What wallpaper to choose for the living room: type, color, pattern, style

Table of Contents

  1. Wallpaper Types
  2. Color and Pattern Wallpaper
  3. How to combine wallpaper?
  4. Wallpaper and interior style of the living room
  5. At the end of

Despite the existence of numerous ways to decorate the walls in the living room, many of us still remain true to the wallpaper, and there is every reason for this. Firstly, the wallpaper is sold at a fairly affordable price, secondly, the variety of colors and textures is just rabid, and, thirdly, pasting is easy to do with your own hands. But, first of all, everyone who chose for himself a similar decoration of the living room walls, you need to understand, what kind of wallpaper will look best and fit into the interior of the room as much as possible.

Wallpaper Types

The first thing to decide is is the material of the wallpaper, because this parameter determines the key characteristics, practicality and durability. At the moment, in the building stores in the huge variety of these types of wallpapers are presented:

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  1. paper. This is the cheapest wallpaper, they are presented in a huge range of colors, they can even be embossed and glossy. They are perfectly breathable, but can not be washed, and moisture exposure is poorly tolerated, so if the living room is combined with a kitchen or dining area, you will have to combine paper wallpaper with other wallpapers or other types of finishes;
  2. vinyl wallpapers are not so often used in the hall because of their airtightness, and the ability to wash them in a given room is not so demanded. However, if there are children or animals in the apartment that can somehow stain the walls of the living room, then vinyl wallpaper is not the worst option;
  3. non-woven wallpaper on the set of characteristics and their ratio with the price can be called an ideal option for the living room walls. They let the air through, do not fade in the sun, are presented in a huge variety, are most convenient in the process of gluing;
  4. textile wallpaper - quite expensive. The basis is paper or non-woven, and in the way of production the wallpaper can be woven or made from solid canvas. It turns out completely natural material, which, moreover, has sound-proofing qualities, but at the same time attracts dust;
  5. photo wallpaper is a special type of wallpaper, with which no other can be compared to decorativeness. In addition, they can affect the perception of living room space, correct some of the flaws and make the room a special shade, becoming its highlight;
  6. Liquid Wallpaper is a very interesting material that can be called something average between ordinary wallpaper and plaster. Bred them and put in the same way as plaster, and as a result a smooth seamless surface is formed, which is not afraid of exposure to sunlight, has a high maintainability, and besides, tends to hide some of the flaws of the wall surface;
  7. metallized wallpaper appeared as a result of attempts to protect themselves from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation, and eventually turned into an interesting subject of decor. It is such a lot of pleasure, it does not let the air through, and due to the shiny surface it creates glare, so you need to use such wallpaper very carefully and better only for one of the walls;
  8. glass curtainers is a real find for those whose living room walls are not without minor flaws. In addition, it is an eco-friendly, fireproof material that does not attract dust and will not become the habitat of various microorganisms. As a drawback, a small selection of colors and textures can be considered, but for the interior decoration in the modern style of the range will be enough with the head;
  9. Cork Wallpaper is another natural and eco-friendly type of wall covering that is perfect for one of the living room walls to highlight, for example, a recreation area. They are made from cork bark, so their color range is limited - from yellow to brown shades. The complexity of installation and the high price are more than overlapped by the unusual appearance and naturalness of the material;
  10. wood veneer based wallpaper is a bilayer material consisting of a layer of paper and veneer. It looks like a tree, preserving all its qualities. This is a more budget alternative to cork wallpaper;
  11. wallpaper on the basis of serpyanka - a great solution for those who want to get an environmentally friendly vapor-permeable coating, which at the same time can be repainted several times, changing its color. Such wallpapers are made by applying on the paper a layer of crushed pulp, which is attached to the original relief, while obtaining unique textures;
  12. wallpaper linkrust - ideal for a living room in a classic style. These wallpapers are created by applying a three-dimensional pattern on a paper base. The picture can be anything, but most often it is fancy curls that fully meet the classical style of the interior. If the living room is small, then it makes sense to give only one of the walls for such decoration, thereby placing accents.

Color and pattern wallpaper

Some types of wallpaper because of the characteristics of the production can not boast a huge variety of colors: a vivid example - cork wallpaper. But still, most of the available to the buyer are presented in different colors and colors, so it is sometimes not easy to navigate among this variety.

Take into account the need for a lot of factors : personal preferences, interior style, furniture color and even effect of color on subconscious. The last parameter can be perceived skeptically at first, but no one will deny that the red color in the room intended for recreation will be inappropriate. All look cool and calm. : yellow, peach and even pink. You can arrange the living room in shades of green , since this color tends to have a calming effect on the nervous system. Blue is also called the color of peace and tranquility, and all its shades are perfect for the living room, and is gray and white is .

