- №1.How to produce ondulin?
- №2.Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin
- № 3.Ondulin slate and ondulinovaya tile
- №4.The main types of ondulin
- №5.Analogs ondulin
- №6.What to consider when buying ondulin?
- №7.Production of ondulin
- At the end of
To replace the usual roofing materials come their more modern counterparts. Not so long ago, ondulin, which is often referred to as euroslate, appeared on the domestic construction market. He immediately bribed a low price, presentable appearance, record moisture resistance and other positive qualities. The popularity of the material has increased so much that its even began to fake .Let us focus on how to choose the right ondulin roof for , so that it is of good quality and fully consistent with future operating conditions.

# 1.How to produce ondulin?
Wavy bitumen sheets, called today ondulin, were produced and patented by by the French company Onduline , whose name later gave the name to the material. The first production facilities for its production started near Paris in 1944.In the 60s, the company already had several factories, and the new roofing material began to be widely used in European countries. Ondulin got to Russia only in 1994, and since then the material is in ever-increasing demand.
For the production of ondulin, uses cellulose fiber, which is crushed heavily with mineral components and mineral components and rolled into sheets of a given shape. Further, in several stages, is impregnated with purified bitumen, which ensures high waterproofing properties of the material. At this stage, the material is also impregnated with with mineral additives and curing resins .Painting can be done on one or both sides. The widest color palette, the surface may be matte or glossy depending on the composition used: acrylic paint is used to obtain a matte surface, a glossy surface is obtained by adding silicone.
After completion of all processes, the material is cut into sheets of the required size. As a rule, an ondulin sheet has 10 waves, whose height is 36 mm. Sheet size - 2000 * 950 mm, wave step 95 mm, sheet thickness 3 mm.

№2.Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin
The method of production and the materials used made it possible to achieve excellent performance characteristics. Among the main advantages of ondulin it is worth highlighting:
water resistance .On this parameter ondulin surpasses all other roofing materials. Waterproofing properties provided by the impregnation of special compounds. Moreover, cellulose fibers, when heated by sunlight, are more tightly bonded to each other, further increasing the moisture resistance of the material;
- environmental friendliness and hygiene;
- light weight .An ondulin sheet of standard dimensions weighs only 6.5 kg, which is almost 4 times less than the slate of a similar area, which means easier transportation and installation of the material;
- ease of processing .For cutting sheets, you can use a hacksaw for wood;
flexibility .The material is easy to give the most bizarre shape, so it can be used for arranging roofs of complex shapes;
- low cost .Ondulin, of course, is a bit more expensive than ordinary slate, but much cheaper than other roofing materials, includingand metal tiles;
- noise insulation qualities .The material allows you to do without additional sound insulation, as falling raindrops and gusts of wind will not be heard indoors;
- ondulin is not susceptible to corrosion , aggressive environments, does not rot and mold.
Despite the huge number of advantages, the scope of the use of ondulin is limited due to of some of its drawbacks As for durability, it is the average .If you follow all the nuances of installation and operation, ondulin will last 15-20 years. Onduline tile has parameters of 1 * 0.35 m. These are flexible tiles that can be used to build complex roofs, and there will be less waste when using such material. The main difference is in the use in the manufacture of fiberglass. The demand for material has led to the emergence of new varieties of it. At the moment, ondulin is available in the following types: Although the number of waves on different types of ondulin is different, their size is the same, so material of different types can be combined .This is an additional advantage of ondulin, which concerns roofs of complex shapes. You can find on sale materials very similar to Ondulin, with similar properties, but produced using slightly different technologies. The main analogs of ondulin are: When it is decided that ondulin is ideal for the roof of a particular building, it is important to choose a quality material that fully meets all the expectations placed on it. When making a purchase, pay attention to the following points: The main manufacturer of ondulin is the French company Onduline SA .Actually, this is the company where this roofing was developed and patented. Production has expanded so much that the plants are located today in many European countries, as well as in Brazil, the United States, and Malaysia. In 2008 branch was opened in Nizhny Novgorod , and in 2012 the second line was launched. It is the only enterprise for the production of ondulin in Russia .Onduline SA occupies 75% of the European market for the production of corrugated pulp and bitumen roofing materials. Onduline-like wavy-bitumen sheets are made to go to for some of the company's business of some of the most of the activities of some of the most of the most of the most of the most of the most of the most of the most of of the of the most of of the of the modern inman by the public shall be in the country of the world by the “go to” Due to its low cost and quite good performance, ondulin is today used to cover the roofs of outbuildings, and in the construction of houses. The correct choice of an ondulin and the installation corresponding to all rules is a guarantee of long service of this roofing material.
low strength .This minus is often noted by those who installed the ondulin in violation of the rules. The material is flexible and lightweight, so errors in the arrangement of the truss system and the fastening of the material can turn into the fact that the roof will not withstand heavy snowfall. The solution is simple - fully comply with the installation rules, and the strength of the roof will be at its best. One sheet of ondulin needs to be fixed with not less than 20 nails, the pitch of the sheathing is not less than 0.6 m. Nevertheless, in the summer heat it is better not to walk on the roof of ondulin because the bitumen softens a lot. In addition, in the heat material can give off an unpleasant smell ;
№3.Ondulin Slate and Onduline Tiles
Ondulin appeared as an analog of slate, but later sheets of reduced size were produced, which were called Ondulin Tiles. The Odulin Slate has the dimensions described above: 200 * 95 cm, thickness 3 mm and weight 6.5 kg. It is used for arrangement of roofs of a simple form. Please note that if the number of waves on a sheet is not 10, but 9, but the material itself is thinner than necessary, then this is a question of non-original and low-quality products.
№4.The main types of ondulin
№5.Ondulin Analogs
№6.What to consider when buying ondulin?
№7.Production ondulin
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