Wall mural: types and sticking. How to glue wallpapers?

Contents:material that allows you to quickly and effectively transform the room and bring into it a certain atmosphere. Choose the right picture of the right size - now is not a problem. The problem, rather, will be that the eyes of the existing choice will simply run away. All this is complemented by the possibility of individual production of wallpaper for a given picture or photo.

Properly selected photo wallpapers can quite realistically turn a living room into a piece of the coast, a house near the mountains or give the atmosphere of a cozy European cafe - depending on which plot is chosen. It is very important to choose the right picture and combine it with the interior in order not to get the opposite effect. That is why the following will focus on issues such as how to choose a wallpaper, what are their main advantages and disadvantages, and, most importantly, how to glue the wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of

What is a photo wallpaper, represent, for sure, everything is an image on paper or another basis, which is glued to the wall in parts, and as a result a complete picture is obtained on the whole wall or its part. Wall mural

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as a finishing material has a lot of advantages of , the main ones are:

  • is an excellent appearance - photo wallpapers can imitate any landscape, still life, transfer a pattern or even a photo, thereby reviving the room and giving it a certain mood;
  • as already noted, the choice is simply huge, there is the possibility of individual orders;
  • is a relatively fast way of sticking, as well as relative durability. So, modern wallpapers are printed in such a way that they are almost not affected by the sun's rays, and they do not fade. Wallpapers can be glued with glue or be based on self-adhesive paper, so there is always a choice between several options. And the ability to cover the wallpaper with varnish solves many issues of care and durability.

No matter how beautiful the aesthetic properties of photo wallpapers are, still has some drawbacks without :

  • photo wallpapers require a perfectly flat and smooth surface - only then they will look as impressive as possible and last for a long time;The
  • process of sticking photo wallpaper, although it does not require special training, will still take some time and will require attention, effort, perseverance and patience;
  • some poor-quality wall-paper can become unstuck over time, and it is necessary to glue them every now and then;
  • and, of course, the most important thing is not to miscalculate with the picture, otherwise it will bring not continuous pleasure, but continuous irritation.

The choice of

photo wallpapers As for the plot of the , then it would be silly to advise something, because everyone decorates the interior of the room at his own discretion. But some tips will still be relevant. So, if you want to visually expand the space of the room, then it is better to choose the wallpaper of cold tones, and the warm ones are perfect if the room does not have enough natural light. Depending on the purpose of the room, you can choose a specific theme, for example, characters from cartoons - for a child’s room, landscapes for the living room and something appetizing - for the kitchen. Themes and colors are important to coordinate with the interior.

The size of the is selected depending on the area of ​​the wall, and the whole picture can include from two to eight parts. It is desirable to decorate the entire wall with photo wallpapers, so that they are not covered with cabinets and other dimensional pieces of furniture. If you complement the story of photo wallpaper with something in the room, it will be generally excellent: so, if it shows the sea coast, then you can put pots with palm trees near the wall, if there is a European street with a cafe, then you can add it all with a table and chairsin the same style, etc.

It is not recommended to leave the corners of the picture as if open - they must either have to be just in the corner, or be closed by a frame. In some cases, wallpapers also complement their own spot lighting, to further enliven the image, especially if it is a city landscape. There are also wallpapers designed for the door - they consist of two parts and allow you to effectively transform the door.

Types of photo wallpapers

Although many buyers are more focused on the appearance of photo wallpapers, it would still be useful to know how they may differ and how they are depending on the printing method or the base.

Thus, when printing photo wallpapers, such inks can be used: :

  1. eco-solvent inks is the most affordable option, which is different in that the material has a specific smell, but it also disappears a day after gluing. But the presence of smell does not indicate poor quality, on the contrary, they are environmentally friendly, durable enough, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, abrasion and washing;
  2. latex inks are more environmentally friendly because they have no odor, do not contain harmful substances, they are recommended to be used in children's rooms. The pigment ink is dissolved in latex in them, which makes it possible for the ink to harden quickly, and as a result, immediately after printing, they are ready for sticking. They are also resistant to abrasion and burnout, but they have much more saturated colors and cost more;
  3. ultraviolet inks is even brighter and more saturated, giving the most natural colors. This ink is resistant to moisture, grease, some chemicals and sunlight.

Photowall-paper may also differ by the type of base, and depending on this, some nuances may arise in the way of gluing. So, one of the following basics can be used for photo wallpapers:

  • paper is the most common, it has the best ink on it, it is environmentally friendly, easy to use, breathes, and the prices for such wallpapers are very affordable. This is ideal;
  • photo wallpaper on a fabric basis;
  • non-woven, vinyl base, but all of these options are already more expensive than the paper equivalent.

