How to clean the washing machine automatic citric acid?

  • The steps of cleaning with citric acid
  • Why clean the washing machine with citric acid?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of citric acidFor the same reason, the washing process becomes ineffective. Salts in water are deposited on the heating element and other parts of the equipment, which leads to the formation of multi-layer scale. Many experts strongly advise to systematically clean the machine automatic. The remedy for this prophylaxis is ordinary citric acid. In this article we will tell you how much citric acid should be poured in, and how to clean the washing machine with citric acid from scale?

    Citric Acid Purification StagesAll actions can be expressed in the following list:
    1. First you need to inspect the drum so that it is empty. Most of the tissues under the action of means discolor.
    2. Approximately 90-100g of citric acid should be poured into a powder tray. The quantity of poured lemon must correspond to the volume of the drum. If you need to clean the equipment with a capacity of up to 4 kg, it will be enough up to 50-60g of lemon. It is also allowed to pour citric acid into the drum itself.
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    3. Next, you need to decide on the mode. It must contain a rinse process, spin. If the scale was formed in a small amount, it is enough to warm the water to 60 ° C, otherwise the water must be heated to 90 ° C.
    4. When the drum is empty and closed, and the powder container is filled with lemon, the washing mode starts.
    5. After the process is completed, it is imperative to inspect the places under the cuff of the drum. There may remain traces of scale. They should simply be wiped dry with a dry cloth.
    6. In conclusion, you need to clean the drain filter and dry the powder container.

    When the washing mode is performed, fragments of scale can be seen, which have disappeared under the influence of acid. This means that the tool has completely coped with its task.

    Experienced craftsmen argue that such prevention of equipment should be performed at least three times throughout the year. If the water has high rigidity, then after every 30 washings it is necessary to clean the automatic machine. With low water hardness, the cleaning procedure will suffice two times a year.

    Why clean the washing machine with citric acid?

    Follow the step-by-step instructions on how to clean the washing machine with citric acid is not difficult. The question arises: why is this necessary? Most often, the water that is supplied through the pipes has a high percentage of salts and impurities. At the time of warming up, the salt contained in the water settles on the surface of the heating element, and scale appears. The same thing happens with dishwashers and electric kettles.

    If you do not clean the device from scale in time, this will increase the time for water heating. Consequently, increase electricity consumption. It is also possible that the heating element burns out. For this reason, the prevention of washing machines automatic should be done in a timely and efficient manner.

    Using citric acid, you can effectively descale the detergent and washing machine drum. When water is heated, the acid reacts with scale and destroys it. The flakes of limescale fall away from the details of the equipment and are washed away with water.

    Advantages and disadvantages of citric acid

    There is no doubt about the positive effect of using lemon. The scum actually disappears. However, is there a negative effect of this remedy?

    The answer to this question is how much to pour in, and can citric acid cope with a scum for a washing machine? Every tool is beneficial if used in the right amount. If you clean the machine with a large number of lemon, while setting the mode with the maximum temperature of water heating, the effect will be devastating. Elements made of plastic or rubber, when interacting with acid and hot water, will begin to deform. The raid will also break away only with the surface of the plastic and rubber elements.


    Do not neglect the temperature of the water and lemon. The tool effectively cleans plaque and in warm water, hot water only increases the intensity of the process. A temperature of 60 ° C is sufficient to activate the splitting of salt deposits.

    Many housewives, carefully caring for their household appliances, are advised to use a pineapple to clean the washer. The reason is that this mixture is available to almost everyone. In addition, citric acid is harmless to the body, does not provoke an allergic reaction, is quickly washed away with water.

    There are hardly any who bring the water to a boil in their laundry. Yes, and many things have a temperature limit of up to 40 ° C.Consequently, the effect does not improve if you pour more citric acid. Positive effect is achieved by balanced application of the product.

    Ways to care for appliances

    Can I clean the washing machine with other, no less effective, means? The answer is yes. Specialized departments of shops are filled up with a large assortment of similar products. The use of such goods is carried out with strict execution of the rules prescribed in the instructions of the tool.

    Acquaintance with the rules of use should not be neglected. Especially when the prophylaxis of the washing machine was done a long time ago. Because an excessive amount of cleaning agent can cause serious malfunctions of individual units or the entire washing machine.

    If you decide to clean the washing machine with the juice of freshly squeezed lemon instead of citric acid, the result will be low, as the acid concentration in fresh lemon juice is rather low. It is also not recommended to use vinegar instead of lemon, as it can provoke oxidation of some elements of the technology. For some housewives, it is no secret that you can clean the washing machine with Coca-Cola. To clean the washer with Coca-Cola, you need to pour about 3 liters into the drum, set the temperature to 60 ° C and start the washing process. See also: how to clean the washing machine with soda.

    Timely prevention of the washing machine will help to prevent the accumulation of large salt deposits. To do this, it is enough to know the simple rules for caring for a washing machine.

    1. To reduce the hardness of the water is better to use emollients for water.
    2. The amount of powder should be strictly limited in accordance with the norms indicated on the product packaging. Powders for automatic washing already contain elements that soften water.
    3. It is better not to wash too worn and worn items, as loose threads and pieces of matter settle on the details.
    4. Wash things in a temperature range not exceeding 75 ° C.
    5. When the washing process is over, the drum and the powder compartment should be wiped dry and dried to prevent mold and unpleasant smell in the washing machine. Read also the article on how to get rid of mold in a washing machine?

    The rules for cleaning a washing machine with citric acid are quite simple. There are many video clips on this topic. It is only necessary to place the necessary amount of white powder in the compartment, start the process, the machine will do everything itself. It is enough just to handle the equipment well, so as not to worry about large amounts of scale. Now you know how to clean the washing machine with citric acid from scale.

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