- №1.Polyfoam
- №2.Liquid polyurethane foam
- № 3.Stone wool
- №4.Glass wool
- №5.Warm plaster and paint
Warm garage - a real dream of any car owner, because there will be comfortable and the car itself, and its driver. Not only that in winter it is very inconvenient to carry out any repair work in a cold garage, so a low temperature adversely affects the condition of the car and leads to its rapid damage. Half-measures in the form of turning on the heater do not give anything at all, since in a garage with thin walls, and they, as a rule, are just like that, the heat does not last long. If the condition of the car and the safety of its main elements is important, it is better to take care of the insulation in time. External insulation becomes the most effective, because in this case the dew point is shifted to the insulation, and excessive moisture will not accumulate in the room itself. To organize such insulation in several ways.

Polyfoam - the most popular option for warming the garage , and use it for both internal and external works. External insulation foam is much more efficient and convenient .Firstly, the useful area of the garage is not subtracted, and, secondly, there is no risk of moisture in places of contact between the wall and insulation, which often occurs with internal insulation. That is why it is not necessary to equip the forced ventilation system and keep it on all the time.
Polyfoam is ideal for warming brick walls from a brick, makes you happy with an affordable price and lightness, so it does not make the whole structure heavier, it is as simple as possible to install: it is easy to cut, and the plates can be attached to the walls even independently, without attracting specialists. This type of insulation is also interesting from the point of view of absolute neutrality to moisture, since it does not absorb it, it will not become a place for the development of fungus and mold. Also, the foam perfectly tolerates temperature fluctuations, it has good sound absorption performance, it has a long service life.
Foam plastic and have some cons .So, it is better not to use it where heating from a stove or some kind of equipment is possible. In this case, it is recommended to combine it with mineral wool, and it is even better to immediately acquire foam, impregnated with flame retardants, which will resist ignition and combustion. Also, it should be noted that the strength of the foam is not at a height, so the layer of insulation immediately after its installation must be protected. The fiberglass mesh is usually fixed, and plaster is applied on top of it. It is better to use facade paints not on a nitro base over decorative plaster, as they can damage the foam, depriving it of its insulating properties. Also often used siding, moisture resistant GCR and DSP and some other materials. It should be noted that sheet materials in this case are attached using the construction of the frame.

Liquid Polyurethane Foam Warming with sprayed polyurethane foam - is one of the most modern methods , which is almost devoid of drawbacks. In this case, the garage owner receives a monolithic layer of insulation, which fills all the cracks and surface irregularities. This material has phenomenal thermal insulation performance, since its thickness of 1 cm can replace foam plastic with a thickness of 15 cm. It also has excellent sound insulation, because its cellular structure almost does not conduct sounds. Polyurethane foam is not exposed to fire, after drying it does not emit harmful substances, and the process of its application does not take much time. In addition, this option is great in cases where the garage has a complex structure or some hard-to-reach places, where it is difficult to mount a roll of cotton wool or foam board, but a sprayer with liquid polyurethane foam will always crawl through. The material perfectly tolerates critically low and high temperatures, without deforming at the same time, it has good adhesion with almost all surfaces, so it can be used with equal success for brick and metal garages. Plus, it is light and durable, which makes it the most attractive insulant at the moment.
But, unfortunately, the was not without its drawbacks .This material is not very cheap, and work on its application will require the involvement of professionals with special equipment. Another drawback - the fear of sunlight, so when the outer insulation of the garage dried layer of insulation must be further protected. It can be panels, plaster or the most common paint: in the end, the garage and insulation will be protected and have an attractive appearance.

