TOP 30 largest brick manufacturers in Russia

opt.silicate brick ”

  • CJSC“ Bor silicate plant ”
  • AO“ Cherepovets plant of silicate brick ”
  • CJSC“ Silikatchik ”
  • AO“ Tver combine of building materials No. 2 ”
  • Manufacturers of red( ceramic) brick
    • OJSC “Golitsyn Ceramic Plant”
    • OJSC “Slavyansky brick”
    • OJSC “Novokubansk plant of ceramic wall materials”
    • “LSR.Wall materials "
    • JSC" Norsky Ceramic Plant "
    • CJSC Ryazansky PJSC Texew Engineering Ltd.
    • LLC Vorotynsky Brickyards"
    • OJSC Vladimirsky Brick Production Works OJSC
    • CJSC Gololobovsky Brick Works »
    • OJSC" Brick Production Factory "
    • CJSC Gololobovsky Brick Works»
    • OJSC "brick production plant"
    • JSC Gololobovsky Brick Works »
    • OAO" brick manufacturing plant "
    • OJSC Gololobovsky Brick Works»
      • OJSC "_»
      • Zheleznogorsk Brick Works JSC
      • LSR.Wall Materials "AASP"Refractories Combine ”
    • Manufacturers of clinker
      • “ LSR.Wall Materials »
      • « Ekoklinkier »
    • Manufacturers hyper-pressed bricks
      • « Hyperpressed brick »
      • LLC" RiK »
      • LLC" BARRUM »
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      Brick, one of the most versatile and common building materials, its popularity is due to the many positive qualities and huge variety. The brick can be made from different components and according to different technologies, produced in different sizes and shapes. When choosing this building material, they are guided not only by the declared performance qualities, but also by the manufacturer’s name, which allows us to say a lot about the real quality of the products. Let us dwell on the largest brick manufacturers in Russia, and for convenience we will break them down according to the type of products.

      Manufacturers of silicate brick

      LLC Kazan Plant of Silicate Materials

      The largest domestic production of silicate brick on German equipment. Thanks to the improvement of technology, it was possible to achieve a comprehensive improvement in the performance of silicate bricks. Products differ in exact geometry and accurate sides. The is made of solid and hollow silicate brick , single and thickened, as well as a brick of volume staining and rusty with a relief surface.

      OJSC “Yaroslavl plant of silicate bricks”

      The plant has existed since 1931, produces 40 types of products, only one silicate brick produces more than 100 million pieces per year. Great attention is paid to the modernization of technical equipment, and the quality of the silicate brick produced is checked by the factory laboratory. The product range includes single and thickened bricks, hollow and solid , front and ordinary bricks.

      LLC Lipetsk Silicate Plant

      The company has been operating since 1938, today it is one of the largest in the production of silicate bricks, one of the hundred best enterprises in the construction sector of the country. Since 2015, German equipment has been used at the plant for the production of silicate bricks, and over 130 million pieces of conventional bricks are produced here every year. The production of single and thickened construction bricks, hollow and corpulent was mastered, not so long ago appeared in the assortment colored silicate brick .

      CJSC Kovrov Silicate Brick Plant

      The company's products are in demand both in the Vladimir region, where it is produced, and in other regions of the country. The plant pays great attention to checking the quality of products and constantly expanding the range of silicate bricks. At the moment, is a full-bodied and hollow brick, painted and unpainted, as well as rusted brick, the range of colors is constantly updated with new shades.

      Voronezh Construction Materials Plant CJSC

      The plant has been operating for over 60 years, during which time it has been repeatedly reconstructed and reequipped with more modern equipment. The modernization process is constantly going on here, which allows us to increase production volumes, which at the moment have reached 144 million units of brick per year. Although the product range is expanding, the basis remains a silicate brick. Here, an ordinary and a front bricks, painted in several different shades, as well as painted crushed bricks are made, several different types of splitting are used.

      Mikhailovsky Silicate Brick Plant LLC

      The company is located in the Volgograd region, the production capacity allows producing up to 120 million pieces of conditional bricks per year. The factory strictly controls the quality of manufactured products. At the moment, the company produces hollow and solid brick , smooth and crushed, white and colored brick. German pigment is used for dyeing products, which does not discolor for at least 25 years of operation.

      CJSC “Borsky Silicate Plant”

      This enterprise has 80 years of successful work, is equipped with modern production equipment, and all products undergo strict quality control before going to the buyer. Every year more than 100 million pieces of conditional bricks are produced here, the range is constantly expanding. The company has its own laboratory. The geography of sales includes 15 regions of Russia. Single and one-and-a-half silicate bricks are produced, full-bodied and hollow , as well as painted and embossed bricks.

