11 tips for landscape design of a small plot + photo


  1. №1. Functional zoning
  2. №2. The basis of a small plot is a lawn
  3. No. 3. What should be a fence?
  4. №4. Eliminate corners and distort the shape of the plot
  5. №5. Create the right shape of garden paths
  6. №6. Organization of flower gardens
  7. №7. Organization of kitchen garden
  8. №8. Small plot and big trees
  9. №9. Recreation area and gazebo in a small area
  10. №10. Place for children's playground
  11. №11. A pond on a small plot

Dreams of an ideal cottage area are different for everyone, and often even within the same family they are very different. One wants to plant the whole area with beds, another - to organize a beautiful flower garden, and the third important that on the site there was a separate place for a barbecue, and if there are children in the family, the task becomes more complicated, because for babies it is necessary corner. What to do in this case, because the site is not rubber? Whencompetent planning and use of some visual tricksin a small area you can place everything you need and even visually make the territory larger. We disclose the secrets of professionals, with the help of which you can independently develop the ideal landscape design of a small plot.

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№1. Functional zoning

Planning for the future design of the site, as well as the design of the apartment, begins with a clear planning. It is necessary to arm with a sheet with a pen or special program, specify the size of the territory and start creating a plan. This is necessary for the proper organization of the territory of any area, but it is especially important for small areas. By the way,The border that separates a small area from a large one is very conditional.Small are called sitesarea from 1 to 6 hectare, which are completely visible from any point. Sometimes, the territories with a larger area seem small, especially when there is an incommensurably large house on the plot. This is just the problem of planning. Competent site organization and design tricks will not be able to push his borders physically, but will allow changing perceptions beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan it is important:

  • determine,what buildings and areas on the site are really needed. This, for example, a house, a greenhouse, outbuildings, a garden, a flower garden, a recreation area, a children's playground - to whom that. Do not forget about the decor and garden paths;
  • correctly locate selected zones relative to each other. This stage requires the most attention, because you can not place a children's playground near the barbecue area, and a greenhouse in the thick shade of trees or at home will not bring the desired yields. Designers recommend to alternate buildings with green plantings, hide them behind live hedges, bushes and decorative elements. It is desirable that all buildings do not look too massive;
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  • just think about the style of landscape design. To begin with it is necessary to be defined, there will be itregular(strict, symmetric, with exact geometric lines) ornatural. For small areas, natural styles are best suited: English, rustic, landscape, forest, eco-style;
  • from tall trees, it is better to refuse as much as possible, because they can severely curtail the possibility of creating a small area with their root system and shadow. Nevertheless, there are also successful examples of design, when the center of a small garden becomes one big tree, but this is an option, rather, for those who use the site more as a recreation area.

The smaller the plot, the more accurate and thoughtful should be the work on its planning - this largely depends on the result, which in the end will be obtained.

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№2. The basis of a small plot is a lawn

No matter how tiny the site, designers recommend leaving space for the lawn, andplace it in the "front" part of the gardeni.e. there, where the glance immediately falls. This principle is somewhat similar to the Soviet recommendation to put furniture along the walls in small apartments. Although for residential premises this principle is used less and less, for small areas it remains relevant.

The central part of the garden should not be heavier with different plantings and buildings- this will create a sense of clutter and seem that the territory is even smaller than it is. The best option for the species part of the site is a neat lawn, on the periphery of which are beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large territory. However, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawnbeautiful flower beds or shrubs- they will become his bright adornment. Excellent in this case, suitable hydrangea, lilac and jasmine - they are compact and colorful.

Lawn in a small area will clearly serve also for movement, because to organize an extensive network of garden paths on a tiny territory is impossible, and to nothing. Therefore, choose the most resistant to trampling grass varieties.

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No. 3. What should be a fence?


