to save on services or buying expensive equipment.

But for a thorough redevelopment wiring throughout the building or appartment is better to get a specialized tool or hire a master electrician.

Professional equipment for quick installation

Stroebe do, having spent a minimum of effort, you can use a special wall chaser. This tool can be immediately impose two discs with diamond-coated, allowing any surface obtained accurate and perfectly aligned groove in one pass. Moreover, these circles will be closed casing, which has a tap to connect a vacuum cleaner to prevent dust spread throughout the apartment.

Groove using the wall chaser
Wall chaser does exactly the same, and the deepening, after which there will be only knock the inside of the groove impact drill or a hammer

In addition, wall chaser design allows independently changing the distance between the circles and to set the desired width and groove depth. In short, this is an excellent solution with the only downside - the price of the equipment is quite high, so it is cheaper to invite hired master than buying wall chaser for one-off repairs.

Quickly perform shtroblenie walls under the wiring will help:

  1. Impact Drill or punch with replaceable nozzles. Both instruments operate on the same principle: first short drill holes are drilled at intervals of 1-1.5 cm. Then the nozzle changes to a pointed "bit" or "blade" set at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall, the unit is switched to "without drilling" mode and cleans the remaining groove material. This method is good for its speed, but not the quality - groove still get sloppy, with ragged edges, cracks and chipped.
  2. Bulgarian (Angle grinder) - if the device is equipped with a sintered diamond or turbo diamond disc, it will cope with the performance of the flat cutting grooves. However, work has to be quite dusty and demanding for accuracy - on the markup you need to cut through the 2 parallel lines for 2 passes, maintaining a gap in the width of the canal. Then, the material inside the groove perforate emboss packed "paddle" or other impact tool.

Grooves are obtained with a grinder almost the same neat and tidy, as with wall chaser, but the process of cutting accompanied by such a huge amount of dust (especially if the walls are made of concrete or aerated concrete) that work without a respirator impossible.

To remove at least part of the "cloud", you can use the building or industrial vacuum cleaner: while One person performs shtroblenie, the second will have to hold the suction hose near the line cut.

upgraded Bulgarian
Grinders can be upgraded to: close the cutting elements of the home-made casing of the plastic container or old pots and at the same time to provide an opening for connecting the vacuum cleaner

All items that can not endure, and the room for the duration of the Bulgarians, should cover with foil to avoid the penetration of small debris. Will help reduce the amount of dust and watering of the wall, but it is important not to overdo it, so how to deal with wet concrete or bricks will be easy.

Working with different materials

In the presence of the right to make the circuit and appropriate tools to perform shtroblenie walls is easy even for a beginner in the construction business. But this is the case, if the wall is not a carrier and covered with a thick layer of plaster supple.

And what if the interior partitions are made of high-strength concrete, lightweight aerated concrete or wood? Consider nuances of different materials.

Grooves on the concrete and brick

On masonry, bonded with sand mixed with cement, hollow horizontal grooves can even chisel and hammer, if the "fall" into the seam. For vertical cutting grooves would be better to use power tools - grinders, punch or wall chaser. If the clutch is closed plaster to be manageable and primitive manual equipment, however, the process will take time.

Grooves on the masonry
Stroebe markup rules for wiring for masonry: horizontal channels are stamped on the junction of the series, vertical - between the rows of bricks

In principle, nothing complicated, and in working with concrete - though the material is strong enough to furrow It can be done by any suitable shtrobleniya tool except for, perhaps, a hammer and chisels. But the best choice would still punch, although the flatness of its grooves, and leaves much to be desired (though all the details correct for plaster).

How do Stroebe puncher
The noise level of 60 dB higher than the perforator and in order not to injure the neighbors, with the help of only be carried out on weekdays and during the day, making periodic breaks for 1-2 hours

This impact tool has high capacity, however cope with any solid surfaces. It does not form such a large dust cloud as Bulgarian, and does not require additional tools to clean residual material inside the groove. In addition, the use grinders (and its analogs - a circular saw, angle sander) on concrete walls ruggedized safe - with a strong push of the circle can be broken.

How to work with wood or concrete

Make grooves in the walls of aerated concrete or foam blocks by using the grinder, drilling machines, circular saws or perforator. But if you want to minimize the amount of dust - use a handheld wall chaser, designed to work with a malleable material. His pointed arch easily cuts a neat groove, and the desired depth can be achieved in just 3-4 passes.

By the way, this tool is easy to do and with his own hands from the sharpened on one side of the plate or stiff paper tape. To do this, you need to bend the arc of a small segment of the material at hand and secure the edge of a wire or tape. For small volumes of such devices is sufficient, but if you want to carry out a network of canals with a total length greater than 20 meters should be equipped with a convenient handle device from the tube.

manual wall chaser
If a suitable material for the wall chaser is not found, you can buy ready-made tool in the store - a simple model will cost in the range 500-1000 rubles

What shakes the walls of corrugated timber or logs, then, according to the rules of fire safety, there recommended installation of open wiring, so that in case of force majeure can quickly neutralize the source ignition.