      JSC “Cherepovets silicate brick plant”

      Since its foundation in 1972, it has been considered one of the largest producers of silicate brick in the North-West and in Russia as a whole. The design capacity allows to produce 100 million pieces of conventional bricks per year. The range of products includes full-bodied and three-hollow silicate bricks , ordinary and front, single and one-and-a-half. Since 1998, the production of brick volumetric staining, since then the color range is constantly expanding, and recently appeared silicate brick with a rustirovanny surface.

      Silikatchik CJSC

      The plant is located in the Ulyanovsk region, has been operating for over 60 years, specializing in the production of silicate bricks, which is produced here in the amount of 104 million units of conventional bricks per year. The range is not as wide as that of competitors, but the quality is always on top. The company produces silicate brick ordinary and front .The facing brick is offered in several different shades.

      AO Tver Factory of Building Materials No. 2

      The company has been operating for over 65 years, and during this time has managed to establish itself not only in the domestic market, but also internationally. In 1996, in Switzerland, the plant was awarded the "Platinum Star" for the highest quality products. Today, the manufacturer’s policy is based on products that are optimally balanced in price and quality. The silicate brick is made by corpulent, two-and three-hollow , one-and-a-half and single, color and white.

      Manufacturers of red( ceramic) bricks

      Golitsyn Ceramic Factory OJSC

      This is the largest domestic production, located in the Moscow region and produces about 120 million units of conventional bricks per year. The plant offers the largest range of red bricks on the domestic market, , uses modern imported equipment, produces some exclusive types of bricks, applies the latest technologies, and carries out quality control at every stage of production. The range includes full ceramic and hollow ceramic bricks and a huge variety of facing bricks with different types of surface.

      OJSC Slavyansky Brick

      The plant has its own quarry for the extraction of brick clays, which, together with the experience accumulated over the 20 years of its existence and modern technological base, allows it to create high-quality products. The company includes two plants, the total capacity of which is 140 million bricks per year. A larger plant located in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, was designed in conjunction with the German company Hans Lingl and is considered one of the most modern brick factories in Russia and Europe .The manufacturer offers a wide range of facial ceramic bricks and porous ceramic stone.

      OJSC Novokubansky Ceramic Wall Materials Plant

      The company also has its own raw material base, which allows it to control product quality at all stages of production. Ceramic brick manufacturer meets all requirements, can be used for laying and cladding walls. Annually 70 million pieces of conditional bricks are produced here. Ordinary red brick is hollow single and thickened. Decorative and finishing brick is made by concave and convex single and thickened.

      “LSR.Wall materials »

      Under this name is an association of enterprises located in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. The total capacity is 450 million units of conventional bricks per year. Previously, the products of the group of companies were known under the trademark RAUF .At the moment, the plant offers the most wide range of ceramic bricks , including the ordinary and facing with different textures and shades.

      “Norsky Ceramic Factory” JSC

      When this factory was opened in 1977, it became the first automatic factory for the production of ceramic bricks entirely on imported equipment. Since then, the company has repeatedly upgraded production lines, and today produces about 100 million bricks per year. The brick of the plant was used on construction sites from Sochi to Arkhangelsk. Similar scales became possible due to the work of three production lines. In 2001, the quality management system ISO 9001 was introduced. The plant produces ordinary and facing ceramic bricks , solid and hollow in different colors.

      CJSC Ryazan Brick Plant

      The plant was founded in 1929 and produces about 70 million bricks per year. Not so long ago, production was completely retooled, and today innovative technologies and modern equipment are used here. The product range of the plant is wide, but it is ceramic brick that makes up the basis, which here produces 20 different items. is available as an ordinary full-bodied, front full-bodied and hollow, single and thickened brick .

      Vorotynsky Brick Plant LLC

      Production facilities are located in the Kaluga Region, the plant produces 70 million bricks of conventional bricks annually. Several years ago, the reconstruction of all production lines was carried out, and Belgian, Swiss and Italian equipment was installed. At the moment, the product range includes ordinary solid and hollow bricks , as well as several types of facing bricks.

      OJSC Vladimirsky Brick Production Plant

      The plant has its own clay deposits and the latest Italian production equipment, which allows producing 75 million standard bricks annually. All products comply with the state standard, and therefore are in high demand in the region. Ceramic brick is produced single and one-and-a-half, full-bodied and hollow with a smooth surface. Face brick is made in 56 different shades.

      Gololobovsky Brick Works OJSC

      The company is considered one of the largest in the production of corpulent ceramic bricks in Russia. The technical base allows to produce high-quality products that customers valued in different regions of the country. The range is limited only by ceramic bricks of different brands.

      Manufacturers of facing bricks

      JSC Golitsyn Ceramic Plant

      The plant mentioned above is also the largest manufacturer of facing ceramic bricks .The range includes products of different shades, from light milky to brown and gray, with different relief, of different shapes, there is even a semi-antique brick. Exclusive types of bricks are also produced, incl.two-color front brick and premium brick.

