Analysis of water from the well, how to disinfect the water and by

If you are using well water is a key issue of its quality. After all, it may contain chemicals and pathogens that can be harmful to human health.

Be confident in household security is possible only after the research of its composition. How to make an analysis of the water from the well and disinfect it after verification, we consider in more detail.

The content of the article:

  • Where to go for analysis?
  • The selection of samples for analysis
  • Quality factors
    • Overall chemical analysis
    • Microbiological components in the composition
  • Methods for purification of water from impurities
    • Mechanical cleaning of mine
    • Disinfection walls waterworks
    • Disinfection of well water
    • Reducing the concentration of iron
    • Removal of hydrogen sulfide from fluid
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Where to go for analysis?

Services for the implementation of water quality analysis is performed both public and private organizations. In each federal district has accredited laboratories, which have the authority to conduct such studies.

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These include:

  • sanepidemstantsii;
  • geological laboratory;
  • Laboratory Vodokanal in regional offices;
  • in organizations related to exploration;
  • laboratory at the research institutes;
  • Rospotrebnadzor accredited laboratory.

Price depends on the type of study. The analysis can be shortened aimed at identifying a particular group of substances or complex, including chemical and microbiological testing.

Equipment for investigation of water quality

In each of these institutions have allowed the requirements of GOST reagents and special equipment for the study of water quality

Checking for Biological group will cost about one and a half thousand rubles. A full assessment will be released about three thousand. In private laboratories at a cost of service may be more expensive.

When choosing a laboratory should be guided by two parameters, is:

  1. Location and remoteness organization - in fact the key to the reliability of the results is the speed of delivery of the sample to the laboratory.
  2. Good reputation - it is a guarantee of the quality of research. Copies of certificates and certificates can be requested from the manager of the selected organization.

Having defined the choice of laboratory, one can only agree with the staff of the day of delivery of the sample to the analysis was carried out in the shortest possible time.

The selection of samples for analysis

For sampling from the source and water quality select the off-season. In the spring and autumn months the most polluted surface water. If they have the opportunity to spill water into the mine, they necessarily influence the composition.

Taking samples for analysis

To test the water quality of the newly constructed water wells for the analysis should be taken not earlier than 3-4 weeks after its entry into operation

Water monitoring is performed only after a 3-week period of operation of hydraulic structures. Over this period, the pollution of the mine, which arose in the course of construction works, settles, and the water - is partially purified.

To obtain reliable results test water from the well is important to execute the sample fence properly.

To do this, you need to adhere to a set of simple rules:

  1. Container for fluid intake must be made of transparent colorless glass or plastic. This can be a bottle for mineral water or distilled volume of 2 liters, or the two-liter glass bottle. Unacceptable to use for this purpose of a flask and under a sweet alcoholic beverage, if they are not pre-washed without using a detergent.
  2. When water from the well bucket, try to put it a little lower than usual. Such a solution is because the closer to the surface water may be stagnant, and at the bottom sludge include impurities. So the best option would be the "golden mean".
  3. Before you fill the bowl, it is rinsed with water selected. Well water is poured into the bottle in a thin stream so that it flowed smoothly along the inner wall of the container. Gravity feed will prevent the saturation of water with oxygen from the air, thereby preventing the occurrence of chemical processes.
  4. Bottle neck is filled by the most liquid, so that the vessel was not formed an air pocket. If using a plastic bottle, before the lid on tightly, slightly squeeze the container wall, squeezing the air.
  5. Water taken from the well, it should be within the next 2-3 hours to deliver the lab. The faster the liquid gets into the lab, the more reliable the results will be. If this is not possible, place the container on the shelf in the refrigerator - is to reduce the rate of reaction.

The maximum sample storage time is up to two days. During storage the sample temperature variations should be avoided.

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for a bucket for sampling

A sample of the water to conduct research necessary to select clean, better boiled new bucket to precipitate did not affect the results

Capacity for water sampling for analysis

The capacity of the sampling should be out of the water. Bottles of fruit drinks and carbonated soft drinks are not suitable

Identification of water samples for research

By the bottle should be attached to the form or a blank sheet with the exact date of the village and the selection time

Obtaining reliable results

In order for the result of the studies did not affect impurities and newly emerged compound bottles must be washed clean and filled up to the tube

for a bucket for sampling

for a bucket for sampling

Capacity for water sampling for analysis

Capacity for water sampling for analysis

Identification of water samples for research

Identification of water samples for research

Obtaining reliable results

Obtaining reliable results

Occurring in the sample of the biochemical processes may influence the change in the composition of the liquid. To prevent this bottle with the selected fluid it is desirable to wrap a cut of dark cloth or polyethylene which will not miss the sun's rays.

To the bottle with well water should be accompanied by an accompanying note. It specify the location (address), a source of variety and the exact water sampling date.

Biochemical processes in an aqueous medium

Under the action of light rays in the water begin to occur biochemical processes caused by operation of living microorganisms therein

Quality factors

Get the full picture and determine how well water is suitable for human consumption, it is possible performing comprehensive analysis, which consists of two parts - chemical and microbiological research.