A massive fence is the main enemy of a small garden plot, because it immediately gives out its existing limits, andthe main rulelandscape design of small areasDissolution of boundaries.When you can not see where the site ends, the person perceives it as more spacious. This rule is skillfully used by all landscape designers, and to independently implement it, it is worth following such advice:

  • canzadekorirovat fence climbing plants. Vertical landscaping - the most simple and effective way to dissolve the boundaries of the site and how to continue the garden. Of course, you can use a hedge, but its cultivation and care will take considerably longer. Climbing plants can become an ornament as an openwork forged fence, and fencing from the mesh-netting and even a deaf wooden fence;
  • forvertical gardeningsuitable for wild grapes, hops, sweet peas, decorative beans. It is better to use several plants at once, since foliage of different shades and sizes allows you to escape from homogeneity and visually continue the boundaries of the site beyond its actual territory;
  • There must also be a special approach to the fence itself. There is still the same rule of avoiding homogeneity, so it is better if the fence is createdfrom a combination of materials, transparent inserts are welcome.
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№4. Eliminate corners and distort the shape of the plot

Professionals in the arsenala number of tricks for visually expanding a small section, and they concern not only the fence:

  • severely limit and trim the space capable of corners, so they need to be properly used.Use cornersyou can with the help of flower beds, benches, corner arbors or at least with the help of garden figures - the main thing is that the corner does not remain empty;
  • best friend of a small plot -smooth curved lines. In the arc, the eye moves more slowly, so the subconscious perceives the territory more than it really is. Use oval, round, bow-shaped, ribbon-like, free forms and lines. This applies to both gazebos and recreation areas, and flowerbeds. By the way, a flower garden of an arbitrary shape is even easier to organize. If you can not do without straight lines and precise geometric shapes, then it is better to prefer a rectangle to a rectangle;
  • The garden space should not be viewed immediately. If you see the whole territory, you can estimate its small area. Our task is to introduce a riddle to the site and let us think that the boundaries of the garden are greater than there is. To do this, we need to arrange barriers to the view that will cover a certain area of ​​the site: who knows how much of the area is hidden behind it. In the role of barriers can actpergolas, screens, arches with flowers, hedgesetc.;
  • flat area look less than an equal in size of a different level. If nature has stinted on the differences in the terrain, they can be created independently. An additional level will make the space more spacious. To this end,Alpine slide, steps, retaining wall, small podium. The rest zone can be padded on the contrary;
  • in the far corners of the plot it is better to use flowers of white and yellow hue, which can visually further push the border.

№5. Create the right shape of garden paths

Garden paths are not only a purely functional part of the villa. With their help, you can visually increase the area. When arranging paths in a small area, therule of curves and arc-shaped lines. Let the path will not be the usual straight or angular shape, but a meandering one. A continuous coating with tiles or concrete in a number of cases, you can prefer stone, boards, spits of trees and bulk tracks - they look more easily, airily and naturally. A winding path, which is hidden behind obstacles, then appears because of them, is perceived as long and allows you to create the impression that the site is many times larger than it is.

Designers are advised to usetaking the path to nowhere. The path can lead to dense greenery or pergola, beyond which, in fact, there is nothing. This is another illusion of vision, which aims at visual expansion of the territory.

№6. Organization of flower gardens

From tricks and tricks we passto competent territory planning. It is difficult to imagine a garden or country plot without a flower garden, especially since there is room for it even in the tiniest space. Variants to organize a flower bed on a small site set:

  • A classic way, suitable for plots of any size, is to break upflowerbeds or put flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they need not necessarily be symmetrical;
  • cascade principleinvolves placing in the foreground of stunted plants and flowers, further - higher, and so on to the tallest tree or shrub that becomes the center of the composition. Places such a flower garden will take a little, but it will beautify the site and allow the glance to glide not only along the plane, but also upwards;
  • A great idea for a small suburban site -roofing gardening, but it is used here, alas, infrequently. Roof buildings can be used to plant lawns or small plants. Practice is common in Europe, where even the roofs of large multi-storey houses are similarly landscaped. It looks great, and in a small area this method will create a coveted effect of multi-level;
  • flowerbeds are not necessarily (and sometimes undesirable) should be of strict customary forms - winding lines and irregular shapes are welcome. To the flowerpots and pots the requirements are not put forward - they can be both quite familiar and non-standard. To create them, literally anything that can keep the form and soil: old tires, barrels, basins, bathrooms, wooden boxes, plastic bottles, logs, carts, etc. Look such flowerbeds interesting and unusual, with a minimum investment, they are able to decorate the site and even become it a twist;
  • flowerbeds andmixbordersalong the garden paths will also be appropriate on any site.

