6 Tips to Choose the Right Construction Sand


  • D Selectionmore in construction, a very versatile “tool”.It belongs to the category of sedimentary rocks and is mined in various ways: both natural and artificial, by crushing rubble or gravel. Sand really plays an important role, being part of all kinds of compositions and mixtures, and the quality of the building as a whole may depend on its quality.


    For different types and stages of construction, different types of sand are needed with different particle sizes and, as a result, their unique properties that will be useful in a particular application. And, of course, choosing the sand for these cases should pay attention to the mass of criteria, which we list below.

    So, if you decide to do repairs or construction and do not know what sand is needed for your plans, you should read this article, in which we will examine in more detail all the subtleties noted above and provide some useful tips on choosing sand forconstruction.

    Types of sand

    Before proceeding directly to the choice of sand, first it would be logical to consider several criteria that affect its use and quality. It is best to start with its classification by type, and basically, three types are most often distinguished:

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    • is a ravine( or career);
    • river;
    • quartz.

    All these types of sand have different features and qualities and somehow find their place in the application in construction.

    Opencast sand

    This type of sand is probably the most common in construction and can be used at all stages. It is a fairly good competitor to other species, as it ideally combines indicators such as price and quality. Moreover, its properties are practically not inferior to other species, with the exception, perhaps, of of a single minus of .This sand has very large indicators of impurities, such as clay and other possible rocks, depending on the place of extraction. And despite this, it remains one of the most popular, used by many.

    Due to this, it is not recommended for use in the construction of important elements, the main qualities of which is strength. However, such sand is perfect for building a foundation or building a shed, as well as for other various purposes such as concreting tracks or drainage, and so on. The average particle size( the so-called fractions) is 0.7 mm. This indicator may also differ, given the area of ​​production, as is the case with impurities.

    There are also, if I may say so, improvements in the subspecies of quarry sand, namely, , washed .This is still the same sand, but it is better washed with various impurities, but this does not mean that it has become absolutely clean. Its strength, if increased, is not so much that it can be used for responsible buildings. In this case, it would be better for you to pay in excess of a certain amount and buy more reliable sand.

    Such sand, depending on the extraction, processing, and the sieve itself, installed on the processing machinery, can be both fine, and medium or even large .It is worth paying attention to GOST, according to which in this sand there can be no more than 10% of gravel and up to 5% of other impurities.

    River sand

    As can be understood from the name of this species, this sand is mined from the bottom of rivers. At the same time, it is additionally washed, and its main advantage of the is the almost complete absence of any impurities and a high level of filtration. This also means that the foundation made with the addition of this type of sand has a lower drawdown and actively removes water from its structure.

    For the construction of walls, erection of columns and pouring the foundation under the bearing parts of the building it is best to use sand with large fractions. It is usually mined in fast flowing rivers, which qualitatively flushes out impurities in a short period of time. And the throughput of water, as compared with the career option, is 2 times higher.

    There will not be without .The main disadvantages of this type of sand are its higher cost compared to the previous version, as well as the “complexity” of extraction. The last drawback is not in the complexity of the process itself, but rather in the fact that, naturally, not every village or nearby has rivers, and sometimes the cost of shipping can also cost a considerable amount.

    Quartz sand

    While some resources and experts classify quartz sand as absolutely not suitable for construction, others through practical experience prove that this is not the case. However, it is worth noting that this type of sand is mechanically mined and crushed pieces of rock. The consequence of this is that each such grain of sand has a high, especially compared to other species, strength, as well as the very and the scarlet coefficient of impurities.

    From this we can draw the following conclusions. First, this sand is best suited for the construction and erection of structures, the main parameter of which should be strength. It does not matter, whether it is a foundation, concrete blocks or other types of buildings, quartz sand can make them stronger. The second important indicator can be a large porosity, in contrast to river sand, which allows water to be removed even more quickly from concrete.

    Considering the fact that this sand is a product of crushed rocks, it can have a different color, due to which it is often used as a “dye” for the manufacture of concrete blocks. The minus of becomes very high cost, since the cost of production is quite high, and there are not so many companies involved in this.

