- №1.Advantages and disadvantages of
- №2.Breed of tree
- №3.What are the wooden visors on the design and design?
- №4.What else needs to be considered?
- №5.Buy or do?
Let's not talk banal about the fact that the porch and the canopy over it is the face of the house. This is all so well understood, and therefore they are trying to make the “face” as attractive and original as possible. Various materials are used: metal, polycarbonate, decking, metal tile and even glass, but wood is an option for all time. You can make a wooden visor yourself or entrust this task to professionals. Whatever it was, but before making a decision, you need to know how a visor behaves in a wooden porch, what strengths and weaknesses it is different in, and what kind of care it will require.

№1.Advantages and disadvantages of
The function of a canopy over a visor is to protect the entrance area from precipitation, divert water and, of course, decorate and complement the house. Wooden peaks were used from time immemorial, and even now they have not lost their popularity. However, with the advent of new materials for the construction and decoration of houses, the tree has ceased to be universal. The wooden canopy will be a harmonious decoration of houses from timber, logs lined with wooden clapboard, as well as houses in the facade of which wooden elements are used.

The main advantages of wooden canopies include:
- absolute environmental friendliness and naturalness;
- elegant appearance, which is ensured by the beauty of natural design and wood color;
- wood is a malleable plastic material that can be given almost any shape, so in terms of diversity, wooden sheds confidently bypass competitors and can compete with wrought-iron counterparts. From wood, you can make as a fairly simple canopy, and a real work of art with an abundance of carved and tracery elements;
- design reliability;
- relative ease of installation.
Frankly, wood is not the most ideal material. The disadvantages include:
- fear of moisture, fire and pests;
- to extend the life of a wooden canopy, it will have to regularly handle special means of protection. Despite the fact that some people like to leave the visor uncovered, it is better to use roofing material over it, which will be an additional protection for the material.
Wood is often combined with forged elements, tile, corrugated flooring and other materials - it turns out quite interesting. Such a combined visor has a high versatility.

№2.Breed of tree
It is not surprising that the most important performance qualities of the visor depend on the selected tree species. The most commonly used species are:
- pine is softwood, which is excellently processed, has a high resin content, due to which it is less susceptible to cracking. The color of the pine is quite interesting, even noble, the pattern and color are preserved for a long time;
- fir-tree has almost the same properties as pine, is also actively used in the production of peaks;
- Maple is the most popular among hardwoods. It is perfectly amenable to cutting and polishing, practically does not crack, it is well painted.
Whatever type of wood is chosen, it is important to pay attention that there are no defects, wormholes and beginning rotting processes on the material.

№3.What are the wooden visors on the design and design?
By type of construction wooden visors are:
- mounted , suggest mounting the visor supports to the wall. This type of construction is applicable to small canopies that have a minimum weight. Since wood is a rather heavy material, it is impossible to make suspension visors( when the visor is mounted on suspensions on top of it) on its basis;
- support , provide for additional supports that will support the heavy visor. This type of construction is used when the area of the shed is large enough, and the front wall of the house will not withstand such a load. Wooden or metal beams are used as supports.
In a separate group, can be distinguished with freestanding visors, which are used to organize a roof over terraces, verandas and parking lots. Under such visors it is necessary to prepare a serious foundation. The canopy will be in contact with the house, but will not lean on it.
The choice of design depends on what functions will be assigned to the visor. If you just need to protect the entrance area from precipitation, then you can do with the usual mounted visor. If you plan to turn the porch into a small seating area with a bench or chairs and a compact table, you will need a support structure. At arrangement of a terrace or a canopy for a car it is possible to look towards separate peaks.
However, it is not enough to decide on the type of attachment - you must also select the shape of the visor. It is necessary to be guided by own preferences, features of a facade of the house, landscape design and to consider at the same time properties of various types of peaks.
The most popular models include:
- single-sided visor , which is mounted at an angle of more than 20 degrees relative to the wall of the house, thereby ensuring normal flow of water and snow. This is the most simple to manufacture design, so if you decide to make a wooden visor with your own hands, and you have little experience, then a lean-to canopy will be the best choice. However, despite the simplicity, and there is a place of fantasy. Visor can be flat or concave. It is clear that the flat is easier to make, but the concave will look more interesting and fit perfectly into certain architectural styles;
- duo-pitch visors are slightly more difficult to manufacture, but they are more durable, because snow loads will be distributed evenly over the roof. Excellent this visor complements the exact same gable roof of the house;
- cracked and polygonal visors are made much less often. They are rather complicated to manufacture, they require taking into account the mass of parts, but they look original and very interesting;
- The arched and semi-arched visor of is not very easy to make out of wood, but the loads on such a surface will be distributed as evenly as possible;
- canopy or hip roof is also not easy to do, so you can start to manufacture such a design if you are completely confident in your abilities. Easier to buy ready-made visor. The advantages of this design include streamlined shape, which is especially important for regions with strong winds.
Naturally, each of these forms can be decorated with carvings, openwork elements and other decor according to your desire.
Depending on the presence of the side walls, the visor can be:
- open , i.e.without walls;
- closed , with side walls, which will provide additional protection from precipitation and winds. If the porch is large and will be used not only for access to the house, but also for organizing get-togethers, small picnics and dinners, then it is better to take care of the side walls.

