Imitation timber for exterior and interior


  1. advantages imitation of the
  2. bar Disadvantages
  3. imitation of the bar
  • imitation manufacturers
  • Features of the iDation of the rooms and facades
    • Interior decoration of the
    • Exterior decoration of the
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  • interior decoration
  • interior decoration
  • Exterior decoration of the
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    • construction. For example, experts advise the use of imitation of Siberian larch or oak timber for interior or exterior decoration. Such a solution guarantees aesthetic appeal, reliability and durability. Not to mention that in this way it will turn out to significantly reduce the cost of repairs or construction.

      The advantages of imitation of the

      lumber Many people try to use natural materials for interior and exterior decorating, because they create a healthy microclimate in the house and look aesthetic. But if for this purpose to buy, for example, high-quality lining, the costs are unlikely to seem acceptable. It was in order to achieve the ultimate goal and at the same time

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      not to overpay , and a special type of sawn timber was created - an imitation of a bar.

      It should be noted that this type of material appeared on the domestic construction market not so long ago. Many experts call plastic and wooden lining as his predecessors, but, unlike them, the timber is much wider and longer. In addition, it is different and appearance features.

      Today imitation of timber is made mainly of coniferous species: larch, spruce, pine and smereka , less often use oak wood .Also on sale appeared vinyl and metal siding under the beam, but it is a completely different material, which is deprived of the advantages of wooden imitation timber.

      Visually, imitation of a bar is practically no different from ordinary wooden bars. However, a relatively large width( up to 180 millimeters) is compensated by a small thickness. There is a significant material savings , but in the mounted form, it is visually absolutely no different from a full-fledged bar.

      But is economical and natural is not all the advantages of this material .Among other advantages, it is also possible to distinguish:

      • high strength and durability, resistance to a variety of climatic factors;
      • is a hypollergenic , because imitation of a bar is an absolutely natural material;
      • excellent performance. The material differs in quite good noise and heat insulating properties , becomes an additional protection of walls against winds, mechanical and physical influences;
      • beautiful appearance .In addition, the material looks more neat than natural timber. A decent product range and the ability to choose the right shade is another advantage;
      • mounting reliability provides sheet piling system .In the groove of one product, the spike of the next is firmly fixed, and the ventilation of the structure is provided by several grooves sawn from the back side of the board;
      • ease of installation .Due to the fact that the elements are interconnected by the "tongue and groove" system, the installation work on the imitation of the beam is greatly simplified. Moreover, even a non-professional can easily cope with this task, which is why many people trim themselves on their own, resulting in decent savings.

      Disadvantages of

      For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that the imitation of a bar has and some drawbacks:

      • fire hazard , as it is actually natural wood. Of course, the manufacturer in the manufacture uses special impregnations that resist ignition, but if you do not process the material once a year with special substances, then the risk of fire increases;
      • the need for continuous maintenance of in order to maintain the material in the proper form and to prevent the deterioration of its performance. It will be necessary to cover the imitation of the timber with antiseptics and varnish, but this will have to be done once a year, so the care will not cause any special problems and inconveniences;
      • even though the price for the imitation of the timber itself is more or less affordable, the components will be expensive .These include various decorative elements, exterior corner, etc.

      The choice of imitation of the beam

      In order for the imitation of the beam to serve you as long as possible, it is necessary to take very seriously the choice of material and its quality. Imitation of timber as well as many other materials based on wood, is divided into varieties .The fact is that the material is made from planks, which, in turn, are natural wood. They may have a slightly different look and color, which is quite normal. Also on their surface may be cracks and chips. After the boards are processed and receive a certain profile, they are sorted by by classes: A, B, C .Naturally, material of class A is more preferable, as it has almost no defects, and therefore will serve for a long time. Imitation of a bar of a class B has already some shortcomings in the form of a small amount of cracks or specks. This type of material is in high demand, as its performance is not much lower than that of class A, but it costs less, and some are impressed by the presence of cracks, which give the finish a natural look.

      When choosing, should also be guided by the following rules:

      1. The humidity of the imitation of the beam must not exceed 15% of , otherwise after installation the material may warp and lead;
      2. is better to choose panels with a width of more than 100 mm .This is due to a purely aesthetic factor, because with such parameters the finish will most closely resemble a natural timber, and not the wall paneling;
      3. on the back side of the should be an groove, which serves to improve ventilation and also relieves stress when the material dries out, preventing it from cracking;
      4. of whatever class the product may have, on its surface there should be no knots dropped out or obvious mechanical damage, rot or insect damage. The lock connection must remain complete;
      5. The entire batch of material purchased should be practically of the same shade ;
      6. proper storage conditions in warehouses, where the optimum level of humidity and the required temperature must be maintained;
      7. do not forget to pay attention to on the quality of components and decorative elements, because the beauty and durability of the entire finish depends on it.