№3.Stone wool
As you know, mineral wool can be of several types: slag wool, glass wool and stone wool. These materials are different raw materials from which they are produced, and, consequently, some properties. So, the most widespread stone wool, which most often have in mind when it comes to mineral wool.
To Amenate cotton wool is a great option for warming a garage outside. This is a material with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is excellent against high temperatures, which is important when it comes to garage insulation. In addition, stone wool withstands contact with aggressive substances, well retains sound, has the effect of "breathing", has a high biological stability. It is easy to handle such material, but for the external insulation it is necessary to build a frame, and since this insulation is afraid of water, it must be very reliable to protect it from external influence.
Rigid slabs are suitable for outdoor insulation than for indoor, and the material with a density of 200 kg / m3 is optimal. It is necessary to provide a layer of waterproofing, otherwise, after the first precipitation, mineral wool will crumple and lose most of its thermal insulation properties. Despite some shortcomings and the fact that stone wool is more expensive than foam plastic, this type of insulation remains the most popular when it comes to outdoor insulation of the garage.

№4.Glass wool
Glass wool, as mentioned above, is a type of stone wool, but still it is better to stay on this type of insulation separately. Its is the main advantage of - the price, because it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than stone wool, and it is easy to transport this material, because it is vibration-resistant, and after delivery it will take on its original appearance, even if it was tightly rolled into a roll. For some properties, this insulation is not inferior to stone wool, having good insulation performance, and many experts in terms of the effectiveness of insulation do not see the difference between these materials, and therefore choose the cheaper option.
Trying to save money, you need to be aware that you need to work with such material extremely carefully. Yes, the installation of glass wool is almost no different from the process of warming the garage with stone wool, because the construction of the frame is also required. But at the same time, it will be necessary to work extremely carefully, covering the body, eyes, face, hands and any other open areas. The structure of glass wool is such that it includes many small needle-like particles that easily pierce the skin, respiratory tract and eyes. If you follow all safety measures, then, in principle, glass wool can be called a good competitor to basalt wool. Naturally, a layer of such insulation should be reliably covered with other materials that will protect the wool itself from moisture, and the person from the negative effects of wool.

№5.Warm plasters and paints
Warm plasters and paints are relatively new thermal insulation materials that are better used in combination with other heaters. They are able to protect the garage from the effects of snow and rain, and in some cases can even be used as an independent heater.
Warm paint looks no different from ordinary paint. By the way, it can also be used as a final finish layer when the garage is being insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool.1 cm of a layer of warm paint is equal to 5 cm of mineral wool in thermal insulation, and this is a very good indicator. Such a coating does not allow heat to go out of the garage, not only preventing it, but also reflecting infrared rays back into the room, and this amazingly low coefficient of thermal conductivity is based on this property.
Warm paint “sticks” well to any surface, and it can be applied in any convenient way, for example, with a brush, roller or sprayer, so you can reliably insulate the most difficult and hard-to-reach places with it, and do all the work yourself according to the instructions. Such paint protects metal surfaces from corrosion, it is not afraid of moisture, it has a small weight, it is excellent against solar rays - all those properties that are put forward to the outer insulation. Moreover, this is an eco-friendly and completely safe coating that does not burn, and when exposed to critical high temperatures, it can begin to smolder and decompose. The only disadvantage of this variant of warming is that it is not very cheap to get warm paint, but you will need a lot of it.
Warm plaster in its composition and method of application resembles the usual one, only some of the components here are replaced with similar ones, but with better thermal insulation. Plaster with vermiculite filler is most commonly used, and similar insulation based on sawdust, polystyrene foam, expanded clay aggregate, etc. can be found on the market. This type of insulation can be applied to any surface, so the plaster is suitable for both stone and metal garages. A nice bonus is that it is unnecessary to treat the surface before applying in a special way. Warm plaster has a good indicator of insulation, is not afraid of moisture and sunlight, does not burn, it does not develop mold. All this makes it a fairly good option for outdoor insulation, but as an independent heat insulator, it can only be used in some cases. To achieve optimal thermal insulation performance in regions with harsh winters, you need to apply a decent layer of plaster, so it is best to combine it with another insulation( mineral wool or foam), because the layer is thicker than 5 cm and will begin to crack and fall off.