5 tips on choosing a security alarm system for your home and apartment: views, device


  1. №1.The structure and principle of the security alarm
  2. №2.Wired and wireless security alarm for home
  3. №3.The principle of the organization of the security alarm system
  4. №4.GSM alarm system for home
  5. №5.Major manufacturers of equipment for burglar alarm

Even with a powerful door and reliable locks, it is impossible to be completely confident in the security of your own home. To increase the level of protection of yourself and your property to the maximum, you need a security alarm system for a house or apartment. All modern systems operate on a similar principle, but differ in the method of transmitting information, the number and type of sensors, and some other features. In order to understand what is best in each particular case, it is necessary to figure out what types of alarm systems exist and how they work.

№1.The structure and principle of operation of the burglar alarm

Home burglar alarms differ in the way they transmit information and to the addressee who receives this information. Otherwise, their principle of operation is similar and is built on the interaction of

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of the main elements of the system: the

  • set of sensors and sensors of a different principle of operation;
  • control panel;
  • executive systems, which include sound and light warning devices, as well as equipment that transmits signals to the security console or the telephone of the apartment owner;
  • keyboards and other control devices - security system interface. Equipped with buttons, display, fingerprint ID, voice, etc.;
  • power supply;
  • connecting wires that may be missing when using wireless signaling.

Sensors located in different parts of the apartment react to unauthorized entry and send a signal to a control panel. It receives them, processes and transmits the generated signal to the signaling and signaling devices. Information within the system can be transmitted via wire or radio channels, and it is transmitted to the security company and the apartment owner via mobile communication networks, via radio channel, city telephone networks or via the Internet.

The most important role in the alarm system is on the sensors - they take the blow first and are obliged to notice any illegal traffic in the apartment. Sensors are divided into two such types:

  • security .These are the main sensors that are necessary for fixing the entry of uninvited guests into the house;
  • detectors .Present, as a rule, in GSM alarms and can warn the owner about water leaks, gas leaks, report a fire, the presence of smoke and carbon monoxide, the absence of electricity, etc.

Security sensors , which are the basis of the alarm, can be of different types:

  • magnetic-contact sensors are located near windows and doors and react to their opening;
  • passive infrared detectors are among the most popular sensors. They operate on the principle of detecting a sudden change in ambient temperature. If the attacker has passed in the field of action of the sensor, the latter records a sharp increase in temperature at a certain point and the same sharp decrease. Such vibrations cause the detector to trigger. Detectors of this type are placed on the ceiling or wall, the angle of action they may be different: there are sensors at 360 degrees, and there are point sensors;
  • ultrasonic sensors operate on the principle of radiation of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 15-75 kHz. They are emitted from the source, are reflected from the solid surface of the wall and come back. If there is nobody in the protected area, the wave will return with the same frequency. The human body is able to absorb part of the energy by changing the frequency of the waves, the work is based on the Doppler principle. When the sensor detects that the signal does not return as it should, it transmits information about the alarm. It is not difficult to deceive such sensors, therefore they are considered obsolete;
  • microwave sensors can detect the presence of an unwelcome guest by passing microwaves from a transmitter to a receiver. They can be in the same building, if we are talking about an apartment or a house, or in different buildings, when the area in front of the house is guarded. To reduce the number of false alarms, such sensors often work in tandem with passive infrared;
  • photoelectric sensors can detect the movement of a thief using visible or infrared light emitted by devices on the wall. If the attacker has passed through the beam, an alarm will be triggered. It is not difficult to bypass such sensors, therefore it is recommended to install them chaotically, in a checkerboard pattern, in order to get a beam fence;
  • seismic sensors are used to detect glass breakage. Fasten them, as a rule, on glass or to a window frame. When the glass breaks, shock frequencies of 3-5 kHz are emitted, which are fixed by the sensor.

By installing several types of sensors in an apartment, it increases the confidence that not a single step of the attacker will go unnoticed. When you open a door or window, violating the integrity of the glass or wall, the corresponding signal will be sent to the control point movement around the apartment. Usually, sensors and receiving-control devices are manufactured according to principle of complete interchangeability of , which means that, if necessary, the alarm system can be expanded. The type and number of sensors is selected depending on the configuration and size of the apartment. A large number of sensors is not always good, since they can duplicate each other. That is why for the competent organization of the security system at home it is better to contact specialists.

You can configure the alarm so that, in addition to notifying the owner and / or security company, triggering sirens and emergency lighting, locks the entrance door or activates a smoke generator.

The transmission of the signal from the sensors to the control panel and the notification device is conducted wirelessly via radio channels or wired highways.

№2.Wired and wireless burglar alarms for home

Both systems are used equally well today, but still wireless confidently won the palm.

Wired systems have the following advantages:

  • lower cost of arrangement;
  • high signal quality;
  • high reliability with proper installation.

The main disadvantage of such an system is a long and laborious installation, the presence of a large number of cables that can significantly damage the interior, therefore it is recommended to equip the wired alarm system at the repair stage. Moreover, the wires must be mounted as seamlessly as possible, otherwise there is a big risk that the attacker will violate their integrity and disable all alarms.

The wireless alarm system is becoming increasingly common due to the benefits of the :

  • quick installation;
  • lack of wires;
  • the ability to move sensors anytime or expand the system with new sensors.