In addition, the photo wallpaper may differ even by the type of surface. So, the classic version is a smooth surface, but it will be most difficult to make the joints inconspicuous. You can also make even more originality in your home and choose wallpaper with texture for decorative plaster, coarse sand, canvas, linen, frost, etc.- These or other options are good to use under a certain theme.

Sticking photowall-paper on the wall: the main stages of

When the photowall-paper is selected or ordered and the place for them is chosen. That remains the case for small - stick them. And we will tell about the order of work and the main nuances.

. Necessary tools.

. It is not very difficult to glue wallpapers on your own, but you can save a lot, and then there will be another reason for pride if the wall is decorated with hand-made work. So, for a start it will be necessary to stock up with all the tools:

  • tape measure, ruler or level and pencil - in order to make the markings on the wall, and along the outlined lines the wallpaper will be easier to glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • rollers and spatulas for smoothing wallpaper;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • stepladder;
  • clean, dry cloths or sponges to remove excess glue;
  • stepladder;
  • bucket for the preparation of glue.

Naturally, the wallpaper itself will be useful. But here it is worth making a reservation on the size account: so, if you plan to trim the entire wall with them, then making measurements, you should add allowances: to a height of 5-10 cm, and to a width of 8-10 cm, then the surplus is simply cut off with a stationery knife. Such allowances are especially important if the walls in the apartment are not exactly flat, and the parallelism and perpendicularity of the walls and ceiling are slightly disturbed. If you plan to glue only part of the wall with photo wallpaper, then you will not need allowances.

Wall Preparation

Photowall-paper will look good on the wall, if it is perfectly smooth and smooth, so if it does not meet these requirements, then you need to work hard on it. First, if there is remnants of the old coating, then you should get rid of them, and as carefully as possible. Old paint is removed with a spatula using a building dryer or special solvents. With old wallpaper also help spatula complete with water. Please note that the presence of the “cobweb” mesh under the photo wallpaper is unacceptable, otherwise the surface will eventually repeat the same fine mesh of fiberglass.

Secondly, if there are obvious defects in the form of cracks or dimples on the surface, they must be repaired with the help of putty. And some experts recommend to carefully putty the entire wall. Just think that even the smallest defect may soon become the cause of blistering, peeling, misalignment of joints, etc., therefore it is better not to save money on high-quality surface preparation.

Thirdly, requires an primer of deep penetration, it is used to process the walls after puttying, or, if it is not required, before gluing. It is advisable to choose a primer with an antiseptic, but if this is not in the composition, it is better to additionally treat the surface.

Consider that after applying the primer, the walls should dry out well, otherwise the wallpaper can change color in places or even peel off. And, of course, it’s good if the surface of the wall is solid and light — better than white, then nothing will overlap the design.

The finished surface must meet the following requirements: be dry, clean, even, slightly rough, not have stains of dirt, grease, dust, not have cracks and irregularities. If your wall is the same, then you did everything right, and you can proceed to the next step.

Checking the photo wallpaper

You need to check the purchased wallpaper as early as possible, but in any case before you begin to glue them. It is advisable to lay out all the components on the floor, lay down the whole picture and see if the picture fits together, whether the same color is used on different canvases, etc. So, it is considered a marriage if the discrepancy goes more than 3 mm, if a slightly different shade of the same element is used on different fragments, etc.

But if the color on the photo wallpaper doesn’t match up a bit with what you saw on the monitor screen, then this is not considered a marriage. Keep in mind that the wallpaper can still be exchanged and reprinted at the expense of the manufacturer, if you have not started sticking them - otherwise, in most cases you will have to buy a new batch yourself.

Preparation of glue

Naturally, if you purchased wallpaper on self-adhesive paper, then this section, like some others, can be skipped immediately. But still, most manufacturers produce wallpapers that require gluing using glue, so this topic remains relevant.

Often manufacturers supply along with photo wallpapers and certain glue. It can be both in finished form, and requiring training. In the latter case, it will need to be diluted with the required amount of water - as indicated in the instructions.

Otherwise, the glue that is used for heavy vinyl wallpaper, for example, PUFAS, which is considered almost universal, will be suitable and will be used for pasting non-woven, vinyl wallpaper, glass fiber. Also suitable is Quelyd glue, which is used for vinyl and textile wallpaper. Both the first and the second glue are sold ready for use - it will not be necessary to dilute with water. Also for wallpaper on paper basis and suitable glue Metylan.

It is better to make photo wallpapering at room temperature and humidity of about 40%.