      Manufacturers of imitation beams

      Today there are a lot of manufacturers who produce imitation beams. Some of them are not very conscientious and are looking only for quick benefits, while others, on the contrary, are working on their reputation, constantly improving product quality. What manufacturers can you trust?

      1. Wood Stock House is a company that itself is engaged in logging and manufacturing a wide range of wood products. Among other products, the manufacturer offers and imitation of larch timber. The advantages of the company are low price and high quality.
      2. Tarus Les LLC is an enterprise located in the Kaluga Region. It offers customers an imitation of a class A timber. Products are made of pine wood. The company is pleased with a pleasant price-quality ratio.
      3. LLC StroyLes offers products from spruce and pine wood. The quality is high, all products belong to class A.
      4. Realvood LLC is the company with the broadest choice of imitation timber. The products are made from spruce and larch wood, there is a material from class A to C, so that each customer can choose the most acceptable and affordable offer.
      5. Derevo-lesProm Ltd. offers imitation pine timber at affordable prices. Delivery is possible in all regions of the country. The advantage of the company is the exact conformity of the products with the required GOST.

      Features finishing imitation timber premises and facades

      Interior decoration

      Country house, cottage or cottage, private bath - everywhere you can install imitation timber, creating an excellent interior. It remains only to choose the right type of wood and prepare a room for the installation of plating.

      If the building was just built, then it is impossible to start interior decoration immediately, except for the frame houses. It is necessary to give the walls enough time to shrink. Experts circumvent this limitation using a sliding crate, which compensates for all possible movements. However, this work will cost more. If you briefly describe the sequence of all actions for the implementation of interior decoration, you get the following list:

      • preparation of the foundation;
      • measurements;
      • selection of wood types, product sizes;
      • calculation of the required amount of materials and fasteners;
      • mount crates;
      • installation imitation timber;
      • surface treatment with special compounds.

      Experts recommend using Siberian larch as a material for interior decoration of rooms with imitation of timber. Attractive appearance, technical characteristics and the ability to choose from a wide range of shades make this wood the most preferred. For more information about the technical characteristics and categories of this product can be found on specialized sites.

      The products made from pine are in high demand. They are cheap, easy to process and have all the necessary properties. The only serious drawback is that they do not tolerate high loads and dampness. oak wood is devoid of these minuses and even surpasses Siberian larch on the hardness scale, however, the cost of such a purchase will be higher.

      Exterior finish

      Exterior decoration of a house is most often understood as a wall covering imitation of a bar. If you choose the right material for this, the building will look attractive and cozy, just like a natural log house copying the design. The work usually does not take much time, but first you need to prepare the walls. The most important requirement is that their surface should be as smooth as possible. If it is not perfect, then you will have to install a crate that compensates for all bends and defects.

      The tree selection is of great importance. The appearance of the skin and how long it will last will depend on this. Soft woods are not suitable for this, they quickly fade in the sun and are very susceptible to the effects of precipitation and temperature changes. They will need to be treated with strong protective agents, but even this measure does not guarantee that the surface will retain an attractive appearance for a long time.

      The best material for exterior decoration of houses is an imitation of timber from the Siberian larch .Attractive appearance combined with the strength of oak and almost one hundred percent resistance to climatic phenomena. This work should be done by specialists who have worked with this wood before. The fact is that the surface of lumber from Siberian larch is decorated with a complex pattern formed by annual rings. The professional will be able to achieve the integrity of the overall picture on the wall of the building, selecting the sequence correctly when installing the imitation beam. This wood has a remarkable property - to maintain its appearance for many years, even while in the open sun.

      At the end of

      Imitation timber is a relatively new, but already very popular material. It is natural and eco-friendly, and with minimal care it will retain all its operational qualities for a long time. In addition, it looks very good, and houses with such finishing almost do not differ from houses built from solid timber. It is also a versatile material, as it can be used for interior decoration. But to acquire quality material, it is still necessary to know how to choose it correctly.

      Tags: Wooden beam
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