Overall chemical analysis

Chemical analysis to determine whether the water meets the sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN well water quality standards set maximum permissible number of substances and its sanitary and organoleptic characteristics.

In the sanitary rules and norms of surface waters, "energized" well, placing three groups of requirements: physical and chemical, organoleptic and sanitary parasitology.

Table ogranolepticheskih water-

Chemical analysis helps to determine the content of inorganic components affecting the quality of the aqueous medium under investigation

In such indicators determine the course of chemical analysis:

  1. PH - pH value. From it depends on the development and activity of microorganisms, as well as the aggressive action of water on the concrete, and metals. The normal component of hydrogen concentration should be 6-9 units.
  2. Turbidity - characterization of the relative clarity of water. It depends on the presence of solids in the form of suspended particles of silt, seaweed, clay and microorganisms. Read more about the causes of water turbidity and remedies, see the this material.
  3. chromaticity. The color of water is associated with the content therein of humic substances and iron compounds. The color intensity of the sample is determined focusing on the color scale. It can range from a few to tens of thousands of degrees.
  4. Rigidity - the concentration of salt of magnesium and calcium in the liquid. An environment with high hardness provokes the formation of scale on the heating appliances.
  5. Total mineralization. She points to the total content of mineral substances found in the sample. Mineralization is characterized by such a measure, as a dry residue.
  6. permanganate index - oxidation of water. It is a measure of water pollution by organic and oxidisable inorganic substances.

Basic research methodology involves an assessment of 16 indicators, the extended - includes more than 30.

One of the main indicators of water in the study of the organoleptic qualities is its smell.

Shades smells of surface water

It is hard to imagine, but the lab specialists are able to distinguish the smell of over 50 colors, with natural and artificial origin

The smell and taste of surface water depends on the chemical composition of the impurities and the concentration of dissolved rotting of crop residues and dead microorganisms.

Microbiological components in the composition

In addition to significant amounts of the chemical elements contained in well water and a large number of both safety and harmful microorganisms. Determine the bacteriological and parasitological parameters helps microbiological analysis.

Investigation of the microbiological composition

Microbiological analysis includes a wide range of research aimed at identifying pathogens and viruses that can cause harm to human health

Suitability well water is determined by three main parameters:

  • Total microbial count - per unit volume should be no more than 50.
  • Thermotolerant coliforms - identify the content of hazardous microorganisms health. Figure should be zero.
  • Total coliform bacteria - an indicator of fecal contamination. It must also be zero.

Microbiological testing is especially relevant if the well has a depth in a range of 10 meters. This is because, in the surface waters more quickly multiply the simplest and various bacteria.

Also well water should be checked for the concentration of fertilizer, surface cleansers and oil components. These substances often penetrate into the mine at the time of heavy rainfall.

Methods for purification of water from impurities

Get your hands on a research protocol and parameters indicating the maximum permissible values ​​in the according to SanPin, go to the selection method as properly disinfect water in the well to clean it and of impurities. The choice of method depends on the causes of pollution.

But in any case prior to the chemical treatment and install filters perform mechanical cleaning of the well.

Mechanical cleaning of mine

The method involves purifying the bottom and walls of the well by scraping the accumulated accretions followed by washing facilities.

Mechanical cleaning of mine

Cleaning procedure is best done in early spring before the snow melt or late summer, when there is the lowest level of groundwater

Mechanical cleaning of the well shaft includes a number of basic steps:

  1. Pumping water from a well. This can be done manually by scooping bucket or via drain pump. But it is necessary to consider that completely devastate the mine will not work - at the bottom of it will always be a small layer of water.
  2. Purify the construction wall. Work together to perform better: the first worker wearing the protective suit, is lowered into the shaft, and the second - insures its surface and takes filled bucket. The walls of the well from the mud or silt conveniently cleaned with a wire brush or scraper.
  3. Perform replacement of the bottom of the filter. To remove this layer of sludge-coated layer rocks of the bottom filter and remove them from the shaft. Instead of the old filter bottom lining new layer of gravel small fraction of neutral materials such as jade or river pebbles.
  4. Reinforce shaft ring and sealed seams. In case of cracking, eliminate defects obscuring them with cement mortar. Upon detection of ring displacement relative to one another, reinforcing structure, pulling elements are metal straps.

at replacing the bottom of the filter instead of the usual rubble can be used natural sorbents. In water treatment systems has proven itself the hardened oil or shungite.

Shungite - a natural sorbent

Using the regeneration of the filter bottom shungite, you can solve two problems at once: to filter the water, purifying it from pesticides and oil products, and enrich it with minerals

The carbonaceous material helps to remove not only organic impurities but also compounds of heavy metals, including iron. Besides natural mineralizer during the ion exchange water enriched with potassium, sodium, silicon and sulfur.

Disinfection walls waterworks

After completion of the mechanical cleaning and eliminating leaks, disinfect structures. It operates by applying the disinfectant solution to the internal walls of the shaft, followed by treatment of well water.

