How to remove stains and self-clean suede shoes

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How to clean light or dark suede shoes, if you accidentally put a stain on them or stepped into a dirty puddle? Remove pollutants without damaging capricious suede, help folk methods.

Suede shoes often look more advantageous and stylish compared to their leather "brothers", but many girls are afraid to buy it for everyday wear. But if you know how to clean suede shoes, without resorting to dry cleaning services, you can safely get a vending pair of shoes - a few small tricks will help to keep its flawless appearance for a long time.

Remove dust and light pollution.

Suede shoes are “not friendly” to water, so first try to remove contamination using dry cleaning. At home for this purpose you will need:

  • rubber eraser;
  • slice of stale white bread;
  • talc;
  • black carbon copy;
  • coffee grounds;
  • flannel cloth;
  • brush for suede.
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The main rule: before you start cleaning, shoes should be well dried!

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If the chamois is wet, you will only rub and smear the dirt over the entire surface. After this treatment, it will be almost impossible to return the shoes to a neat look at home.

To begin, remove the dust by gently cleaning the shoes with a special suede brush or soft flannel cloth. Small specks or dashes on shoes can be easily removed with a regular school eraser.

Hold cleaned shoes over steam for 5-7 minutes - this “steam” treatment refreshes suede well, restoring its texture.

Now you can take care of the color of suede. For black shoes, carbon copy is perfect - just walk it on the surface of your shoes.

Return the color and clean the brown suede shoes to help you dry coffee grounds, which should be evenly applied to the shoes, and then lightly rub the shoes with a brush.

Treat bright shoes with talcum powder or dried crumb of white bread. After processing, do not forget to carefully clean the crumbs with suede.

We fight with stains and blue spots

If after dry cleaning your shoes still look untidy, and on suede there are clearly visible stains and shiny patches, do not be upset. This problem can also be managed at home. Prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • gasoline;
  • vinegar;
  • milk;
  • talc;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda.

To return to the former look of the stained suede, moisten a cotton pad in the ammonia and gently wipe the desired areas, and then dry the shoes.

Gasoline will help you to get rid of greasy marks on your shoes. Apply a little liquid to the stain, and sprinkle it with talcum powder on top. After 2-3 hours, clean the shoes with a rubber brush.

Try to remove persistent stains from dark shoes with vinegar, applying a small amount of liquid to a cotton swab or napkin.

For light suede, you can use the following method: in 100 ml of milk, add 5 grams of soda and 5 drops of ammonia. Stir, moisten a cloth in the solution and rub dirty stains.

You can remove the stain from white shoes with hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab in a liquid and carefully treat the desired areas.

Using wet cleaning

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If the described methods have not managed to cope with heavy pollution, you have only one way - to wash your shoes carefully. To carry out such a procedure at home, without spoiling your shoes at the same time, proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a soap solution by diluting a small amount of a delicate wash in 200 ml of water.
  2. Add 40 ml of liquid ammonia to water.
  3. Stir well and then foam the liquid.
  4. Apply the resulting foam on a foam sponge and carefully clean the shoes, taking care not to wet the product too much.
  5. After cleaning in a soapy solution, wipe your shoes with a well wrung out damp cloth, after having dipped it in a weak solution of vinegar.
  6. Wipe the shoes dry with a clean cloth, tamp down with paper to keep the shape and leave to dry at room temperature, placing them away from the steam heating batteries and other heat sources.
  7. After drying, comb your shoes with a rubber brush or use a flannel napkin.

If after wet cleaning the color of the suede is slightly faded, do not be discouraged - in the shoe store you can pick up a special paint for this material, which again will make your shoes smart, as if in a shop window.

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