Do not overlook and the dependence of the choice of the color of the wallpaper on the area of ​​the room and the location of the living room relative to the cardinal points. So, a small living room will become even less visually, if you use dark, saturated shades in its design - it is better to use light shades wallpaper. If the living room is spacious, then the choice of possible shades is limitless and is based only on the desire to achieve a specific effect. If you want to emphasize the area of ​​the room, then you need to choose light shades, and to make the living room more comfortable, it is better to dwell on rich colors.

In addition, if the windows of the living room are facing south of , and in the summer the sun shines on the room, then you will feel much more comfortable if the walls are cold. Conversely, living rooms with windows facing north need warm wallpaper.

But you need to take into account such a factor, as , the combination of wallpaper color and the color of furniture .
When furniture in the living room is bright , you can choose any wallpaper, and experts advise to pay attention to the options with a large pattern, if it is appropriate: do not forget that the abundance of ornaments in the room is also useless, and if the curtains are already largedrawing, the wallpaper is better to choose the most neutral and monochromatic.
Light wallpaper of inconspicuous shades are more suitable for dark furniture, although it is allowed to use accents consistent with the color of the furniture.
Bright furniture will look better against the background of soothing shades of wallpaper, but for two-color furniture you can choose neutral wallpaper or in the color of one of the shades of the furniture facade.
Often furniture in living rooms has three colors and more , and in this case, as many designers admit, it is better not to invent a gray tint - it is neutral, it creates a background for furniture, which will be the accent in the room.

The perception of living room space is affected not only by the color, but also by the drawing .The main thing is to emphasize the advantages and try to disguise the disadvantages. For low rooms, it is advisable to use wallpaper with a vertical stripe, and if the living room is disproportionately high, then a vertical stripe will come to the rescue. Too large ornament is better not to use for a small space, and in general it is necessary to carefully combine the ornaments in the living room, taking into account the pattern on the curtains, furniture, and other elements, in order not to get a tasteless space in which it is impossible to be.

How to combine wallpaper?

Interesting effects can be achieved by using two types of wallpaper in the living room. Thus, you can not only create an accent on a wall, highlight zones, but also create an original interior. When combining different types of wallpaper, it is important to properly combine them in color, ornament and place accordingly.

As for the colors of , the shades of one tonality of or similar in spectrum, for example, beige and brown, blue and white, olive and orange, etc., are most harmoniously in harmony, as a rule, combine monophonic wallpapers and wallpapers with some kind of ornament , striped and floral wallpaper, wallpaper with an abstract and geometric pattern. Sometimes a combination of wallpapers of the same color is used, but with a different ornament, a combination of plain wallpaper and wallpaper with some pattern is also popular, and both types of canvas should be made in the same color. It looks good combination of plain wallpaper of similar shades, but if you want to use two different colors, it is better that one of them was neutral.

You can place different wallpapers relative to each other in different ways:

  • highlight one of the walls, putting emphasis on it;
  • is vertical when the strip of one type of wallpaper is smaller than the width of the wall and is designed to highlight, for example, the area near the sofa in the living room. Often, such a band enters the ceiling to visually increase the height of the ceiling. You can alternate the stripes of different wallpapers, thereby obtaining an interesting effect;
  • horizontal placement is used in many interior styles. Thus different wallpapers are combined, but, as a rule, the lower part is more saturated, and the upper part is calm and restrained;
  • inserts help create an interesting interior solution. Square, oval, polygonal inserts of other wallpapers against the background of the main ones, and even framed with a frame, will help to draw some area in the living room.

Wallpaper and interior style of the living room

Wallpaper is a universal type of decoration that will fit perfectly in almost any interior style. For example, classic style in the living room , especially if it is small, it is easiest to recreate it with the help of wallpaper. Drawing monograms, royal lilies, along with rich and golden hues - a great option for a living room in the style of a classic.

Provence style requires the use of light wallpaper with a floral pattern, but dim, as if slightly burned out and has passed through time. Wallpaper in small flower is also suitable for country style , but there are more often used patterns such as cell, strip or plain light wallpaper, which will become the background for furniture and decor in the living room.

For the living room in the Art Nouveau style suitable wallpaper of light shades with smooth lines on them. For the loft style , it is difficult to choose the wallpaper: in any case they should be an imitation of a brick wall or plaster. living room in Japanese style involves the use of soothing wallpaper with typical patterns for this country: cranes, sakura, hieroglyphs, dragons.

In conclusion,

When choosing a wallpaper you need to take into account a lot of factors, but if you approach this issue carefully and seriously, then you can create the interior of a dream in the living room, give it the necessary shade and mood. With the right approach, you can use the wallpaper to hide some of the disadvantages of the room, highlighting the advantages of the living room.

Tags: Living Room, Wallpaper

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