Suede is a special skin with a velvet surface. Simply put, it is soft skin, which is produced by the fat method of tanning hides. Products from this material are not intended for use "for every day", suede - an option for special occasions. In addition to the aesthetic properties, natural suede perfectly warms the legs during the cold season, and thanks to its softness and pliability, it is well suited to any ankle. Today, you will learn what types of suede there are, how to care for suede shoes, whether it is possible to clean up strong contaminants and what means are there to care for the delicate skin at home.
The main property that distinguishes natural suede is the increased porosity of the skin. Soft porous material is breathable, stretches well and has incomparable softness. Some particular types of goat suede have such a short pile that such suede resembles loose fabric in structure.
Artificial suede varies in type of production.
This method of self-sufficiency is not cheap. But suede is obtained very high quality. In the process, microfiber threads are woven. Special equipment allows each thread to split into small pile of different sizes. The longer the process of processing the villi, the more material will look like this, will be more qualitative.
Caring for suede shoes obtained by the woven method is simpler than suede of the following type of manufacturing.
At the base of non-woven suede there is a base on which glue is applied and then glued to a different pile thickness. Cheap shoes made of suede is made by this method, it is short-lived.
Top-3 rules for the care of suede shoes
If you have suede shoes in your wardrobe, first of all pay attention to the following tips.
1. Dryness
Suede strongly dislikes moisture. Pile with frequent wetting begins to deteriorate, the tissue structure is disturbed. There may be spots that are almost impossible to remove. If you soaked suede material, first of all try to dry it. To do this, it is enough to leave the product at room temperature for several hours, thrusting crumpled clumps of paper inside.
Get a suede spray with a water-repellent effect and coat your shoes with a thin spray before leaving your home.
2. Clean
Suede shoes should not be left covered with a layer of dust - otherwise the color of your shoes will risk becoming faded forever. In summer, the care of suede shoes is quite simple. Dry flannel cloth in a couple of minutes will clear the material from dust. The sole is cleaned with a sponge and warm water, after washing it is advisable to dry the shoes again with a napkin.
3. Careful prophylaxis
Suede under the influence of water, heat and other factors over time begins to "coarse."The surface of suede becomes less velvety, unpleasant to the touch. To extend the life of suede shoes, it is good to freshen the material with steam. This can be done very carefully with an iron, without touching the fabric base of the product itself, releasing only steam to the surface.
You can hold the shoes in turn over a pot of boiling water. Ideally, if you have a steam generator, then it will be easiest for you to perform a steam procedure for your suede shoes without the hassle.
Heavy pollution on suede: saving shoes
If your favorite boots or shoes start to deteriorate or are dirty, then the sooner you start to “save” shoes, the more chances that you can still smack in them. Consider separately the possible problems associated with such a capricious material and tell you about how to solve them.
Suede emits an unpleasant smell.
Steam the shoes for 10-15 minutes and dry the product. The steam will smooth the pile and at the same time destroy the bacteria that cause the unpleasant smell.
Suede shines
A solution out of water and vinegar will help relieve suede from an unpleasant gloss. Mix water and vinegar, take the proportions to 1 tbsp.warm water - 1 tspvinegar. The resulting solution using a piece of cloth to wipe the sunken place.
Divorces on the pile
Salt deposited after precipitation may be the cause of the divorce. With undiluted kerosene, blot the napkin, treat the place with divorce. Daily application of transparent paint-aerosol will prevent suede from the appearance of stains.
Dirt on suede, stained product
If the contamination is not cleaned with a soft brush with villi, then you have to go to the extreme. Prepare warm soapy water with the addition of ammonia( enough 2 ml).It is better to use liquid soap for these purposes. Do not use washing powder.
Carefully dipping the brush into the water, smoothly clean the contaminated area. With a hopeless option, you can even completely immerse the pile in the water to dissolve the dirt. After washing, dry the material with a dry cloth. The product will dry at normal room temperature.
Suede darkened after getting wet
Unfortunately, the darkened pile is a spoiled pile. Mechanically darkening cannot be removed. The only option is to buy a suede paint to match the color of your shoes and process the product.
Important! Do not leave suede shoes near heat sources: heaters, batteries, gas stoves.The pile of fabric material dries out and hopelessly deteriorates near the heating devices. At normal temperature, the suede product dries completely within 24 hours. Caring for suede shoes does not allow the use of products designed to care for other types of shoes.
General rules
In order to streamline your knowledge of cleaning suede, you can create a small table.
Remedy | Removes deep stains, stains | Apply after dry cleaning |
Rubber brush or eraser | Cleans surface dirt, adds velvety | During cleaningof steam to dry cleaning |
crepe brush cleans dust, returns | velvet can be used every day for suede paint | |
refreshes | After cleaning and drying shoes |
As soon as you come home and took off his shoes, do not forget to dry and clean shoes. This will prolong her life for a long time. Care should include drying at temperatures up to + 30 °, that is, at room temperature. You should not put it on the battery or heater. And to straighten the folds and keep the correct shape, you can fill the paper inside.
Apply special products( impregnation, foam, paint) only on a clean product. Do not wear the same pair every day, as she will not have time to dry out well enough and will stretch very quickly. Clean your shoes as soon as the need arises, and it will have a flawless look.
Suede shoes with good care will last you more than one season. Keep the purity and order of your shoe wardrobe, do not be lazy after each walk to clean the products from dust and dirt. The durability of things depends largely on your attitude towards them. Love your shoes, and for many years it will be a faithful companion in any weather!