      Zheleznogorsk Brick Plant JSC

      The plant has existed since 1994 and was able to win a leading position in the market thanks to an ever-growing assortment. Annually it produces 40 million pieces of conditional bricks, ordinary ceramic bricks are made, but the emphasis is on facing bricks. Only textured hollow brick is made in several dozen options: with velvet and wood texture, in different shades. Also, is made of textured solid brick and figured hollow brick convex and figured .

      “LSR.Wall materials »

      Facing bricks of one of the largest brick factories in the country are represented in the widest range. You can pick up shade from white to dark brown, the surface can be rustic, deeply rustic, under the reed and tweed. High accuracy of geometry and quality of surface treatment is achieved through the use of modern equipment from a European manufacturer.

      OJSC Kirovo-Chepetsky Brick Factory

      A large domestic enterprise that uses German technology to make facing ceramic bricks .The plant was founded in 2007 and built according to the German project. The design capacity of more than 40 million bricks per year. The range of the manufacturer is already so wide that it confidently took the leading place among all manufacturers of facing bricks. Products are manufactured under with the trademark KS-Ceramik in dozens of different shades, smooth and with different texture, bricks can be single and thick, solid and hollow .The production of ordinary ceramic bricks has recently begun, but so far not so much has been made.

      Markinsky Brick Plant LLC

      Production is located in the Rostov region, uses raw materials from its own quarry. Unique clays make it possible to obtain products of different shades even without the use of dyes. The plant uses production lines of European manufacturers, there is electronic quality control. Despite the relatively young age( founded in 2008), today the company is considered one of the largest in the production of ceramic facing bricks , here 65 million conventional bricks are made annually. The facing brick is made unary and one-and-a-half, the surface can be smooth, under a retro, reed, a reef or a rock.

      LLC Kirov Brick Plant

      The plant specializes in the production of silicate bricks , produces about 100 million units of conditional bricks per year. The product range includes ordinary silicate brick, as well as face and decorative .Facing bricks can be of different shades, can be full-bodied or hollow, the decorative one is represented by relief and chipped bricks of different shades.

      Manufacturers of refractory fireclay bricks

      Sukholozhsky Refractory Plant LLC

      The company appeared 70 years ago, today it is engaged in the production of a wide range of refractories, incl.and fireclay bricks .The products are used by more than 2,000 enterprises in Russia and abroad. Fireclay bricks are made of different brands and sizes.

      LLC "Brick plant" Novomoskovskogneupor "

      The plant was founded in 1933, produces refractory bricks of different brands, sizes and shapes. In addition to standard rectangular brick, there is a wedge-shaped, trapezoidal and end brick. It can be used for laying household and industrial stoves, fireplaces, boilers, saunas, can withstand temperatures up to 14000С.

      JSC Borovichi Refractory Plant

      The plant exists for a long time, it produces 43 names of various refractory materials, including fireclay bricks. It is produced in different brands, sizes, simple and complex configuration. High quality products due to modern production lines and strict control.

      Manufacturers of clinker bricks

      “LSR.Wall materials »

      The largest domestic brick manufacturer, owning several factories, among other things, and produces clinker bricks. is engaged in production by the Nikolsky Brick Factory, , which is part of the company structure. The paving brick brick of different shades and the front brick brick differing on color and a relief is made. Production is conducted on imported equipment with constant quality control.


      The plant appeared in Novocheboksarsk quite recently as an investment project for the production of import-substituting products. Today, the production of clinker tiles, paving stones and bricks. clinker facing brick is produced in various shades, sizes, with a smooth and embossed surface. It is planned to expand the range of products.

      Manufacturers of hyperpressed bricks

      “Hyperpressed bricks”

      The plant became the first manufacturer of hyperpressed bricks in the Russian market, located in the town of Lukhovitsy, Moscow Region. The imported equipment is used, and the specialization in the production of only facing hyperpressed brick allows you to carefully monitor the quality of products. The technologies used make it possible to produce a brick, decorated under a natural stone, with a smooth surface and chips, of different shades and sizes.

      LLC “RiK”

      Production was founded in 1995, located in Voskresensk, Moscow Region. Among other building materials, the plant produces hyperpressed bricks of four primary colors with step-by-step gradation of color saturation. It is possible to produce bricks with straight and rounded corners, with a smooth and embossed surface.

      LLC “BARRUM”

      The plant specializes in the production of hyper-pressed facing bricks .The material is available in 10 colors and 6 textures, one-and-a-half and single, can be full-bodied, hollow and shaped. The whole brick is distinguished by accurate geometry, excellent frost resistance and high strength.

      Tags: Brick
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