    Particle Size

    Particle Size affects the strength, quality and removal of moisture from the mixture. Usually, when purchasing a particular type of sand, the grain size is indicated in the documents, or in the product description. Basically, according to this criterion , the following groups are distinguished:

    • fine sand: with a diameter of up to 0.2 cm;
    • medium sand: from 0.2 to 0.25 cm;
    • coarse sand: from 0.25 to 0.5 cm.

    Areas of applicationThere are no universal solutions in this matter. Let's look at the three most classic cases, and determine which sand is best for each of them.

    Sand for the construction of

    If you are going to acquire most building materials from a reliable and trusted company, still do not forget and check, because you cannot build business relationships on the same trust. And since the construction process is very important, then the sand must be appropriate for it.

    First of all, it should be dry and properly cleaned, and its density should reach about 1.3 tons per cubic meter. If this figure significantly exceeds this mark, it can tell us that either there is a large amount of foreign impurities, or it is too wet.

    Sand for masonry and finishing works

    Since the mortar used for the masonry requires high-quality sand that can quickly remove moisture, it is often used in the batch river option. As we remember, this type of sand is a bit more expensive than the career one, and therefore the total costs may increase, but its use makes the mixture more durable and, at the same time, elastic.

    Mortar for finishing work, and more specifically plastering, is best done on the basis of career sand, which will ensure good adhesion to the working surface due to the sharp edges of small grains of sand. Also positively affects the presence of clay in the impurities, which serves as a good binding element.

    Sand for foundations

    Since there is no need to say much about the importance of having a foundation and its resistance to stress to various conditions, it is worth noting that career sand with medium-sized grains is best for it. Among all possible options, he has a combination of all the necessary indicators and is very affordable in terms of cost.

    Determining the quality of

    Many experts recommend on their own how to determine the quality of the sand before buying or after delivery. And according to their statements, this can be done in two ways: visually and tactilely, in simple terms - look and touch.

    The visual method for determining the quality of sand includes the presence of a compact sieve through which it is possible to sift this sand. With the remaining possible impurities and the size of the fractions, you can, with the condition that the above information has already been obtained, determine the type and type of sand.

    For example, if its particles are as large as possible and have virtually no impurities, then, accordingly, it will be quartz sand, and if, say, clay remains in the sieve, then this is the most common career option.

    The tactile way of the is even simpler than the previous one and, as you might guess, all you need to do is to take some sand in the palm of your hand and squeeze it in your fist. Naturally, if after this procedure you managed to make a lump out of such sand, then this is all the same career sand and you shouldn’t believe the words that it is just wet. If it were any other kind of sand, even in a wet state, it would remain very crumbly.

    There is also , the third method for determining the quality of sand, and for this you will need a transparent container, for the role of which an ordinary plastic bottle is best suited. Then it is necessary to do only a few simple steps:

    • pour clean water into the bottle;
    • next to pour a small amount of sand there;
    • shake the contents and leave for about a day.

    After 24 hours, you can understand how good the sand is just by looking at this very bottle. The thing is that if the sand is not properly processed, the water in the bottle will become cloudy. While high-quality purified sand will lie at the bottom, almost without dyeing the water. Yes, this method also takes place, but on a large scale it is simply not profitable due to the amount of time spent on the test.


    Turning to the direct order, the purchase of sand is important to choose a quality and reliable supplier who will be able to offer as clean as possible, the necessary type of sand at an adequate and appropriate cost.

    Concerning prices of , first of all it is better to get acquainted with the price list in order to understand what you have to deal with. Of course, it is quite natural that a quality filtered sand can cost more than usual, whole grain.

    Also, any supplier is obliged to provide with the accompanying documentation , informing them about the characteristics of this type of building material, when drafting and signing the contract. This information should be as accessible as possible even to a person who may not be too familiar with this field of activity. First of all, it will be a sign that the supplier is as open and honest as possible.

    The presence in the company of a manager who promptly advises on all possible emerging issues regarding sand also indicates the seriousness and reputation of the company. You should always be serviced by an intelligent specialist who, if misled, will help clarify this or that situation for you.

    And since we started talking about specialists, each serious supplier company should provide the most comfortable sand delivery services, having its own freight transport, and also capable of serving its staff.

    Tags: construction
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