Among the minuses, refers to the higher cost and the risk that the radio signal can be muffled, therefore it is better to expand the system with elements that would prevent the radio signal from jamming. Wireless alarm does not always work stably, and the distance between the security sensors and the control panel should not be too large.

The disadvantages of wireless systems also include the lack of constant monitoring of the communication channel. Since it is not always possible to track the current state and performance of the sensor, it is impossible to be completely sure that in a dangerous situation a notification will be sent. On the other hand, it cannot be said that wireless alarms are frankly unreliable - they simply can fail in conditions of strong electromagnetic interference.

Also need to be prepared that wireless systems require battery replacement. On batteries it is better not to save, and most of the detectors have an alert option for low battery level.

№3.The principle of the organization of the security alarm system

Depending on who gets the information on how to get into the apartment and how, the alarm systems can be divided into:

  • standalone;
  • are console.

autonomous system is the simplest version of the alarm system. When the sensors are triggered, an audio signal( about 120 dB) or a light signal, which psychologically influences the thief and attracts the attention of neighbors, can be sent to the owner. The signal to the security service is not received, the owner of the apartment takes all the responsibility. Among the advantages of such systems are low cost and ease of arrangement. Autonomous alarm system is great for apartment buildings, but not very effective for a private house, especially if it is in a remote area, in addition, it has a high percentage of false positives.

The console alarm system provides for the transfer of information about burglary to the console in a public or private security structure, but it does not negate the possibility of using sound signals. Having received a signal about a robbery, security officers must arrive at the scene in a matter of minutes. This system allows us to talk about the most effective protection to date, but it is expensive, because you have to pay not only for installation and connection, but also regularly pay a subscription fee to the security company.

Many people are afraid of distrust that during their absence at home, security company employees will be able to get into the apartment. You should not be afraid of this for several reasons: first, the unlock code is known only to family members, and second, all unlock situations are recorded in the protocol on the remote control. By the way, the console alarm responds when someone cut the telephone cable, if the system uses this communication channel to transmit information.

In fact, any system can turn the GSM alarm system by retrofitting the corresponding module, leaving all existing elements in place. In this context, it is most advantageous to choose a control panel with an existing cellular transmitter.

№4.GSM alarm system for the home

The security alarm system that transmits information to the owners and security company over cellular networks is one of the most modern and optimal options for organizing the protection of your own home. A separate GSM module, either integrated into the control unit, is equipped with an SIM card from one of the operators, through which information is transmitted. It is recommended to use two SIM cards of different operators to ensure maximum reliability and stability of the system.

In the case of penetration into the apartment, information about the incident is transmitted to the owner, security structure and other authorized persons, and data can be transmitted in the form of SMS, MMS with a photo or call .Sirens and flashing lights may turn on when sending information.

This kind of security alarm may include alarm button .This is a kind of sensor, but it works if a person presses it. If you are in the apartment and you feel something is wrong, simply press the button for the security personnel to arrive( when the alarm system is used).

GSM alarms are often expanded with video cameras and microphones to visualize what is happening. Sometimes they include gas leakage and water leakage sensors, but this is no longer a security alarm system in its pure form. The possibilities of signaling through the use of cellular communication are greatly expanded, but the cost of the system increases, the dependence on the quality of services of the cellular operator, and if you want to maximize the quality of the system, you will have to resort to the services of a dispatcher.

If a smart home system is used in an apartment, then an alarm system can be built on its basis. You can increase the security level by connecting to the alarm system a TV or a music center, which will periodically turn on and simulate the presence of people in the apartment.

№5.Major manufacturers of equipment for burglar alarm

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the reliability of the home alarm depends on the quality of performance of each individual element and the interaction between them. There are plenty of offers on the market of such equipment, both foreign and domestic systems, and you can install a standard set or create a security system at your own discretion, equipping it with the necessary number of sensors of a certain type.

Oriented when buying better on products of large companies , among which are the following:

  • Jablotron - a large international company that grew out of a small Czech company, opened in 1990.It specializes in the production of burglar alarms and smart home systems. The company's devices are used in 73 countries, the production is certified according to ISO 9000, ISO 13000 and ISO. The company offers a host of solutions for the protection of apartments, houses and villas, and the principle is to create sophisticated security systems that would be easily controlled;
  • Visonic Ltd. - the world leader in the production of security systems, has been operating since 1973, when the first office in Tel Aviv was opened. The company's products have proven themselves to be highly reliable, stable and innovative solutions. For the protection of the apartment developed several systems that can be equipped with various sensors;
  • Ajax is a company that has been manufacturing security systems since 2011, but has already managed to achieve significant success in this area. The manufacturer is constantly upgrading its equipment;
  • Optex is a Japanese company that has been around for about 30 years and began its journey with innovation. Today, the assortment has many components to ensure safety inside the apartments and on the territory of various objects;
  • SATEL - Polish company that produces well-balanced equipment in terms of reliability and price;
  • Sapsan is the largest domestic manufacturer of wireless security GSM alarms. Among the advantages are the cost of equipment and its orientation to use in our conditions;
  • Ksital is another worthy domestic manufacturer that specializes in the manufacture of wireless GSM alarm systems.

Installation of equipment is better to entrust to professionals, but if there is minimal knowledge, then a simple autonomous security system can be installed independently. When choosing a security company that will receive alerts from the alarm, pay attention to user reviews, company experience and the number of rapid response teams.

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