So, go to the most important step. If the wallpaper is already laid out on the floor in the correct sequence, then it's good - go to the markup of the wall. So, for convenience, it is best to accurately mark on the wall with a pencil with a ruler and level the place where the wallpaper will be located, if the picture is not on the whole wall. Moreover, it is better to use a simple pencil, and not a marker, pen or felt-tip pen. Next, it should be with pedantic accuracy, taking into account the size of each fragment, to draw a grid on the wall, on which you will be guided when gluing. Some experts make it a little easier for themselves and draw several strictly vertical lines on which they are oriented. If you glue the wallpaper for the first time, it is better to draw as many lines as possible - so there are more chances that you will end up with a flat picture.

It is recommended to start sticking with the lower left corner. The prepared glue is applied to the wall in the place where the first fragment will be attached. Glue should not be applied to the wallpaper itself. Next, the fragment is carefully applied over the marks and glued, starting from the top. In order to avoid bubbles and defects, it is recommended to use a special non-sharp spatula or roller, which makes movement from the center to the edges, expelling excess glue and air. Excess glue is carefully removed with a cloth or sponge, preferably slightly damp, but not wet. It is necessary to remove the glue from the surface of the photo wallpaper as quickly as possible, otherwise it may leave stains and dry out. And you just need to wipe, and not to rub the glue on the photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper can be glued overlap or end to end. The recommended method will be specified by the manufacturer, and depending on this, the process will be slightly different. Wallpaper that stick to butt needs to be very clearly combined, and then rolled up with a seam to make it minimally visible. It is good if you have applied a sufficiently accurate mesh to the wall, as this will greatly help you to combine the fragments.

Gluing photo wallpapers with overlap

Some photo wallpapers can be overlapped with - this is also a very convenient way. After the first canvas is glued, you also glue the second one evenly and combining the pattern, while the edges will overlap each other. When the second fragment is already on the wall, and a seam is formed, you need to use a sharp clerical knife to make a cut from top to bottom in the middle of the seam. Then the seam opens as if, the excess in the form of thin strips is removed, a piece of the wall is coated with glue using a small brush, and the wallpaper is glued to the wall for good. Further, all the same - the seam can be smoothed with a special roller. Many say that it is in this way that you can glue the wallpaper so that the seam is almost imperceptible, and this is very important for the texture material. Knife need to work clearly, but carefully, so as not to damage the wall.

Further, the pasting of fragments continues in the same way, taking into account the method used. If the entire wall is covered by the photo wallpaper, and you leave a small part for the stock, then after the completion of the work all the remnants are carefully cut off with the same knife.

Please note that the best results can be achieved if the optimum temperature is kept in the room - 18-20 degrees, humidity and no drafts. After pasting is over, it is better not to air and heat the room: this taboo should be observed for at least 24 hours, and 48 hours is better.

We need to devote a few words and to self-adhesive photo wallpaper: many people find it easier to work with them, as there is no need to use glue. However, this technique requires a sufficiently high professionalism and preferably an assistant. After removing the paper protection, you need to work very quickly, as the adhesive layer dries and sets very quickly. At the same time there is practically no chance to correct possible defects.

Possible defects

A day later, you can find some defects on the finished surface, although they were not there before. The reasons for this may be several.

So, bubbles are most often formed, often due to lack of glue, uneven smoothing of wallpaper, uneven primer application, as a result of which the glue is simply absorbed into the walls. The cause can also be temperature drops, but one solution is to try to pierce the vial with a syringe with glue and squeeze out a little, smooth it with a spatula. Wipe excess glue gently with a sponge.

The wallpaper can move away at the edges at the corners of the : the reasons may be the same as in the first case. Then you need to cut it carefully with a knife and once again glue the places where they have come unstuck. The angle is generally quite a problem place, and the joint here, most likely, will be visible.

Protecting photo wallpapers with lacquer

Since wallpaper is still not the most reliable and durable material, then to give it greater durability and cleaning effect you can use varnish to cover the finished surface. It is recommended to use any water-based varnish. The inexpensive option is Tex Profi lacquer, it is produced in glossy and semi-matte versions, it has a characteristic odor that disappears after a few hours. A more expensive option is Multi-Brilliant Finish M LEF, which has a matte finish and is odorless.

Varnish is applied with a brush in several layers - optimally 2-3 layers. Between each re-application should take at least 1 hour. It is possible after the first layer has dried, to rub it with a soft brush, in order to get a small effective shine, and to repeat the procedure with each subsequent layer.

At the end of

As a rule, care for such a coating does not cause difficulties. Wall mural can be gently wiped with a damp cloth, and if paint has worn off somewhere, then paint a missing piece with a pencil. With proper care, the wallpaper can hold out on the wall a lot, delighting the owners, well, and near the source of constant sprays and drops of fat, they are best not to use.

Tags: Wallpapers
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