№7. Organization of kitchen garden

A vegetable garden on a small country plot is most difficult to place, but nothing is impossible. On a site of 2-3 hundred we can find a place at least 3 * 4 m, which will be enough for growing the most necessary vegetables to the table, spicy herbs or berries. On a site of 6 acres, you can arrange a bigger garden, break a decent size vegetable beds, and there will still be room for fruit trees and berries, if, of course, there is a need for all this. A few good exampleslayout of the plot of 6 hectarecan be seen on the plans.

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If there is not enough space, thenmini-kitchen gardenrecommend to separate the decorative fence. You can grow the necessary crops both in the land and in containers. In addition, stamping bushes and colony-shaped fruit trees do not take up much space. Several vases can be placed even on the fence of the site.

Separately it is worth highlightingplots in front of townhouses, their area is rarely more than one hundred. It is difficult to find a place for beds here, but if you want to grow something with your own hands, you can advise spicy herbs. They do not require a lot of space, no special preparation of the territory - enough and a couple of square meters, but definitely under the sun. Cultivation of sage, parsley, basil, lemon balm and mint is possible both in open soil and in containers. Smell such grasses very much, so it's better not to place them under the window of the house or on the terrace.

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№8. Small plot and big trees

Many tall trees in a tiny area will not look very appropriate, but several large trees can be planted. Even on 1 hectare there is a place for one large meter, which in summer will give a tangible coolness. Furthermore,around a large tree you can plan a recreation area. On a plot of 6 acres, you can place a small planting of fruit trees. You can also use stunted varieties of fruit trees, evergreen conifers and tall shrubs.

№9. Recreation area and gazebo in a small area

The suburban area does not just have rest - it was created for him, and the appetite for nature is played out a lot, so it's worth thinking about the organization of a recreation area and / or a barbecue area:

  • even in the smallest area can be distinguishedplace for a bench or a small dining table with 4-6 chairs. If we consider that garden furniture is mostly compact, light and mobile, then such a dining area can be removed from the site if necessary;
  • massive arbor - the prerogative of spacious sites, but on 5-6 m2 of territory you can place quite a comfortable recreation area. Of course, from deaf walls it is better to refuse, preferringlight openwork constructions, which let light in and let you see what is behind the gazebo. In fact, the design is reduced to a canopy and not very cumbersome supports, low fences. Fabric canopies and tents are perfect;
  • braziercan also be located in a small area. If you are a fan of picnics, but do not particularly like to look after the garden, garden and flower garden, the mangal zone can become the center of the site, occupying a considerable area. In this case, it is equipped with a massive oven, and landscaping is done with a lawn, unpretentious flowers, bushes and trees. If the area is small and it is necessary to fit a lot of zones on it, then it is better to organize a picnic place with a portable barbecue or barbecue, light garden furniture and a canopy;
  • a cozy recreation area will be obtained if you install two pergolas, connect them with slats and plant the climbing plants.

№10. Place for children's playground

A swing or a sandbox does not take up much space, and if there are children in the family, then summer vacation at the dacha will become more diverse for them. An excellent option for small areas will be readyplaying complexes: they are well thought out and allow you to save space on the organization of the children's playground. You can find options for installation which will need no more than 15 m2. Remember that swings, toy cars and small houses for children can be created with their own hands from improvised materials.

№11. A pond on a small plot

The design of a small garden in some ways resembles the work of a magician, which in every way distracts the attention of the audience, while doing the trick. Professionals, developing the landscape design of a small plot, do the same - they need to give new impressions, to distract the attention of a person from the fact that the territory is really tiny, and for this purpose the cunning. To the above described, a trick with reflection is added, which always fascinates. The best source of reflection in the garden is the water surface. Let it be a small, but nicely decorated pond, - it will necessarily diversify the landscape and attract attention. It is not recommended to use flowing streams in a compact area - the constant sound of falling water may not be comfortable for everyone.

Of course, it is not easy to place everything necessary in a small confined space, but alladvantages of a small areayou can feel after the works on its improvement. And on a site of 2-3 hundred parts, there is always something to do, but imagine what the owners of the territory are ten times greater than yours.

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