In extreme cases, for timber walls can use a special mill, grinder with a circular disc and wood chisel, which can be used to remove the remaining material between nadpilami. But, again, it is better not to risk it with masking conductors and perform the installation without disrupting the SAE standards and the integrity of the wood.

Nuances with load-bearing walls

As already mentioned, Stroebe supporting structures is forbidden - in case of damage of the top layer is laid bare in the wall reinforcement, which can result in corrosion to begin, which will weaken the entire frame of the building. But what about the owners of apartments in the house, where part of the walls is made of reinforced concrete, or most of the walls - bearing?

Here are a few options:

  1. Official approval - to get permission to work on shtroblenie the local department of construction. You can try, if he proves that the depth of the grooves will not be affected and will not damage the reinforcement mesh deformation which leads to the weakening of bearing structures. But when it comes to panel building - the chances are practically zero, but for frame-brick building permission is likely to be given.
  2. Apply a thick layer of plaster wall and carry shtroblenie, without delving into the plate construction itself. Normally, the valves occurs at 1.5-2 centimeter layer of concrete, so if you have lined the walls plaster mixture, depth of the grooves does not affect the metal.

And the final way to help solve the problem with any problem wall - to hide wires for plasterboard or special electrical baseboards.

Phased process description shtrobleniya

First you need to chart detailing the elements of elektromagistrali. Those who are on friendly terms with the computer, can use special programs, such as "Compass Electric», «ProfiCAD» «QElectroTech» or other image editors.

Example of the scheme in the program
The specialized programs, you can draw a variety of plans and wiring diagrams for wiring, however, to understand layman in them will be difficult, so most use a simple drawing on paper

Step process shtrobleniya walls for wiring:

  1. If possible, protect the room of debris - a doorway close damp cloth, furniture and equipment or take out is hermetically sealed.
  2. If the walls have wallpaper - they have to be removed to a piece of paper is not stuck in the appliance.
  3. Is then transferred to the wall wiring diagram drawn beforehand using a drawing marker and building level.
  4. Check the indicator or a metal marked-zone for the presence of the old wiring - if any is found, need to dismantle or indent at least 10 cm. Ideally, the apartment must be disconnected and generally lend a wire to the neighbors, because if you accidentally stumble upon a missing when viewed at a voltage cable, you can get seriously injured.
  5. Now you can do Stroebe, using protective equipment and any convenient you a tool that is suitable to the material of the walls.
  6. When the whole circuit is formed, the grooves need to clean from material residues and dust, and then primed deep penetration.
  7. When the impregnation has dried, you can mount the wiring.

Note that Stroebe are different, because the grooves are not just under the cables themselves, but also disguise Enclosures, switches and junction boxes. Typically, the box itself is placed immediately under the ceiling (in the place where the main electrohighways) and outlet - with indentation 30 cm from the floor level. And they need to make a hole in the shape of a circle.

Shtroblenie round holes
Prepare the "crown" of two types - 80 and 65 mm, through which circular holes are cut for the junction box and flush

Of course, such Stroebe hollow and can be manually outlining the line of the circle drill or chisel, but it is much more convenient and faster to do it by means of the gun and the "crown" of suitable diameter. The same nozzle can be done to deepen and switches.

How to disguise Stroebe wiring

to conduct covert channels work is usually carried out before the application of plaster that, after routing communications to align the entire wall surface for applying the topcoat. But if the wiring is replaced after the rough walls, we must act carefully in order to conduct Stroebe not turned into a major spot repair.

Grooves for wiring
Most straight channels are made using grinders or wall chaser, but if you work only hammer or chisel, avoid chips will not work

The easiest treatment option channels - plaster. It must be applied after the grooves have been cleaned from dust and primed, and all wires are installed according to the layout. To reduce shrinkage, the wall of the cutting grooves is recommended to moisten with water. Then it is necessary to prepare a thick solution and gypsum plaster mixture with a spatula / trowel to fill the channel.

masking Stroebe
Stroebe can disguise and other construction materials - cement, alabaster, or putty, but much depends on the depth and width of the groove, so plaster considered win-win one

To plaster layer is not fallen off over time, and not dipped, you can use a special mesh for reinforcement. Then the mixture was smooth groove perpendicular (vertical furrow processing bottom-up) and remove excess solution trowel.

Useful videos on the topic

For a better understanding of shtroblenie walls we offer a look at the work of masters from various tool and learn practical tips about the many nuances that may arise in the process of wiring.

When in doubt, choose a tool for shtrobleniya offer to study a master class with the comparison operation punch grinders and wall chaser:

Despite the noise, the punch remains one of the most popular building tools to perform cutting grooves. Learn more about how to work with this tool - in the following video:

Bulgarian - a great tool for creating a smooth channel. And to minimize the amount of dust will install guard with dust extraction:

How to make handmade wall chaser for use with gas and foam blocks:

If the provided examples are not inspired you to self shtroblenie walls, you can always call the master with professional equipment, so that he made a network of canals and spread them wires.

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