№4.What else needs to be considered?
Many of us choose a visor, evaluating only the shape, size and, at best, the harmony of combination with the house, but many other aspects are necessary to take into account, among them:
- on the canopy will constantly exert a load of atmospheric precipitation, so the design should be designed to withstand this load. For each region, the degree of load will be different, so when designing it is important to take into account the thickness of the snow cover, the force and direction of the winds;
- regardless of what form the canopy will be, simple or outlandish, it is necessary to provide for a system of outflow of water so that the rain flows will not flow just under your feet and on your head;
- ideally, the visor should be slightly wider than the porch in order to reliably protect the entrance group.

№5.Buy or do?
In this case, the answer depends on your skill and ability to handle the tree. If you yourself or according to the instructions can design a visor, cut out all the workpieces, process with protective agents, connect all the elements into a one-piece structure and perform the installation so that everything is smooth and durable, then it will be cheaper to do all the work yourself. Moreover, in this way you can create a design with an original design and exactly the size that is required.
There are no ready-made visors as such. Just for a certain amount you can order the manufacture of a canopy for the porch. At the same time, an individual approach is maintained, the shed will have clearly the necessary dimensions, shape and design. You do not have to spend time and effort on working with wood and learning the basics of woodworking. The minus of this option - the visor will be more expensive. In addition, many prefer to do everything on their own, to personally control the quality of the material and all processes.
If you decide to make a visor yourself, follow the following plan of action:
- at the first stage you need to create a design drawing that shows the shape of the structure, decorative elements and all sizes. When making a scheme, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region, wind loads, as well as the type of roofing material chosen;
- prepare all the necessary materials and tools. You will need a wooden bar for supports with a cross section of 10 * 10 cm or 12 * 12 cm, as well as a board 25-45 mm thick for the batten. You may have to stock up on a bar 50 * 50 and 20 * 15 mm. The choice of parameters depends on the size of the structure and future load. The amount of material depends on the shape and size of the visor. You will also need to stock up on a screwdriver, screws, anchor bolts, nails, hammer, level, plumb line, hacksaw, tape measure, pencil;
- canopy manufacturing nuances depend on the shape. A tent visor, for example, is much easier to build than a dvukhskatny;
- determined by the length of the rafters, triangular brackets;
- cut off the bars of the required length at an angle of 45-60 degrees. These are brackets that will support the visor. They must be fixed against the wall, the distance between them is equal to the width of the canopy;
- if the construction of the visor assumes the presence of supports, then at this stage, holes 50 cm deep are prepared at their installation site, the bottom is covered with a layer of waterproofing, support bars are placed on top, and the space around them is filled with rubble or gravel, and concrete is poured from above. The tops of the supports can then be cut at the required angle. Some prefer to fasten supports to an existing column base;
- manufacture of rafters and their fixing with bolts;
- skate beam installation;
- mounting crates of plywood, timber or edged boards over rafters;
- mounting hooks for future runoff;
- installation of roofing material;
- , if necessary, fixing the side bars;
- installation of a drain pipe, installation of a cornice strip, fixing of a drain pipe.
This is a general scheme for making a wooden canopy with your own hands. It is necessary to take into account many more nuances. Detailed instructions, videos and recommendations on how to make a visor above the porch yourself can be found on the site We thank this resource for the information provided.