Why a vacuum cleaner began to suck poorly and what to do about it

At some point, the owner of a vacuum cleaner is faced with a very common problem when this item stops performing its direct duties. This problem is that the vacuum cleaner does not absorb well or does not do it at all. This phenomenon does not necessarily indicate any serious damage to the device, the reasons can be much simpler than the alarmed owner of the equipment.
In order to understand why a fault has arisen, it is necessary to make a diagnosis. Only after it you can make certain conclusions. Correct identification of the cause is the key to quickly repairing the damage. At the same time, it is quite possible to identify problems on your own. The main thing is to have an idea about the possible type of breakdowns, leading to the absence of thrust.
There are several reasons why a vacuum cleaner stops working normally:
- bag is full;
- clogged filters;
- failure of one or more components;
- engine malfunction.
- 1 When filling the dust collector by 70-80%, the craving begins to weaken sharply until it disappears altogether. Often, in modern models of household appliances, the level of clogging of the dust collector is displayed by means of a light indication located on the body. If the small light is green, then the device can still be operated further. The red color of the lamp indicates that it is time to replace the dust collector. In the old models there is no such function, therefore, it will be much more difficult to understand here. It is necessary to periodically open the lid and look into the bag, so to speak, to control the process manually.
A more than obvious solution to a problem with an overfilled dust collector. If a disposable paper bag is installed in the vacuum cleaner, it must be replaced with a new one. If a reusable tissue container is used, it should be shaken thoroughly. After that, this container is installed back into the guides. Better yet, rinse the reusable bag with clean water and dry.
If cleaning the dust collector did not produce a result and the vacuum cleaner did not suck in normally, pay attention to the power regulator. It happens that it is accidentally set to a minimum, so the technique does not cope with the tasks. Mode change allows the vacuum cleaner to do its job in full.
Cleaning the filter
The answer to the question of why the vacuum cleaner stopped collecting garbage, while remaining on, can be a faulty filter. Namely, its contamination. Checking the cleanliness of the exhaust filter HEPA and the fine filter, which is located in front of the motor and mounted on the back of the case can seriously clarify the situation.
If there is a blockage in the fine filter, it must be rinsed with water, dried or completely replaced. It all depends on the type of material. HEPA filter must be changed after every 50 hours of continuous operation of the equipment, which will preserve the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner at any time.
Inspection of parts
If the dust collector and filters are checked, and the question of why the vacuum cleaner does not work, remains, you need to check its main components: brushes, hose. Thus, the hose may be poorly connected( not completely inserted into the housing) or have mechanical damage. You can try to clean the hose with wire. When the hose becomes clogged, dust passes badly, while the vacuum cleaner itself is very noisy and loud.
Brushes should be checked for contamination. Often they accumulate debris( thin ropes, hair, etc.).Sometimes the removal of this debris leads to the complete restoration of thrust. In addition, it is useful to make sure that the brush roller rotates easily and is not unworn. A bearing may jam here, which prevents air from drawing in. In general, improper nozzle roller often becomes the cause of weak traction.
Engine Repair
The worst damage to a vacuum cleaner is engine failure. To identify such a malfunction is possible by touching the case by hand. If the equipment is very hot, then most likely the reason is in the engine. Also, the engine can be disconnected periodically.
Video: cleaning and repairing the engine on the example of the Samsung
vacuum cleaner In this case, you need to remove the body guard and ring the chain with a multimeter. The most common cause here is a blown fuse. In this case, you just need to replace the component.
If there is a winding break on the coils, it is recommended to purchase a new vacuum cleaner, since purchasing a new engine is not economically viable. If the contact at the junction of the wires just broke off, repair will not be difficult. The main skill and experience with a soldering iron.