How to replace the air conditioning compressor bearing

We all understand that even the most reliable technical device will not work forever. And since it is impossible to predict the date of the breakdown, then one day your car will need to replace the air conditioning compressor clutch bearing. But the good news is that you can do the repair yourself, if you know the procedure.

Air conditioner bearing - a part that has a significant load. After all, it works constantly when the engine is turned on - even with the climate control turned off.


  • 1 The first signs of failure
  • 2 Causes and consequences of failures
  • 3 The procedure for replacing a failed bearing

The first signs of failure

Good drivers for small signs always notice whether the motor is working properly. If you are such people, then if the conditioner compressor bearing fails, you will hear a strange noise or even a hum from under the hood of the car.

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Timely replacement of the bearing of the compressor will help you to save a good amount of

. It can appear both during warm and cold engine. But what is interesting: when you turn on the air conditioner, it often changes or even disappears completely. But there is a direct relationship between the state of the bearing and the sounds that it makes: the more wear and tear, the louder the noise.

If you end up almost to the full failure of the part, then you will clearly hear a real howl. And always - in any condition of the engine( warm or cold), and even more so when the climatic equipment is turned on.

So remember that the sooner you start to solve the problem( yourself or contact the service center), the repair of the bearing will cost less. Do not forget that the longer you take the time, the more you force the masters from the service station to go to extreme measures. This means that you may need to replace the air conditioning compressor.

Causes and consequences of malfunctions

Recently, double-row closed compressor bearings that do not require maintenance are becoming more and more common in cars.

They fail due to the following reasons:

  • normal wear and tear and part failure due to prolonged use;
  • strong belt tension;
  • lack of lubricants.

Car enthusiasts need to understand one simple thing: the noise that you hear due to bearing wear is just a consequence of heat and lack of lubrication. After all, the part is experiencing strong and constant loads, raising the temperature of the case to the factory values. If, after disassembling, take the removed bearing in your hands, you will see a blue tint on the separator.

Defective conditioner bearing can be “guessed” by sound

The reason for the overheating is clear: the lubricant thickens and its volume is not enough for the normal functioning of the part. As a result, the balls heat up, break the metal cage, and the bearing wedges.

But even this is not the main problem, because it becomes only the beginning of the appearance of many other faults. For example, a compressor oil seal fails or a coupling closes and breaks. The latter happens due to the burning of the insulation material of the winding.

In addition, if with the replacement of a bearing they tightened, it happens that there is not just a jamming, but also a scrolling of the part in its own socket. Thus it comes to the fact that the notch reaches several millimeters, and this, of course, is not great.

In most cases, the verdict of the masters from the service center will be disappointing - at least the replacement of the front part or even the entire compressor is required. This is that serious trouble, to bring to which you definitely should not.

Because if you do nothing, the belt will suffer next, and if you break it, breakage of wiring or more global faults, up to dents on the hood of the car, are not excluded. Sometimes scrolling of a wedged bearing in a seat leads to excessive vibration of the water pump, generator or other equipment.

The procedure for replacing a faulty

bearing Authors will surely please that replacing the air conditioner bearing with their own hands will not be a big hassle. But if you are not sure that you can do it, it is better to call the specialized workshop right away.

Work steps:

  • carefully remove the compressor from the engine;
  • remove freon from the system;
  • remove the pulley using a special shaped puller;
  • now remove the compressor bearing using a press;
  • Replace the old bearing with a new one, working with the same press;
  • do all the previous steps in reverse order;
  • check the system for leaks;
  • pour freon and try to start the car engine.

Remember that any malfunctions in the operation of the compressor bearing should be corrected as soon as possible. Only in this way can you reduce the cost of repairs and save the car from other more serious problems.

Well, do not try to do everything with your own hands, if you have never encountered anything like this before. Better to trust the professionals - it may be cheaper than repairing yourself.

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