Processing of the shaft walls

Processing mine walls operate bleach solution, prepared by diluting 20 grams of powder in a liter of cold water

The solution is prepared in glass or enameled ware and pushing it under a sealed lid for 1-2 hours. For disinfection use only the mixture layer, the supernatant is closer to the surface. In the case of using pure chlorine to give 2% solution, the powder is diluted at the rate of 3-5 grams per 1 liter of liquid.

For applying the solution is convenient to use a wide brush and a fur roller. Should cover the entire surface evenly. Solution of the residue was treated with a bottom filter.

Disinfection of well water

If the fluid analysis showed contamination by bacteria, after the mechanical cleaning and disinfecting the walls of a hydraulic structure must be decontaminated and water. The easiest way - to disinfect with bleach.

To this end, the treated mine water refilled. Then it was poured into a concentrated solution obtained by diluting 200 grams of powder per liter of water. For disinfection of water per cubic meter of liquid takes an average of 500 ml of solution.

The water that has passed the chlorine treatment, can not be eaten. Before the introduction of the mine into operation it is necessary once again to empty and fill with a "zero".

Stud chlorine solution with a total weight of the liquid

Stirring chloride solution with water in the shaft is effected by scooping bucket and pouring the contents back into the well

Throat well with water made to the solution covered with a lid, wrapped in plastic wrap, and allowed to stand for a day. Such measures will maintain the coolness in the shaft, thereby preventing the volatilization of chlorine.

If after filling the well water is still present smell of chlorine, liquid is better to re-evacuate and wait until the construction of a new portion to be filled with groundwater.

Disinfection constructions can be performed via special preparations such as "Ekobriz-Hydroxy" or "Akvatabs".

Release forms of chlorinated compounds

Chlorine-containing preparations on the market in three forms of production: powder, pelletized and liquid

Concentrated formulations for obtaining disinfectant solutions simply diluted with water and use the same technology as in the bleach processing.

During the first 5-7 days after disinfection well water prior to consumption desirably be boiled.

"Whiteness" - disinfectants based on chlorine

If you buy special tools is not possible to use the usual "WHITE" - a means of bleaching, created on the basis of the same chlorine

In order to obtain a solution of desired dosage half bottle of "whites" desyatilitrovom diluted in a bucket of cold water. The volume of solution required to process the whole contents of the mine is determined by the rate of 1 liter of the resulting liquid on one of the well ring.

The resulting solution quality and efficiency will not yield to their more expensive counterparts.

there is a whole article on our website, which is dedicated to water disinfection methods from the well, be sure to check.

Reducing the concentration of iron

iron removal methods set. But they are all based on the acceleration of oxidation processes designed to ensure that the iron transferred to the trivalent state. In this form the iron materials are precipitated solid particles, which can only be filtered out.

The easiest way to iron removal - use of potent oxidants. They destroy the iron compounds, converting them to the trivalent state. Most often, the oxidizing reagent used chloro. Toxic reactant capable of destroying not only the iron compound but also bivalent manganese, hydrogen sulfide, and a host of other substances of organic origin.

For iron removal using special filters whose inner walls are covered with an oxidizer layer. In contact with the surface, the iron reacts as a result of which it becomes easy to precipitate and the filter material is cleaned.

Successfully solve the problem helps to plant reverse osmosis.

Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse osmosis system equipped with a semipermeable membrane, or filter, is able to purify water from iron in high concentration without the intervention of chemical oxidants

Well-proven and aeration method. It is carried out by introducing air into the water by a compressor, which creates atmospheric pressure. For this purpose, the water in the sump is sprayed by special settings or spouting dushirovaniya.

Removal of hydrogen sulfide from fluid

Hydrogen sulfide - waste products of anaerobic bacteria. Sulfurnye bacteria live on the bottom of the well, which is not supplied with oxygen.

Experts offer two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Physical - involves liquid air saturation. Forced aeration helps eliminate sulfur bacteria and further saturate the water with oxygen, making it more useful to health. To implement this method will have to buy expensive equipment.
  2. Chemical - involves the use of oxidizing agents and disinfectants: sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide or ozone. It provides the most complete degassing. Under the action of oxidizing hydrogen sulfide compound to the less active forms.

The liquid which has undergone the chemical cleaning process should take place more additional filtration through active carbon. For water purification is used as carbon filters provided with activated carbon, and filters with a granular filler.

It helps eliminate the problem of water treatment solution of potassium permanganate. potassium permanganate powder was first diluted in three-liter jar to obtain a concentrated solution of saturated purple color and then poured into a well.

Subsequently, to prevent the formation of colonies of bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide, to periodically perform a "purge" with compressed air.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

How to make the analysis of water content in it of harmful impurities:

Reagent-free method of water treatment:

Which filter to choose to clean dirty water:

Subsequently, in order to maintain an adequate quality of water in the well an aqueous environment analysis should be performed each year. This allows you to control the quality of water used, and in case of deterioration in a timely manner to take measures to improve the situation.

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